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British Monarchy Mafia- Game Over, Town Wins!!!


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@ Zander - Above (not going to quote it too big) - Why have you got a +1 to Razen's post, I thought that was a good answer and thought that is what you meant and then you go and vote him...that doesn't make sense



Hmmm... I hope Zander isn't about to try to implicate me... Because you know it would be REALLY smart of me to kill someone I know is town who was suspecting me as scum and was going to look at me.


Which Eldrick also looks slightly better for that too. The oranges or those she was slightly suspicious of would make more sense for that sort of mentality... So that'd be dice and John, and I remember she was starting to poke at you as well Zander and you weren't all that happy about it


Zander was definitely implying he might do that. Bolded - What the hec does that mean? so you know Zander is town, so you would kill him because he thought you were scum...Please explain this, because it doesn't make you look good right now. Plus your vote on someone you want for info rather than wolf, and yet on D1 you wouldn't vote because it was two bad cases to vote or not to vote, but it bothered you then to vote for info and yet today it doesn't.


[V] js [/v] dude missed this entire day phase.

And my phone is dead


Don't like this, looking to get a free lynch from someone not around.


it was Prals part the +1

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I don´t think any of my three suspects have made me changed my mind today. 


AH - don´t like her mafia reads. Earlier she said that Hally would be an informative lynch and now Razen is. I don´t understand how anyone could have Pral or Hally in their mafia lists after D1 voting.


Dice - what has he done today? Voted Seph with a very thin reason. 


Zander - quoting posts here and there and writes a line here or there. I don´t get it. It would be great with a concrete post where he sums things up. 

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I don´t think any of my three suspects have made me changed my mind today. 


AH - don´t like her mafia reads. Earlier she said that Hally would be an informative lynch and now Razen is. I don´t understand how anyone could have Pral or Hally in their mafia lists after D1 voting.


Dice - what has he done today? Voted Seph with a very thin reason. 


Zander - quoting posts here and there and writes a line here or there. I don´t get it. It would be great with a concrete post where he sums things up. 

I would replace Zander with John Snow, but otherwise, this is the list that I think we should be lynching from today.  Any one of these three would be fine with me. 

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So I've been trying to work on putting together my big fancy reads list, but I fell asleep in the middle of doing that last night.  :laugh: I need to go back through and see if I can put myself in the same state of mind as I was in while writing it.


One thing I can say that stuck out to me without putting myself back in that mind space was Dice's vote on Seph - it's completely unexplained.  Or, at least, it's not explained very well.  It's a very knee-jerk and defensive reaction.  He basically voted Seph for putting him towards the bottom of the read list.  Being prodded to post more isn't a bad thing.  At the very least, if I look at Dice's quality over quantity argument, I would want to see reasoned voting and strong arguments on who he felt was scum when he did post.  Instead, I see an OMGUS kind of vote with nothing behind it.


So what changed from here



I am pretty dissapointed in dice iso. I list his posts in the spoiler, that actually have Content. There was a few more but most of them are fluff.



Right so i have been bad and not here  catching up now




Well since you guys are unable to scumhunt if I'm not ITT, I'll just shoot all my work and planning to heck.


was waiting from Pralaya. Definitely dodging thread at this point. Was on at 1 pm yesterday, and 10 pm again. Nothing to say in thread. 


So here goes. What I was doing this game. 


First off, I'm not a vig. I lied. I was kickstarting the game, and seeing who posted differently than normal (see also: my vote on Zander). I wanted to see who was just going to try to fluff their content to not get vigged. 


And that was all I was going to do. And then Pral claimed vig. And didn't vote me. Which I thought was weird as hell. 



But you know, I thought, heck let's see where this goes. And Pral's good with my claim. Which is really weird.


So I decided to spend the rest of the day trying to read Pral. My best plan was to see how Pral reacted to me playing poorly. I also wanted to see Pral's reaction to the mason thing. Also, I'm not a mason with Pral. FYI. Not even slightly. 


See, it's a solid play as a GF to fakeclaim vig. It's irrefutable. Other than the days you want to "vig" you have your team submit the kills. So I was guessing that Pral might be doing that. 



Instead Pral has dodged thread. Intentionally and consistently. (Protip: If you want to dodge thread, set your status to always show offline). Now while this isn't the most scummy thing Pral could do, it's the best play for a scum to do. Let the train on me ramp up, let town kill their vig, and get vetted by a townie death. And lose nothing. 




So that's my thought process. Any questions?


Also Pral obvscum imo. [unvote] [v]Pral[/v]

I'm confused.  First, you said you weren't the vig.  And then, you're saying that Pral's absence is allowing the train on you to ramp up and let us kill our vig.  You're contradicting yourself here.


For what it's worth, I do agree that if he is deliberately avoiding posting in the game thread after browsing when his claim has been questioned endlessly it's that he's trying to hide something.  And I do think it's insanely weird he was ok with your claim too.


need to come back to this when i get to work  



on page 24


Jon beat me to it but i think you read this wrong. I took it as without pral there was a vig claim on the table and people were voting it. this is good for mafia if true.  


meh that was better worded in my head yesterday


I was trying ti ISO Heart, but the quotes are going weird.


So a list instead:


First part is a bit fluffy votes Razen and thenunvotes


 - Zander feels off  and we should lynch him



Talks about using vig power and Post count


- Qs Zand on Elds idea of not letting them live (JS and Pral)

- Qs Eld why voting before caught up, why dislike JS over Pral

- Asks Zand the question again

- Likes Razen

- Zander Felt different (again she says this), but no ready to dub him scummy


finds something curious and likeable about Seph an Eld???

Talks about Hally's lock clear on my and my response, does ask Hally for any other strong tremors


- Zand Excitable


- Qs NB over JS and Pral and agrees with his vote on Dice


- Tells JS channelling EP will not win her trust


- Doesn't see Zanders 4 (Snow/Pral/Hally/Tal) as random


- Thinks it is possible we have two vigs, so it's not a counterclaim, immediate vote isn't necessary with a cc, but pressure would be and didn't see any


One Quote


This is odd...now we know what Pral has said. Doesn't automatically mean a link here, but it does mean that Pral could have used this as an excuse. Mod can Wolves talk Day and Night?


If each of the vigs (my computer keeps trying to correct that to "figs" so if I say something about figs at some point just know that it is probably supposed to say "vigs") had some sort of restriction, I could see that being possible.


So that is one possibility out of many. The lack of pressure towards each other between the two claims is interesting (if memory serves, they were almost amenable--will need to read that interaction again) and causing me to think that there is something beyond a counterclaim going on here.


 Im not voting heart today



How do you know it's not there.

I said maybe a bit of ten foiling hence asking someone for their opinion. Doesn't mean there isn't one, and yet you seem so sure!


I don´t know if there is a connection between them. I have both of them as null right now. I just felt that it was a long shot. It was hard for me to see if your were actually trying to figure stuff out or making something up. You have backed away from it so I guess it could be the first one. Now you have some kind of connection between AH and Zander instead and I don´t understand why.


For those of you that some kind of meta read on Snow - would he do something like this as mafia?


I dont think hed do something that ballsy. I especially dont think as mafia hed come out later on, but before its resolved and while he is getting voted, and claim he is EPing. You know what happens to EP because of his crazy plans?? He gets lynched. My heart STILL wants to lynch JS just because of the EP thing.


Thing is i see his play as similar to Yates' in Red Wedding. Only Pral screwed up Nyn didnt




Oh, yeah, @Tayla, it's DM practice that wolves, masons, etc can talk at all times on the QT.


Not always, one game recently Wolves could only talk at night, hence why I asked.


If you saw my ISO of heart Tina, you would see why, she keeps saying Zander is weird. She's played a couple of games with him, so it is worth noting.


Those have been some recent games and are some mods attempt at bringing other sites ways of playing here. theres only been like 3 of those or something



Just a question - Pral, why did you choose to claim?


Well, when JS claimed vig, it initially kinda threw me off. But, then, I speculated him to be town based on the role I had. To be sure of that and to gauge his reaction, I claimed. 


Sorry, nope, don't buy this. You were behind for 2 days and you just "happen" to catch up when you get called out? Classic scum tactic. 


And here's the thing. Me not CC-ing you had me as strong town in your book (assuming, but pretty fair assumption). And there was a train ramping up on me, and you don't think that's the time to pop in and say "I'm not caught up, but this guy is town guys?"


The point is that I never knew of the train ramping up on you till I reached that point in my catchup (which was probably after you voted me). Like I said...I can't prove it but those who have played with me before would know I catch up pretty slow.


Red   This makes NO sense whatsoever. Especially if you think the guy is town. I will say this straight out I think you screwed this up majorly



Eldrick  have you ever seen someone listed as null? cause guess what? thats not a town OR scum reading. thats saying i dont have them as town i dont have them as scum. it happens all the time.



id be happy going you LOD or razen at this point.


Actually they were your thoughts Zander. You made good points.



and my vote on zander sitting there is doing no harm



There is no game solving, the only reads I even see besides the two trains at eod, was heart.

I know you have been busy dice, but I need to see more!




To HERE???














I still need to read zand, heart, Tina, hallia. But I feel pretty confident in this list!!

Could actually switch notbob and tina.




vote seph



So you cant see Im calling him out on why he changed from me to eldrick in the space of 4 hrs? and note there was no reason given for it.





He won't flip scum is what I'm telling you all. FoS on Zander as well.



Why? and dont give me "because he is town" give reasons cause i thought Prals points were quite good and will happily vote Razen

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Here's the unofficial vote count up to this point:


John Snow (2/7): NotBob, Seph
Dice (1/7): Eldrick
Heart (3/7): Tina, Hallia, Razen
Zander (1/7): Talya
Seph (1/7): Dice
Razen (2/7): Pralaya, AH

Not voting (2/12): John Snow, Zander

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So I've been trying to work on putting together my big fancy reads list, but I fell asleep in the middle of doing that last night.  :laugh: I need to go back through and see if I can put myself in the same state of mind as I was in while writing it.


One thing I can say that stuck out to me without putting myself back in that mind space was Dice's vote on Seph - it's completely unexplained.  Or, at least, it's not explained very well.  It's a very knee-jerk and defensive reaction.  He basically voted Seph for putting him towards the bottom of the read list.  Being prodded to post more isn't a bad thing.  At the very least, if I look at Dice's quality over quantity argument, I would want to see reasoned voting and strong arguments on who he felt was scum when he did post.  Instead, I see an OMGUS kind of vote with nothing behind it.


So what changed from here



I am pretty dissapointed in dice iso. I list his posts in the spoiler, that actually have Content. There was a few more but most of them are fluff.



Right so i have been bad and not here  catching up now




Well since you guys are unable to scumhunt if I'm not ITT, I'll just shoot all my work and planning to heck.


was waiting from Pralaya. Definitely dodging thread at this point. Was on at 1 pm yesterday, and 10 pm again. Nothing to say in thread. 


So here goes. What I was doing this game. 


First off, I'm not a vig. I lied. I was kickstarting the game, and seeing who posted differently than normal (see also: my vote on Zander). I wanted to see who was just going to try to fluff their content to not get vigged. 


And that was all I was going to do. And then Pral claimed vig. And didn't vote me. Which I thought was weird as hell. 



But you know, I thought, heck let's see where this goes. And Pral's good with my claim. Which is really weird.


So I decided to spend the rest of the day trying to read Pral. My best plan was to see how Pral reacted to me playing poorly. I also wanted to see Pral's reaction to the mason thing. Also, I'm not a mason with Pral. FYI. Not even slightly. 


See, it's a solid play as a GF to fakeclaim vig. It's irrefutable. Other than the days you want to "vig" you have your team submit the kills. So I was guessing that Pral might be doing that. 



Instead Pral has dodged thread. Intentionally and consistently. (Protip: If you want to dodge thread, set your status to always show offline). Now while this isn't the most scummy thing Pral could do, it's the best play for a scum to do. Let the train on me ramp up, let town kill their vig, and get vetted by a townie death. And lose nothing. 




So that's my thought process. Any questions?


Also Pral obvscum imo. [unvote] [v]Pral[/v]

I'm confused.  First, you said you weren't the vig.  And then, you're saying that Pral's absence is allowing the train on you to ramp up and let us kill our vig.  You're contradicting yourself here.


For what it's worth, I do agree that if he is deliberately avoiding posting in the game thread after browsing when his claim has been questioned endlessly it's that he's trying to hide something.  And I do think it's insanely weird he was ok with your claim too.


need to come back to this when i get to work  



on page 24


Jon beat me to it but i think you read this wrong. I took it as without pral there was a vig claim on the table and people were voting it. this is good for mafia if true.  


meh that was better worded in my head yesterday


I was trying ti ISO Heart, but the quotes are going weird.


So a list instead:


First part is a bit fluffy votes Razen and thenunvotes


 - Zander feels off  and we should lynch him



Talks about using vig power and Post count


- Qs Zand on Elds idea of not letting them live (JS and Pral)

- Qs Eld why voting before caught up, why dislike JS over Pral

- Asks Zand the question again

- Likes Razen

- Zander Felt different (again she says this), but no ready to dub him scummy


finds something curious and likeable about Seph an Eld???

Talks about Hally's lock clear on my and my response, does ask Hally for any other strong tremors


- Zand Excitable


- Qs NB over JS and Pral and agrees with his vote on Dice


- Tells JS channelling EP will not win her trust


- Doesn't see Zanders 4 (Snow/Pral/Hally/Tal) as random


- Thinks it is possible we have two vigs, so it's not a counterclaim, immediate vote isn't necessary with a cc, but pressure would be and didn't see any


One Quote


This is odd...now we know what Pral has said. Doesn't automatically mean a link here, but it does mean that Pral could have used this as an excuse. Mod can Wolves talk Day and Night?


If each of the vigs (my computer keeps trying to correct that to "figs" so if I say something about figs at some point just know that it is probably supposed to say "vigs") had some sort of restriction, I could see that being possible.


So that is one possibility out of many. The lack of pressure towards each other between the two claims is interesting (if memory serves, they were almost amenable--will need to read that interaction again) and causing me to think that there is something beyond a counterclaim going on here.


 Im not voting heart today



How do you know it's not there.

I said maybe a bit of ten foiling hence asking someone for their opinion. Doesn't mean there isn't one, and yet you seem so sure!


I don´t know if there is a connection between them. I have both of them as null right now. I just felt that it was a long shot. It was hard for me to see if your were actually trying to figure stuff out or making something up. You have backed away from it so I guess it could be the first one. Now you have some kind of connection between AH and Zander instead and I don´t understand why.


For those of you that some kind of meta read on Snow - would he do something like this as mafia?


I dont think hed do something that ballsy. I especially dont think as mafia hed come out later on, but before its resolved and while he is getting voted, and claim he is EPing. You know what happens to EP because of his crazy plans?? He gets lynched. My heart STILL wants to lynch JS just because of the EP thing.


Thing is i see his play as similar to Yates' in Red Wedding. Only Pral screwed up Nyn didnt




Oh, yeah, @Tayla, it's DM practice that wolves, masons, etc can talk at all times on the QT.


Not always, one game recently Wolves could only talk at night, hence why I asked.


If you saw my ISO of heart Tina, you would see why, she keeps saying Zander is weird. She's played a couple of games with him, so it is worth noting.


Those have been some recent games and are some mods attempt at bringing other sites ways of playing here. theres only been like 3 of those or something



Just a question - Pral, why did you choose to claim?


Well, when JS claimed vig, it initially kinda threw me off. But, then, I speculated him to be town based on the role I had. To be sure of that and to gauge his reaction, I claimed. 


Sorry, nope, don't buy this. You were behind for 2 days and you just "happen" to catch up when you get called out? Classic scum tactic. 


And here's the thing. Me not CC-ing you had me as strong town in your book (assuming, but pretty fair assumption). And there was a train ramping up on me, and you don't think that's the time to pop in and say "I'm not caught up, but this guy is town guys?"


The point is that I never knew of the train ramping up on you till I reached that point in my catchup (which was probably after you voted me). Like I said...I can't prove it but those who have played with me before would know I catch up pretty slow.


Red   This makes NO sense whatsoever. Especially if you think the guy is town. I will say this straight out I think you screwed this up majorly



Eldrick  have you ever seen someone listed as null? cause guess what? thats not a town OR scum reading. thats saying i dont have them as town i dont have them as scum. it happens all the time.



id be happy going you LOD or razen at this point.


Actually they were your thoughts Zander. You made good points.



and my vote on zander sitting there is doing no harm



There is no game solving, the only reads I even see besides the two trains at eod, was heart.

I know you have been busy dice, but I need to see more!




To HERE???














I still need to read zand, heart, Tina, hallia. But I feel pretty confident in this list!!

Could actually switch notbob and tina.




vote seph



So you cant see Im calling him out on why he changed from me to eldrick in the space of 4 hrs? and note there was no reason given for it.





He won't flip scum is what I'm telling you all. FoS on Zander as well.



Why? and dont give me "because he is town" give reasons cause i thought Prals points were quite good and will happily vote Razen


You're right, there was no reason.  But given the way he ordered his list, you and Eldrick are at the bottom, and given who was at the top, I'm inclined to believe that the bottom are his scum leans.  He was asking you to post more.  Eldrick was his bottom read at that time, so I'm assuming he went after who he felt was most likely to be scum.  But you're really, really jumpy.  It's one vote and you overreacted a lot.

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So you think that the most vote worthy today is that someone suspected someone and then put him in the bottow two?



I will soon go to bed. I will stay on AH since I believe her to be mafia and that she already has three votes. 

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you wanna say Razen is off the table Hally? then explain why. thats not too big an ask is it when he is getting votes? Or do you have no reason its just what you think?



Zander I dont EVER want to hear you call someone vote gross again cause you just took the cake

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I'm not going to finish my re read, bedtime for me. I won't be here for the end.


At present I'm not willing to go with a Heart lynch today, change of heart so to speak. I would be willing to go JS, but I don't really like going for someone not here, though saying that, he moaned about activity and he is doing it. His vote on Eld yesterday an hour before DL has me worried. He had LotD down as 80% town or something? But it was close to deadline. The other one that is bugging me is Sep, sorry sweetie, but you hammer didn't seem quite right. Alanna saw it was well. Not sure who to go for...


I don't like voting people who can't defend themselves. [v]Seph[/v]


Night all

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a  i didnt say she was off the table i said I wasnt voting here. there is a difference there. Hally posted as if she spoke for everybody.


b  because im not giving mafia info. and you watch hally say exactly that and then watch me vote him.

I think I now know where you are coming from.

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