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British Monarchy Mafia- Game Over, Town Wins!!!


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I'm liking where my vote is better and better.  I went back just to look and see where everyone's voted, and I haven't seen someone throw their votes around like Eldrick.  It honestly comes off to me as trying to make something stick.  I counted 4 times (that I picked up on, anyway) that he's changed his vote.


Also, a couple of things I noticed as I was reading through, or just wanted to comment on because they stuck out to me.

Notbob you still comfortable with where your vote is with Dice?  i think some more pressure on John Snow will get us an answer one way or another. 

Zander trying to get Not Bob to switch his vote to John Snow for pressure.  More for my own notes than anything else, but it came across to me as Zander pushing to focus on John Snow and discouraging people from looking outside of that.


but it did get an answer right.  regardless of what was thought of it. 


I wouldn't say that pressure is what did it.  But if you want to tell yourself that, go right ahead.  He was only halfway to a lynch at that point and it didn't sound to me like he was caving because of vote pressure.  One thing that I do think is strange though is we haven't heard anything from him since he admitted he lied about his claim and the immediate aftermath of that.



-So Razen goes from having John as town and Pral as Null and Edlrick (stating he liked his posts THIS IS IMPORTANT) town as of July 8th @ 9:55 am.


- then @ July 8th 9:25 pm.:  to John scum Eldrick still town (Nothings CHanged THIS IS IMPORTANT) and still null on Pral


- i list the reasons he may or may not accept John Snow and Pral just so he doesn't try to go over on his John SNow view


- Now he reads Eldrick scum and votes him.  this post is at July 9th 1:36 pm.  going back and using quotes begining July 7th???


Well if you liked his posts and nothings changed why are you know quoting them to lead you to vote him???  You can see how bad you contradict yourself here can't you.


ALSO NOTE HOW HE VALIDATES PART OF HIS VOTE WITH ADDING "PRESSURE" which he used as part of his reason for voting me!!!!

So wait, you're telling me that I can't go back and look at what people have posted and change my opinions based on what I read?  That's the whole point of the game!  If you have a problem with me changing my reads based on what I've read when I go back through and pay attention to a specific person's posts, tough luck buddy.  Tunnel vision = anti-town.


Also something I've noticed, after Eldrick asked people to post statements in case there was a lie detector, these are the people who did so:





Hallia (after Eldrick voted her for not doing so)




This is not counting any statements of "I am town" made before this happened.  But you seem to be missing off of that list, Zander.  Why's that?  Afraid someone will check your statement and find out you're lying?  True, there's six other players that didn't do so, and by itself, that doesn't mean much.  But the way you're pushing against me for evolving my list of reads based on what I've read leads me to believe that I'm onto something and you don't want to head down that road because you don't want your teammate lynched.




Not as focused but yet Im tunneling on Razan??  And I also went after John and brought up points on Hallia lock clearing Talya after 2 posts??!!!  ITS LIKE YOUR CHOOSING TO IGNORE the facts Im putting out.  After ME and SW your choosing to ignore me towning...not good at all....you rand wolf again??


You know im towning here Alanna.the fact that your saying you dont makes me think your not. But I doubt thats for today.


My case on Razen ive built the same way i did on Yates in SW!!!!!


ask your questions and you shall receive your answers..IVE EXPLAINED MY THOUGHTS ON RAZEN TRY READING WHAT I POSTED.


I did spell things out.....


Dude, STOP with the whole "I'm towning here because I did this and this as town in the last game."  You're trying really hard to push the idea that you're town here based on things you've done in other games.  That means absolutely nothing.  The fact that you're having to justify everything based on what you did as town in a previous game makes me wonder why you can't establish yourself as pro-town in this thread based on your own statements.


um yeah im pretty sure YOU \USED THE EXACT WORD PRESSURE YOURSELF...so lolololololol try again homie.


ofc you can re read and change your reads BUT WHEN YOU USE THE WORDS NOTHING CHANGED and then THOSE SAME POSTS CHANGE IYO its something that sticks out.


and as far as tunnelling=anti town...2 things 1)  when its on a wolf its usually a good thing imo. 2) its how suspects can get weeded out.  your also not the only person in my PoE so try again.


its called META maybe you've heard of it?? and some players have commented on it hence why some are town reading me...lololol


umm maybe because im i dont know playing with new players or players that have only played like a game with me when i first started.  this is only like my 8-9 ish game. id like to think ive gotten better so ya i will refer people to that because META usually an important part of reading when its available.



ALSO for YOUR LD comment even though im pretty sure u\i did this already....


I AM 100% TOWN





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I work in 12 hours. I will be missing the deadline. I'm going to bed now. I'll try to see what's going on before I go to work. no promises, though. It takes forever for me to get out of bed.

DL is 12 hours??!!!!



DL is a little under 13 hours from now. I will be sleeping through most of that, and will be working before it hits. I'll look into your case against Razen when I get up. I'm currently trying to sleep.



thank you

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Zander I really hated reading all of those nestled quotes. I've slept 4 hours in the past two days, I'm not a happy camper. You could have given me a simple list to look at instead of making me go back and read all that crap. I see v/v interaction, you two just aren't getting each other and neither is listening to the other and that's frustrating to read in itself. I can understand the votes on you. If Razen flips scum though, hot damn I'm not gonna see that coming. He's looking way better than you atp, but I'm not willing to lynch EITHER of you.


Anyways here's how I'm reading the situation and with links from Zander's ISO cause there's no way in hell I'm rereading all of that in context, but thank god they nestled the hell out of their quotes for me. :dry:

Razen says Zander trying to protect his wolfteam by trying to lynch one of the claimed vigs and votes Zander for it LINK  ; Zander defends using meta from SW

Tina votes Zander because of his posting style, basically. Doesn't like his confidence as it comes off as scummy, confused about 4 names/1 wolf scenario LINK

LINK Razen believes Zander is jumping on JS/Pral to lynch one instead of letting them fully explain themselves; Zander calls this mis repping his words because he wants an explanation first before making a decision.

LINK Razen believes Zander has already made his decision to lynch the "vigs" based on voting them for the mason-speculation, Zander says this is still mis repping becuase he wanted them to explain first.

Zander, the thing here is that you DID vote Snow for the mason-crap, and while it might have been a joke, it looks bad from Razen's POV because you are not matching your actions to your words. You DO want hear explanations first, yet you're already voting one of them. It just doesn't match up.

LINK Zander coming of worse in this set of quotes, because he's not understanding what Razen is getting at (which is basically what I just stated above in BOLD).

LINK Meh on this one when Zander responds to Talya's questioning of his reason for voting JS and fosing Razen

LINK Zander encouraging pressure votes on JS for an answer about the claims

LINK I agree with Seph in this post, you're not coming off as an obv town Zander becuase you're refusing to see the point that Razen is trying to make and unfortunately he's coming out looking better for it than you are atm

LINK Razen in this post uses the post two above to say that Zander is trying to focus in on JS and "discourage people from looking outside of that" and Zander agrees but I'm not sure he sees how this can be construed as scummy.

LINK Razen thinks Zander coming off scummy for telling Eld not to give scum ideas and coming off as the voice of reason (this is totally w/in Zander's meta, btw)

LINK Raz bringing back Zanders need to lynch a vig today to protect scum team, but at this point we know Snow was lying but are you saying you still want an info lynch?

LINK I honestly don't see anything wrong with Raz changing his reads. He said that he went back and reread over Snow and didn't like him drawing the cop view, also showed some progression on Eldrick by pulling up quotes. I don't see how it's not totally crazy for someone to reread or ISO someone and come up with something different. Besides, pretty sure he doesn't straight up call him scum, just that he wants to add pressure (this is an okay thing to do as town).

LINK  Zander finally votes Razen




Raz's case: Zander is not matching actions with words, votes Snow for mason-speculation but says he doesn't want to lynch him without explanation, like this is a foregone conclusion that Snow is getting lynched becuase it could protect scummates from a vig shot tonight; thinks Zander trying to discourage casing outside of vigs and Snow (again reinforcing that "vig" lynch foregone concl); does not like Zander's trying to be voice of reason

Zander's case: Razen is mis repping his words about voting Snow, because he has stated that he wants an explanation first but Razen is not quoting that material; defends himself using meta from Star Wars game and post count (quality =/= quantity =/= town); thinks he's found inconsistencies in Razen's reads when he changed JS from town to scum and voted Eldrick even though he was in his town pile as of last reads list for pressure.


Point is, we need to consolidate votes at this point, and I'm not lynching either of you, so you need to suck it up and look outside of each other. Right now Razen is higher than Zander for me, which makes me mad because I need Zander to be towning this game and I really hope you are. IF Razen slips up, know that I'll be the second to vote him behind Zander but right now, I'm just not seeing it.

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One thing that I do think is strange though is we haven't heard anything from him since he admitted he lied about his claim and the immediate aftermath of that.

Razen: this has been bothering me for a while too, it just doesn't look good. He was all about creating activity and saying that we can't possibly scum hunt about him, but he up and disappears; I don't remember much of anything from him since his reveal.

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Vote Count


Zander (1/8): dicetosser1

John Snow (2/8): Zander, Seph

Pralaya (1/8): John Snow

Eldrick (2/8): Razen, NotBob

Lord of the dawn (3/8): Pralaya, Hallia, Tina



Not voting (5/14): Aiel Heart, alannalynn, Talya, Eldrick, and lord of the dawn


Countdown to end of day 1: http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/election?iso=20150711T20&p0=263&msg=British+Monarchy+Mafia+Day+1&font=cursive&swk=1



[v] unvote [/v]


[v] Razen [/v]




It doesn't mean he's an x-shot vig. That actually makes less sense than JOAT does, because he says he's a partial vig. Partial vig and x-shot are not the same thing. An x-shot vig would just sya they are a vig. Partial vig implies he can do something else.


@ Pral Don't tell us what else you can do.

He never said partial vig? He said not a full vig.



TO make it clear, I am not a full vig and hence I am not surprised that there is another person with vig shot.

Not full vig and vig shot generally mean he doesn't have a nightly shot. I don't see ANYWHERE where it is implied that he's got more than a vig shot, and I don't like that you're fishing for roles. 



Not sure what that was supposed to accomplish. Feeling ok about JS. Feeling better about Pral from recent play. Both are Null right now.


The thing that's bugging me the most is how Dice is handling the reaction to his vote. He doesn't care that we don't like the vote. He isn't reading Zander as scum, but insists on leaving the vote there.





Unofficial Vote Count


Zander (1/8): dicetosser1

John Snow (2/8):  Seph

Pralaya (1/8): John Snow

Eldrick (3/8): Razen, NotBob, Alanna

Lord of the dawn (3/8): Pralaya, Hallia, Tina

Razen (1/8): Zander

Dice (1/8): Eldrick


Not voting (3/14): Aiel Heart, Talya, lord of the dawn


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Oh, yeah, @Tayla, it's DM practice that wolves, masons, etc can talk at all times on the QT.

Last post on pg 27, two days ago.


I pretty much like your WTL list there Seph.

Hoping to see Hally before DL


I'm going to check on the thread as much as I can, but with my fiancee having the next two days off, I just don't play around her anymore...



Really want to hear some scum reads from Heart.


im falling asleep at my computer, ill finish reading more tomorrow/later on


@Talya- i made a joke that if defending himself poorly was his plan then he was succeeding. i then said at the end that i hoped i wasn't falling for his plot, the one that made me, along with several others want to vote him due to all his secrecy and poor defense. it was a bad joke that i didn't execute very well. 

I hope this isn't all we're getting from him

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Vote Count


Zander (1/8): dicetosser1

John Snow (2/8): Zander, Seph

Pralaya (1/8): John Snow

Eldrick (2/8): Razen, NotBob

Lord of the dawn (3/8): Pralaya, Hallia, Tina



Not voting (5/14): Aiel Heart, alannalynn, Talya, Eldrick, and lord of the dawn


Countdown to end of day 1: http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/election?iso=20150711T20&p0=263&msg=British+Monarchy+Mafia+Day+1&font=cursive&swk=1



[v] unvote [/v]


[v] Razen [/v]




It doesn't mean he's an x-shot vig. That actually makes less sense than JOAT does, because he says he's a partial vig. Partial vig and x-shot are not the same thing. An x-shot vig would just sya they are a vig. Partial vig implies he can do something else.


@ Pral Don't tell us what else you can do.

He never said partial vig? He said not a full vig.



TO make it clear, I am not a full vig and hence I am not surprised that there is another person with vig shot.

Not full vig and vig shot generally mean he doesn't have a nightly shot. I don't see ANYWHERE where it is implied that he's got more than a vig shot, and I don't like that you're fishing for roles. 



Not sure what that was supposed to accomplish. Feeling ok about JS. Feeling better about Pral from recent play. Both are Null right now.


The thing that's bugging me the most is how Dice is handling the reaction to his vote. He doesn't care that we don't like the vote. He isn't reading Zander as scum, but insists on leaving the vote there.





Unofficial Vote Count


Zander (1/8): dicetosser1

John Snow (2/8):  Seph

Pralaya (1/8): John Snow

Eldrick (3/8): Razen, NotBob, Alanna

Lord of the dawn (3/8): Pralaya, Hallia, Tina

Razen (1/8): Zander

Dice (1/8): Eldrick


Not voting (3/14): Aiel Heart, Talya, lord of the dawn




Could easily vote any non-voters tomorrow just for failing to make a stand.



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Still haven´t read Laine´s big posts that she did earlier. Will do so now. But I like that she took the time to make that post about Zander and Razen. I´m not sure if mafia Laine would take so much time to do something like that. 

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Zander I really hated reading all of those nestled quotes. I've slept 4 hours in the past two days, I'm not a happy camper. You could have given me a simple list to look at instead of making me go back and read all that crap. I see v/v interaction, you two just aren't getting each other and neither is listening to the other and that's frustrating to read in itself. I can understand the votes on you. If Razen flips scum though, hot damn I'm not gonna see that coming. He's looking way better than you atp, but I'm not willing to lynch EITHER of you.



You can understand Dice's joke vote on me???  He's the only one!!! 







Anyways here's how I'm reading the situation and with links from Zander's ISO cause there's no way in hell I'm rereading all of that in context, but thank god they nestled the hell out of their quotes for me. :dry:


Razen says Zander trying to protect his wolfteam by trying to lynch one of the claimed vigs and votes Zander for it LINK  ; Zander defends using meta from SW


Tina votes Zander because of his posting style, basically. Doesn't like his confidence as it comes off as scummy, confused about 4 names/1 wolf scenario LINK


LINK Razen believes Zander is jumping on JS/Pral to lynch one instead of letting them fully explain themselves; Zander calls this mis repping his words because he wants an explanation first before making a decision.


LINK Razen believes Zander has already made his decision to lynch the "vigs" based on voting them for the mason-speculation, Zander says this is still mis repping becuase he wanted them to explain first.


Zander, the thing here is that you DID vote Snow for the mason-crap, and while it might have been a joke, it looks bad from Razen's POV because you are not matching your actions to your words. You DO want hear explanations first, yet you're already voting one of them. It just doesn't match up.


#Pressure and I believe others followed suit till they heard his answer.  #Effective


LINK Zander coming of worse in this set of quotes, because he's not understanding what Razen is getting at (which is basically what I just stated above in BOLD).


I explained this he choose to pretend not to UNDERSTAND after I explained it NUMEROUS TIMES.  so im totally not understanding how he comes off better at all.


LINK Meh on this one when Zander responds to Talya's questioning of his reason for voting JS and fosing Razen


LINK Zander encouraging pressure votes on JS for an answer about the claims


LINK I agree with Seph in this post, you're not coming off as an obv town Zander becuase you're refusing to see the point that Razen is trying to make and unfortunately he's coming out looking better for it than you are atm


I don't.  But your thoughts here are noted.


LINK Razen in this post uses the post two above to say that Zander is trying to focus in on JS and "discourage people from looking outside of that" and Zander agrees but I'm not sure he sees how this can be construed as scummy.


LINK Razen thinks Zander coming off scummy for telling Eld not to give scum ideas and coming off as the voice of reason (this is totally w/in Zander's meta, btw)

LINK Raz bringing back Zanders need to lynch a vig today to protect scum team, but at this point we know Snow was lying but are you saying you still want an info lynch?


????? not sure what your asking here.  I pointed out my pressure vote worked on getting John to answer, Whether or not what people believed it.


LINK I honestly don't see anything wrong with Raz changing his reads. He said that he went back and reread over Snow and didn't like him drawing the cop view, also showed some progression on Eldrick by pulling up quotes. I don't see how it's not totally crazy for someone to reread or ISO someone and come up with something different. Besides, pretty sure he doesn't straight up call him scum, just that he wants to add pressure (this is an okay thing to do as town).


You hopefully MUST SEE that his and your points about me using votes to get pressure on John are completely contrdictory when HE SAYS HES USING PRESSURE on Eldrick and your saying its ok for him to do it but looks scummy or bad for me....lololololol.   nope not buying that at all!!!  As far as the reads I responded to that I just thought it was something that needed to be pointed out so I did it.


LINK  Zander finally votes Razen





Raz's case: Zander is not matching actions with words, votes Snow for mason-speculation but says he doesn't want to lynch him without explanation, like this is a foregone conclusion that Snow is getting lynched becuase it could protect scummates from a vig shot tonight; thinks Zander trying to discourage casing outside of vigs and Snow (again reinforcing that "vig" lynch foregone concl); does not like Zander's trying to be voice of reason


Zander's case: Razen is mis repping his words about voting Snow, because he has stated that he wants an explanation first but Razen is not quoting that material; defends himself using meta from Star Wars game and post count (quality =/= quantity =/= town); thinks he's found inconsistencies in Razen's reads when he changed JS from town to scum and voted Eldrick even though he was in his town pile as of last reads list for pressure.


Point is, we need to consolidate votes at this point, and I'm not lynching either of you, so you need to suck it up and look outside of each other. Right now Razen is higher than Zander for me, which makes me mad because I need Zander to be towning this game and I really hope you are. IF Razen slips up, know that I'll be the second to vote him behind Zander but right now, I'm just not seeing it.


I seriously lololololol everytime I see that,


Leaving yourself an out...I think that looks a little off there Alanna





First I find your reading me way off.  But we both know this so I'll leave it for now.

Second: Razen came on and did like nothing to defend himself yet you act as the mediator so to speak.  Noted.

Third: When I did and flip town PLEASE NOTE ALANNA's Posts concerning me,  Alanna will always get a day 1 pass from me but this is the First time we are not reading each other town....ESPECIALLY THIS when Razen flips WOLF.


Alanna I PRAYING your just off on this but I'm not liking this at all....

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I didn´t get much info from reading Laine´s earlier monster posts. I don´t know if it´s the way she posted or if it´s just me not being able to focus. Anyway, I give her +1. I´m not sure that I like her defence of Zander. It looks like even when she doesn´t like his posts she ends up saying that she won´t vote him today. I will come back to this if Zander turns out to be mafia. 


I´ll go back and quote some of LotD´s posts just to show why I´m voting LotD and then I will take a look at Eldrick. 

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No quotes - just my reasons for voting him:


1. He asked others for a rundown. It felt weird to me to base decisions on others notes. Later he said that it was late in the evening and that he just wanted to see it before he read the whole thread. Okay.

2. In #232 he starts with his wait and see tactic. He was leaning Snow but... wanted to wait and see.

3. Tree posts later he shows more signs of fencesitting.

4. Then he votes Snow in #432 because he had defended himself bad. It´s a strange reason. How had he defended himself bad? Here he uses the words "not going to lie". I heard someone say that it´s typical for mafia to say such things. Not sure if that is right or not. 

5. Then when people loose interest in Snow he unvotes in #538. Here he is using the word "honestly". (Again, not sure if it means anything but maybe.) He will now wait and see. The weirdest thing is that he says that Pral put him in a bad place where he will look bad no matter what he does. Right now I can´t find the right words for what this. Self centred? Too conserned with how he looks, perhaps.

6. In #555 he makes a list where he is on the fence on most of us (wait and see...) and the only one that might be scummy is Snow. No other mafia reads. And as far as I can see he hasn´t voted anyone.

7. In #572 he says that his humor put him in a bad light. I think this was an answer to Talya´s post but bad humor hasn´t been a reason for my suspiciouns. 



I still feel good about my vote on him after reading this. 

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Zander's push on Razen feels OMGUS...

read on Snow is confusing?


@Zander can you spell it out to me with less quotes?



lololololololol...try again


Sure I THINK HES A WOLF!!!!  read it Alanna.the fact you mention that last part makes me think you didnt want to read it


Note to self: read Zander's stuff on Razen when I'm awake


I'm actually feeling ok with Dice right now. Good vibe from his posts so far; will put analysis to it when I'm awake. Can see why Eldrick is uncomfortable with the vote's continued existence though. Dice?


Feeling good about Alanna for the same reason. 


Lotad I'm willing to give a bit of space because it's his first game back in a while and I know from recent experience how rocky that can be; his posts have struck me as that thus far. Willing to give him more time to get his feet wet.

Oh and somebody (NotBob?) said that... I think it was Talya... seemed buddyish for giving him the mafiascum wiki. It occurred to me though that this points in his favor; could have very easily been given help such as that link in a QT. Not for certain by any means, but is something to point out. 


Need to go back and check when deadline is. Will try to give some semblance of a reads list before them (though I don't trust my D1 reads very much at all)



pretty good idea imo...lolololololol



@ LotD - thank you that explained it clearer.Need to also look at Zander, he seems a little quieter, not such an excitable puppy. I don't know if the train on him knocked him a bit, but he has been slightly different. This I do agree with Heart, but she just said weird and didn't follow it through with anything else, just repeated it.





















John Snow




















Aiel Heart




lord of the dawn




















Nope try again.



Hi Alanna, how are you ?

Talking of Dice, which I was, lol

He was on and posted a few times before his stuff just now. He even quoted Zander over his posting. So he did keep his vote on Zander and was around. Going to have a good look but need to get up now.


Hola I'm good. I'm supposed to wake up in 3 hours to give someone a ride, but I'm pretty sure I'm just gonna stay up on here instead lol You having a good morning?


I just want to confirm some reads and look at Dice... I skimmed over a lot of the Zander/Dice and Zander/Razen stuff.


Speaking of which, Zander has been unusually quiet. I'd also like him to look elsewhere than Razen today if at all possible, because that lynch ain't happening


see above!!!!


I have looked elsewhere Alanna...im not liking where your heading with this.  its just off to me.


Mind melding...lol

@ Dice - why not lynch Heart today?I also agree with the Razen lynch. I have an overall good impression there.

I'm good but tired, been tired a lot..trying to play mafia, revise for exam next week, work and look after my mum is taking its toll...lol



please explain to me what you think of my case against him.



Mind melding...lol

@ Dice - why not lynch Heart today?

I also agree with the Razen lynch. I have an overall good impression there.

I'm good but tired, been tired a lot..trying to play mafia, revise for exam next week, work and look after my mum is taking its toll...lol


Poor thing, you need rest like me, I guess. I'll just start yelling at you to sleep when I see you online :wub:


Hally: not really bothered by where I have her in my town leans; she seems involved enough to know what's going on and is asking questions/following up. I already pointed out the posts that bothered me, so I'm just waiting on answers there. @Hally did you see my questions?

Dice: Threatens to vote Zander if he keeps CAPS lock on and follows through, drops some quantity/quality reason, follows through on the Zand-vote, wants to vote Snow for summoning Redbird, Why aren't you voting Heart?, not gonna remove his vote from Zander just because it's frowned upon.

Not seeing a lot of content from Dice like I'd expect, really just null at this point for me until I see more.@Dice, Why no voting Heart? (Talya already beat me to this question danggit)

Tina: Staying null on Tina for right now; she's commented and provided reads, doesn't particularly like Zander's post style or attack on Razen, is currently voting LotD for vote on snow and reads list from earlier. I need more time to figure her out as well, I suppose


Zander does seem off this game, his excitement is there but not as focused, he hasn't answered my questions, and seems to be tunneling on Razen (rather OMGUS-like) without fully explaining himself. I just want things spelled out for me. If you're towning Zander, I'm actually not seeing it for once and that worries me. Dropping you to my lower town leans for right now :sad:


Funny that Talya says im not excitable but Alanna says I am but they BOTH say I'm quiet as the number 1 poster...lolololololol.


Not as focused but yet Im tunneling on Razan??  And I also went after John and brought up points on Hallia lock clearing Talya after 2 posts??!!!  ITS LIKE YOUR CHOOSING TO IGNORE the facts Im putting out.  After ME and SW your choosing to ignore me towning...not good at all....you rand wolf again??


You know im towning here Alanna.the fact that your saying you dont makes me think your not. But I doubt thats for today.


My case on Razen ive built the same way i did on Yates in SW!!!!!


ask your questions and you shall receive your answers..IVE EXPLAINED MY THOUGHTS ON RAZEN TRY READING WHAT I POSTED.


I did spell things out.....

Sorry for the whole post. Zander - quiet does not mean lack of posting, it's the post themselves, not sure I can put my finger on it. I haven't had chance to go over your stuff on Razen, I liked what Alanna said about it the whole thing. You never listen to what others are saying and go blindly on. I have limited time right now and if you don't why READ MY POSTS :-p


The more I think of Eld at present the more I'm feeling a little warmer compared to LotD. I'm not sure how much more time I can get on today...



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Vote Count


John Snow (1/8): Seph

Pralaya (1/8): John Snow

Eldrick (3/8): Razen, NotBob, Alanna

Lord of the dawn (5/8): Pralaya, Hallia, Tina, Dice, Talya

Razen (1/8): Zander

Dice (1/8): Eldrick



Not voting (2/14): Aiel Heart and lord of the dawn


Countdown to end of Day 1: http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/election?iso=20150711T20&p0=263&msg=British+Monarchy+Mafia+Day+1&font=cursive&swk=1

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Oh my, Eldrick is really all over the place. I can´t decide if this is mafia play or not. I just can´t follow his jumps. If he is mafia then I think there is a link to Hallia. He defends her twice but then he backs down and vote her just to unvote her later on. As LotD has most votes right now, and that is who I feel most for, I will keep my vote. 

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I would rather see snow lynched than the other two ftr. He harps at Pral for dodging the thread, and I don't believe he has posted at all here recently...

I am going to dig through some posts, and finish getting caught up!

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I liked Laine's catch ups


@Laine - You asked if I saw your questions, and I didn't o.O I went back through, can you re-ask?  I'm happy to :happy:


I kind of agree with you Seph.  I'm rethinking my vote on Lord at the moment, mainly because I know how easy it is to get lynched when you first start playing (or playing again I should say, but five years is a loonnnnng time.)


Where did the Snow go?

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okay, so im going to work in about 10 minutes and still playing some catchup, and i dont have the time for a big post unfortunately, so some final remarks i suppose until this evening, if im not lunched.


on the whole zander razen thing: zanders been pretty gung ho about laying on the pressure, trying to find answers, and he backs off when he gets them, im still thinking straight up town for him, he hasn't really given me any reason to think otherwise really. and im kind of seeing the same with razen, i think its just a case of those two not getting along really.


and for eldrick, the flip flopping is giving everyone headaches, is it a distraction tactic maybe? not really sure, gave a read that was okay though if i recall.


@Tina, to clarify with the humor thing that was to seph saying he didnt like people joking on themselves in their reads if im remembering right. don't have the time to answer the rest of the list unfortunately, have to go to work, 

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I need to do some ISO's to see how I feel about everything. 


80% sure dawn's town, I'll ISO to double check. 


[unvote] since Pray lynch isn't a thing. FTR when Pray flips maf I told you so.


??? Care to explain the lotd read for me?
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