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*spazzes out and dies*


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Rocks fall. Everyone dies!




Seriously, though, I loved Sirius and he's gone. I loved Dumbledore and he's gone, too. It's all about accepting and move on. Plus these people all have to die so that Harry can finally do his own thing. He needed to grow up and Sirius and Dumbledore dying was the last straw, so to speak. Which is also why I'm pretty sure Hagrid will die in this book. He's the lat real father figure Harry has left. Yes there is Mr. and Mrs. Weasley but it's not the same.

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And how do you kill off someone properly? With balefire' date=' of course.[/quote']


Balefire. For when you absolutely, positively must kill ever last person in the room. Accept NO substitutions.



Oh and Ginny was just practicing so she'd be a good kisser for Harry. Its quite thoughtful and sweet, actually.

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hehehe I jsut have to quote a friend of mine here. I metioned to him how much I was looking foreward to the next book, and how much I didnt wanna see the next movie since I didnt like the last book, lol..


and he said (in norwegian of course, and I am giving this to Mia actually)


Jeg håper det blir noe pul**** i den neste boka, helst i filmen og!! :lol:


(that is, he hopes that Ginny and Harry has sex in the next book, preferably in the next movie) :D


I just found it amusing as he really isnt interested in Harry Potter at all, all he's interested in is the sex :shock: :P


well, Dumbledoor is dead and Harry will definatly be killed in the last book.. thats just life!! sorry Charis :P :wink:

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