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Sherlock Holmes Role Madness Mafia Town wins

Basel Gill

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My case against Thane.



By sooth and spit in a pint of ale, I be here!!!  Ain't NOBODY gonna talk 'bout Gentleman Holmes wittttout dealin' wit me farst! *burp*


Still catching up, but I'm already at 7 Multi-Quotes, so.....


I'm Thaddeus Sholto, Town Miller.

It really sucks to get dealt a miller role.  csarmi's play here places him in the "likely truthful" column simply because this is one of the only real ways to play.  If you are miller, the best pro-town move is to get it out there in the open.  He risks nothing by doing so IF he is telling the truth.  It's already out there and now our cop won't waste his/her time targeting him. 


Sure, there is a slim chance that this is one huge scum gambit, but for csarmi to have sat back prior to the game start, researched all the possible characters who would fit in the role of a miller, then tossed the dice that someone else wasn't also roled the same way just so that MAYBE we would believe him and not lynch him to be sure is HIGHLY unlikely.  


csarmi is likely telling the truth and made a very pro-town move. 


You're missing the point I think. Miller is a negative utility role. Usually better off dead.

So you for anything for now Thane?


^ First sentence here sums it up.  Better come clean immediately when you are a Miller.  I HATE that role!!!  I look scummy just fine WITHOUT it!


i'm surprised it took so long before someone voted me....


Thane had me on his side until THIS!  Posts like the one above are usually a guilty conscience trying to downplay how nervous they really are.  They serve no other purpose than to say "I'm not really bothered by this vote because you are just seeing my everyday town game play scummy which is typical. *whistles*"


Thane thinks is weird to claim Miller straight off - then is all friendly - then says hey could still be suspicious.

Uses 'scum' a lot.

Say's I'm voting him cos I always think he's mafia and that I'll always be wrong.

Firstly - it's what he's done this game that makes me believe he is Mafia.

Secondly he attempted to nullify my vote by implying it's just me doing what I always do.

Thirdly - how will I always be wrong about him being Mafia? Is he saying he's never going to be Mafia?

I think he is and I think I have spotted him early as Mafia in the past too.




*waves back* :laugh:


Would Thane be someone else, i'd probably vote him.

But Thane is Thane and he has his very "special" way to play. For the moment i have to say that he sounds relaxed and chatty... which makes me think he could be town.

Ithi has made a nice case, but as I said, Thane has his way to play.

Need a pillow for that soft defense?  I'm glad you think Ithi made a nice case.  Did she put glitter and stars on it for you too?  Are you gonna hang her nice case up on your fridge so the whole family can see?  Thane being skeptical about csarmi's claim is not scummy, but this pillow defense of him makes me question BOTH of you.


Alright, I am softclaiming. I am PR

Really? Me too!!!  We're TWINZIES!!!!


BTW, soft defense of Chels noted.


I never understand why on day one people wanna defend all over the place, rather than attack.


I think like this kid!




And now-I'm going to watch the Opening ceremony. Later

OLE!!!! OLE OLE OLE!!!!!!!!



So, i'm here and will comment a bit:
Yes Ithi, i was at work, i have notifications but no DM access.
someone missed me joking, so here it is: Dammit Csarmi, you ruined my groove and now i can't claim Miller anymore! *shakefist*
And, i am not scum, i haven't even been provided with a PR... i'm a plain townie. So much for Role madness.... or they got afraid i might vig townies again like in my last game (whoa, another joke!) I do believe Role madness here would indicate at least one JOAT on each side, mafia definately with a GF, and one (perhaps 2) third party/parties.
I love the attention, but for scum we need to look elsewhere.... i have a crazy theory, but i'll need to investigate that before i put it out. I do think however that one of the lurkers (at least one) is scum hiding for the moment. eeny meeny miny mo... random guess Tina, but i could be wrong... it's still D1 and we need some of the lurkers to post here to get some reads.
My view on the X-files: i think X would be more worried if his train got bigger. What i see here is townies going after eachother, no real mafia in there...
Ithi is town, from what i can tell. So are the people 'defending' me, from my pov.
and now, seeing i hurt my back last weekend, i will go to bed soon


Thane....dude....this kills me to say it but this reeks of desperation from a scum trying to downplay the heat of TWO FRIGGEN VOTES.  The fact that you automatically assume that Ithi is town further suggests a guilty conscience.  Hey, let's look at the inactives?  If you went head to head with Ithi and called her on her weak case, that would have been one thing but you seem resigned to believe her.....and I'm starting to as well.


Does anyone else think that what X just said seems awfully familiar?


It's like Deja Vu or sommat.



I don't think I've ever said that I know how someone behaves because of past games.

Town or Mafia.

I don't do meta.

I think I did say that Thane shouldn't say I'd never be right if I said he was Mafia - and that I had found him as mafia early on in a game, but that was because of what he did in that game.

I can't hold Meta. I play in the moment. I can just about manage to hold a game till the end and then it's gone.

Ithi, we should play poker some time.  Bring all of your money.  After all, it's just about the cards.  Be sure not to meta the players when you do. 


Thane  what exactly does your PM say you are?


Dice! Stop reading my MYND and posting my thoughts before I get to!!!!!!


Inquiring MYNDS do want to know though....who is Thane's Role?  I find it highly UNlikely that Thane is vanilla in a game called ROLE-MADNESS.  Sure, it is possible, but so is it possible that lobsters will crawl out of my anus and dance the Nae Nae down Main Street. 


Thane has basically resigned to Ithi's weak case, suggested we go after inactives, and reduced his town value to "VANILLA" which gives us little risk. 


A lynch on Thane would A) confirm he was vanilla, and say a lot about his accusers and defenders   B) bag us a scummy on D1.


My only other thought here is that maybe Thane is masking a more valuable TOWN role, but in a game called ROLE MADNESS, he would be one of many roled townies so his value would still be next to nil as far as risk.


It makes sense.....   [v] Thane [/v]


Convince me otherwise, bro, and I'll remove my vote.





so, yeah, i'm calling BS on Ithi's reasoning. Says she plays every game as every game, i keep getting the same crap from her and it's annoying me. I'm always read as scum by a lot of people, it's my playstyle and she knows it. Last game, Ithi called me scum, i was lynched D1 (with selfvote) and flipped... town. Wow, what a surprise.


Ithi: tunnelvision, BS reasoning, likely scum. If you're town, go hunt for real and not lynch another townie again. 


Hence, Des: follows Ithi easily, no investigation of his own = possible scum


And Len, waiting to hammer, Possible scum too. 


I'll go play in my other current game, it's more fun than this one.






I think we just solved the game.









...and now, here is where the debate about character claims begins.






ok, skimming is bad: i missed BFG's claim there. Seeing it's a hard claim, i will give you my name too: i'm Irene Adler. And i'm still town.


Could it be Two townies in a game? Or is it IMPOSSIBLE to have 2 VT's in a role madness game? After all, it's the mod who gives out roles to his/her liking. I seriously get the feeling that everybody plays 'how it was and how it should be' instead of 'what are the real possibilities'.


I'm terribly sorry, but there is no FRIGGEN way that Irene Alder is vanilla town.  Oh quite the contrary.


second bolded is perfect example for first bolded....



Sure, it is possible that a game built around the Sherlock Holmes mythology would have Irene Adler as a vanilla town, but it is also possible that the sun will explode today.  It is very unlikely, but it might. 


Claiming to be Irene Adler in a Sherlock Mafia game is the equivalent of claiming to be Catwoman in a Batman mafia game.  There is too much history between her and Mr. Holmes for her to be vanilla town.  She is either scum or some kind of third party character. 


She would be a terrible fake claim as well. 


So yeah, there is nothing wrong with playing on how it should be or supposed to be AND playing what is possible......but to use the good detectives own words,


When you eliminate the impossible, whatever is left, however improbable, must be the truth.


...and now my follow-up to that would be, sort information into likely and unlikely using logic.  Go with the choice that seems most logical because it likely is the truth.





Never heard of this woman so I read the wiki now.

I disagree with Mynd, she could easily be a lot of roles, VT included.

Relying on char claims is a bad idea BTW.


I'll address the irony of the bold in a moment, Mr. Miller.


Again, it is possible she would be VT, but highly unlikely.  She is a character DEEP in the Sherlock Holmes mythology and a devious one.  Mrs. Hudson would be a likely VT character, but not Irene "Black Widow" Adler.  I can almost hear the character herself scoffing at the notion that she would be vanilla in any game. 


This is Irene Adler:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utwenXbh9hA  (SPOILER!)


This is also Irene Adler:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1hcFQzeq_Q  (NSFW)


Now then, we have moved you to the not likely scum list BECAUSE of your role claim.  It is all possible that you are a LLL, but unlikely.  The best course of action is to go with the move that gives us the most information.  You claim Miller in your first post.  We could lynch you to prove you are telling the truth, but that would be a waste if you indeed flipped as you said.  Anyone who has had a miller role should understand that there are only a handful of ways to play it, and coming clean on D1 is extremely pro-town.


As far as relying on character claims, sure anything goes and nothing is certain, but when the goal is to seek out what is likely over what is unlikely, it can be useful. A WOT game would likely make Rand al'Thor a powered town player, or at the very least, vanilla town.   Graendal, on the other hand, would not likely be a vanilla town at all, would she?  Even Lanfear would likely be something other than vanilla town. 





I must have missed where I actually said that Irene Adler would be scum.   Could someone point that out to me?




Where's the irony?


Why are you mixing up char claims with role claims?


Also my wiki said that character only appears in one work (bohemian stuff) and is mentioned in passing at a few places as Holmes would be admiring her. Why that would fix her char to a role, I dunno.


As for your WoT example... I wouldn't hesitate to make Lanfear vanilla town in my game.


Its the same reasoning. Many of us have ruled you out (for now) because of your miller claim.  I am ruling Thane likely scum more because Irene Adler is a likely scum character.



It is possible for Irene Adler to be vanilla town, but unlikely.  Sure, based on what happens with Lanfear, I can see her as VT, but Graendal was clearly not so much.  In Holmes mythology, Adler was one of his greatest adversaries.  What is the point of having a themed game if it isn't based on the mythology?


So, it is unlikely that Irene Adler is VT.


I'm a huge fan of Sherlock Holmes, but I had to look up my char as well.


And I thought my memory was bad. You say she likely to be scum and then paint her as a Lanfear or Graendal type character. She wasn't really though was she. Just a clever woman who didn't take no crap from no man.


Interesting that you now seeking to discredit me and make me seem to be suspicious because I didn't blindly accept the incorrect information about Adler you were trying to peddle.


I don't know how Thane will flip ... I'm looking at all the options. He played terrible and did quite a bit of stuff that made me think he was Mafia, hence my initial vote on him.


His emo outbursts could be Mafia sulking at being found quickly or Town being all 'it's so unfair'.


What is most amusing is you turning on me ... Tsuki did the exact same thing when I started to question his posts. The enemy of my enemy is by no means likely to be my friend, after all.


See how I already did that the last time you said you didn't mention it.


Mynd has failed to explain what his case for voting Thane was.


He's been asked a few times now.



He just wants people to keep looking at Thane.


I think we should look at him.


The bolded is a lie. 


The Red bolded is fluff.


I thought this was just a debate about character claims, you are all overreacting.


It seems that Mynd's case on Thane was mostly about proving my case was weak.


I think he knows that Thane is Town and was deliberately wording his posts so that he could say that actually he thought I was wrong.


Even though he voted for Thane lol.


So erm ... it basically boils down the 'desperation' and 'guilty conscience' - which are lovely buzz words to use if you want to make it seem like you're making a case.


And all the lovely gifs help too.


@Mynd, your case doesn't look like much. more like mafia hopping on a train being led by someone that could take it to the station. All the while questioning the person leading the lynch. 



Mynd has failed to explain what his case for voting Thane was.


He's been asked a few times now.



He just wants people to keep looking at Thane.


I think we should look at him.

Not really.


I specifically asked you what YOUR case on Thane was ... not the load of quotes about my case. I guess I expected you to actually know what your case was and be able to write it out in words.




The bolded is a lie. 


The Red bolded is fluff.


I thought this was just a debate about character claims, you are all overreacting.




Mynd has failed to explain what his case for voting Thane was.


He's been asked a few times now.



He just wants people to keep looking at Thane.


I think we should look at him.


The bolded is a lie. 


The Red bolded is fluff.


I thought this was just a debate about character claims, you are all overreacting.


Not really.


I specifically asked you what YOUR case on Thane was ... not the load of quotes about my case. I guess I expected you to actually know what your case was and be able to write it out in words.


There I did it again just in case.


We are now all over reacting. Because it was just a debate about character claims.


He now seeks to nullify his own posts because they weren't actually what they were.




She is likely scum, but she is definitely not vanilla.  How is this even remotely the basis for me being scum?

Because you misrepped a character to make it seem that it was obvious Thane was Mafia.


Apart from when you actually go and look at the wiki you were fibbing.


maybe you though people would just believe you and follow the vote - after all he had 6 - so a few more because of a likely scum claim would be easy, right?


Ithi, go back and read my quotes.  Please.  You look foolish now. 


Why are you so rabidly defending Thane?

Because I think you are Mafia. And you want Thane Lynched - therefore he must be Town.


Is that simple enough for you?


And please - your quotes are awful. If you can't actually just explain your case then lol. I think that's because you don't have a real one and can't remember all the little pushes and nudges you put in there and don't want to stuff up again like you did with the 'I never said Irene Adler was a scum role' malarkey.


She is likely scum, but she is definitely not vanilla.  How is this even remotely the basis for me being scum?

In what world is she likely scum? the story she actually appears in shows her with no nefarious goals. Only to be allowed to live her own life without being set upon by some powerful man that is worried she might cause him trouble by reporting his truthful dalliance.


Outsmarting the protagonist doesn't make her evil. In fact it appears that Holmes admires her. Possibly for the very reason you are thinking she is evil.


I read the bloody books.  Irene is more than just a vanilla character and yes, she would most likely be a scum role or third party. 


I've answered why I voted Thane.  I don't buy his claim.  I don't believe it is likely that Irene Adler would be vanilla town.  I don't like how he has played in this game.  I don't like that he quit. 


Why are the three of you so obviously working together here?


I'm curious....if it came down to Ithi or myself, who looks more scummy right now?


Perhaps we should find that out....


So, let me get this straight.  Because I doubt that Irene Adler would likely be a vanilla town character and I most likely believe she would be a scum player, that makes me the best choice for a lynch today?  Is that correct?  That is the reason the three of you are pushing this, right?


Mynd, are you saying that you wanna ThunderDome with Ithi? 


Why don't you just put this noose around your neck right now.



If you can't vote Thane today, who would you be voting and why? 


I would like to see a COMPLETE list of reads from you in the next 5 minutes. GO!!!


Well ... Thane's still voting himself so I don't think he's noticed what's happened tbh.


Maybe you want to shoot him a pointer in one of those other games ... you know, the ones where you've been telling him not to give up because it's just a game.


I don't work with Turin ... he just :wubs: me and trusts me - a bit like CSarmi following along with Chae's vote. Were you ok about that?


Is it because we're voting you?


So, let me get this straight.  Because I doubt that Irene Adler would likely be a vanilla town character and I most likely believe she would be a scum player, that makes me the best choice for a lynch today?  Is that correct?  That is the reason the three of you are pushing this, right?



I think I explained that I didn't like the way you said that Tsuki and Turin were better at findning mafia, and then voted along with my weak case.


You've used a lot of ambiguous language that gives you a get out


You've continuously pushed for a Thane lynch - without saying much at all


You were unable to explain in simple terms why you voted for Thane


And you misrepped his character - and basically said it must be mafia.


And then you never said his character must be mafia


And then you said it must be mafia or 3rd party



I believe you are Mafia because of all of that - but you can keep repeating that it's just because of a character claim thingy if you like.


Have you given reads and stuff on anyone else yet?


I must have missed that.


It is more that you are putting out what appears to be false information about the character in order to push the lynch of the top candidate who happens to be low hanging fruit.


Thane has issues there is now doubt but you are pushing him way too hard here for his character claim. As Ithi said, the rest of your "case" was that he was basically emo. Thane is apparently emo  all the time and I think that part of the issue is translation. 



Your recent posts have pushed you right to the top of the most likely mafia candidates.


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