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The Ultimate Showdown: PART DEUX - GAME OVER, Town Wins


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  On 3/15/2014 at 12:22 AM, Ithillian said:


  On 3/15/2014 at 12:20 AM, _CLOUD said:

If you disagree then feel free to come up with examples. I don't think you will find any.

can't be bothered. you not want learn then your look out. you keep getting caught and lynched.


So you accuse me of only using the word scummy to attack Turin without supporting it with argumentation, but when I point out how I never did this and that I always explained what I found to be scummy about his posts you can’t be bothered to look for examples where I did the thing you are accusing me of? Am I the only one who has noticed this contradiction?


  On 3/15/2014 at 2:11 AM, Lenlo said:


  On 3/14/2014 at 11:35 PM, _CLOUD said:

I didn’t like Lenlo’s catch-up because he seemed to be only focusing on pointing out all the scummy moves that RTE made and he joked around a bit. It looked more like bussing than scumhunting to me.

Yes... im bussing in a game with NO CORONERS. Seriously?


I think the Coroner Report’s will sooner or later be revealed to us so one could definitely bus their teammate in this game.


  On 3/15/2014 at 3:54 AM, Turin Turambar said:

give me 5 right now then. Attach the quotes and all and I will respond. Nice job using the word scummy in that post twice with no real reason.

I believe you have already responded to all of them but here they are anyway:


-You acting frantic during the majority of the game. You can of course disagree with this but it’s how I read the tone behind the majority of your posts.

- Your over the top buddying of Ithi.

- Your fearmongering about your own death despite claiming multiple times to be a VT.

- Setting up AJ’s lynch while just a moment before you were giving me flak for doing the same thing with you.

- You constantly being on the attack in this game and not trying to clear people except Ithi.

- I disagree with several of your reads.


  On 3/15/2014 at 5:51 AM, Despothera said:

Wombat was right. We should have lynched Cloud instead of RTE. RTE's death scene and the ease with which his lynch occured, combined with Cloud's bizarro assurance that RTE was scum has all convinced me RTE was actually town after all. Cloud should be our next lynch, unless someone awesome shoots him tonight.

It’s not my problem that you didn’t see the thing that AJ and I talked about. If you did then you would have understood my sudden change of mind about RTE. His following posts were scummy and you saw this as well, but now all of a sudden you changed your mind about him only because we didn’t receive any information with his flip?



  On 3/15/2014 at 6:26 AM, Lenlo said:


  On 3/15/2014 at 6:19 AM, csarmi said:

@Despo: I don't take amusement in annoying others. I never troll.


#revive - I might have missed something: how do we know Ithi is revived? I've seen nothing from Darthe about that.


#moon - I googled Wombat's poem but I found nothing so it must be something he came up with. "Remember the three things all wise men fear. Remember Avalon. Remember your past." This sentence doesn't really mean anything to me. Can someone help me with it?


#Despo - He's still scum.

I did a quick google search for the poem and believe it or not the first things that popped up in google was this game. Great. After that found this line. "There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man."


Dunno if it means anything but found it for you.


The "There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man" is a quote from The Wise Man's Fear, the second book in The Kingkiller Chronicle written by Patrick Rothfuss. I can highly recommend his books btw! "Remember Avalon" most likely refers to the legendary island featured in the Arthurian legend, and I think the "remember your past" part is refering to The Ultimate Showdown Part 1.



  On 3/15/2014 at 6:50 AM, Despothera said:

Gosh darn it I forgot to quote Cloud saying someone should revive Dice....


Yeah that was a scum claim and imo confirms Dice as scum as well. I bet Dice gets a mucho powerful role when he revives or something.

This doesn’t make sense. If Dice was telling the truth about his third party role then we might get a townie out of the deal. Either way we will gain more information about the revive mechanics in this game. You are acting as if when someone is revived they get their original allignment back. I don’t think this is the case because Darthe said that our alignment is subject to change and that the setup of the game will change depending on how well your team does. I think that if the town is losing a revived player will get a town alignment, but if the town is winning then he will get a mafia alignment. I know that I will try to view Ithi's play without bias now that she is alive again.


Well Ithi says she was revived. Did you see anything happen?


Why would you learn the alignment of a player upon revival, if it wasn't given to you upon death?


I think we need to keep reviving players that we all have a town read on, and then keep an eye on them to see if they started acting differently than before they died. It's a powerful tool to keep our numbers up which counter balances the fact that we don't receive any Coroner Report's. There are still so many unknown factors in this game and right now all I can do is guess how Darthe has designed it so it would be stupid to not make use of one the tools that we have in our possession.

  On 3/15/2014 at 1:32 PM, _CLOUD said:


  On 3/15/2014 at 3:54 AM, Turin Turambar said:

give me 5 right now then. Attach the quotes and all and I will respond. Nice job using the word scummy in that post twice with no real reason.

I believe you have already responded to all of them but here they are anyway:


-You acting frantic during the majority of the game. You can of course disagree with this but it’s how I read the tone behind the majority of your posts.

- Your over the top buddying of Ithi.

- Your fearmongering about your own death despite claiming multiple times to be a VT.

- Setting up AJ’s lynch while just a moment before you were giving me flak for doing the same thing with you.

- You constantly being on the attack in this game and not trying to clear people except Ithi.

- I disagree with several of your reads.


I was asking for 5 examples of how  you saw me as FRANTIC but you gave me why you seem to think I am "scummy" in your terminology. So I will respond to that I suppose:


 Again with the FRANTIC. is that the new "flailing"? I asked for specific examples (IYO) of this rampant behavior, which have yet to be provided. Saying it has gone on the majority of the game should make examples easy to find but instead you go with a blanket statement without any evidence to support said statement.


 Over the top buddying of Ithi. Really? by your statements EVERYONE is buddying Ithi too much. You a bit worried she has to much clout and is onto your team methinks. She can not be silenced so try to erode support by saying those that agree wit her are just buddying. FAIL: In my case it is clearly established that I agree with her frequently as I think she is very well suited to finding the little things as it is something she does in her profession.


Fearmongering: I called YOU out for trying to set up the NEXT DAY"S LYNCH when you admitted to not even reading the thread.(was that fibbery CLoud?) I don't care if I get lynched. I can have a nice cup of coffee in Limbo waiting to see if I can get revived.


Setting up AJ's lynch? See below. This is clearly false on your part. Either thru misunderstanding or intent. I was advocating AJ's lynch for THAT day not for the next day. 


What you say is my constantly being on the attack is what I say looking for discrepancies and questioning them/ applying pressure or just pointing them out so that others with more time might decide that there is something to look into there. you are presenting a good town behavior as something sinister. very odd.


You disagree with several of my reads=/=my being mafia. this is poor logic at best. It isn't always the reads themselves but how a person gets there that determines where they fit in the mafia/town piles if you will.


Details on "setting up" AJ lynch...

  On 3/14/2014 at 2:31 AM, Turin Turambar said:


  On 3/13/2014 at 11:57 PM, _CLOUD said:


  On 3/13/2014 at 11:52 PM, Turin Turambar said:


  On 3/13/2014 at 11:09 PM, _CLOUD said:

Where did all this talk about a Reviver come from? I thought it was just a joke someone made on Ithi.

Did you read the thread? There has been talk about people being revived since D1 when Dice claimed that if he was lynched and revived he would come back as Town.
  On 3/13/2014 at 11:10 PM, _CLOUD said:

Don't worry though. Turin will still get lynched tomorrow.

Why put off until tomorrow those you can mislynch today?



1. Not really no. That's very interesting though.


2. Moar fearmongering. I love it.


Admits to not actually reading the thread but wants to set up lynches? niiiiice. You just following the talking points on the QT?


How is my pointing out that you wanting to lynch me would be bad? I am merely pointing out that you are sitting there setting up lynches for the next day. I'm VT so there is less loss in all. I might even get revived if the coroner results get published later.Who knows????  Nice Buzzword tho. You still never really showed any examples of me being FRANTIC iirc.


 This is actually where I called Cloud out for setting up my lynch for tomorrow... I was a little silly in my wording but was in a silly mood. 


  On 3/14/2014 at 2:34 AM, Turin Turambar said:


  On 3/14/2014 at 2:30 AM, WWWwombat said:


  On 3/13/2014 at 8:38 PM, Ithillian said:


  On 3/13/2014 at 8:15 PM, WWWwombat said:

What if this is all a dream?

Is it just me or is Wombat trying to subtly dismiss every post I make.


I wonder why he would do that if he thinks I'm probably Town ... But not sure if I'm Town.




And HEY - me being able to talk is quite enough thank you. We certainly wouldn't want an Ithi who could vote.





Not true.  I'm only dismissing the bad ones.  And not very subtly either.



  On 3/13/2014 at 9:15 PM, Andrej said:

At this point if you aren't voting RTE you are either blind or just not reading the thread well enough.


What discussion did I miss Tina? If you are going to accuse me of being scum at least bring something of substance.


This is how I see it currently (which hasn't changed much): If Dice was 3rd party then I think Wombat is mafia. If Dice was mafia then I would say one of Turin/Tess is mafia as well. We NEED some coroner results to really start figuring this game out.


@Dap - You're right that I wanted to see Dice's flip. As I pointed out at the start of this Day I was curious as to how we would continue getting death scenes since the one from N0 hadn't revealed anything concrete. Also with his claim and the interaction surrounding him I felt like there was a good chance to analyze and weed out some other scum once we had his alignment.


This didn't make any sense the first time you said it and it makes even less sense now.


Agreed. Well the only part that made any sense was that if Dice was mafia then chances were Despo was as well due to the two people doing the same thing but advocating lynching one over the other without any real reason to do so.


How about we lynch AJ? maybe then we will get that coroner report he wants so badly?


 Here is me advocating we lynch AJ right now. so it is clearly not an attempt to set up a future lynch it is just trying to get my preferred candidate lynched that day. Interesting that your angle on my AJ advocacy has changed more than once. First it was that I was basically nudging. Then when it was shown I was already voting AJ it became I phrased my advocacy in the form of a question (again if you had been reading you would have seen the reason for that format and the post question dig). Finally you are trying to spin it as "setting up a lynch" when it was clearly not that as it was still that day and I was voting said lynch candidate. but carry on.


Below is the final VC showing RTE's lynch. Wombat voted in between my two posts and Dap hammered some time later...Just to make all the times clear  :smile:


  On 3/14/2014 at 4:20 PM, Darthe said:

Final Vote Count:


Cloud (1/8): Amega

AJ (2/8): Tina, Turin

RTE (8/8): TG, Mish, AJ, Salami, Cloud, Tess, Womby, Dap

Len (1/8): RTE


Not Voting (2/14):

Len, Rag


Basically CLoud you entire case is a pile of buzzwords without reasonable support to back them up.


Frantic/flailing (no clear examples given)  I would accept my posting to be a bit more flippant than normal as I am happy to be playing with Ithi again

Buddying (oh no. he buddied Ithi)

Fearmongering (big stretch. I even told Despo that he could lynch me yesterday if Dice flipped town)

Setting up lynches (disproven)


strong case there CLoud   :rolleyes:

  On 3/15/2014 at 2:25 PM, _CLOUD said:

I think we need to keep reviving players that we all have a town read on, and then keep an eye on them to see if they started acting differently than before they died. It's a powerful tool to keep our numbers up which counter balances the fact that we don't receive any Coroner Report's. There are still so many unknown factors in this game and right now all I can do is guess how Darthe has designed it so it would be stupid to not make use of one the tools that we have in our possession.

So how exactly does that support taking a chance on reviving Dice? 


You are advocating bringing people back to life that we have no idea about. the risk is too high. We could be playing into mafia hands by returning their dead to them. Very bad idea until there is knowledge about the players themselves.


Ithi was a special case in that she was pretty much town already and continued to work toward town interests while dead. add in that Dap claimed her kill to be a misfire by random.org and it makes good sense to bring her back. Mafia will need to decide if it is worth getting rid of her doublevote or trying to eliminate some other threat to them.



Either way she still gets my vote for bestest treestump EVAH!!!!  :wub:

  On 3/15/2014 at 6:32 AM, Despothera said:


  On 3/14/2014 at 9:45 PM, Lenlo said:


  On 3/14/2014 at 9:44 PM, Ithillian said:

I'll vote you tomorrow.

This is how I know you care.


I wish you could know how much it revolts me when you do this Lenlo. I'm surprisingly close to wanting to policy lynch you every game you do this crap. Joke-claiming scum once or twice during the RVS stage is one thing, continuing the act throughout the game like this is just unacceptable. Get your rear in line if you're town and quit posting so much crap fluff.


Im sorry it messes with you so much, but I really dont remember ever doing it before. I dont remember claiming scum at the start of a game anywhere else nor before this have I continued it. I joke with the posts given to me and if they happen to be about a sarcastic obviously joking claim to be scum, well thats what ive got. I am in no way honestly claiming scum. 


  On 3/15/2014 at 2:11 AM, Lenlo said:


  On 3/14/2014 at 11:35 PM, _CLOUD said:


I didn’t like Lenlo’s catch-up because he seemed to be only focusing on pointing out all the scummy moves that RTE made and he joked around a bit. It looked more like bussing than scumhunting to me.

Yes... im bussing in a game with NO CORONERS. Seriously?


This def looks like it could be a scum/scum interaction. Lenlo is right in that bussing in a no coroner game is silly, but the way in which he responds makes me think it's staged. First off, Cloud isn't pointing out behavior he thinks is scummy that is independent of anything else- he's saying Lenlo seemed like he was bussing. Let's say a coroner was forced to reveal or came forth or something and said RTE was town. Well now Cloud was able to throw a soft distancing lob @ Lenlo that can fall through easily, making it look like Lenlo is cleaner than he is. All Lenlo has to do is keep the wifom alive about RTE's alignment.


Atleast your honestly thinking about it here. Your right in that it looks like Cloud wasnt actually gunning for me, and if he was it was a very weak gun. For the response though I was attempting to be a smart ass while saying something srs but it fell through. Whatcha gonna do. And RTEs alignment wifom, that thing can do that itself. Nothing I can do is gonna change the fact that we have no idea what RTEs alignment is. Cause its a no coroner game though im very tempted to try and lynch Darthe just to see what happens.



  On 3/15/2014 at 11:27 AM, Ithillian said:

Oh yes Wombat. Him too.


And I promised I'd vote Len.

Momma always said you gotta keep your promises.


  On 3/15/2014 at 1:32 PM, _CLOUD said:



  On 3/15/2014 at 2:11 AM, Lenlo said:


  On 3/14/2014 at 11:35 PM, _CLOUD said:

I didn’t like Lenlo’s catch-up because he seemed to be only focusing on pointing out all the scummy moves that RTE made and he joked around a bit. It looked more like bussing than scumhunting to me.

Yes... im bussing in a game with NO CORONERS. Seriously?


I think the Coroner Report’s will sooner or later be revealed to us so one could definitely bus their teammate in this game.


Seems to me like you have abit more information than I do to be assuming such a thing. We have no idea if old ones will pop up or if when we lynch/stop whatevers doing this only the new ones will show.

  On 3/15/2014 at 3:09 PM, Turin Turambar said:

Again with the FRANTIC. is that the new "flailing"? I asked for specific examples (IYO) of this rampant behavior, which have yet to be provided. Saying it has gone on the majority of the game should make examples easy to find but instead you go with a blanket statement without any evidence to support said statement.

I have seen it almost every single of one of your posts. I didn’t provide any examples because I would have had to quote the majority of your posts in this game which would be counterproductive. I’m also not certain if I’m able to explain a feeling like that in detail.


  On 3/15/2014 at 3:09 PM, Turin Turambar said:

Over the top buddying of Ithi. Really? by your statements EVERYONE is buddying Ithi too much. You a bit worried she has to much clout and is onto your team methinks. She can not be silenced so try to erode support by saying those that agree wit her are just buddying. FAIL: In my case it is clearly established that I agree with her frequently as I think she is very well suited to finding the little things as it is something she does in her profession.

Not true. There is a difference between agreeing with someone’s logic and buddying up to them. I know that you like to buddy up to Ithi in mafia games but this time you just went way over the top with your over-exaggerated responses to her.


  On 3/15/2014 at 3:09 PM, Turin Turambar said:

Fearmongering: I called YOU out for trying to set up the NEXT DAY"S LYNCH when you admitted to not even reading the thread.(was that fibbery CLoud?) I don't care if I get lynched. I can have a nice cup of coffee in Limbo waiting to see if I can get revived.

Of course I read the thread while catching up but I also have to admit that I have skimmed through several WoT’s and only read the summaries of what they were saying. I never formulate my reads without thinking things through.


  On 3/15/2014 at 3:09 PM, Turin Turambar said:

What you say is my constantly being on the attack is what I say looking for discrepancies and questioning them/ applying pressure or just pointing them out so that others with more time might decide that there is something to look into there. you are presenting a good town behavior as something sinister. very odd.

A good townie is both a good scumhunter and a townhunter. I haven’t seen you being a townhunter at all except constantly bringing up how townie Ithi is.




  On 3/15/2014 at 3:09 PM, Turin Turambar said:

You disagree with several of my reads=/=my being mafia. this is poor logic at best. It isn't always the reads themselves but how a person gets there that determines where they fit in the mafia/town piles if you will.

I would have agreed with you if it were my only reasoning for suspecting you to be mafia, but this obviously isn’t the case.




  On 3/15/2014 at 3:16 PM, Turin Turambar said:

So how exactly does that support taking a chance on reviving Dice?


You are advocating bringing people back to life that we have no idea about. the risk is too high. We could be playing into mafia hands by returning their dead to them. Very bad idea until there is knowledge about the players themselves.

I disagree. Taking our chances and reviving players is better than doing nothing.


  On 3/15/2014 at 3:18 PM, Lenlo said:

Seems to me like you have abit more information than I do to be assuming such a thing. We have no idea if old ones will pop up or if when we lynch/stop whatevers doing this only the new ones will show.

I think I have made it clear enough that they were just theories.


Cloud, Do you know how to revive players? I don'. Or are you just floating an idea to look like you are being helpful.


Why dice in particular? Why not X or hallia? Or pral? Or RTE?


And again. Just quote one obviously frantic poat


BTW, adding weak reasoning in form of "I might agree that is weak but my other reasons are good so this weak argument is still okay" is faulty. Each argument needs to stand on its own our the entire case is weaker. It looks like you are just making things up. Knowing your case to.be weak you throw more into it.


Better to have one strong valid point than a.pile of weak ones. But your mafia so carry on.

  On 3/14/2014 at 2:31 AM, Turin Turambar said:


  On 3/13/2014 at 11:57 PM, _CLOUD said:


  On 3/13/2014 at 11:52 PM, Turin Turambar said:


  On 3/13/2014 at 11:09 PM, _CLOUD said:

Where did all this talk about a Reviver come from? I thought it was just a joke someone made on Ithi.

Did you read the thread? There has been talk about people being revived since D1 when Dice claimed that if he was lynched and revived he would come back as Town.

  On 3/13/2014 at 11:10 PM, _CLOUD said:

Don't worry though. Turin will still get lynched tomorrow.

Why put off until tomorrow those you can mislynch today?



1. Not really no. That's very interesting though.


2. Moar fearmongering. I love it.


Admits to not actually reading the thread but wants to set up lynches? niiiiice. You just following the talking points on the QT?


How is my pointing out that you wanting to lynch me would be bad? I am merely pointing out that you are sitting there setting up lynches for the next day. I'm VT so there is less loss in all. I might even get revived if the coroner results get published later.Who knows????  Nice Buzzword tho. You still never really showed any examples of me being FRANTIC iirc.


Here is an example were you in my opinion were acting frantic.


X would actually be a really good revive target imo. Out of all the players that died he was my best town read.

  On 3/15/2014 at 5:26 PM, _CLOUD said:


  On 3/15/2014 at 5:25 PM, csarmi said:

Just be a pal and NK him for us, Cloud.


How about I NK you instead? :P


Go ahead.

  On 3/15/2014 at 5:28 PM, _CLOUD said:

Lol you do realize the mafia team will just kill you now to frame me right? :rolleyes:

Night deadline was 7 hours ago.


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