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The Ultimate Showdown: PART DEUX - GAME OVER, Town Wins


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  On 3/9/2014 at 7:12 AM, Hallia said:

I don't know how many other ways I can word it Turin O.o I felt what he said warranted a vote, he was in no danger of being speed lynched that I could see, and I've been told that I'm too reluctant to vote, so I'm working on getting better at that.

He wants you to further explain your vote on Amega since he thinks the reasoning you gave was based on a misunderstanding or something. You said Amega was saying he was ignoring other's posts when it is more likely Amega was being passive aggressive with that comment and was really trying to flip something back on me.

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  On 3/7/2014 at 10:34 AM, Despothera said:


  On 3/7/2014 at 10:24 AM, ReleaseTheEvil said:

That isn't role fishing. Asked nothing about the specifics of his role.


Are you suggesting someone won't have a role? Not role fishing when we know everyone in this game has a role.


Remember Des?


If you know nothing of his role then knowing how close it is to the one he submitted is the definition of useless information. Looks like you just trying to figure out who the most powerful roles are so your team can get the jump on them.




And nice try trying to flip the thing back on me like the dirty, dirty scummer you are. I'm on to you bro. Cough up your teammates and I'll leave you for last.



This one of your reaction tests? 


  On 3/7/2014 at 10:40 AM, _CLOUD said:

Lol Despo just stahp. RTE asking Salami if he got the role he wanted isn't a scummy move and you know it. You seem to realize this yourself and yet you keep pushing for him.


I kind of agree with Cloud here. RTE could have been thinking of a few things. he could have submitted an all powerful role and it could have got nerfed. So when there was talk about the strength of roles recieved, he might have wanted know if he was the only one. Did Darthe nerf only his role or was there others involved because of the balancing.


On the other hand, Cloud you do have to agree that it achieved 2 objectives. One the game was started. Two, if this was a reaction test by Des it achieved what was intended-reactions of a few like you, AJ, RTE and Csarmi.


  On 3/7/2014 at 10:47 AM, Despothera said:


  On 3/7/2014 at 10:39 AM, csarmi said:

I dunno. It did sound like fishing to me.

Which might be something or nothing.

Also I don't really remember how RTE plays.


RTE isn't too difficult to catch as scum, but also tends to get himself lynched a lot, even when he tries changing his meta.


  On 3/7/2014 at 10:40 AM, _CLOUD said:

Lol Despo just stahp. RTE asking Salami if he got the role he wanted isn't a scummy move and you know it. You seem to realize this yourself and yet you keep pushing for him.


NOICE! One of RTE's teammates decided to be a pal to town and expose himself! Bahahahaha!




He didn't just ask if Csarmi got the role he wanted. He asked if it was a variation of the one submitted or a different one. Let's say hypothetically that RTE as scum asked that question to see if Csarmi would respond "Eh, a modified version" - which would indicate a weakened role potentially. Fishing isn't always going to be obvious, you know.


And why do you feel the need to prevent me from scumhunting btw?


  On 3/7/2014 at 10:41 AM, Andrej said:

I don't really see it as fishing.

His question was pretty open ended where Salami could given one of his patented LD statements lol


Wasn't that open ended tbh. Only had two possible answers to the query- and one of them could have potentially given the scum some info on a role.



I don't understand how modified version means weakened role. Modified means altered. His weak role could have been buffed, his strong could have been nerfed or his strong could have been made stronger and weak changed to weaker. That is a lot of speculation with no definite end in sight. That introduces a whole lot of wifom for the person doing that speculating. So how could scum be given info like that if they didn't how what could have been the answer. 


  On 3/7/2014 at 11:05 AM, ReleaseTheEvil said:


  On 3/7/2014 at 11:02 AM, csarmi said:

So anyone has experience with BYOR games?




Go on! I'm sure that will be really helpful and expose Salami for the scum that he is.





Your initial stance and Des case on you made me give you some leeway here but no. This really comes across as a petulant childish behavior. Quite a lot like-'you went after me with such weak reasoning, why don't you go after them huh. Why pick on me, they are guilty too'.

  On 3/7/2014 at 6:16 PM, Andrej said:

They wouldn't be able to post as their normal accounts if they were a hydra. They would need an ALT and would both have to post under it.

Um I didn't really understand what a hydra meant. If they needed an alt why are they still posting from their own account? So in this case would one of them post while the other is offline? What about how they are aligned? Also, if they are cases like cultists if one of them is recruited, would both be?

  On 3/7/2014 at 8:26 PM, _CLOUD said:


  On 3/7/2014 at 8:02 PM, Despothera said:

This is why you are scum Cloud. You know me well enough to know at the start of games I will often push w/e garbage I can find to start getting reactions going. I don't buy for a second that you wouldnt have considered this as town.

I did consider it. I even said so in the following post:

  On 3/7/2014 at 6:18 PM, _CLOUD said:


  On 3/7/2014 at 6:15 PM, Andrej said:

Don't you know Despo is full of it though?

He probably legitimately believes in what he said lol

So is your issue with his opinion or that he is pushing RTE for it? How are you reading RTE?

I know that he is full of it but I have a difficult time deciding if he is scum trying to push forward that ridiculous argument to lynch someone or town trying to act like a baffoon to achieve god knows what. I have slight town reads on you and RTE, and a strong town read on Salami.


I just don’t see the benefit of acting like that because you will lose a lot of credibility and I don’t think that’s worth it. You can’t expect to catch mafia’s if you act scummy on purpose because you are giving them really good reasons for jumping on your lynch.



  On 3/7/2014 at 8:10 PM, Despothera said:

I don't have to believe the things I'm saying to be town. I push fake or weak cases all the time. Either way there was NO townie motivation in telling me to stop.

That isn't true. You could just as well be scum pushing for a townie’s lynch. The problem when you act scummy on purpose is that townies have no way of knowing if you are actually being serious or not. It’s a loss-loss situation for me because if I call you out for it then I’m scum because I didn’t leave you alone to accomplish some crazy plan, but if I don’t say anything then I’m obvscum because I didn’t point out your scummy play which a townie would have done. I'm aware that this is whyme-fryme but right now I see no other way to make this point clear to you.


  On 3/7/2014 at 8:10 PM, Despothera said:

What if I was town and pursuing something dumb, but RTE WAS scum? Then you could have judged his reactions after that to try and find out for yourself.


Your arguments didn’t make any kind of sense and I suspected you were aware of this yourself too. The “what if?” scenario you are pushing for right now can be done at any time and is a weak defense.


Pushing weak arguments at the beginning of each game is how he starts to go. But that definitely is not scummy behavior. The only person that might get flummoxed is the target and the people with them if they are mafia. Town how no need to lose credibility on them, town is benefited since it cuts past all the fluff, gets the game started and allows them to get quick reads on people. Granted the person pushed at maybe town but this will allows town to get more info.


But I agree with the second part, Des there is no way for town to know if they are town. Always in your cases there are two possibilities. You are being jokey which needs your caseed person to be as well but then if you were scum pushing for town lynch and if they are joking then you could always say that they are evading the valid points raised against them.


  On 3/7/2014 at 9:28 PM, Darthe said:

Official Vote Count:


Dom (1/10): Cloud

Cloud (5/10): Tess, AJ, Salami, Ithi

Amega (1/10): Tina


Not Voting (11/18):

Hally, TG, Dice, Turin, Mish, Amega, Len, Ley, RTE, Rag, X, Wombat


With 18 alive it takes 10 to lynch.


You have 67 hours.

Double voter. I initially suspected it be due to Tess


  On 3/8/2014 at 3:19 AM, Darthe said:

Official Vote Count:


Dom (2/10): Cloud, Amega

Cloud (2/10): AJ, Salami

Amega (1/10): Tina

Dice (4/10): Ithi, Turin, Wombat

Mish (1/10): Tess


Not Voting (9/18):

Hally, TG, Dice, Mish, Len, Ley, RTE, Rag, X


With 18 alive it takes 10 to lynch.


You have 61 hours.

But Mish is not affected so. AJ and CS were previously on Cloud's train when there was a double vote but now Cloud seems not affected. But now Dice has a double vote on his train. Ithi was the only person on the previous train which had double vote and the train which she is voting now has double vote too.


Apparently Ithi must be a double voter.

  On 3/8/2014 at 8:57 PM, Despothera said:

Mish is a clear warlock. Tina is pretty close to being that as well.



Reading throught the quotes and quotes of people. Why are Mish a Tina Warlocks?


Yes am double voter. I have previously said I'm double voter. I blamed Darthe. Len says it's his fault.


I do think Dice is Mafia and Cloud is non town of some variety. I've been quite clear in that. I do actually have 2 votes but as they can't be split I have to choose. I will continue to look for other non Town whilst voting for my favourite Mafia bet though.


AJ - why can't you just say you think Turin is Mafia?


Erm ... As for your questions about him - I try to avoid him early on in the Game. It's less distracting for me. You asking me to focus on him instead of people I've already found makes me think you are trying to steer me. I won't be steered. If you want him lynched then go to it.


Turin reads me very well indeed.


Good morning.


Chocolate croissants for breakfast today.


If I missed anything important you'll have to actually wait till I'm actively posting and ask then. I'm an immediate reaction type of person and if I say I'm going there's no point asking me a load of questions that I might not ever see proeprly.


sorry been sick for 2 days and thought DM weekend would save me a big catch up   forgot about this being in the BT.


the ithi clique thing was my first post. I havent played with her in ages   did that instead of joke voting.


so because dxes thinks i MIGHT be scum   which he thinks i am most of the time turin thinks voting me will get to des...that logic makes my head hurt. 


I do agree that Turin is flailing. Even Ithi seems to be getting ready to examine him and he seems to be the last person she looks at D1.


I will say it Turin   I think you are mafia.


##vote Turin

  On 3/7/2014 at 10:20 PM, dicetosser1 said:


  On 3/7/2014 at 11:54 AM, Pralaya said:


  On 3/7/2014 at 11:51 AM, dicetosser1 said:

24 pages before i even get to sign in? Yep definitely a BT game     I am gonna have SOOOOO much catch up every day!




Game started on Page 19. SO you don't have to catch up ;)



I went to sleep on page 24  woke up to page 32  point proven.



  On 3/7/2014 at 8:30 PM, csarmi said:


  On 3/7/2014 at 8:29 PM, TinaHel said:


  On 3/7/2014 at 10:40 AM, csarmi said:

I read RTE's tone to be alright.


It seems to be popular to say things like this nowdays. What do you mean by tone? And what is a town tone and mafia tone?


If I knew that, I'd have elaborated.



If you dont know what it means then dont use it. Csarmi then fliflopped and started explaining Tone to tina


  On 3/7/2014 at 8:48 PM, _CLOUD said:

I also expect a lot more sheep to just follow onto my train in the next couple of hours.


Im currently reading Cloud as his usual "really am town but gonna get lynched day 1" but this post makes me want to vote him


This was a clear nudge on Cloud. You say that he seems to you as 'really am town but gonna get lynched'. If he seems town why the lazy fos. What is stance regarding all that happened?


  On 3/7/2014 at 11:42 PM, ReleaseTheEvil said:

A couple of thoughts:


1) I play Hearthstone too!


2) Not convinced on Cloud yet. No, he doesn't look good, and most of his posts aren't helping, but he's the person I've seen crash and burn most times as well-meaning town IIRC. Although I put myself in the running for that title too often.


3) Not sure that is SUCH a scummy post from dice given the context. He just caught up and was making a brief comment. Right now you can accuse him of being lazy, not contributing, and not helping or giving us anything remotely constructive to work with, but three quick votes is interesting.


4) I believe in the Hydra. However don't have a read on "it". The way both of them are playing is what I'm used to, period. Too early in the game but do think they are Hydra, and of the same alignment. At least a bit surprising with how forthcoming they are about it, but hey, to each their own.


Ishy, Csarmi, Andrej are town reads right now. Turin is playing a much more passive game. Sheepin' on Ithi but he's happy to do so, FWIW.


And this is a Darthe game. I want to find the "Here comes the mechanics talk" meme but I can't be bothered right now. Basically we can guess till we are blue in the face. Darthe will find a way to prove us wrong. Tried, Tested, and True. Luckily, we have a lot more to go on than just mechanics. I don't know amek but guess I'll see what he's like here.

Your stance on Cloud-not convinced and not looking good but seem like to be crash and burning as town. What are you saying here. It seems to be like the easiest and safest way to insinuate the idea that he is mafia but as the same time leaving a way out for you to back track and say he is town and he didn't play a good game


Not such a scummy post from Dice? Is it or is it not? Again you going here like he seems scummy but oh I don't know


  On 3/8/2014 at 3:32 AM, Turin Turambar said:

Tess(even in hydra mode despothera has a girl's name, lol) Tom/Des, will you hard claim that you are in fact a single slot in this game hence the lack of a vote from Despo after Tommy had already voted? 


Tommy is definitely mafia and Despo is more likely than not mafia.( that whole LOCK CLEAR thing was fibbery) So between the two of you you are a combined most likely mafia. Fortunately for you, Ithi is not ready to have you guys lynched yet apparently as she is still voting Dice and pressing Cloud. Therefore since you are mafia it is very odd to me the level at which AJ is defending you both. Mish to a lesser extent but there was a definite amount of let's just wait a while to look into them. This all smacks of "one more day" which is classic mafia strategy.


Tommy is talking a lot without really saying anything. Also the feigned confusion at Cloud's posts are shtick he has used previously as mafia.

Despo with his awful case and blindness about how his "crying wolf" which is what pushing bad cases is hurts town overall. Also one of your main points that if someone said there role was a variant that automatically meant that it was nerfed is faulty in the extreme. Further you have no clue about what roles were actually submitted. RTE could have started out as a bulletproof/double vig/ninja/oracle and only had the double vig reduced to a single vig so still mighty stout. cloud could have started out as a regular cop but got watcher added. buffed but which is overall more powerful? Finally your take would require the person giving the information to be honest. Which is a stretch. Except for me. I am VT (well currently)

AJ is defending like mad and IMO has a lawyery feel to his posts.

Mish has time issues apparently but still got in to defend Tess on a mechanical level(that a hydra would be less likely mafia cause it would be harder?) and also took a shot at Cloud with the tunnel line.



##Vote Tess


I would say that our  mafia snagging percentage is approximately 86.3%


willing to consider anyone on that list. Or jump back to Dice if Ithi thinks that is best

You are waiting on Ithi's go-ahead to vote someone? 


  On 3/8/2014 at 7:33 AM, Hallia said:


Finally got to read the thread after bowling tonight.
Role Claims/Hints (Some are probably jokes but here they are)
Amega: Lord and Savior
AJ: Indy God
Turin: VT
Wombat: VT
Des: Accuses RTE of role fishing/RTE Defends The argument itself didn't really make me lean one way or the other on either of them.  What was noticeable (and not just to me as I see more votes on him)  was Cloud riding in to defend RTE (AJ did as well by agreeing with Cloud)  After taking some criticism and some arguing back and forth it felt to me that Cloud got upset and left.  At first I didn't see anything wrong with Cloud sticking up with what he thought was right, but his reaction to people prodding at his argument fell flat. 
RTE: Got game moving, good man, you can be town.
##Vote Cloud


If AJ did the same why still suspecting Cloud.  It is noticeable that Cloud defended what he stood for but later you don't see anything wrong with it? 


  On 3/7/2014 at 10:01 PM, amegakure said:

Despo actually had some valid points on cloud.. gonna watch that for abit. Might place a vote on him after he responds.


Csarmi is role hinting.. probably some convoluted form of coroner from his statement. Not really relevant tho since the majority have god like roles. 


The tom and des thing does seem like a town role. i dont know tom, but the way des is acting seems very rational compared to when i saw him as scum


Look des i remembered your gender sorta... actually typed it wrong at first, but yea... its progress.

You might do this, you might do that. He did respond, your opinions?

Csarmi role not relevant? Everyone's role right to a VT is important. Whats important is how they play it.


How does Des seem town to you? A mafia player can seem rational too, that a persons mindset-not their game style. Fence-sitting here.


  On 3/8/2014 at 8:08 PM, amegakure said:

I think the only thing des can do is pick at the smallest word flaws in someones post and make mountains out of molehills to throw dirt on anything about himself thats scummy. And he goes at it with such an intensity people would rather act like sheep or just get out of the way. Almost as if he has himself sat on the highest pedestal. And i for one think its bogus. Oh it wasnt buddying. i actually cared to remember your gender.. its sooo hard though with your passive aggressive play style sorta reminds me of my Ex.


And tina thats pretty much what i thought..Verb did pretty much the same thing in another game. Figured you could have mentioned that when you did it though. And i said what i said so it wouldnt sound so whyme-fryme. I think as a player i need to shed some of my defensive habits. 


My vote on dom at the time was mearly a joke but Darthe seems to have accepted it and i have no reason to move it as of now. tom's OMGUS vote on turin is interesting as well. 

I'm sorry but this does seem like whyme-fryme. You should defend yourself against the points someone made-not point out facts about their game play. 


Yep you totally need to shake the defensive starting with this one.


Your vote on Dom was a joke and Darthe accepted. Of course he accepted it, if you put it in the correct format he has to since he's the mod. 


A post back you state that you think Des seems rational but when he says that your post doesn't make much sense, you turn around and fos him and blame his gameplay? Defensive much? I'd like to think that he may have hit upon something there.


  On 3/8/2014 at 10:37 PM, amegakure said:

Des i thought people just skipped over turin's post these days.. why would this make people loose WIM. Nobody pays attention to him.. well at least thats what you want everyone to think. Since he's such a scummy scum scum. And your a crystal clear townie at the top of the world doing nothing but your darnedest to help out town.

Are you skipping Turin's post? You should pay attention to everyone, otherwise its biased towards someone. That is atmost anti-town 'cause any one's insight or slip up would make it easy to get scum. What is your opinion on him Amega?


  On 3/9/2014 at 2:19 AM, amegakure said:

yea sure. Des said that people dont take you seriously and by extension Ignore your post because your always have a hard on for des. Then she contradicts himself by saying that getting in another heated discussion would make people loose WIM. This seems silly for my cause regardless of eithers alignment wether it be scum vs town or town on town, or better yet a gambit these are crucial reads for the majority to look back at. Seeing where people take there stance and with whom. Ahd i cant see people ignoring them. 


Let me find the qoute 





Second, the manner in which he tunnels me destroys absolutely any credibility or clout he ever once had in mafia. If he's scum and I'm town, he can mask meta by tunneling but as soon as I prove myself town or flip town, he has to go "Whoops! Guess I was wrong and hafta start all over!" and ends up looking useless and gives town zero reason to not lynch him. If he's town and I'm town, he lets his scumhunting talents go to waste by letting confirmation bias own his face hard, and potentially derails the scumhunt. One of the worst positions is when he's town and I'm scum- everyone just ignores his points against me most the time and I and my team laugh their way to victory. The only time this tactic is ever really effective is when we're both scum together.

post 721 for context. and he does actually directly say ignore you.


As for hallia she is following the leader which suits her meta just fine. Let her park her vote where ever she pleases. 


Also im happy to keep my vote where it is because i feel it is warranted now. Despo has picked at almost everyone to get the attention off of him and tommy. Something that has been bothering me about this whole hydra thing is that you all think that its a regular role. If i have learned anything about darthe is he is not a regular mod and since i we can assume the majority of peoples roles have been modified whats to say darthe didnt do the same and make them a scum town team or 3d party. I am happy to have a lynch on either one of them.. If the flip goes bad feel free to kill me.. ill pay back town in full cross my heart and hope to die. 


Hydra is not a regular role-people have said that its a role shared by 2 people with one vote. It could be anything. Amega you are posting a lot of things without touching anywhere, what is your stance on what has happened?


In short,


Amega you need to answer stuff and play by processing others reaction and helping town. You have been majorly defensive and this pings a lot to me since with a slight nudge you turned tail and attacked someone you were defending a post ago. You give me a scummy feel.


Dice has given nudges without actually saying anything, makes me feel suspicious. Where is Dice for that matter? Has he responded to anything on him?


RTE gave a lot of reaction in his earlier case, but he seems to have responded. But his later post gives a lot of nudges but playing it safe with lot of room for backtrack. Fence-sitting on this one and insinuating that others might be scum.


Hallia seems ok. She seems to have suspected Cloud for the same thing she could have gone at AJ but she doesn't raise a bad feel. She is going after Amega now since his posts seem off. I'd like to see more from what she posts and then decide.


Turin comes across to me as town feel. I take her saying go-ahead from Ithi as joke fluff, but she has stood up well and stuck to her points on Tess. She has pointed out that Tom isn't contributing much and Des's cases could go another way.


Tom hasn't really given much-a joke vote on Mish and then a vote on Turin. I'd like to see more.


Des has proceeded with his usual game starting and Cloud and turin have given him heat over that. But he seems to be scum hunting. I have been wrong before about this particular way of Des as scum, so I'd like to go with scum hunting on this one.


AJ and Ithi I'm null on. 

  On 3/9/2014 at 8:42 AM, dicetosser1 said:

sorry been sick for 2 days and thought DM weekend would save me a big catch up forgot about this being in the BT.


the ithi clique thing was my first post. I havent played with her in ages did that instead of joke voting.


so because dxes thinks i MIGHT be scum which he thinks i am most of the time turin thinks voting me will get to des...that logic makes my head hurt.


I do agree that Turin is flailing. Even Ithi seems to be getting ready to examine him and he seems to be the last person she looks at D1.


I will say it Turin I think you are mafia.


##vote Turin

I think Turin might be voting you because I'm voting you. Turin is Mafia because he is voting you? Does that make me Mafia too?


Why is my vote ok?


Use of 'sound like I'm making useful posts' words noted re: flailing etc.


I've never said I thought Turin is Mafia. Don't use me as a reson to vote him. Did you say that because you thought it would give your vote more credibility and so that you didn't have to give any reasons?


Turin voted me. Turin is flailing. Ithi might look at turin.


These are your actual reasons for thinking Turin is Mafia.



Also ... Turin is male and thus not a She. Seems like you getting this joke from somewhere Xthrax.


 no im not using you as an excuse   just commenting that even you seem to be ready to look at turin which i do take as an indication that you have noticed something off with him.


No my vote for Turin is a for the blatant sheeping of you. and yes i know that thats normal with you two but this seems even more over the top.


The flailing? I picked up despos use of the word because it seems appropriate having read the last few pages. 



Xthrax  cloud is someone who is notorious for getting lynched early for looking scummy when he is actually town. His posting makes me think of his posting on occasions that that happened.


As for what you seem to be saying was a nudge  i didn't like that post. If i didnt think he was town, ie if i was doubtful even I would have voted him. 

  On 3/9/2014 at 9:32 AM, dicetosser1 said:

no im not using you as an excuse just commenting that even you seem to be ready to look at turin which i do take as an indication that you have noticed something off with him.


No my vote for Turin is a for the blatant sheeping of you. and yes i know that thats normal with you two but this seems even more over the top.


The flailing? I picked up despos use of the word because it seems appropriate having read the last few pages.



You just changed your reson for voting him.


Now you are voting him because of him following my vote on you.


In your last post you said your vote was because


**Prev Dice Quote


so because dxes thinks i MIGHT be scum which he thinks i am most of the time turin thinks voting me will get to des...that logic makes my head hurt.**


You didn't say anywhere in there that the vote was because of him following me. You've changed your reason to that because I pointed out your error in that Turin was following me and not Xthrax.


If anyone is flailing it is you.


And you've not answered why Turin voting you is not ok - but you seem fine with me voting you.


You going after Turin with these awful reasons makes me think that Turin is not on your Team.


Or he is and he's bussing you because he knows I will make sure you go down.


Quick thoughts- I would lerve to hammer Amega, Turin, Dice, or Cloud. Eh and might as well reveal this now before it becomes another point of discussion-


The nature of Dom's role (did I just refer to us in 4th person???) prevents me from being able to vote anytime I want. I can hammer, but my vote won't count until then. Tommy is free to vote whom he wants, but we have to vote for the same person. If I hammer someone and his vote is elsewhere, it will remove his vote.


Kinda stinks cause my schedule will likely keep me from being able to vote as often as I would like. Oh well /shrug


And as a quick note- I'll be off the next 3 nights so I might not be as active. Will try not to miss the opportunity to hammer tho, especially if it's Amega or Turin.




i also never said that that previous post was my reason for voting him.  Would you like to twist my words some more?



  On 3/9/2014 at 8:42 AM, dicetosser1 said:

sorry been sick for 2 days and thought DM weekend would save me a big catch up   forgot about this being in the BT.


the ithi clique thing was my first post. I havent played with her in ages   did that instead of joke voting.


so because dxes thinks i MIGHT be scum   which he thinks i am most of the time turin thinks voting me will get to des...that logic makes my head hurt. 


I do agree that Turin is flailing. Even Ithi seems to be getting ready to examine him and he seems to be the last person she looks at D1.


I will say it Turin   I think you are mafia.


##vote Turin


colored THAT has something to do with my vote but it wasn't all of it.


the reason i thought your vote was ok is that it is typical you. That simple. Turin's was simply because you voted me. Big difference


Amega, I also think you should explain what you meant about not reading Turin´s posts. I read it as Hallia, that you don´t read them. But Turin and Des felt it was a point against Des. 



I´m going back and forth about Turin. I agree with AJ that it´s not good to label a lot of people mafia because of their interactions with someone that you don´t know the alignment of. All of us probably try to find links between people already on day 1 but Turin is taking it too far. On the other hand, Turin looks a lot like he did the last game where he was town. 

  On 3/9/2014 at 9:49 AM, dicetosser1 said:

i also never said that that previous post was my reason for voting him. Would you like to twist my words some more?



  On 3/9/2014 at 8:42 AM, dicetosser1 said:


sorry been sick for 2 days and thought DM weekend would save me a big catch up forgot about this being in the BT.


the ithi clique thing was my first post. I havent played with her in ages did that instead of joke voting.


so because dxes thinks i MIGHT be scum which he thinks i am most of the time turin thinks voting me will get to des...that logic makes my head hurt.


I do agree that Turin is flailing. Even Ithi seems to be getting ready to examine him and he seems to be the last person she looks at D1.


I will say it Turin I think you are mafia.


##vote Turin

colored THAT has something to do with my vote but it wasn't all of it.


the reason i thought your vote was ok is that it is typical you. That simple. Turin's was simply because you voted me. Big difference

I don't think it's twisting to quote the reasoning in the post where you vote for the person you are voting for.


When that reasoning is quoted you say 'ah well actually my reasons were this'


When I point that out you say I'm twisting things.


I just quoted your inconsistancy.


Turin is entirely consistant in following and buddying me. Using that reasoning to prove he is Mafia is ridiculous.


He might be ... But him doing what he always does is not really a valid reason for saying so.


I think you don't have a reason because you are mafia - so you trying to grasp at very weak straws.


And it's easier to attack Turin than me.


Dice, can I get your reads on everyone in the game please? Some followup questions to go along with that-


Who do you think is the best lynch choice for today? If your top choice wasn't available for w/e reason, who would your next choice be?


Who do you think would be the best info lynch today?


If you had a vig shot, who would you shoot?


Is there anyone that you think is playing antitown but is less likely to be mafia? If yes, what do you think the best way to deal with that person is?


Thanks in advance.

  On 3/9/2014 at 9:49 AM, Despothera said:

Quick thoughts- I would lerve to hammer Amega, Turin, Dice, or Cloud. Eh and might as well reveal this now before it becomes another point of discussion-


The nature of Dom's role (did I just refer to us in 4th person???) prevents me from being able to vote anytime I want. I can hammer, but my vote won't count until then. Tommy is free to vote whom he wants, but we have to vote for the same person. If I hammer someone and his vote is elsewhere, it will remove his vote.


Kinda stinks cause my schedule will likely keep me from being able to vote as often as I would like. Oh well /shrug


And as a quick note- I'll be off the next 3 nights so I might not be as active. Will try not to miss the opportunity to hammer tho, especially if it's Amega or Turin.



Des = Talking Head

Tommy = Voting Head


Des can vote if he Hammers the same person Tommy's voting for


Des wants to Hammer someone that Tommy isn't voting for?


Maybe I should check the vote count lol.


Ithi, I take it you read Dice as top pick for mafia, erm Cloud I think was your other top candidate, and you also think Amega looked a little stinky perhaps. You also say you have your eye on Turin and that you don't believe his VT claim. If anything is wrong there, let me know.


So here's my question- who do you think is someone going under the radar a lot more that might be worth looking into? Is there anyone who a lot of people seem to be townreading or not commenting on that needs to be brought into the fray more?

  On 3/9/2014 at 9:49 AM, dicetosser1 said:

i also never said that that previous post was my reason for voting him.

Dice states clearly and out in the open that the things he puts in his posts when he votes are not the reasons for voting them.




Ithi I said he was following you even MORE then usual. I know its normal for you two to buddy. As for the reason you are talking about, that was me commenting on something Turin posted not giving a reason. I know what I meant but apparently it was not clear enough

  On 3/9/2014 at 10:00 AM, Ithillian said:

Des = Talking Head

Tommy = Voting Head


Des can vote if he Hammers the same person Tommy's voting for


Des wants to Hammer someone that Tommy isn't voting for?


Maybe I should check the vote count lol.


I'm not positive but I think Tommy is voting Turin atm. I would gladly hammer him hehe, even if I didn't have a scumread on him.




But if I COULD vote right now, it would def be on Amega. Cloud has also seemingly faded back into the background, that obv concerns me. RTE as well, altho my interaction with Cloud started to give me a townread on RTE (I felt Cloud was scum White Knighting RTE as town). But my top picks for scum are still Amega, Turin, Cloud, and Dice.

  On 3/9/2014 at 9:49 AM, dicetosser1 said:

i also never said that that previous post was my reason for voting him.

Dice states clearly and out in the open that the things he puts in his posts when he votes are not the reasons for voting them.



  On 3/9/2014 at 9:49 AM, dicetosser1 said:

i also never said that that previous post was my reason for voting him.

Dice states clearly and out in the open that the things he puts in his posts when he votes are not the reasons for voting them.




Good grief DM


  On 3/9/2014 at 9:49 AM, dicetosser1 said:

i also never said that that previous post was my reason for voting him.

Dice states clearly and out in the open that the things he puts in his posts when he votes are not the reasons for voting them.





Also @ Despo - I decline to acquiesce to your request at this time. Play your own game.


Asking lots of questions of people to make you seem like Town Intelligence Gatherer is doing you no favours in my book.


3 times apparently.


I'm not getting challenged.


That troubles me.


I think that means I'm either onto the wrong people OR the people I'm onto think I won't be a problem for much longer.


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