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Welcome back to the Band, GoldeneyesND!!

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Welcome back! ***loads the returning hero's hands with flamin' shots** 



Welcome back SoB!! Good to see you back with the Band! *claps his palmbuttons together and waits for the two barrels of bandy to land next to SoB* 

I totally had to scroll back up on this...lol...I saw SoB and kept thinking "Why are they saying that!"  I get it. **downs more "brainfood", FEDS**


Weeeeeelllcccccooooooommmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Back!!



ETA - Nice to meet you!


Lol :blush:


in that case welcome to the Band.


I believe there was a golden around at some point,but I don't think I was sround at the time.


Anyways, I'm BFG of the Archers, why don't you have a flaming shot or three and tell us a bit about yourself?


There was a Son of Battles before....so yup, we thought that was you. And we've had quite a few Goldeneyes too. 




Sorry about the confusion!  But very glad you found us.  *g*


Sorry about the confusion :wink: We're always glad to have new members - brand new or returning! Horn will get you set up with what a Raw Recruit gets to do! :biggrin: In the mean time, enjoy the coveted MG Brew *hands the newbie a drink*


Be sure not to spill it!


No no...no mistake.... **points at a molten heap of some sort of metal in the middle of camp** Son of Battles, you are the chosen one....

the one from the prophecies! And if things hadn't gotten so crazy (which they always do because the Archers know how to throw a 

party), you would've seen that that statue at one point was in your likeness. 


**grins in a devilish way** We all MIGHT have had one too many and decided that statue was a giant and so, as per the unspoken law, we just

HAD to kill the giant. Of course, there were flaming arrows, a Cav stampede and then the Infantry danced the Can-Can on top of it afterwards...

they must have been practicing too, because it showed...everyone was in perfect sync.... **applaudes** Bravo! Anyway....


When we all woke up the next afternoon, we realized our mistake...ummm....sorry about that. :wink:


Seriously though...welcome to the Band.....again!


There still isn't anywhere near enough alcohol for this welcome thread.


Have some flaming shots and tell us what your interests are, do you read WoT, how far have you read? 


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