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Trick-or-Treat II Mafia - Game Over - Mafia Wins!!!!


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unvot vote NotBob


Consolidation. I'll set an alarm for 6 hours from now to move my votes if needed. If I got this right, we have 8.5h till deadline.


What are your current reads? Not Bob has now 6 votes on him, while Pral has 4. You could have evened the trains out a bit more but instead you added another vote on Not Bob. AJ has already said that he is only voting for Not Bob for consolidation purposes, and RTE is voting him because he wants him to post more which he already did. And to top it off Krak has placed an useless vote on AJ after misinterpreting one of his posts. This whole situation feels iffy.



Misinterpreted, no.  Took exception to, yes.  Useless, no.  Brilliant, yes.




My vote was on Pral. I unvoted and move it to NotBob because there doesn't seem to be any traction gaining on Pral. Like I said, with NotBob's play (which always seems scummy) I'd rather lynch him and remove any doubt. Plus it would give us a train to analyze. The way he plays gives the mafia an easy person to park their vote on given that he flips Town. So I want to find out.


So you're saying that you know he'll flip town?  Sweet, thanks for that freebie.


Lol nice attempt at misrepresenting. I'm clearly saying that IF he flips town then he would've been an easy target for the mafia to vote for. Hence the talk about train analysis.


My bolding was mostly taking advantage of a "slip" on your part.  But the point was that I don't like your whole post there, sir.  You would rather lynch someone whom you always find scummy, rather than trying for actual hunting?  I don't always find him scummy, nor do I find him scummy this game, so I disagree with your reasoning on why to vote him.  You add that you would like to lynch him to analyze his train.  Well, you could analyze any train that should develop.  Saying that if he flips town, he would have justifiably been a good target for mafia to vote for, well, I disagree that NotBob would be better than anyone else.  Just because you think so doesn't make it so.



I can't people all those who decided to jump over on the AJ train... You had one big train, one semi-big train, and one non-existant. Krak, big FoS for being the first on that. Small chance of a complete lynch now. And FoS on Csarmi for his jumping on the NotBob train at the tming he did.


Really? I mean AJ and Pral are now tied and NotBob is still up there. I can go back to consolidate if I need to, but right now I'm thinking AJ will be a more informative lynch. Especially with your reaction. 



Thank you.  To both parts.


Pral had 2 votes, AJ only one. With the amount of hours left, and the amount of people that had checked in lately, I chose the player that would require one less vote to get a full lynch on. I really don't want to lynch NotBob because of what I explained before; I think he's town. Krak's vote made the trains even more uneven and unlikely to get a lynch secured. As we can now see.


I don't see how my vote has that power.  It's the man holding the gun who's choice it is, not the friend that cheated on his wife.  I hardly control other votes.






As for the "stab and run" comment...I'm around and I won't hesitate to consolidate.

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Opposing his lynch is a roundabout defense of him. Weak semantics is weak.

^^ That was to Misheru Sedai.



Full name too? What have I done to you?


It's complete irrelevant that it was AJ the votes shifted to; I would have pointed it out regardless of who it was on. That's the point; not who the train was building on, but the time it started building. Get it?

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My vote was on Pral. I unvoted and move it to NotBob because there doesn't seem to be any traction gaining on Pral. Like I said, with NotBob's play (which always seems scummy) I'd rather lynch him and remove any doubt. Plus it would give us a train to analyze. The way he plays gives the mafia an easy person to park their vote on given that he flips Town. So I want to find out.


So you're saying that you know he'll flip town?  Sweet, thanks for that freebie.


Lol nice attempt at misrepresenting. I'm clearly saying that IF he flips town then he would've been an easy target for the mafia to vote for. Hence the talk about train analysis.


My bolding was mostly taking advantage of a "slip" on your part.  But the point was that I don't like your whole post there, sir.  You would rather lynch someone whom you always find scummy, rather than trying for actual hunting?  I don't always find him scummy, nor do I find him scummy this game, so I disagree with your reasoning on why to vote him.  You add that you would like to lynch him to analyze his train.  Well, you could analyze any train that should develop.  Saying that if he flips town, he would have justifiably been a good target for mafia to vote for, well, I disagree that NotBob would be better than anyone else.  Just because you think so doesn't make it so.


I like your response. What you say about analyzing trains is true, but until today there weren't many to look at. I do find it intriguing how votes are being spread at the moment. I think you misunderstood the point about him being a good target.


Unless I'm mistaken NotBob is at 6, Pral is at 5 and I am at 4 votes.


unvote; vote Pral

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  • Club Leader

Vote Count:


Pral (7) – Darthe, Mish, Ishy, Dap, Cloud, AJ, Krak

Not Bob (5) – RTE, Aemon, Hallia, Tress, Salami

Andrej (3) – Pral, Leelou, Not Bob

Cloud (1) – Kat

Lenlo (1) – Yates

Hallia (1) – Lenlo



With 19 alive, it takes 10 to lynch

Deadline – Monday 8PM MST/ 11PM EST (I think I'm GMT -8 for you Europeans)


Not voting – Verb

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I can't people all those who decided to jump over on the AJ train... You had one big train, one semi-big train, and one non-existant. Krak, big FoS for being the first on that. Small chance of a complete lynch now. And FoS on Csarmi for his jumping on the NotBob train at the tming he did.

Really? I mean AJ and Pral are now tied and NotBob is still up there. I can go back to consolidate if I need to, but right now I'm thinking AJ will be a more informative lynch. Especially with your reaction.

So your only reason for voting AJ is him pushing against Pral, and that he will be an interesting aka more informative lynch? In your case you copy pasted a bunch of quotes but never even explained what you find scummy about AJ, and why you think that Pral is town. You only showed the inconsistency about Darthe thinking AJ is town, while telling everyone that he is mafia at the start of the game which he had already admitted before your post.

It's more the inconsistencies and the fact that people seem to be protecting him - Darthe, Mish - as soon as actual pressure was heading his way.

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  • Club Leader

Vote Count:


Pral (9) – Darthe, Mish, Ishy, Dap, Cloud, AJ, Krak, Aemon, Leelou

Not Bob (4) – RTE, Hallia, Tress, Salami

Andrej (2) – Pral, Not Bob

Cloud (1) – Kat

Lenlo (1) – Yates

Hallia (1) – Lenlo



With 19 alive, it takes 10 to lynch

Deadline – Monday 8PM MST/ 11PM EST (I think I'm GMT -8 for you Europeans)


Not voting – Verb



It's my son's birthday and we have stuff to do still, so I might not be around exactly at 8. No votes after 8 will be counted.

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  • Club Leader

Vote Count:


Pral (10) – Darthe, Mish, Ishy, Dap, Cloud, AJ, Krak, Aemon, Leelou, Hallia

Not Bob (3) – RTE, Tress, Salami

Andrej (2) – Pral, Not Bob

Cloud (1) – Kat

Lenlo (1) – Yates

Hallia (1) – Lenlo



With 19 alive, it takes 10 to lynch

Deadline – Monday 8PM MST/ 11PM EST (I think I'm GMT -8 for you Europeans)


Not voting – Verb



You were undecided as to who to send home the whole time you were on the sidewalk outside the dark green house. First, you thought Cloud may have a knife, then Not Bob, and finally, it came down to Pralaya and AJ. It was a hard decision, but you finally chose Pralaya.


“I don’t have a knife. I swear!” he cried, but Hallia had had enough. She grabbed his bag of candy out of his hands. Pralaya ran down the street towards his home, sobbing and repeating “It’s not me. It’s not me.”




Praylaya, Wonder Woman, roleless town has been lynched.


It is now night 1. Please vote for tomorrow’s house in bolded Blue. You can choose from Yellow, White, Tan, Grey, Brown, Dark Blue, Light Green, Light Blue, and Red.



Deadline for night actions is Wednesday noon MST/3PM EST. 

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