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Guest Jestoni Biebor

i thought there were no endings in the wheel of time. just sad it has to end..... i don't know what else to wait for.

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Hopefully the Encyclopaedia will give us a couple of lines of closure on the main characters and what happens after.


Yeah i hope so too.. Somehow the aftermath just felt abrupt.. I wanted a bit more focus on each character. But maybe thats just me. If I'm not mistaken RJ wrote the Epilogue, and if he wanted it that way then I guess its right... I was hoping for Outrigger novels on Rand, Mat POVs but Brandon says no more WOT books... Just wish a bit more was told about the major characters in the end...


Finished last night and wow. I really enjoyed that. I didn't think the pace/intensity could get faster after tGS or ToM but it did! Really satisfied if oddly sad there will be no more WoT books ever!


The Good

* Demandred's arrival. That's arriving in style

* Lan being generally awesome

* Tam doing the same

* Mat's generalship

* The general feeling of the end of the world and the pattern unravelling


The Not so good

* A few points here and there where language snapped me out of the book

* Egwene being a tool at the meeting at the FoM and when she met Tuon

* Why such a short epilougue RJ? Would it have been tougher to give us a little more!

* Not enough Nyneave. Irritating for 5 books then slowly got better peaking in ToM when she was awesome.


Overall though I loved it. The last 3 books have really invigorated the series. So thanks RJ and thanks Brandon





Hey when did Mat die twice? He thinks he is no longer bound to the horn because of when he was hanged but the heros imply it was from another death that Rand saved him from.

The assault on Caemlyn in tFoH. Rand balefires Rahvin and brings Aviendha, Asmodean and Mat back.


>Am I the only one who wondered where Shadar Haran was? he was meant to be this uber fade yet played no part(Im pretty sure I didnt see him.)

He's shown as an empty husk on the floor. That's it.

Agreed on Shadar Haran. Does empty husk imply to you that whatever was in him had "left" to go somewhere else? It does to me otherwise why not simply say that he was dead/decommissioned or whatever? If whatever it was that had been in him had left was it the DO himself?


On matt's death unlinking him from the horn I don't find your balefire argument convincing because the use of balefire should have made Matt's death as though it had never happened at all. That reality no longer exists.


On matt's 2nd death I have an alternative theory: AMOL page 812-813 has DO stating "I CAN STILL KILL...I CAN STILL TAKE THEM ALL! I AM LORD OF THE GRAVE. THE BATTLE LORD, HE IS MINE. ALL ARE MINE EVENTUALLY!" "THE SON OF BATTLES. I WILL TAKE HIM. I WILL TAKE THEM ALL, ADVERSARY. AS I TOOK THE KING OF NOTHING." "Blood and Bloody ashes! What was that nothingness in his head?" "Mat Squinted the battle seeming to dim around him" "So very wrong, Shai'tan, Rand's voice whispered in Mat's mind". If you keep reading at least part of Rand's conversation appears to concern Lan however, The DO did clearly threaten Matt's Death as either the "BATTLE LORD" and or "SON OF BATTLES". My theory is then that this "nothingness" and "dimness" that present in Matt's mind was an attempt of the DO to kill him and that Rand's whispering was the counterpoint restoring him to life. Unstated then would be the actual point of death... Perhaps a lousy theory I don't know.... But, Who's the King of Nothing??

Lan is the king of nothing. Malkier is a dead nation so while he holds the title of king, there is nothing for him to be king of.

Finished book, can't say really enjoyed it. Couldn't understand what was the deal with Moiraine, before her death she was sort of Deus Ex Machina (doing all crazy stuff in TEotW, learning about Sammael in DR), now she was just quoting prophecies. An only moment that got to me was Logain's moral compas fixing, but there were too little of Black Tower except for Androl.





I distinctly remember an interview which said this turning of the wheel was unique, that Padan Fain was unique

You are misremembering and piecing two different quotes together. In fact RJ said that there was nothing unique about this turning. His thoughts on the matter mirrored Herid Fel's almost to a t. As for Fain he called him a wildcard, but there very well may have been others in the past.

I apologize if this was addressed, but my computer is lagging to hell and back and so I just CTRL-F'd 'suttree' to see if you were quoted. You're right on the first point. On the second, he did say Fain was something unique to this Age, in the sense that each Third Age follows roughly the same pattern. The smaller details are different, and Mordeth/Fain is one of those details. But people read a lot (too much) into that, thinking that RJ was hinting that Fain, being unique to this Age, was therefore destined to help Rand break the Wheel. But RJ didn't even really imply that; I think he just wanted to establish that the evil of Shadar Logoth is not one of the repeating 'big players' of the Grand Cosmic Showdown.

Yeah sorry for not being more clear on that. Never meant to suggest Fain wasn't something unique.


Oh and someone asked earlier about Birgitte being reborn as Elayne's daughter.. I believe the timing fits better with Melaine's birth. Considering the Dragon's Peace, I think both Gaidal and Birgitte would have to be reborn Aiel this turning, if they are to live up to their usual heroic deeds.


I would think it is meant to make you ponder, but if RJ had a plan for that (which I don't think he did) we are probably not supposed to be able to guess, just some random people we don't know. I do agree that they probably have to be Aiel, or maybe Seanchan, so possibly Melaine, but probably nobody of note.


Finished reading 3 days ago and have the audio book now and am rereading. OMG moments

Darkfriends/dreadlords tricked into stedding! LOL

Hinderstep- the Prince of Raven's Rules!

the seanchan's animal troops- Wow

Egwene vs Taim

Olver and the horn

Noal and the heroes of the horn

Brigitte Silverbow outsmarting Elayne

Tuon and Min her truth sayer

Moghedien collared again!

Perrin killing Lanfear

Lan sheathing the sword


There are so many moments that were OMG or just LOL! just reading  these is great, bit reading and audio narrative is killer! What a wonderful end to a great series.Critique all you want but there is not another like it.


after my first reading i admit to having been underwhelmed.  However i think that was mostly becuase I was just plowing through the book to see what happened.  Once I settled down and did a slower second read I saw all the little flourishes that I had missed on that first "just tell me what freaking happens to Rand' read.  Much better the second time.

This was, more or less, my reaction too. Upon finishing it I went back and reread some of the grander parts of the Last Battle and enjoyed them much more.


I'm happy, because the whole series is fantastic.

I am sad that it is over.

I am crushed that RJ never got to finish.

I am grateful to BS for doing what nobody else would have.


I finished yesterday evening and haven't been able to put the story out of my mind since.  I've spent such a long time reading and anticipating and now it's all over.  I've never gotten so emotional over a book.  There were absolutely times when I had to stop reading because I teared up, there were times when I wanted to stand up and cheer and then there is that empty feeling now that it is all done.


I've spent half of my life engrossed in this world and though I've shared the books with some friends in the past I generally haven't had anyone to talk about the series with.  Well, now that it is over all I want to do is discuss this story with folks who understand.  So, here I am.


To me, the ending was like getting in a car crash, you're going so fast and then abruptly and unexpectedly stop.  The whole time I was envisioning a significant resolution for each character, 50 to 100 pages of "happily ever after" stuff.  So, when the pages at the end of the book started to dwindle and finally Rand rode off into the sunset I was shocked.  I can't say that I'm upset or disappointed as I appreciate the unexpected when I'm so engrossed in a story.  I just feel like I'm left with this sense of wanting more, that there's unfinished business.  


I absolutely loved Lan's story through the book.  Lan was at Tarwin's Gap making his last ride into a horde of shadow that was surely going to destroy his force to a man and then gateways split the air and the rest of the Borderlanders came through at full charge.  I don't know why but I cried when that happened.  I had to stop reading for the day because I had never experienced anything like that in a book.  Powerful stuff.


There were so many other things that I enjoyed or that toyed with my emotions.  I think I'm going to journey into the rest of forums to discuss.      


I loved this book - especially the ending.  It tied up all the major plot points, but left just enough to readers' imaginations.  After finishing, I had not really a sense of awe or amazement, but more of a quiet satisfaction - this was how the epic series should end.  My favorite point in the whole book was probably when Lan killed Demandred.  Right before he drove his sword through the throat, I thought back to Talmanes killing his second Fade - "You just have to be dead first."  Then I realized that Lan was going to sacrificed himself.  I'll admit to crying then.


I was not sad and happy at that moment, I became very silent and thoughtful about the ending. I am still very sad about Egwene and Gawyn even they were always very boring and irritating. I liked and satisfied with the ending, I thought it would end like "The Dark Tower"




Don't know if I built it up too much...


Don't know if I read it too fast....


It didn't feel like a Wheel of Time book.  Maybe it's the realisation that it's the final book.... but....  I don't know, I am underwhelmed.


It didn't feel like a Wheel of Time book.  Maybe it's the realisation that it's the final book.... but....  I don't know, I am underwhelmed.

That seems to be the general sentiment unfortunately.


I am satisfied! This was very nice!! Go Lan, Noal, Olver, Talmanes.  I am still in remembering mode as I will read the book again next wk.  I am happy!


I feel... empty. The whole thing was incredible, I was as engrossed in this book as I have been in anything, really, but I never wanted to actually finish it. I've just been drinking out of the WoT barrel for so long I didn't feel like I'd ever reach the bottom. I should have waited longer before I came on here, because I just can't countenance any criticisms against the book right now. I keep getting angry whenever someone says something should have happened differently, because it feels like a challenge to the reality of the world that I was so invested in. I was so into it while reading that I never questioned how something "should" have happened, because what does that matter when what DID happen is right there in front of me?

At any rate, it will be a while before I can pick up TEotW and start reading again. It'll never feel the same way.

Posted (edited)

 I should have waited longer before I came on here, because I just can't countenance any criticisms against the book right now. I keep getting angry whenever someone says something should have happened differently, because it feels like a challenge to the reality of the world that I was so invested in. I was so into it while reading that I never questioned how something "should" have happened, because what does that matter when what DID happen is right there in front of me?

It really isn't about things happening differently. Sure people have a few arguments along those lines in the most egregious cases but the issues run far deeper than that. There were major structural flaws, the plotwork was extremely blunt, unpolished prose was the norm not the exception and characterization was mostly poor. I don't think anyone would have guessed that TGS would be the high point of these last three books. What most  haven't taken into account is all the various issues people have pointed out will only get worse under careful scrutiny during re-reads. We can all be thankful that Brandon stepped up to give us an ending but this was not a well done novel by any stretch. It's honestly depressing to think how far behind the curve AMol is in relation to the top tier of current fantasy.

Edited by Suttree

absolutely loved it! all of it! people that i thought will live - died, and the once i thought were goners for sure actually lived. to be honest, can't pick anything that ruined it for me. FREAKING AWESOME!!!! (sorry, just finished, and I mean like 10 minutes ago). 


Anyways, OMG moments: 

Oliver and horn (wtf but than, "aaaaahhhhhaaaa" nice one)

Farstrider (AWESOME)

Egg's death 

Mat's immunity (almost stopped listening b/c thought my boy was gone but than....man oh man)

Last Rand scene (like Neo but SO MUCH BETTER. if only matrix had half as good of an ending) 


All in all, for me this is the only time where main character lives at the end and it actually makes the story better. and in general, FREAKING AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU ROBERT JORDAN AND BRANDON SANDERSON FOR GIVING THIS TO US!!!!!!



 I should have waited longer before I came on here, because I just can't countenance any criticisms against the book right now. I keep getting angry whenever someone says something should have happened differently, because it feels like a challenge to the reality of the world that I was so invested in. I was so into it while reading that I never questioned how something "should" have happened, because what does that matter when what DID happen is right there in front of me?

It really isn't about things happening differently. Sure people have a few arguments along those lines in the most egregious cases but the issues run far deeper than that. There were major structural flaws, the plotwork was extremely blunt, unpolished prose was the norm not the exception and characterization was mostly poor. I don't think anyone would have guessed that TGS would be the high point of these last three books. What most  haven't taken into account is all the various issues people have pointed out will only get worse under careful scrutiny during re-reads. We can all be thankful that Brandon stepped up to give us an ending but this was not a well done novel by any stretch. It's honestly depressing to think how far behind the curve AMol is in relation to the top tier of current fantasy.



You know, I feel really sorry for you. Instead of experiencing joy and satisfaction you are not as happy as others who look pass the issues. The story was great, and problems that you seem to concentrate on did not take me out of the story - AT ALL. I'm sure this is true for most people out there.  


Finished a few hours ago and I have to say That I enjoyed everything until the ending. The battle was fine, but the epilogue was a real let down. I would rather some of the middle was cut shorter and the aftermath was covered in substantially more detail.

Posted (edited)


You know, I feel really sorry for you. Instead of experiencing joy and satisfaction you are not as happy as others who look pass the issues. The story was great, and problems that you seem to concentrate on did not take me out of the story - AT ALL. I'm sure this is true for most people out there.  

Well there certainly a number of people on here and at TL that you feel sorry for then. The general sentiment has not been all that positive for this last book. If you enjoyed it more power to you. Stoked for you that this was what you wanted out of AMoL.  It's become pretty clear that people have had different expectations for these last few books and that there are differences on what some like in there fantasy. If you like all action fantasy and don't really worry about execution and quality of writing I'm sure there was a lot to like here. Again, stoked you enjoyed it. That doesn't change the fact that people are different and look for different things. One can be thankful that Brandon finished this for us, and be happy for the ending while still being realistic about how flawed of a novel this was. As for the bolded you may want to take a look in the "omg" and "quality" threads if you want to get a clear idea of how most people are reacting. Cheers Net.

Edited by Suttree

I picked up the book the day it came out and went on a 2 day reading marathon. I loved the story and thought it was a worthy end to the series. There were a few things I take issue with, but overall considering that these last three books might never have been I'm pleased to have Mr. Sanderson finishing out the story and getting us to this point. 


Anyone else really in shock now that it's over? I don't think it really hit me that this is the end until the day after I finished. I've been reading and following these books for so long that the thought of there never being any more is hard to get my mind around. 

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