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Welcome Asha´man Lexondur!


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Welcome to the Black Tower - the place where the voices are our best friends and our worst enemies. Tell us a bit about yourself. How long have you been reading WoT? Who is your favourite asha´man? Have you ever woken up in a bush without any memories of how you got there?


You will soon be added to our private boards. Until then, check out the threads here on the main board. 

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Welcome Lexon


I did have a lovely plate of tainted Brownies for you, but I got a bit hungry on the way down...I'll try and get some more >.>


In the mean time, please tell us all about yourself...what brought you to WoT, to DM, to the BT....to me....(haha that was a joke...honest! - but saying that I could do with some new wall decorations, the last lot of civies have rotted a bit, I always forget to feed and water them, I have the same problem with plants!) 

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Hey everyone :). I've beenr reading wheel of time since the start of 2011, since I had heard that it was a long and rich series which it totally was.Unfortunately I took a whole lot of breaks so I'm only on Winter's Heart. I don't know who my favourite Asha'man is at the moment but I'm sure I'll have more of an opinion later on. And no I've never woken up on a bush haha.

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Welcome welcome Lex,


The Farmhouse is a very good place to stop by as you can join the Saidin Class and learn how to blow stuff up. And there is also the Village where you can ramp up your Points a great deal just by answering a few questions.


And we have games and lots of other fun things to do also.


In the meantime chat, spam and be merry :smile:

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I am just well trained is all. Rule of my family. 'When in doubt. Blame the nearest man'. I thought i would just cut to the chase instead of posting something else and then being accused. Figured I would just TAKE the initiative and own up to it.

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