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The Black Tower presents: One Power Tournament 2013


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Cloud - Soldier of the Light signing up. 


I will need a quick introduction to OP battles though.


Good. Now we only need to find you some opponents. If no one have offered you help already, let me know and I will show you. 

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GOGOGOOOOO!!!!! AHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAA My dreams come true!!! :baalzamon: Dig your heels in deep, get your angreals fired up! Matty's joined the fight! Ahahahaaa! Wait... I did the evil laugh before already... >.>

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GOGOGOOOOO!!!!! AHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAA My dreams come true!!! :baalzamon: Dig your heels in deep, get your angreals fired up! Matty's joined the fight! Ahahahaaa! Wait... I did the evil laugh before already... >.>




yeah yeah sign me up. I need a masterful tutelage as well...


Excellent. Has someone offered you any help? If not, let me know. 

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Those of you who want to teach our new civies/soldiers contact them. If you are a civie/soldier that still haven´t got any help, let me know. I can show you but the coming days are hectic so it has to wait until Saturday and if we are not in the same time zone it can be tough to be able to get the time together. 


We still want more participants!


Remember to spend your points before Friday.

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To the civies that is joining us: If you do have soldier stats (just doesn´t have taken the OP Class) then go ahead and buy a angreal if you can afford. If you don´t have soldier stats you need to buy OP levels first. You can not "borrow" soldier stats and then add an angreal because that wouldn´t be fair to the other soldiers. 

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BG's in - I'm a Dedicated, borderline Asha'man. I'll have to upgrade my stats before Friday. Don't know if I could make Asha'man by then... need to win another One Power battle ironically enough.

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