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The Black Tower presents: One Power Tournament 2013


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The Black Tower presents: One Power Tournament 2013






Yes, it´s time for a new One Power Tournament. Your best chance to maim, torture and kill your friends. Yay!  :baalzamon:  The tournamnet will be held here on the main board so that everyone on DM can join. 


In this tournament we will use our real stats. To give everyone a fair chance we will have different categories. They are:


1. Staff

2. Asha´man

3. Dedicated

4. Soldiers


Civies are usually not allowed to battle but this time they can join the Soldiers but with minimum stats. 






1. 5 rounds (but maximum 5 days/round, we want as quick rounds as possible)


2. Angreals are allowed


3. The Shadow can use the True Power but are not allowed to use Balefire. 


4. Last date for spending points or buying angreals is June 15. After that you will use those stats all the way through the tournamnet even if you get higher stats or get promoted in the middle of the tournament.


5. The battles will count towards your requirments for promotion to Dedicated or Asha´man. 



The tournament starts June 17. Thus there will be plenty of time to learn how to OP battle for those that have never tried before. Just sign up with your name and current rank. 




To all of you that haven´t battled with the OP before - sign up and write that you need an introduction. Someone will come and show you how to do. It´s not hard to learn and I can promise you that it´s a lot of fun. Newbies will get lowest Soldier stats and fight in the Soldier category. Maybe you are a channeler from the White Tower, the Kin or Shayol Ghul ? Then we have prepared stats for you (they depend on your rank in your group). Those stats will decide in wich category that you will fight.




May the taint be with you!






Tina (F 27/62, E 26/60, A 25/58, W 25/58, S 26/60)  TP 25

Talya (F 31/72, E 31/72, A 30/70, W 30/70, S 31/82)

Davrick (F 14/21, E 16/24, A 10/15, W 10/15, S 1218)

TMD (F 30/70, E 28/66, A 26/62, W 26/62, S 29/78)  TP 26

Panchi (F 18/27, E 18/27, A 24/34, W 24/34, S 20/30)

Turin (F 27/64, E 24/58, A 20/50, W 20/50, S 20/50)   TP 20

Ithi (F 26/72, E 26/62, A 29/68, W 29/68, S 27/64)  TP 26

Matty (F 24/32, E 24/32, A 18/26, W 18/26, S 20/28)



Basel (F 20/28, E 20/28, A 17/33, W 16/24, S 16/24)  TP 16

Wombat (F 20/46, E 14/34, A 12/30, W 12/30, S 12/30)

Time (F 19, E 19, A 21, W 24, S 18)

Sorcha (F 15, E 15, A 15, W 15, S 15)  TP 15

RTE (F 14/18, E 14/18, A 12/16, W 10/14, S 10/14)



Tsuki (F 14/18, E 9/13, A 8/12, W 8/12, S 11/15)  TP 8

Nikon (F 14, E 14, A 10, W 9, S 13)

BG (F 15/19, E 15/19, A 10/14, W 10/14, S 14/18)  TP 10




Cloud (F 8/12, E 8/12, A 14/18, W 14/18, S 4/6)

Maddy (F 6, E 6, A 4, W 4, S 3)

Via (F 7/11, E 7/11, A 8/12, W 8/12, S 8/12)

Berf (F 6/8, E 6/8, A 4/6, W 4/6, S 4/6)

Millon (F 6/9, E 10/14, A 5/7, W 10/14, S 8/12)  TP 5

Hally (F 7, E 7, A 9, W 9, S 8)

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Basel Gill, Shadow Asha'man




Talya - Staff


I think I need instructions! ....okay maybe not hehe


Oh no! 


*starts to plan how to get rid of Talya and TMD before the tournament starts*

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