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[Non Spoilers]Game of Thrones Season Three

John E. Kelley

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Ramsey was with Theon at Winterfell in the book. He was masquerading as Reek. Everyone thought the Bastard had been killed, but it was really Reek who was killed and the Bastard began impersonating him. He was captured by Theon's ironborn and brought to Winterfell where he began working for Theon. Later he turned on Theon and captured him and killed the other northmen that came to liberate Winterfell and Theon's men both. He's one twisted dude.

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Ramsay was not at Winterfell with Theon in the TV show.




then who was the guy that went with Theon to track down the Stark kids and killed the farm boys with him?

Another character.


Iwan Rheon's is most certainly Ramsey.

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either way, Theon would recognized Ramsey on site, so the guy leading Theon around was not Ramsey imo.


Theon had never met Ramsay. Neither had any of the Starks. He was raised elsewhere and only came to the Dreadfort 2 years before the events of AGoT.


In the TV show it was Damphir. In the book it was Reek (who was actually the Bastard).


Damphair hasn't appeared in the show yet (though some fans have speculated that the Drowned Priest who 'baptised' Theon in S2 may be retconned as him). Theon's right-hand man in the show was Dagmer.


i wnder if HBO did that on purpose?  thats alot of HP connections for it to be coinsedence imo


They're tapping into the same pool of actors which is large, but not infinite. There's also a lot of crossovers with Doctor Who (Julian Glover was on Who twice in different decades in different roles) and British soaps Hollyoaks and Doctors, which act as sort-of clearing houses for a lot of young British actors coming up through the ranks. One of the bigger surprises is the number of crossovers with Misfits and Skins, given that those shows had much smaller casts. I just think the casting director is a fan.

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Pretty sure early in the season Roose Bolton gave Rob a report about his bastard capturing Winterfell and killing Theon.


The guy who led Theon back to the prison I'm sure is Ramsay - when he was about to shoot the last hunter with the arrow point-blank the hunter said "you little bastard" which I think was meant in the literal sense rather than as an insult.

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Previously watched when it first aired, then realized I only watch HBO for four episodes a month of a single show...

You should try the Newsroom and Boardwalk Empire. Both arre every bit as good as GoT if you can get past the Newsroom's anti-Conservative rants.

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Previously watched when it first aired, then realized I only watch HBO for four episodes a month of a single show...

You should try the Newsroom and Boardwalk Empire. Both arre every bit as good as GoT if you can get past the Newsroom's anti-Conservative rants.


A lot of people like that about the show you know.

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Wizard's First Rule, written by Terry Goodkind, is the first book in the epic fantasy series The Sword of Truth. Published by Tor Books, it was released on August 15, 1994 in hardcover, and in paperback on July 15, 1997.


The Eye of the World (abbreviated as tEotW or EotW by fans) is the first book of The Wheel of Time (WoT) fantasy series written by American author Robert Jordan. It was published by Tor Books and released on January 15, 1990



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Unlikely why? WoT came first, that makes all that follow clones.

Just like WoT is called a "tolkien" clone.

Having common fantasy tropes doesn't make them clones. Likely Eye of the World had no influence on Wizards First Rule. Although if anything is a Tolkien "clone" my money is on Sword of Shannara.

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boys take ths SoT and WoT flame war elsewhere please :wink:


@ suki - newsroom is alright.  once the show comes on we have a companion thread over in D&D to discuss the RL events they go over in the show every episode.  its made for some interesting discussion and you shoudl certaintly check it out.  Jeff Daniels does a good job and the cast has alot of good diverse characters in it to make the show interesting.



but i digress back to GoTs



re-Ramsey.  i could have sworn in the show Ramsey was there at Winterfell.   who was the one that rode into Winterfell and punched out Theon in Season two at the end then?  just Ramsey's goons?


*shrugs*  if the credits say Ramsey, then i guess it was Ramsey.  either way, i'm just glad they didn't speed up Theons Arc *nods*


@ Nol - great ratings image!  i have to say thsi is probably the first show that i've seen have a increase of veiwership from season to season rather than a decline.   i have to wonder how many decide to pick up the books once the season ends.



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