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[Non Spoilers]Game of Thrones Season Three

John E. Kelley

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imo, its not a spoiler.  Season 2 when Cat made the promise we saw how Frey was and Cat explained hes not a man to cross when it comes to promises.  When Rob got married, Cat told him how bad of a idea it was to renig on the promise to the Freys and what it could lead to.


it obvious to anyone just watching the show, that going to ask a man whose face you've just spit on for help is not the brightest of ideas.


especialy a crotchety old thing like walder Frey.


all that pic does is glaringly point out that its a bad idea.




as for the rest, again i dont see any spoilers.  this thread is for talking about the show and whats currently aired, people know this and that there will be spoilers about episodes, as they air.


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I thought Yogi's back side scene was a double.  Pretty sure of it.  Didn't really match the front scenes.  That um...rump was nice...yet the hips weren't as big are Yogi's are. 


I guess she has a no nudity clause in her contract...or the powers that be didn't think she was pretty enough or something stupid like that. 

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I thought Yogi's back side scene was a double.  Pretty sure of it.  Didn't really match the front scenes.  That um...rump was nice...yet the hips weren't as big are Yogi's are. 


I guess she has a no nudity clause in her contract...or the powers that be didn't think she was pretty enough or something stupid like that. 

Why would she have a no-back-side-nudity clause, but not the front?

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^ Most reasonable explanation I've ever heard.




- Jamie: see this is why i love his character, the entire back story with the mad king  <3 Jamie.  Berny holding him at the end *squees*  they make such a good couple and i totally smiled fondly when he said "my name is Jamie".


Say what? no pls GRRM..

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what Tiink, i can dream.  :wub:   they do make a good odd couple though.



@ Nol - dude chill out and stop reaching.  the picture just points out the obvious; thats its a bad idea and Rob is a dumb ass for thinking its the greatest plan ever and patting himself on the back while his wife dotes on him telling him how smart he is.  it in no way shape or form gives a hint at what may or maynot come from that decision nor when or if it will take place.



on a mat of jumping to conclusions, you totally went from A to Z there bro.


/end of discussion




re-editing .. tbh i wasn't paying much attention and Yogi was a bit too far away to really tell.  i was looking more at the scenery than focusing on her.  but then again, not my cup of tea if you get my drift :wink:

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I'm not reaching, not everyone is going to come to the same conclusions as you and even if they do there are people who don't like having it pointed out and confirming their suspicions. You can't be spoiled because you already know what is going to happen but some people don't. There are spoiler tags on these forums for a reason. Have a little respect and use them please. And that goes for everyone, I'm not singling you out Red.

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@ Sut - i agree he knocked it out of the ball park.  though i was a bit upset, a full frontal on Jamie woulda been nice for us female veiwers *nods*  his ass was very nice though *grabby hands*



really the set of actors and actresses they've got for the entire cast is wonderful, Jamie and Ayra are the top of the cream for embodiement of their characters; but the entire cast diserves a standing ovation for character apperance and potrayal imo

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but does it break the no-nudity clause if they edit a different persons body onto the frame like they apparently did with Yogi *wiggles eyebrows*



all i'm saying is that us females diserve a good share of the nudity we prefer given the shots you men get in the series.  i'd like to see some eye candy outside of the Loras scenes and Hodor.

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I don't mind splitting up the nude scenes equally between men and women. I've thought this is something that should be fixed, especially after season two. I just don't think you're going to see it from the big-name actors. Apparently the younger actors for Robb and Jon don't have such clauses, though . . .

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hm, ther are a few guys on that show i dont want to see though.


- Robb

- Littlefinger

- spider

- joffery

- sam

- the bear

- the hound

- tyrion

- podrick


to name a few *gives stink face*



Jon is okay i guess; atleast he has some meat on his bones.  Robb OTOH, that guy is nothing but skin and bones. does nothing for me.  really, Jamie is the only one i'd want to see.  Jamie is hawt  ... Loras is kinda nice as well now that i think about it.  so yeah, if i can't have Jamie next time we have a Loras scene, his pants should be off *nods*  


maybe Gendry and a few of Dannys unsullied would be nice ... well the ones that weren't cut anyways.

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