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[Sign Ups] Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark Mafia

Ithillian Turambar

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Surely the best character reveal ever would be Red Shirt 1 and Red Shirt 2 in an original Star Trek Mafia game?





But Ithi, I don't have Nol or Hoof in the current Star Trek game.


Jim Kirk is in a Mafia Game somewhere? Oh my - I must have missed it.


Anyways, you are in Basel - welcome to the Game :smile:


Not Kirk, as it's not an original series game, I meant the Deep Space 9 game I have going in SG. I was tempted if Hoof was active at the time and signed up to put him on the list of players as a security guard for all to see, but he never showed up.


Lol. Poor Hoofie :( I didn't know that Nolder had the same thing going on.


I have an announcement to make


*gets out cigars*


Rey is coming to play :)


*adds him to the list*


Welcome to the Game Rey


Surely the best character reveal ever would be Red Shirt 1 and Red Shirt 2 in an original Star Trek Mafia game?




Ack! I was thinking of this when I saw the security guard stuff...haha!


Now a Star Trek original Mafia would be great! 


I havent been lsleeping

ive been awake for 24 hpours mow. I went clubbing for 5 and just watched a 3 hour dawn theatre prooduction

im having a cup of tea then heading off again


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