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"Best"/"Favourite" Moments in the Book

Barid Bel Medar

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My favourites:


The cleansing of Black Tower (ch14), the future vision contest between Rand and the Dark one (especially Rand's first vision), the Flame of tar valon (probably the best scene on first read), chapter 38 (and maybe 39) and Rand's new beginning in the end (Cadsuane was good too- she deserves it, in good and bad). The last scene was very beautiful, Rand really deserves complete freedom of his duties. It will remain as one that I want read over and over again, like the end of TGS. An unexpected ending, but legendary.


#1 -  Androl's lava-gateway.

*I only wish he'd done it at Shayol Ghul, when it would've mattered even more. I didn't really care about Elayne, the only reason I wasn't rooting for the trollocs was the poor Ogier.


#2 - Mat considering in his mind a staring match between Lan and Karede.

*If we're ever allowed so see/know a single thing from the WoT universe, I'd vote on that ;)


#3 - Ituralde proving the most badass of the great captains. This actually includes 2 moments:

- When he was holding the trollocs at the mouth of the canyon with his masterful defenses

- When he was resisting Graendal's compulsion and refusing to give the false order, realizing immediately that something is wrong.

Guest bbaker418

Lan telling Demandred..... I am not here to win i am here to kill you....


In no particular order:


* Lan kills Demandred

* Egwene's sacrifice

* Olver plays the Horn of Valere


There were many other strong moments too but these three stands out since they were not only well written (ok, Egwene's wasn't that great), but also a total surprise for me which really added to the heroism in all three scenes. Most of my predictions came true - all of them with regard to Rands final battle and survival - but I did believe Rand would kill Demandred, I did believe Mat would play the Horn and I did believe Egwene would be the greatest Amyrlin ever in time, not only in honor. The Bela bit was a nice addition to the Olver arc that really added to the surprise.


If allowed to add two more, I really liked the Talmanes scenes in the beginning of AMoL and Rodel Ituralde - his arc was great with his shaking weakness making him more human and him realizing his unability to take the right desicions under compulsion really showed his genius.


I loved the Epilogue to AMoL. Rand deserves the freedom to explore the world and live a normal life. I also loved the mysterious lighting of the pipe. It's fitting that the Creator would favor him for saving the Pattern. It's also cute that he considers that he has enough money to buy a large farm in the Two Rivers. I can imagine him buying a farm next to Tam someday and enjoying the simplicity and peacefulness of a normal life.  


I love the ogier scenes, too. I had missed Loial in the books since he went home. I found him to be one of the most original characters in the entire series and every single time he kicked some butt in the series i was happy.


I also wasn't an Olver fan and I also loved what BS did with him in AMOL.


I was never an Egwene fan really, and I loved her confrontation with Tuon in AMOL.


On a side note, I found AMOL to be, in certain ways, very much what I expected it to be. The first book was the most Tolkien and I figured the last book would come in second for the most Tolkien-esque.


"who are YOU?" said in a condescending way, and moments later "who ARE you?" in a WTF way.


for the purposes of keeping this list short everything Lan,Tam, and Talmanes. Dreadbanes!


Min being a doomseer.


olver blowing the horn.


Gaul knowing he's over his head, riding shotgun with perrin anyway, and surviving his last stand at the cave.


I loved the whole, "Who's got a bigger dick," back and forth with Rand and Mat. It was so... man-like!!!


The thing that amazes me is that we have five pages, and nobody has mentioned Mat sending Artur Hawkwing over to introduce himself to Tuon - and to "Tell her I sent you." I laughed uproariously at that one - and am VERY happy that I was alone at the time!!


One of my favorite characters was Rhuarc - and his death was very poignant for me. I truly enjoyed the scene.


In no specific order, my favorites are:


- Rand's practice with Tam

- The "final" march of the Malkiri at Tarwin's Gap

- Ogier singing the songs of war

- The wolf finding his falcon

- Lan comforting Nyneve in the epilogue

- Morain in the Fields of Merrilor pact

- Lanfear in Rand's dreamshard




- The alternate realities with the DO and Rand.  The duality of human nature at its finest, with free will at the heart of it all.  Most creation myths echo the same concept for a reason, and I think RJ hit the mytholigical nail on its head with this story.


Lan and Demandred


Galad and Demandred


Olver, the Horn, and Noal


"I saved Moirraine" LOL


Talmanes in the prologue especially


Rand and Avi with the angry sounding Maidens of the Spear in the background.....


Mat taking command and weeding out the spy


so many good moments-


Two Absolute Favorites

Noal and Olver my favorite- probably one of the more touching


Lan and Demandred- that was so epic and awesome



Lan, charging alone towards Demandred and their duel, culminating with the "I didn't come to win, I came to kill you". Had me cheering.


Oddly enough the "death is lighter than a feather" addition is one of my worst parts of the book. Such a great line, cheapened by a line that has been repeated dozens of times throughout the books.


Noal coming back for Olver, and the kid getting all warm and fuzzy about it.  That would have to be my favorite scene.  Lan's fight with Demandred and Moiraine's reunion with Rand are also right up there.


Lan, charging alone towards Demandred and their duel, culminating with the "I didn't come to win, I came to kill you". Had me cheering.


Oddly enough the "death is lighter than a feather" addition is one of my worst parts of the book. Such a great line, cheapened by a line that has been repeated dozens of times throughout the books.


I've mentally erased that last line from that scene as well. Not only for the reason you cite, but also because it's too many words for that moment. It's like those bad comic book fights where they are speaking paragraphs to each other between each punch. One person swings and the other person somehow has time for a witty retort before the counter strike. Either they are fighting in ridiculously slow motion, or they are talking faster than anyone could comprehend. In fact, I reinvision that entire Lan statement (minus the feather part) spoken over Dem's headless corpse, as he himself collapses from his wound.


In Rand's farewell to Lan (after giving him the reforged crown of Malkier): "You have ever been a king, my friend. Elayne taught me to rule, but you . . . you taught me how to stand."


That made me flashback to the bk2 scenes of Lan preparing Rand to meet the Amyrlin: "What training you’ve had, I gave you, and I’ll not have you groveling and sniveling. The Wheel weaves us all into the Pattern as it wills. You have less freedom about it than most, but by the Light, you can still face it on your feet."


"There is one rule, above all others, for being a man. Whatever comes, face it on your feet."


I agree so completely. The one rule, above all others, line has always been my favourite quote of the series. So seeing that paid off was so wonderful, up there with what Perrin did to the badger in ToM.


I also absolutely loved the sudden change of situation when Rand asked Tuon under what right she claimed the land, and pointed out that his claim predated hers. I don't know how the rest of the book would have turned out, but I kind of wish she'd agreed with him and backed down.


The Sharans showing up, and the sudden impact of the excrement on the fan for the Aes Sedai. And then the follow up with Egwene and Gawyn seeing Bao the Wyld for the first time, this completely unknown but clearly awesome folk legend.


Callandor turning out to be a trap for Moridin, not for Rand.


As others have mentioned, Lan's fight with Demandred, the realisation that he isn't dead (though if he had died there, I think that would have worked too), and the achievement contest between Rand and Mat. Surely with the number of Forsaken Rand has killed, he wins. Not to mention having twisted the pattern to allow him to get away with mfff polygamy?


Lastly... But it was an ending.



In Rand's farewell to Lan (after giving him the reforged crown of Malkier): "You have ever been a king, my friend. Elayne taught me to rule, but you . . . you taught me how to stand."


That made me flashback to the bk2 scenes of Lan preparing Rand to meet the Amyrlin: "What training you’ve had, I gave you, and I’ll not have you groveling and sniveling. The Wheel weaves us all into the Pattern as it wills. You have less freedom about it than most, but by the Light, you can still face it on your feet."


"There is one rule, above all others, for being a man. Whatever comes, face it on your feet."


I agree so completely. The one rule, above all others, line has always been my favourite quote of the series. So seeing that paid off was so wonderful, up there with what Perrin did to the badger in ToM.


I also absolutely loved the sudden change of situation when Rand asked Tuon under what right she claimed the land, and pointed out that his claim predated hers. I don't know how the rest of the book would have turned out, but I kind of wish she'd agreed with him and backed down.


The Sharans showing up, and the sudden impact of the excrement on the fan for the Aes Sedai. And then the follow up with Egwene and Gawyn seeing Bao the Wyld for the first time, this completely unknown but clearly awesome folk legend.


Callandor turning out to be a trap for Moridin, not for Rand.


As others have mentioned, Lan's fight with Demandred, the realisation that he isn't dead (though if he had died there, I think that would have worked too), and the achievement contest between Rand and Mat. Surely with the number of Forsaken Rand has killed, he wins. Not to mention having twisted the pattern to allow him to get away with mfff polygamy?


Lastly... But it was an ending.



With regards to that exchange between Rand and Tuon, I was hoping Rand would balefire Tuon out of existence. 



In Rand's farewell to Lan (after giving him the reforged crown of Malkier): "You have ever been a king, my friend. Elayne taught me to rule, but you . . . you taught me how to stand."


That made me flashback to the bk2 scenes of Lan preparing Rand to meet the Amyrlin: "What training you’ve had, I gave you, and I’ll not have you groveling and sniveling. The Wheel weaves us all into the Pattern as it wills. You have less freedom about it than most, but by the Light, you can still face it on your feet."


"There is one rule, above all others, for being a man. Whatever comes, face it on your feet."


I agree so completely. The one rule, above all others, line has always been my favourite quote of the series. So seeing that paid off was so wonderful, up there with what Perrin did to the badger in ToM.


I also absolutely loved the sudden change of situation when Rand asked Tuon under what right she claimed the land, and pointed out that his claim predated hers. I don't know how the rest of the book would have turned out, but I kind of wish she'd agreed with him and backed down.


The Sharans showing up, and the sudden impact of the excrement on the fan for the Aes Sedai. And then the follow up with Egwene and Gawyn seeing Bao the Wyld for the first time, this completely unknown but clearly awesome folk legend.


Callandor turning out to be a trap for Moridin, not for Rand.


As others have mentioned, Lan's fight with Demandred, the realisation that he isn't dead (though if he had died there, I think that would have worked too), and the achievement contest between Rand and Mat. Surely with the number of Forsaken Rand has killed, he wins. Not to mention having twisted the pattern to allow him to get away with mfff polygamy?


Lastly... But it was an ending.





I have to say that one of my favorite parts (Besides everything involving mat and lan) was when Loial and the Ogier fought. I could almost hear they war song as they slaughtered waves upon waves of trollocs.


-Matt and Rand's boasting competition was awesome!


-"That's why I still carry a bow you blasted son of a goat!"


-Talmanes heroics in Caemlyn.


-Matt vs Demandred


-Rand lighting his pipe at the end


-The People of Hinderstap


These scenes all made me have to read it again to make sure to catch everything. Others that you guys have said are obviously awesome, but I wanted to post new ones.


Greatest Series of All Time!


So many scenes that I absolutely loved, but most have already been mentioned.  I'll repeat a couple here, but will try to keep that to a minimum.


Things that made my heart swell / eyes fill with tears included


** The Two Rivers archers providing a lighted path for Lan as he charges toward Demandred.


** Olver blowing the Horn and Noal standing over him.


** Galad's learning that Rand is his brother.


And one thing that really made me laugh was the Aes Sedai all but sentencing Cadsuane to life as the Amyrlin Seat.


 Rand sparring with Tam.   Another perfect moment demonstrating the influence of Tam in Rands life at key moments


Talmanes !!


Too many awesome things to list. Even some Faile bits which i was very surprised by.


but two stood out for me. Somewhat similar but also different.


Lan vs Demandred. Loved the buildup. You knew it was going to be glorious no matter how it turne out. Riding down a corridor cleared by longbows, facing a dude that already beat Galad and Gawyn. I almost said taishar Malkier out loud.


Perrin and Lanfear in the cave. The whole book i was wondering what was up with Lanfear helping Perrin. That healing gave me real bad vibe. When Lanfear leaves Perrin to later and he feels so sad about that it clicked- compulsion. And then he gets to the cave in the most crucial moments. And Lanfear is there. And they start walking deeper together. Nononono. "You kill that one, i kill this one". For a moment i forgot that this is not the kind of book that would make one of the main protagonist do that sort of thing. Pure dread. And then- snap. Magnificent. Straightforward, No dancing about, just snap. Done. Perhaps even anticliactic to some. Brilliant.

Lan vs Demandred. Loved the buildup. You knew it was going to be glorious no matter how it turne out. Riding down a corridor cleared by longbows, facing a dude that already beat Galad and Gawyn. I almost said taishar Malkier out loud.

I did say it out LOUD !!


I have to say that one of my favorite parts (Besides everything involving mat and lan) was when Loial and the Ogier fought. I could almost hear they war song as they slaughtered waves upon waves of trollocs.




-Matt and Rand's boasting competition was awesome!


-"That's why I still carry a bow you blasted son of a goat!"


-Talmanes heroics in Caemlyn.


-Matt vs Demandred


-Rand lighting his pipe at the end


-The People of Hinderstap


These scenes all made me have to read it again to make sure to catch everything. Others that you guys have said are obviously awesome, but I wanted to post new ones.


Greatest Series of All Time!




So many scenes that I absolutely loved, but most have already been mentioned.  I'll repeat a couple here, but will try to keep that to a minimum.


Things that made my heart swell / eyes fill with tears included


** The Two Rivers archers providing a lighted path for Lan as he charges toward Demandred.


** Olver blowing the Horn and Noal standing over him.


** Galad's learning that Rand is his brother.


And one thing that really made me laugh was the Aes Sedai all but sentencing Cadsuane to life as the Amyrlin Seat.




 Rand sparring with Tam.   Another perfect moment demonstrating the influence of Tam in Rands life at key moments


Talmanes !!





Too many awesome things to list. Even some Faile bits which i was very surprised by.


but two stood out for me. Somewhat similar but also different.


Lan vs Demandred. Loved the buildup. You knew it was going to be glorious no matter how it turne out. Riding down a corridor cleared by longbows, facing a dude that already beat Galad and Gawyn. I almost said taishar Malkier out loud.


Perrin and Lanfear in the cave. The whole book i was wondering what was up with Lanfear helping Perrin. That healing gave me real bad vibe. When Lanfear leaves Perrin to later and he feels so sad about that it clicked- compulsion. And then he gets to the cave in the most crucial moments. And Lanfear is there. And they start walking deeper together. Nononono. "You kill that one, i kill this one". For a moment i forgot that this is not the kind of book that would make one of the main protagonist do that sort of thing. Pure dread. And then- snap. Magnificent. Straightforward, No dancing about, just snap. Done. Perhaps even anticliactic to some. Brilliant.

Lan vs Demandred. Loved the buildup. You knew it was going to be glorious no matter how it turne out. Riding down a corridor cleared by longbows, facing a dude that already beat Galad and Gawyn. I almost said taishar Malkier out loud.

I did say it out LOUD !!




I did too. I shouted "Taishar Malkier" when Lan was riding down that corridor cleared by the flaming arrows fired by the Two Rivers Longbows. There was a couple of people there with me in my college's study hall, and they looked at me like I was crazy. But, I did not care! I kept on smiling and reading the rest of that scene and chapter!


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