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Saddest moments in the book

Jason Denzel

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Guest Thom Thumb
reading the words 'There are neither beginnings or endings to the turning of the Wheel of Time. But it was a ending.'


After following this series since 1990, this was saddest part of the book for me.


Tam's farewell to Rand on the funeral pyre really brought it full circle for me.


"Is this your gift to us, son? A final one? You did well. My boy... you did so well". 


I kept thinking about Rand & Tam getting ready for Bel Tine in EotW... How far we've come. 


Even though I had a love/hate thing going on with Egwene, her death hit me like a ton of bricks.  I stopped reading after she died and was like naaaahhhh shes going to come back, right?  


Trom's death also hit me hard.  Poor Trom.


Definitely Moiraine telling Rand he did well, echoing back to her letter in "The Fires of Heaven". And then having Tam echo the same thing at the funeral, and having Moraine grab his arm. Even thought I knew Rand was alive, they didn't. It was very touching. 

Guest otakueric

My saddest moment is upon finishing the book realizing that nothing has changed. It was also a fear of mine that this would have been the ending, and even having steeled myself -- it was very upsetting.


DO is "sealed"

Dragon's peace eventually ends

Seanchan is eventually destroyed or assimilated

Tower is re-united and world lives in peace with planes and electricity and the source

Shara remains savages that needs to be reigned in every single age

Idiots (new lanfear and co.) will drill the bore and release the DO

New LTT seals the bore using only saidar and taints it

Male Aes Sedai are tainted and tower splits

Hawkwings people cross the sea and new Seanchan is created

New WoT series with new characters

new Rand "properly" "seals" the DO


rine and repeat.


I REALLY wanted some type of satisifying conclusion.




Saddest Moments:


When Egwene did not show up with the heroes of the horn. She would have deserved to join the bunch.


When Mat and Perrin did not even show up at Rand's funeral.


When Rand/Moridin did not even let Tam know that he had survived while Cadsuane and his girls knew. All he could thinks about was how he could enjoy his new found freedom and which girl would follow him. That from the man who had cared almost too much for the world and all its creatures.


Seems I care more for what did not happen than what happend.


Thinking Olver was going to die was hard to read.


Birgitte getting beheaded.


Egwene doing that whatever to take down Taim


Logaine's toruture


Ituralde fighting Hassaleen's compulsion


Aviendha killing Rhuarc


Mellar's scene was absolutely horrid


Thinking Demandred would survive the duels and defeat Mat


Tam lighting that pire


There are so much more in this book I could list.... better stop, lol


Olver's broken-ness throughout the book hit me pretty hard, as well as the scenes with him running from Trollocs.  I loved how that resolved in the scene with Noal, but it did bring tears to my eyes.


I am glad I am not the only one.  And after Noal saved him, what he said....almost lost it.


I never thought I'd say this, but Gawyn's death was a chocking moment for me, which is strange because I hated him since book 6 and was rooting for Demandred in this fight, but when Galad found him it was so heartbreaking. I admit, it was Galad I felt sorry for, but right then I wished Gawyn would live.


I also felt like crying for olver when Faile left him in the middle of a Troloc camp, he is just a child!


But the most horrfying moment for me was when mashadar hit Mat, Since I knew about the Outrigers, I was so sure Mat will live, but when he fell I had a panic attack thinking that maybe Team Jordan decided to kill him  to stop any talk about writing the outriggers, I know it was foolish thinking, especially knowing that RJ wrote the ending himself and it would take major editing to kill Mat off, but as I said it was a panic attack, I skimed through few pages found out he's still alive and moved on with my life.


Bela.... as a Bela fan from the beginning, this struck me hard. 


Rhuarc was sad, such a strong proud man


Julian, Hurin.... good hearted minor characters who fought bravely. 


I was actually sad a bit for that Sharan woman who loved Demandred without knowing he was evil. It seemed Demandred felt the same for her too and almost tilted him back to the Light.


Robert Jordan fought in Vietnam and  had seen the dogs of war. He knew that no matter how good a person is, sometimes they meet inglorious deaths.



Wait a second, did Juilan die?!!  If so I missed it.  It was sad that he was relegated to a mere cameo. 


When most of the support characters died. Then Egwene. Bela and for a second there I thought Mat would keel over from mashadar.Same with Rand's funeral. Whew


Damn I wanted my books to remain in good condition. AMOL made me cry a whole lot.


Just finished AMoL. One of the saddest parts of the book for me was when Birgitte told Elayne she was being reborn. The gut wrenching moment when you don't want to let your friend go. What if she doesn't remember Elayne and they never find each other again? Yet knowing if Birgitte were to stay she'd lose her memories and her love. I got pretty choked up watching Birgitte fade away, she has been a favorite of mine throughout the series, but I was happy at the hopefulness of her rebirth.


I had emotionally prepared myself for this book to be a bloodbath, so I had cushioned myself from the full emotional impact of many of the deaths. Once I read it again, more slowly and carefully, I'll probably feel it more. That said, there were definitely a few points when I got angry at the book because someone died (or I thought they did). 

Egwene's death wasn't a surprise to me. I always thought that her function in the story was to reunite the AS and to get them to the Last Battle as a cohesive force. She had said so many times during her captivity in the Tower that she would gladly sacrifice herself for the good of the AS, so when that didn't happen in the Tower reunification, I figured she'd be a Last Battle casualty. She's never been one of my favorite characters, but some of my favorite WOT scenes have been Egwene moments, and I'm glad that she went out in a spectacular way. 



I felt a pang of sadness for Bela, but at the time I was more concerned about Olver escaping from the Trollocs with the Horn. On the topic of horses, however, I was VERY concerned for Lan's horse, Mandarb, when he jumped off of him to confront Demandred. I can't recall whether he was mentioned after that, but if that horse ended up in a Trolloc cookpot, I'd be angry, because that horse is pretty awesome. 

Speaking of Lan, I threw my book across the room when I thought he was dead, though it was an AWESOME scene. Then I immediately picked it up and continued reading, because Demandred's apparent death-blows against both Gawyn and Galad were not their final scenes, so I thought it was fairly likely that Lan wasn't quite as dead as he appeared. I almost threw the book again when the Mashadar tentacle appeared through Mat's chest, but by that point I wasn't convinced that ANYONE was truly dead when it appeared that they were. I literally cheered when both Lan and Mat reappeared. 

Birgitte's death was harsh. I figured that something was going to happen to her, but her getting impaled with a sword and THEN beheaded was just harsh. It was heartbreaking to watch her lose all her memories, not knowing whether she was still tied to the Horn or not. I wasn't convinced that she was, and I cheered again when she reappeared with the Heroes. I still think it's odd that her and Gaidal were both reborn, but not in time for the Last Battle. 

Gawyn...meh. In a list of WOT characters who annoy me the most, he definitely makes the top three. I thought that his death was fitting for his character, but it had no emotional impact for me, other than how it affected Egwene. 


On a related note, I was surprised at how invested I was in Galad's fate. I've never really liked him or his storyline, but his few viewpoints in this book improved my opinion of him. And while I've never been especially fond of Berelain, either, I really wanted them to end up together. Annoura's sacrifice to save him hit me hard, though she's a minor character whose fate I wasn't particularly invested in. Stilling/gentling/burning out of channelers has always hit me harder than actual deaths in WOT - one of the most emotional scenes in the whole series for me is the scene in which Siuan and Leane wake up after they've been stilled. I remember being STUNNED when I first read that.


Siuan and Bryne's deaths were sad to me, as they were among my favorite characters. I really would have liked to see a Moiraine/Siuan reunion, since they'd both grown so much since they had last seen one another. 

I was terrified for poor Olver trying to get away from the Trollocs! I don't know if everybody feels this way, but I had long since dismissed Trollocs as a threat, aside from the sheer number of them. All the main characters have been so powerful for most of the series that a few individual Trollocs aren't much of a threat. Plus, so many more powerful threats have been introduced during the series, that when I see Trollocs, I generally think, 'Oh, it's just Trollocs - no problem. Lan/Rand/Egwene/Nynaeve/whoever will take them all out in a minute.' Even when there's A LOT of Trollocs, I still tend to think, 'Well, there are a lot of them, but they're only Trollocs. It's only a matter of time before the good guys kill them all one way or another.' Even when Faile - who has no particular battle skills and was essentially alone - was trying to escape the Trollocs, I wasn't too concerned. A KID desperately trying to escape from the middle of a Trolloc camp is another story entirely! THAT got my attention and I was instantly afraid of Trollocs again! Cheered again when Noal rescued him, and his reaction was heartbreaking. I hope some nice people adopt that kid.

Mellar capturing Elayne and planning to cut her babies out was HORRIFYING. I was numb at the very thought of it, and that's the one moment in the book when I thought the Dark One might really win. Hands down, scariest threat to the Light since Semirhage put the collar on Rand and made him strangle Min...and the scene that instantly played out in my mind in this case was worse. 


The saddest moment in the book was the last couple sentences, when the wind appeared. I hadn't thought what the actual last words of the last book would be, and it was appropriate. But very sad to read. 


Egwene's death got to me the most. A lot of hard moments in this book. Really heart-wrenching and heart-racing. Although I think it was Rand's reaction that hurt the most about her death.


Also, I got goosebumps when Moiraine and Rand meet again for the first time.


Didn't really cried when she died, but really got choked up when she appears in front of Rand and asks "Am I not allowed to be a hero too?".  :(


I almost forgot! This! THIS was a tough moment. Definitely one of the saddest. Probably the saddest/most emotional thing coming out of Egwene's death.


I actually felt a bit sad when Egwene died, and I was never really a fan of hers. I think my favorite Egwene moment might be in the final book, though. When she meets with Tuon and says she plans to live for centuries, etc. I actually really liked her... and just when I started liking her, she gets whacked. 


I felt bad for Aviendha. Poor foot.


While she ended up with a happy ending, when Faile apologized to Olver and then lead a bunch of murdering rapist darkfriends and trollocs away, I felt for her, too. Again, she's definitely not one of my favorite characters. 


The fact the Rhuarc was brought so low.... that just sucked.


I'm sure I'm missing a few. Oh. I wouldn't be surprised if he eventually went to find him, but I didn't like the fact that Tam didn't know that Rand really lived. I found that to be very sad. 



I was stunned at the Cadsuane's death.

She didn't die. Thom threw his knife at a black sister disquised with the Power to look like Cadsuane.

First I put aside the Kindle thinking "wow, black Cads was unexpected, especially this late". Then I thought "well, maybe she wanted to check on Rand and Tom just was too cautious, situation required that, but she's dead now, that can't be reversed". Then I thought "no, there should be something else, she can't die" and continued reading. That still was probably most shocking moment for me.


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