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What would you give your favorite WoT characters for Christmas?


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So I was thinking we might have a fun Christmas themed thread, so exactly what it say on the tin, what would you get your favorite WoT characters for Christmas.


I would get Mazrim Taim a coffee mug that say I'am the Boss!


I would get Logain a copy of the book Egyptian Revenge Sells, not exactly his Paradigm but he is a smart man, he will figure it out.


I would get Atal Mishraile a helmet for the next time the annoy Taim.


I would get Tuon a all the female attendee's of a Reiki class.


I would get Perrin a copy of the collectors edition of the new Werewolf the Apocalypse core book.


I would get Moiraine a tshirt that say F*** Tinkerbell fairies eat mages!


I would get Matt a set of Game science dice and be sure the set had some strange ones like 3 sided dice and 16 sided dice.


I would get Rand a tshirt that say My spells are bigger than yours!


I would get the Dark One a sign to put up outside of Shayol Ghul which says. Warning evil God ahead, no mages beyond this point, may be hazardous to to the source of your magick.


I would get Elaida a copy of the Malleus Maleficarum, she loves to hunt for mages so it seams oddly appropriate.


I would get Alviarin and elevator since she want one so much.

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I'd give Elayne a Shower.


Mat a Lottery ticket (and ask him to share ;)), no I'd give Mat (and Rand and Perrin) a copy of the Haynes manual to women.


Loial needs a laptop, to save having so many books to carry round all the time.


I'd get Demandred the popular board game 'guess who?'


And Asmodean the board game Cluedo.

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What I would give Demandred is a coffee mug with the text Congratulation 2'th place, but I would wrap it up in multiple layers of wrapping paper and allot of tape so I had good time to run away and get out of his spell range before he manages to get the package opened. :P

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