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Basel Gill

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Last bit from me. I need to get to sleep soon.


Sorry Ley, I just noticed you were snows replacement. tbh, I don't have much on any of the replacements based on their own actions. TG I think makes sense as Cop based on wombat flipping Doc and FDR. And as he is still in cc'ed I would say that he is as firmly confirmed as possible. Despo in for Starrik null. Darhte I already said my peace there.


Kaylee, hasn't stood out to me in any way. Not sure how I feel about that.


Smiley, his vigorous defense of Ithi actually worries me some. I honestly don't have anything else as I don't have notes.


Maw, he comes off as very snarky in some of his posts but that is Maw so although it sounds like fingernails on a chalkboard to me I have seen him that way as town many times.


If I can buy/steal a DC/AC inverter I maybe able to post more thoughts again tomorrow night. good night.

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Ithi.  Answer me this.  How do you feel that we should handle the situation when confronted by a highly volatile player who has managed to play a major part in the lynching of every townsmember killed so far and bounces around seemingly irratically?  What would you do in this instance?


Also, give us your impressions of each player and the game itself at this point.  


Lastly, what is your goal for today?  Don't be vague.

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I've had a very long, exhausting week trying to cover extra duties at work... brain is trying to shut down on me even as I type.  The good news is, I'm off work for 9 whole days, and will be at my mom's house after tomorrow night with wi-fi, my laptop, and very little to do except bum around on DM.  Ahh, vacation.


As for current events... I am having a hard time figuring Ithi out now.   Earlier in the game she didn't seem to be playing quite as aggressively, but she really ramped that up with her hard push on Marsh, and today's pouncing on Lenlo.  Marsh turned out to be telling the truth, but I honestly didn't expect that to be the case.  The role claim is interesting from a game setup perspective.  I've never been in a game with an Oracle-type role.  If she's telling the truth, I'm fascinated to see what she finds out next...  not sold on it being the truth, though.


What bothers me is how very strongly Smiley is supporting her.  Unless they're on a mason team (which I doubt, seeing as how Random and Rand were masons), or lovers, I'm having a hard time figuring it.  Maybe he's an unlyncher. 


I have a better feeling about Turin now that he's given a more detailed post with his thoughts.  His notes about RTE remind me of the pings I was getting from him earlier, and I need to go back through and look at some of the earlier things that bothered me. 


Pretty sure there was more I wanted to say but I'm drawing a blank.  I have packing and such to do for my flight tomorrow, may have time to collect my thoughts.  If not, Sunday I'll have to spend time with my family, but the evening should be free.

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Darthe, I can't really do what you want as I have no proper internet and also no time. Today I will be unpacking a bazillion boxes and getting the house straight for christmas and that has to take priority.


I know what it is like to become fixated on one person, I do it all the time, but I think you should cast your net a little wider.


Len. Didn't really do much but agree and follow. Infact was happy to go with my vote on smiley and even said smiley hadn't answered my case, when I had no case. Then I said he was Mafia and we should Lynch him, and suddenly he was all anti Ithi. But most of his posts since then have just been repeating what others have said and basically saying I suck.


WoT. Again not really saying much. Agreeing with others and stuff. Hopped on my Lynch until others said it might be the wrong thing to do and then hopped off again. Said she was doing a reread but came back with nothing for ages until I linked her with Smiley and called her Mafia, then voted me and magically everything in her reread pointed to me.


I would recommend you do your iso thing on them.


Other people I can remember ...


Ley. We have Secretaries of State here in the UK because we are a Monarchy and the Queen is our Head of State. The people at the top of each department are called Secretaries of State - such as for Education and Health. Look it up. You basically just did the agreeing with everyone else and then called me out for giving my character the wrong title. I didn't. Weak vote ... I'm watching you.


Kaylee ... Another reread and I'll be back later post


Tress ... Pops up every now and then to say stuff, usually agreeing with people saying I'm a bad guy but doesn't vote. Suspect.


Turin ... Claims he can't read me but something seems off. Suspect.


Despo. Hasn't appeared in the game yet.


RTE. Goes ballistic when he gets a vote. Probably outraged that I don't know that he is definitely Town. Funny.


Darthe. Wanted me dead since day 1. Still wants me dead. Never did the iso thing he said I would. Thinks he is the only one who can lay traps to see who bites. Making demands of people to do what he says. Very bossy indeed. Thinks he is a safe confirmed Town person cos thorum shot someone. He's trying to find Mafia I hope.


Smiley. Thinks I am Town. Appreciated but for all I know is actually Mafia and is trying to be friends. Both him and WoT answered with a 'why do you think I am Mafia' yesterday when I was having a bounce about.


Lolguy. Asked a weird question of the Cop which made my ears prick up. And then the Cop said he has been blocked.


And I'm going to have to stop because I really need to crack on and my signal here has been pants. I thought I would be dead when I woke up to be honest. Write me a list of who I have missed and I will see what I remember about them.


And Darthe, it's your turn now to do a full list of everyone and what you think about them :) quid pro quo


One last thing, I think the vote train on me was the fastest so far in this game.

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Just noticed I missed some bits from Darthe's very important questions. I think I may make a sandwich and have a break.


You can all do what you want about the person who is trying to get the people she thinks is Mafia Lynched, I'm not going to stop playing so agree with me or don't, unless you are suggesting that you want me to stop voting for people? Do you think I should just wait for someone else to make a case and just follow along with them?


I didn't bounce around at all till yesterday ... And I quite clearly explained what my bouncing was for. It paid dividends as far as I'm concerned. Plus it was very nice to actually play for a bit, the game had got very slow and I was bored. Saying I've beeen playing ALL bouncy is a bit of a fib really. It was a tactic I used for a purpose, which I had already said before you did you ah-haaaaaa! Post.


Maybe you should be looking at the people who brought those lynches to fruition. Were they just agreeing with what I said, or did they actually give valid reasons for their votes?


My goal for today is to get Len Lynched :) and to get the living room looking like a living room, to make sure the skip people come and clear our driveway and that our sky telly is connected. I'm looking forward to seeing what great words of wisdom about just how rubbish I am come from Len today.


And I think that is your lot from me. I probably shouldn't have started this game, but I honestly thought they would just flick a switch somewhere and the internet would magically turn on.




Ohhh here is a weird thing I spotted in Turin's quotes. RTE did ask to be lie detected and also said, "Love.ly"


That kind of looks like RTE loves lies lmao.

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<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="ReleaseTheEvil" data-cid="2714824" data-time="1356177624"><p>

<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="Ithillian" data-cid="2714802" data-time="1356174881"><p>One last thing, I think the vote train on me was the fastest so far in this game.</p></blockquote>

<br />

Doubtful. And as everyone proved, I wasn't the first to suddenly and spontaneously suspect you. Get over yourself :tongue:</p></blockquote>


Apologies for the crappy quoting. Mobile DM strikes again.


I think you will find that the other Lynches did not complete until nearly deadline. Mine went from zero to almost dead in a few hours.


You probably should learn to post with more reasoning, and check facts and stuff rather than get het up and take things so personally. It's easy to forget this is just a game.

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Ley. We have Secretaries of State here in the UK because we are a Monarchy and the Queen is our Head of State. The people at the top of each department are called Secretaries of State - such as for Education and Health. Look it up. You basically just did the agreeing with everyone else and then called me out for giving my character the wrong title. I didn't. Weak vote ... I'm watching you.


In the Netherlands, we have Ministers, and Secretaries of the State below them. I had no reason to assume it's different in the UK.

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Ley. We have Secretaries of State here in the UK because we are a Monarchy and the Queen is our Head of State. The people at the top of each department are called Secretaries of State - such as for Education and Health. Look it up. You basically just did the agreeing with everyone else and then called me out for giving my character the wrong title. I didn't. Weak vote ... I'm watching you.


In the Netherlands, we have Ministers, and Secretaries of the State below them. I had no reason to assume it's different in the UK.

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Darthe is being bossy.


I think what he meant to say was - would you colour in the dead according to what group they are in. Leave the alive people in black. And when we lynch a Mafia can you do them in another colour. It makes it easier to see, for the people who can see the front page anyways.

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Darthe is being bossy.


I think what he meant to say was - would you colour in the dead according to what group they are in. Leave the alive people in black. And when we lynch a Mafia can you do them in another colour. It makes it easier to see, for the people who can see the front page anyways.


Okay. I honestly don't think I've ever really taken notice of this in any games I've played in. And it occurs to me that if he means what you think he means, that he has a problem with me making all the dead players the same color


... in a game where only townies have died so far.


I may as well declare the town color to be black and not worry about editing the OP.

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Attention all, town color is black :tongue:


I think he meant to make dead townies green maybe as I've seen this before?


Back to gameplay, it seems that our suspect list for likely votes today seems to be Ithi, Len, BG,and Tress.  We have two days before DL, but we need to make sure this doesn't go random by letting it get too close to Christmas where nobody will be around.  Let's focus our discussion on these 4 at this point.

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Ok, finally got a chance to catch up.


Turin, I'm leaning towards town with his recent posts.


RTE, still pings me, the question about being the only townie left really started making me look at him. I'm getting an anti-vibe from him.


Tress, I'm still unsure of. I look forward to hearing her thoughts when she is able to post them.


Darthe, I believed the vig claim before the replacement. I also think this would have been better held off being a 1-time shot.


Leno, I hadn't really noticed his following until Ithi pointed it out. Leaning anti-town.


Smiley, why stake everything you have on Ithi being town? What makes you so sure? That comment just seemed off to me.


TG, is still UnCC'd cop.


Random, mason with Rand.


Ithi, I'm thinking she's town. I see the point about how a mafia could easily lead townie lynches, but I just get more of a town vibe from her.


Vote RTE

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TG, I just saw you post, for some reason it didn't show up until now. I would be happy to switch to Len. If needed I'll switch for consolidation to Ithi. Why Len but not RTE? The case against him is just as strong. Also, before my vote they each had one.

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Darthe, I can't really do what you want as I have no proper internet and also no time. Today I will be unpacking a bazillion boxes and getting the house straight for christmas and that has to take priority.


I know what it is like to become fixated on one person, I do it all the time, but I think you should cast your net a little wider.


Len. Didn't really do much but agree and follow. Infact was happy to go with my vote on smiley and even said smiley hadn't answered my case, when I had no case. Then I said he was Mafia and we should Lynch him, and suddenly he was all anti Ithi. But most of his posts since then have just been repeating what others have said and basically saying I suck.


WoT. Again not really saying much. Agreeing with others and stuff. Hopped on my Lynch until others said it might be the wrong thing to do and then hopped off again. Said she was doing a reread but came back with nothing for ages until I linked her with Smiley and called her Mafia, then voted me and magically everything in her reread pointed to me.


I would recommend you do your iso thing on them.


Other people I can remember ...


Ley. We have Secretaries of State here in the UK because we are a Monarchy and the Queen is our Head of State. The people at the top of each department are called Secretaries of State - such as for Education and Health. Look it up. You basically just did the agreeing with everyone else and then called me out for giving my character the wrong title. I didn't. Weak vote ... I'm watching you.


Kaylee ... Another reread and I'll be back later post


Tress ... Pops up every now and then to say stuff, usually agreeing with people saying I'm a bad guy but doesn't vote. Suspect.


Turin ... Claims he can't read me but something seems off. Suspect.


Despo. Hasn't appeared in the game yet.


RTE. Goes ballistic when he gets a vote. Probably outraged that I don't know that he is definitely Town. Funny.


Darthe. Wanted me dead since day 1. Still wants me dead. Never did the iso thing he said I would. Thinks he is the only one who can lay traps to see who bites. Making demands of people to do what he says. Very bossy indeed. Thinks he is a safe confirmed Town person cos thorum shot someone. He's trying to find Mafia I hope.


Smiley. Thinks I am Town. Appreciated but for all I know is actually Mafia and is trying to be friends. Both him and WoT answered with a 'why do you think I am Mafia' yesterday when I was having a bounce about.


Lolguy. Asked a weird question of the Cop which made my ears prick up. And then the Cop said he has been blocked.


And I'm going to have to stop because I really need to crack on and my signal here has been pants. I thought I would be dead when I woke up to be honest. Write me a list of who I have missed and I will see what I remember about them.


And Darthe, it's your turn now to do a full list of everyone and what you think about them :) quid pro quo


One last thing, I think the vote train on me was the fastest so far in this game.


No, not everything pointed to you... and the not coming back for ages part is because i was on the move and couldn't exactly go through and post everything on a first gen. nook that's a slow as a snail...


My next post I will post my thoughts on everyone since I have the time for it...

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Here's a list of people in the game... from the amount of town gone and the number of people we started with, I'd think we started with either 5 or 6 mafia members more than likely...


1. Ithi- I'm confused here... she seems like town, but the fact that she led the lynches have me suspicious
2. Turin- .... unsure...
3. RTE- probably just a newbie...
4. Darthe William Joseph Slim, Allied Rubber Tongue, lynched Day 1
5. Falcon Ironeyes Jimmy Doolittle, Allied cop/Doc Backup, lynched Day 3
6. Smiley- seems town
7. Rand Georgy Zhukov, Allied Mason, lynched Day 2
8. Ley J. Robert Oppenheimer, Allied Inventor, killed Night 2
9. Random- town.. we know he's part of a mason team since Rand was lynched..
10. BG- leaning towards mafia
11. Maw- unsure
12. Tress- I think town..
13. Kaylee- can't really tell...
14. Bard Babe TG- took over for BB who was town cop, therefore he is town
15. lolguy- somewhat quiet, but I'm getting a town read for right now...
16. Len- unsure, but could very well be mafia...
17. Womby Franklin Roosevelt, Allied Doctor, killed Night 3
18. Despo Henry Stimson, Vanilla Ally, killed Night 1
19. WoT13
20. Starrik Despo 2.0- hasn't showed yet...
21. Snowy Ley 2.0- Snow didn't do too much talking and Ley's been here for about a day... too early to tell
22. Tina Vasily Chuikov, Vanilla Ally, killed Day 2
23. Thorum Darthe 2.0- Town... took over for Thorum who shot Tina... and apparently used a 1 shot vig kill


Blue means probable town, green means definite town, purple is unsure, black is dead, and orange is probable mafia...

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