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Basel Gill

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Sorry I've been not up to my usual activity. Works been kicking me in the butt recently. Plus, holiday shopping, etc. No excuses.


For some reason, my brain has no recollection of what Ironeyes has been up to. But I seem to remember wondering about Thorum and Mawth for some reason. I also seem to remember Wombat having Turin in his suspicions list, but don't remember why he's not pursuing that anymore.


Wombat and Ithi are being pretty buddy buddy, which for some reason feels like an odd pair to me. Wombat I've taken to believe is town given his actions, but Ithi could be buddying.


Ithi, what are your thoughts on Turin?


Turin, what are your thoughts on Ithi?



This post isn't too substantial, but it's a way to get my head back into the game and thinking about it again.

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Turin was indeed on my suspects list, but I saw his scumminess as somewhat correlated with Rand's scumminess so when Rand flipped town, that allayed my suspicions a bit.  Still keeping an eye out though.


Love the questions to Ithi and Turin.  I would like to hear what they think of each other.

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This was Maw's post quoting I believe Random and and Marsh. (Marsh's being the middle and Maw's the bottom).


I'm still newish to Mafia, but I enjoy the game and have learned a lot, and D1 lists like Marsh's aren't things I've seen town do much. To really have anything substantial to go on that requires a list seems (to me) something better suited D2-D3 at earliest. 

That's why the list is lame. But I wanted to feel like I was contributing something you all didn't have yet, as opposed to my previous re-hashing of what had already happened. So, yeah. Lame. 


The "role dumping" quote was in response to Wom's BPV comment. I though he was serious. 


Now, my two main suspects today are Ithi and Turin, so I'm gonna vote Ithi for now since there's already somebody on her. 



Well multiquote is being so the other quote isn't showing up, but really marsh? Follow womby's vote. Then yell at him for that very same vote.


Also Thorum is bugging me a bit. I'll try and come back to find out why later.

^This I added because it shows where Marsh votes Ithi and basically tells Wombat he shouldn't have voted her. Marsh since this post claimed to be a backup for a town power role. Not sure if I believe that. I just haven't been getting a town feel from him. I could be wrong.


This was Marsh's claim:

I'm here, for a few moments at least. Don't shoot me. I'm Jimmy Doolittle, backup for a major power role which I shall not mention yet. For the newbies, that means I get the role if the original person dies. 


Unvote. Vote Rand. I didn't think he was worthy of a vote until that whole "he's on but ignoring the thread" thing. Which makes me worried, because maybe he's got a role that benefits his team if he dies. 


Off to swim team. I'll be back in a few hours; I've got an essay to write and can post while doing that. 

 I'm also suspicious of Turin. Mostly due to his buddying up to Wombat D1.


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<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="Mawthtex" data-cid="2703025" data-time="1355432508"><p>

Um... Wow. This is obnoxious. Everyone has a good claim. I think i'm going to stay on Rand till DL since he doesn't seem to want to defend himself and its close enough that I don't think we could pull together another lynch.</p></blockquote>

This really stood out to me.

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Another VC before I turn in, just got done with the work Christmas party.


Vote count:


Iron (1): Ithi

Smiley (1): Womby


Not voting (16): Turin, RTE, Iron, Smiley, Random, BG, Maw, Tress, Kaylee, BB, Chuckles, Len, Time, Starry, Snow, Thorum


Deadline is Wednesday, Dec. 19th at 9 PM EST. With 18 alive, it takes 10 to lynch.



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I went back through most of D2 to refresh my memory - I have a lingering headache and am feeling a bit disjointed tonight, but wanted to get a few thoughts down.


Thorum has vetted himself well enough to convince me...  I'm feeling good about Random right now, and getting a town vibe from Time and Kaylee.


I almost missed the fact that Marsh has claimed, although it was a very vague claim (as a backup for a major power role that he refused to name) and looking at the bio information on the character he claimed I can't honestly think of anything that would make sense with that character.  Perhaps a bit convenient.


Wombat I've had a pretty strong pro-town read on.  I'm starting to get a little nervous that he's pulling something very bold here, but I'm giving him the benefit if the doubt at this point.  


BG pointed out that Ithi seems to have been buddying up to Wombat - that's something that also stuck out to me while looking back through D2.  She's still feeling off to me, more careful and less aggressive than I'm used to from her. 


Wombat, can you explain how you felt Turin's scumminess was related to Rand's? 


This post of Smiley's has me confused.  (Quoting, but with how the quote system has been temperamental I was a little concerned if it would come out right.)



The list in order of voting snd my thoughts on each


Turin (Don't know about him, he got onto Ley real quick and stuck on him, the stood hard on schevingen and I think his activity has dropped off since then)

Despo (confirmed Town)

Wombat (pretty sure he's Town)

Darthe (confirmed Town)

BG (not sure about him, he puts in the occasional post, but not particularly active, but I don't have any alarm bells ringing)

Rand (Mason)

Bard Babe (Claimed cop - haven't seen much of her so I don't have a read)





"The list in order of voting" - I can't figure out what that means - he gives no context here.  Voting on who?  I can't match this up to anything.  And again we have a subtle casting doubt on an uncountered claimed cop.  That stands out to me every time I see it.


There's more I want to look at later, but the brain is shutting down for the evening.  Could have something to do with the hot buttered rum, or the headache I'm still trying to shake.

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Turin and Rand were the main pushers of the Bus Driver conversation, which I found to be scummy.  Especially coming from Turin who usually decries setup talk early in games.  Both said Scheveningen early so I thought that if the mafia had been tipped off to that, they may both have been mafia.  Also, I saw Rand's weak attempt to start a train on Turin as possible distancing.  They were pretty strongly linked in my mind.  That doesn't mean that since Rand flipped town Turin can't be scum, but it does weaken my reasons for being suspicious of Turin.

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"The list in order of voting" - I can't figure out what that means - he gives no context here.  Voting on who?  I can't match this up to anything.  And again we have a subtle casting doubt on an uncountered claimed cop.  That stands out to me every time I see it.


There's more I want to look at later, but the brain is shutting down for the evening.  Could have something to do with the hot buttered rum, or the headache I'm still trying to shake.


It means I listed the first person to vote Ley first, I guess chronological would have been better

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Just woke up. Getting bad feelings about anyone who says am buddying Wombat, when I've been playing my own game and he might have agreed with or followed me a few times. You quote me where I've buddied Wombat seeing as how I was worried him and Ley were up to no good till last night results.


BG and Tress are talking rubbish and attempting to deflect onto people others already have suspicions of. It's very weak play.


I don't think Marsh ever said sheveningen becuase he replaced in, but I could be wrong.


Turin burnt me bad the last game we were in. He said the shevy word fast though, but I can't read him. I've said this often enough. He is my blind spot in Mafia, although the longer we both stay alive in the same game - the more I start to worry about him lol. He won't be able to answer you for a while though. He is currently in West Texas and has no data signal.

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I swear I'm just going to policy vote the next person who comes on here just to post that they don't know anything, they will have a read through and will come back later to post again.


That is just - 'hey I'm here and I feel I should be posting something' filler and it does my head in.


Here's an idea - read through, and THEN post.

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I swear I'm just going to policy vote the next person who comes on here just to post that they don't know anything, they will have a read through and will come back later to post again.


That is just - 'hey I'm here and I feel I should be posting something' filler and it does my head in.


Here's an idea - read through, and THEN post.


that is slightly harsh 

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WWWwombat     111
Smiley73     86
Thorum     77
Ithillian     73
Leyrann     72
Basel Gill     63
Darthe     58
Mawthtex     51
ReleaseTheEvil     49
TinaHel     42
Despothera     39
Kaylee     38
wheeloftime13     36
Lenlo     35
randomh3r0     32
RandA lThor     31
Turin Turambar     30
Ironeyes     30
bgrishinko     28
lolguy26     24
Starrik     22
Songstress     16
The Bard Babe     15
John Snow     12


John Snow has not posted at all for close to six days, in addition to having the fewest posts overall. I've been inclined to be more lenient given the ongoing issues that many people have had with DM, but I can't let people slide forever. I am giving this till the end of D3.

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Alright, it's D3 now, BB, if you're really the cop like you've claimed, we'd really like some information. Anything. We know N1 you couldn't have been RB'ed, as Ley was. Last night, it's possible, but I'd really like to hear from you. We haven't gotten any info since you claimed.


Currently, I don't like Ithi or Marsh. They're both smart enough to have this little argument they're in be just for show from two mafia... Ithi isn't as aggressively scumhunting as I've seen her, and this caught my eye:




Just woke up. Getting bad feelings about anyone who says am buddying Wombat, when I've been playing my own game and he might have agreed with or followed me a few times. You quote me where I've buddied Wombat seeing as how I was worried him and Ley were up to no good till last night results.

BG and Tress are talking rubbish and attempting to deflect onto people others already have suspicions of. It's very weak play.

I don't think Marsh ever said sheveningen becuase he replaced in, but I could be wrong.

Turin burnt me bad the last game we were in. He said the shevy word fast though, but I can't read him. I've said this often enough. He is my blind spot in Mafia, although the longer we both stay alive in the same game - the more I start to worry about him lol. He won't be able to answer you for a while though. He is currently in West Texas and has no data signal.

Now, I don't know about anyone else, but I don't recall there actually BEING any suspicions on these two (especially Tress), so why bother saying this at all? Sorry Ithi, to me it feels like carefully-played flailing almost. No need to really point that out at all


Vote: Ithi

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Got a moment today so a few thoughts:


My "buddying" Wombat. Once it became known that saying the word would aid town it became apparent everyone needed to say it. Trying to get it done so we could continue the normal day 1 discussion. This led to my additional suspicion of Ley. He started off with the "day 1 is no good" talk. Then the whole jester thing, then the scheveningen debate where he was refusing even tho he was the one that made it known the word's importance. So it was 3 strikes in my mind. I'm gonna keep after anyone I think mafia with exception of the day one noob pass.


Right now I'm chalking up any reduction in Ithi catching the entire mafia team to her having to make all sorts of house moving preparations as well as holidays and the ridiculous amount of BT work she covers for me when I am away like now.


Marsh I had been suspicious of for a bit. I thought his post where he claims odd. Starting off with don't shoot me. Then making the easiest claim to fake. Backup. I'm leaning there atm.


LZM and snow are both very lurky as mafia so I am worried about that but I haven't seen them post anywhere else so could be legit.


The talk regarding the bus driver possibility was in regard to one specific situation where a possibility was not being considered. Again my thinking was that in a game that appears to have a cop, lie detector and a nationality detector would require some redirecting roles for balance imo. Redirects are even worse for investigation roles than anything else.


Finally, Turin :wub: Ithi

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