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Basel Gill

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What Len said.  It's pretty much what he's known for 'round these parts.


I've been working on some notes from D1. I'm in training this week so my mornings are super early and I have to call it a night right quick here so I don't stumble out of bed in the morning like a lame cow in the road.  (Google "Mike Birbiglia" and "sleepy Carl" for an explanation there.)


Notes are seriously behind, but after a good start on that I gave up on the notes and started just re-reading and am about halfway through.  Should be able to finish catching up and post tomorrow after I get home.

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I'm still newish to Mafia, but I enjoy the game and have learned a lot, and D1 lists like Marsh's aren't things I've seen town do much. To really have anything substantial to go on that requires a list seems (to me) something better suited D2-D3 at earliest. 

That's why the list is lame. But I wanted to feel like I was contributing something you all didn't have yet, as opposed to my previous re-hashing of what had already happened. So, yeah. Lame. 


The "role dumping" quote was in response to Wom's BPV comment. I though he was serious. 


Now, my two main suspects today are Ithi and Turin, so I'm gonna vote Ithi for now since there's already somebody on her. 

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Yes because the suspicions of someone who, while they flipped town, had no investigative role on D1 is always the best thing to vote someone for while you yourself have no read on the person.


FoS Wombat.

Eh... Wom... he's got a point. Just sayin'. 

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@ Marsh I very rarely make cases against people - not in the grand case making way that more serious players do with quotes and stuff. I simply cannot play that way.


Instead I find something that niggles me and then try and use that to crack someone open. If I were to think about what niggled me about you, it was your weird correction to your statement about lying during the night. You needed us to know that there was only one lie and not multiple onesin your statement during the night? That seemed a little over the top and worried.


You are voting me, because you are suspicious of me. That's fair enough. You should always vote for people you suspect - but you say you are basically choosing me out of your suspect pool (a lazy linking of me and Turin) because someone has already done so. So, a confession of an attempt to bandwagon - ok. Even though Wombat moved his vote to Len? Bad luck there on your part I guess.


You had some other misinformation on your part in your lists too - like Smiley not posting much.


The only thing I agree with is that Tina has not done much this game apart from nod and smile. I wish I could do an isolation posting thingy, because I am sure that she has not made ONE constructive post this whole game and that feels to me like she is hiding something.


Also, wombat has the most posts of the game?!


Anyway ... Back to my original thoughts and then off to check on the builder, choose paint and all the other wonderful things that come along with new houses. We aim to move in on the 20th December, which is cutting it very fine indeed.


In the meantime, for inaccurate and leading lists and reasoning Vote Marsh


I trust you are happy with my casing now lol.


I love a little bit of OMGUS in the morning :biggrin:

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Whee, I actually made it to DM successfully! I thought a VC would have to wait till after work.


Vote count:


Ithi (1): Iron

Len (1): Womby

Iron (1): Ithi

Womby (1): Thorum


Not voting (17): Turin, RTE, Smiley, Rand, Ley, Random, BG, Maw, Tress, Kaylee, BB, Chuckles, Len, Time, Starry, Snow, Tina


With 21 alive, it takes 11 to lynch. Deadline is Thurs. Dec. 13th at 9 PM EST.



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Let me vote Wombat.


- Day 1, he wants us all to say a word, when we have (almost) all done so, he acknowledges it wasn't part of his role.

- Day 2, he starts of with 2 random votes.


Well, the day 1 actions wouldn't really help mafia, and as for random votes, they don't scream Mafia to me either, strange - yes, but if he's going to vote everywhere that's his problem not mine, I'll just ignore what he does till he gives me something to think about


Going to Des death (sorry you're gone buddy), it might be useful taking a look at those Des was hot on the tails of, Thorum mostly

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Somebody already did: Des.






And no, I didn't kill her





Not gonna bother with spoiler tags cause that might screw up the quotes somehow. I'll trim out what isn't relevant however
As chosen by the gods of random, a first shot.
1st post
unvote and vote jon snow
For thinking the world ends with the US.
2nd post, on the same page. A little jumpy with his votes to start off with...
So, I can confirm two things based on my role PM which will probably not give the mafia any advantage and yet it will give the town some. However, due to the nature of my role PM I am choosing to do so in another post.
Turin has been the only individual to acknowledge this. Interesting.
WAY too soon. Nobody ever really reads the first few pages. I know I don't, at least.
What does is interesting, is your requoting your old post, without "confiming two things." 
Here's where he starts his pessimistic streak, first saying that no one reads the first few pages.... uh what?! If anyone expects to be a good scumhunter they can't discount ANY post in the game thread as there could be potential clues there. Plus he obviously contradicted himself since he was def paying attention to the first few pages (voted and changed his vote page 2 because of something Mr. Snow said
Darthe, care to explain your first statement ???
As a reminder: unvote and vote darthe
An attempt at intimidating another player with a vote, and it def feels somewhat staged as well
Okay - they did show. :)  I have seen Thorum do this before. In my Norse Gods mafia everyone had to protect Leelou without letting the mafia know that she was Balder (the one they wanted to kill). Thorum voted her while stating it was a random vote. After a short while he changed his vote to someone else. I´m pretty sure I have seen him as scum doing the exact same thing but voting a scum buddy instead. If he is mafia I bet Time is too.
And by now, I've switched again  :rolleyes: Probably not what you meant to say, though
Here's where Thorum had that little tidbit about "I will neither deny or confirm being in a QT", which seemed off to me at the time.
Incidentally, the other part is where he starts saying players who don't say Scheveningen need to be looked at; he actually drills on this for a long time throughout the day.
I'm actually thinking if Wombat IS a LD, and there is a Silvertongue, that Thorum might be it.
I'm just posting this. Quotes are terribly messed up.
Anyone questioning why they should not go ahead and say Scheveningen for wombat is suspect in my book. It appears as an investigative tool for town. Mafia already know who is on their team. Anyone else is an enemy. So they don't need to know who is what. I don't think the ability has anything to do with theme. It is just the mechanism for the ability.
Or someone else can have a thing about not being allowed to say it, or Wombat may be mafia and he can find the role of one person who says it, or ... (just to name a few other options). Why do you want Wombat to seem town? Or Rand's Voodoo thing.
He already said the word, yet is still arguing against the logic of getting everyone to say it... not too long after he himself said those who didn't say it were suspicious.
Nice 180 there. Plus, first attempt at discrediting Wombat 
You can even mistrust Wombat, that's your prerogative, but to straight up not say the word at the very least makes you look incredibly scummy. It's akin to someone revealing as the LD, and asking everyone to say they're town, and for some to refuse to say it.
Even if you're town, and you have a power role so you're just ultra wary that Wombat might be mafia and can somehow use the word in a negative way against townies, you're still making yourself stand out that much more by not saying it. Plus, this doesn't really make any sense given the context of the word. It was a shibboleth used to ferret out German spies, and I think it's pretty obvious who will be the mafia in this game.
This made me think. Does anyone have a list of who said "Scheveningen" and who didn't? 
Maybe if you're the doctor and you REALLY don't trust wombat... I know I wouldn't use the word in that case. Or you could be mafia and have been told that's a dangerous word. Or ...
There's too many options.
Implies once again that players who didn't say the word should be looked at, and yet in the same post tries wifoming the situation yet again. I even said in my post that if you were a townie power role, refusing to say the word would still be drawing unnecessary attention your way.
Comments up to and including post #323. The rest will follow later today.
Random has not said it yet
Falcon has not said it yet
BB obviously has not said it.
Darthe did not say it
Smiley has not said it.
I'll follow up on this. Imo, these are the people that warrant a vote.
I'll put my vote back on darthe
Don't forget, anyone who claims being given a power by Ley, could be fellow mafia (at worst, even be a godfather  :dry: )
I'll be online enough tomorrow if things require a hammer.
Sows some wifom about whomever Ley tries to get to vet his role, which would be pretty funny cause Ley sounded like he was open to suggestions as to who seemed the "most" townie that way he could give his gift to them 
I'm Winston Churchill, town cop.
Does this seem odd to anyone else? Important role to important person, I get that, but "cop" is a role much more fitting to a LOT of other characters. Unless I'm missing a bit of history...
And, for the record, I'm not Churchill, so this is just an idle thought. It could be a mafia plow to smoke the real Churchill out.
What is a rubber tongue? Cannot find it on mafiascum and also sounds VERY untestable and useless to town.
My vote stays where it is
Sows some suspicion against the cop... yeah that's a pretty obvious scummy move
And he says Darthe's role seems untestable... or I'm sorry, VERY untestable, yet Darthe had already volunteered a way to try and test it. I later gave my thoughts on why that might not work, but this was after this post of Thorum's.
it sounds to me as if when a lie detector checks out a rubber tongue he/she would find that a true statement is false and a false statement true, so for darthe's above statement it should return true, if he said he was town it would return false. At least that's how I think it works.
And if he's lying about his role, results would be exactly the same.
4. If a hammer is not reached by the voting deadline, a random player will be lynched with no coroner report.
Seems to me, we better concentrate on the three people who have proclaimed. I don't see anyone else getting a majority over the next 17 hours, and we need a coroner confirmation.
And here's where he tries directing town's lynches to only be one of the three who have claimed. Mind you, one of those who has claimed claimed Inventor, a very powerful role at times. Another claimed Cop, one of the most important roles for town.
And Thorum wants us to lynch out of THAT pool?
Lynch him you guys.

this what you looking for?
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Yes. And I got it, even. Just click the little arrow at top right.


Did you mean that Des was on my tails, or I on Des' ?


Des was looking at you. And that's a wonderful little trick, regardless...



I agree with quite a bit of stuff Despo put in there (mostly the talk about what Day 1 is and isn't + your first two votes), but I think the analysis of the switching stances on schevingen hold up


all in all I think it's the best lead we have now, I've still got an eye on Tina and Ithi, but for now vote Thorum

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