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Minor Characters Popping Up In Unlikely Places


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So, I am reading The Shadow Rising, and I get to the part where Egeanin is seaching for those Suldam, and she is meeting with some shady guy in an INN/winehouse ("The Garden of Silver Breezes"), and who is the shady guy she is meeting? Floran Gelb, the same man on Bayle Domon's boat who Rand kicked in the head as they jumped aboard. I am not sure I ever noticed that in my previous readings. What is funny about this scene as well is that Egeanin sits back down hurriedly as Bayle Domon enters the room. He missed Gelb by a second at most, maybe even passed him in the hall, and didn't see him.


One thing I like to look for in this series is small things/people making a reappearance later on. What are some of the little easter eggs you have found? I am not talking about big coincidences that are easier attributed to Fate rather than chance, but little twists and turns in the lives of people who encounter the Big Three.


Paitr the Darkfiend who rand punches in the nose in TEOTW, shows up in amador and offers to help Morgase escape. He and his uncle are later hanged.


On about my 15th readthrough of New Spring, I noticed that Elias & his Aes Sedai make a split second appearance in a side corridor of the Tower.


I was wondering about this; why do characters keep showing up like this?


One theory I had was that once someone has spent time with or near a Ta'vaern, especally Rand, that their thread gets pulled off it's normal course and becomes more central to the pattern, more likely to interact with other key threads and to be a part of big events, and that that's why we keep seeing minor characters from the early books over and over again in wildly different contexts through coincidence.


Almen Bunt who gave Rand and Mat a ride in TEOTW after they were separated from Moiraine and the others ends up appearing TOM. I loved that chapter by the way.


+1 on that, i liked both chapters the meeting and subsequently post VoG meeting again


When Rand falls into the palace garden in Caemlyn (tEotW), it isn't long before a guardsman show up and takes him to the queen.

When Mat eavesdrops on Gaebril in Caemlyn (tDR) this same guardsman finds him and takes him to Morgase.


This guardsman is of course... Martyn Tallanvor!


Paitr the Darkfiend who rand punches in the nose in TEOTW, shows up in amador and offers to help Morgase escape. He and his uncle are later hanged.


are you positive they are the same, Paitr with morgase was younger than Paitr Rand met in beginning?


Also, Mat makes it obvious, but the girl DF that mat took away her knife, she showed up a few more times


Egwene will probably meet Raen and the tinkers again, she dreamed she needs some info from them with Need.


The same Truth Seeker keeps showing up, but not really hidden

Same with Jaichim Carradin


You reminded me of Renna, egwene will have to face her again when Elayne ships her to tower, even tho in 2nd to last book she tells hall to accept damane for training and how much she still hates Renna...


Paitr the Darkfiend who rand punches in the nose in TEOTW, shows up in amador and offers to help Morgase escape. He and his uncle are later hanged.


are you positive they are the same, Paitr with morgase was younger than Paitr Rand met in beginning?


Also, Mat makes it obvious, but the girl DF that mat took away her knife, she showed up a few more times


Egwene will probably meet Raen and the tinkers again, she dreamed she needs some info from them with Need.


The same Truth Seeker keeps showing up, but not really hidden

Same with Jaichim Carradin


You reminded me of Renna, egwene will have to face her again when Elayne ships her to tower, even tho in 2nd to last book she tells hall to accept damane for training and how much she still hates Renna...


It was obvious it was the same Paitr the Darkfriend. Also, the female assassin is Lady Shiaine/Mili Skane. She's running the cell of Darkfriends in Caemlyn that includes Daved Hanlon. She also is the one that kills Jaichim Carridan in a most unpleasant way.


As for Renna, she's dead. She was one of the three Suldam Mat used to escape Ebou Dar and he was forced to have one of his men kill her with a crossbow when she ran off to try and return to the Seanchan.


Why do i keep thinking Bethamin was killed, I'm crazy.


If yall are sure about paitr, I won't argue, was sure it was different, age, description... I'll go back and read, but if ur sure, I defer


Why do i keep thinking Bethamin was killed, I'm crazy.


If yall are sure about paitr, I won't argue, was sure it was different, age, description... I'll go back and read, but if ur sure, I defer


Actually, i'm with jsbrads on this. I'm pretty sure the boy was also called Paitr, but seemed a child whereas the one Rand punched was a young man.


Why do i keep thinking Bethamin was killed, I'm crazy.


If yall are sure about paitr, I won't argue, was sure it was different, age, description... I'll go back and read, but if ur sure, I defer


Actually, i'm with jsbrads on this. I'm pretty sure the boy was also called Paitr, but seemed a child whereas the one Rand punched was a young man.


The viewpoints were from Morgase though, who has a bad habbit of calling anyone who isnt within a year of her own birth a child, think thats partly because of her "age-gap" issue with Tallanvor, but he wasnt a child. He seemed as dim as the guy Rand met though.


Renna is dead, but Seta made it to Tar Valon, as far as we know, and she held her adam, at least long enough to Make Egwene feel as though she was neck deep in boiling water. I can't wait for that reunion.


Why do i keep thinking Bethamin was killed, I'm crazy.


If yall are sure about paitr, I won't argue, was sure it was different, age, description... I'll go back and read, but if ur sure, I defer


Actually, i'm with jsbrads on this. I'm pretty sure the boy was also called Paitr, but seemed a child whereas the one Rand punched was a young man.


It is the same Paitr. His name is Paitr Conel and he was older than Rand in that first meeting. He just looks very young...



Paitr Conel


A Darkfriend from Market Sheran in Andor.


Physical Description


He is young, but older than Rand with a thick head of dark curls. (TEotW,Ch33)




Paitr talks to Rand and Mat in the Market Sheran Inn. (TEotW,Ch33)

Paitr Conel gains an audience with Morgase at the Seranda Palace in Amador. He tells her his Uncle Jen has a plan for her to escape. (LoC,Prologue)

Paitr acts as a servant in waiting for Morgase. (LoC,Ch9)

Paitr and Torwyn Barshaw are captured by the Whitecloaks at a Darkfriend social and hanged. (LoC,Ch31)

Other References



the Breane with Morgase is the same Breane Rand met at Barthanes party in TGH, but you probably already knew that.


I saw her name the other day, re-reading TGH, and meant to look her up to see if she was the same.


Wow ... thanks, Suttree. I must say that always confused me - I couldn't understand why RJ would give two different characters the same name.


Aulduron (loves the name (from Warcraft?)) thanks for the heartening reminded of Seta's imminent meeting, tho as Egwene is currently being as a super in control Ubermensch, unlikely they will make an exception for that meeting


Elgee, I'm not crazy about Paitr right? I isn't even the two young men, but that the boy in amador was not considered reaching majority too when he was hung, and mixing Morgase's penchant for calling Tallanvor young with other people, makes no sense.

tho I completely forgot the flash meeting with breane in barthanes


Thanks. I never played Warcraft, but I used the name in EQ. I made up this name many years ago for D&D, and later realized that its very close to the former planet in Star Wars.


Egwene has always been good at controlling herself....except when she saw Renna and Seta after her release.


Elgee, I'm not crazy about Paitr right? I isn't even the two young men, but that the boy in amador was not considered reaching majority too when he was hung, and mixing Morgase's penchant for calling Tallanvor young with other people, makes no sense.

tho I completely forgot the flash meeting with breane in barthanes


Not sure what you think the problem is here. It is quite obviously the same person...


EotW Ch. 33

They were eating in the back of the common room when a young man came in, a village youth by the look of him, with a cocky spring to his walk and twirling a cloth cap, with a feather in it, on one finger. The only other person in the room was an old man sweeping out; he never looked up from his broom. The young man's eyes swept jauntily around the room, but when they lit on Rand and Mat, the cap fell off his finger. He stared at them for a full minute before snatching the cap from the floor, then stared some more, running his fingers through his thick head of dark curls. Finally he came over to their table, his feet dragging....

Images spun in his head. The Trolloc, Narg, leaping at him in his own home. The Myrddraal threatening at the Stag and Lion in Baerlon. Halfmen everywhere, Fades chasing them to Shadar Logoth, coming for them in Whitebridge. Darkfriends everywhere. He whirled, his hand balling up. "I said, leave us alone!" His fist took Paitr flush on the nose.

The Darkfriend fell on his bottom and sat there on the floor staring at Rand. Blood trickled from his nose. "You won't get away," he spat angrily. "No matter how strong you are, the Great Lord of the Dark is stronger. The Shadow will swallow you!"


LoC Prologue

The door opened slowly to admit a grinning young man in gold-and-red livery, a tray in his hands bearing a fresh pitcher of iced punch, the silver already beading with cold. She had half-expected Tallanvor. Lamgwin stood guard alone in the corridor, as far as she could see. Or rather lounged against a wall like a tavern bouncer. She waved the young man to put his tray down.

Angrily – Tallanvor should have come; he should have come! – she resumed her pacing. Basel and Lamgwin might hear rumors in the nearest village, but they would be rumors, and maybe planted by Niall. The same held true for the palace servants.

"My Queen. May I speak, my Queen?"

Morgase turned in amazement. Those were the accents of Andor. The young man was on his knees, grin flashing from uncertain to cocky and back. He might have been good-looking except that his nose had been broken and not properly tended. On Lamgwin it looked rugged, if low; this lad looked as if he had tripped and fallen on his face.


I think I know now why I keep thinking the "Amadician" Paitr is so much younger: later on, Padan Fain has some dealings with a young boy while he is in that area. For some reason, I assumed this was that Paitr.


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