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Do you hate Perrin?


Who's hotter? Elayne or Egwene?  

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  1. 1. Who's hotter? Elayne or Egwene?

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Guest Egwene

CW.. I think Faile's jealousy of Min stopped because she realised that Min was interested in Rand.

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Guest cwestervelt

Just skimmed the section and her jealousy of Min does fade. I still stand by what I said about her acting on her jealousy without reason. That cannot by denied after the way she treated Perrin in Cairhien. It is not Perrin's fault that he isn't what she wants in a husband but she knew exactly what she was getting when she married him. She knew he was doing the only thing he knew how to drive Berelain away.

Guest cwestervelt

If she didn't it was because the lying little brat assumed everyone else was a liar too. She had plenty of examples to know what kind of person he was. They say love is blind, but not that blind. It would be one thing if he had been putting on a false front to get her to notice him, but he wasn't. She supposedly fell in love with this mild tempered, methodical and gentle hearted person who obviously doesn't like hurting people.


But he really isn't THAT innocent. He did some rather... hurtfull... things to get her out of danger (near him)...


Plus: "Love can have a strong impact on the jealous mind." Hehe...


Moric of the Singing Wind sept of the Miagoma aiel

  • 2 weeks later...


perrin is my favourite male character in the book,

he loves unconditionally

he is the most realistic...they are 18-22 yrs old, from a small village, all he has ever wanted was to live a quiet life, get married and be a blacksmith,

he married a noblewoman, from a different culture, who wouldnt be confused!?!?

he has shouldered all the duties placed on him with grace

he cares about 'his men'

he is embarrased that men who used to call him down are revering him


faile, shes awesome, just really immature not to mention has a totally skewed view of life

btw, berelain is gorgeous, and has designs on her husband who wouldnt be jelous!?!?


i agree, the 'finding faile' episode was ... long winded...

but what can you do?

  \ said:
well' date='

perrin is my favourite male character in the book,

he loves unconditionally

he is the most realistic...they are 18-22 yrs old, from a small village, all he has ever wanted was to live a quiet life, get married and be a blacksmith,

he married a noblewoman, from a different culture, who wouldnt be confused!?!?

he has shouldered all the duties placed on him with grace

he cares about 'his men'

he is embarrased that men who used to call him down are revering him


faile, shes awesome, just really immature not to mention has a totally skewed view of life

btw, berelain is gorgeous, and has designs on her husband who wouldnt be jelous!?!?


i agree, the 'finding faile' episode was ... long winded...

but what can you do?[/quote']


I couldn't agree more. Faile does annoy me a bit, but she's just as young as he is, essentially. They're all young and when I was that age, I was an arse.


Perrin is a good man. He has yet to try and run away (Mat) or turn into a jerk (Rand).



I voted that I hate Perrin, but as I have thought about it, Ireally hate Faile and what she has done to the poor guy! I loved his character in the early books, but Faile is just abig waste of time.


I agree that she is a selfish, manipulistic wench. I hold her responsible for trying to prevent Perrin from doing his duty for Rand. She is not just jealous of other women but I also think that she is jealous of Rand and anyone who she sees as competing for Perrin's time.


I would love for her to be killed by a Forsaken in the last book and then Perrin's rage can be properly directed toward Tarmon Gaidon and helping Rand win.


I find Perrin is a whatever character. He is like the old reliable car, he is there , isnt very flashy or fast, but when you need him he is there and gets the job done.


a)His going back to the TR and bringing back the men from there will only help rand to remember who he was and what he is fighting for.


b) Faile is useless. Nothing but a spoiled PITA. I would like to see her die, like someone mentioned before a "main" character has to die and she has my vote. her dying wish will be to have perrin fight the DO and take glory (she thinks he deserves) for himself.


c) The whole saving faile thing was so long winded and tiresome, it became painful to read. by the end of it i did not care what happened to him or her just as long as it freaking well ended


i like perrin the way he loves faile abosolutely is so sweet but i dont think faile deserves him because she loves him no-where near as much and she is always picking faults in him but perrin loves all of faile

  • Community Administrator

I find it intrigueing that most people who hate, faile, think perrin should have married Bearlon. When everyone knows, that she is a lying, manipulative, wench. Wait, isnt that exactly what everyone calls faile? Double standard huh? Not to mention, that the only reason baerlon wanted perrin innitially, was because he didn't want her. He only thought of Faile. Making Baerlon jealous, trying to fight failes grip from perrin. The reason Faile Did what she did in book 3, was to hold on to perrin, as well as get bearlon off his back. "Faile knows exactly why baerlon wanted perrin, and it wasn't because of "love"".


btw, sorry if I butchered that name bearlon.. I can never spell it right, let alone the same way even in 2 different posts.


i dont think he should have married faile and especialy not berelain(sp?) i dont think hes poofta i think it is really sweet the way he cares for her but sometimes he is a little obssessive which can be a little scary i must admit and his thoughts are decidedly duller


and i think the way he treats the wolves is very unfair because they have feelings to and he just uses them

i dont think he should have married faile and especialy not berelain(sp?) i dont think hes poofta i think it is really sweet the way he cares for her but sometimes he is a little obssessive which can be a little scary i must admit and his thoughts are decidedly duller


and i think the way he treats the wolves is very unfair because they have feelings to and he just uses them


I agree on most of that, but not the not getting married part, I do not like Berelain, I think Faile is pretty cool. But yeah he is a bit overly obsessed. I also think it's cool how he thinks things through, and all that.




wot makes you like faile i mean she doesnt seem to reflect perrins love verry well and shes always complaining


Red States Rule! wrote:


I'm with you, Oz. Handbag!


what does that mean?


I was wondering that too.

And yeah Faile complain quite a bit, but wouldn't any woman if she like thought her hubby was doing something to another woman that she wishes he would do to her?


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