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Book recommendations


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Mistborn Trilogy by BS is good. Then Alloy of Law. Way of Kings


The Dragonlance Chronicles, by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman. And then other books with the same characters but not exactly the same story, or at least at different points in time within the stories that came before them.


The Belgariad, The Mallorean, The Elenium, Redemption of Althalus all by David Eddings.


The Xanth novels by Piers Anthony.

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Mkay, here's a list:


The Dresden Files, Jim Butcher

Dune, Frank Herbert; later Brain Herbert

Dirk Pitt Series, Clive Cussler

Jack Ryan Series, Tom Clancy

The Ender Serieses (Ender's Shadow series and Ender Series), Orson Scott Card

A Song of Ice and Fire, George RR Martin

Caves of Steel series, Issac Asimov


I'll likely think of more later

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I have LotR and I will definatley but Dong of Ice and Fire. That's something I want to reread. Amazing books.


BS was on my list but I can't decide where to start.

Clive Barker was another on my list but again I don't know where to start.


Most of the books are imported editions and not available in bookstores. Guess have to take online shopping.

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I have LotR and I will definatley but Dong of Ice and Fire. That's something I want to reread. Amazing books.


BS was on my list but I can't decide where to start.

Clive Barker was another on my list but again I don't know where to start.


Most of the books are imported editions and not available in bookstores. Guess have to take online shopping.

If you'r starting Brandon Sanderson, I'd reccomentd going in the order he wrote them in: Elantris, Mistborn trilogy, Warbreaker, Way of Kings.

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I have LotR and I will definatley but Dong of Ice and Fire. That's something I want to reread. Amazing books.


BS was on my list but I can't decide where to start.

Clive Barker was another on my list but again I don't know where to start.


Most of the books are imported editions and not available in bookstores. Guess have to take online shopping.




I'd recommend World War Z if you're into zombie apocalypse stuff at all. In fact even if you're not it's still a really fun read, dead easy to pick up and read little bits at a time.


Trainspotting's brilliant too, but I imagine it would be a massive challenge reading it, as it's written in the Scottish (specifically east coast) dialect

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