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[TOWN WINS!]BG's Super Smash Bros. Mafia (now with more Ithi)!


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That's a trippy avatar, Nya. It confused me. Darthe's WIFOM is making him a prime suspect on my list, plus we know that if he flips town Andrew can just resurrect him. Simplicity itself. We should lynch him tomorrow.




So suggests the Roleblocker.

Are you suggesting that I would block your ability to resurrect him? I don't think it's possible. RB's only work on night actions, and your "1UP" thing sounds like a day action. Besides, I wouldn't stop the resurrection of a townie, even if he's got a talent for WIFOMing.

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Of course, we'd have to lynch him 2x to kill him, then.


If they are a mixed team, neither is going to revive their partner, I expect.

The problem is if one person on a team is converted the other probably won't even know that they are.


Can we get all the actions please?

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Of course, we'd have to lynch him 2x to kill him, then.


If they are a mixed team, neither is going to revive their partner, I expect.

The problem is if one person on a team is converted the other probably won't even know that they are.


Can we get all the actions please?


Look at the options:

Case 1: Scum dies

Town partner won't revive, due to flip


Case 2: Town dies

Scum won't revive town partner



Agreed on all the last actions. Including your modified power if your partner is dead (Lily).

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That's a trippy avatar, Nya. It confused me. Darthe's WIFOM is making him a prime suspect on my list, plus we know that if he flips town Andrew can just resurrect him. Simplicity itself. We should lynch him tomorrow.


Lol thank you. Of course, you're really asking for an extra night but I don't mind :p

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That's a trippy avatar, Nya. It confused me. Darthe's WIFOM is making him a prime suspect on my list, plus we know that if he flips town Andrew can just resurrect him. Simplicity itself. We should lynch him tomorrow.


Lol thank you. Of course, you're really asking for an extra night but I don't mind :p


Dunno. My night action feels a little useless since we don't think the mafia has a kill and their recruiters are dead (I know there's a possibility of more recruiters, but it goes beyond reason to have more than two).

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That's a trippy avatar, Nya. It confused me. Darthe's WIFOM is making him a prime suspect on my list, plus we know that if he flips town Andrew can just resurrect him. Simplicity itself. We should lynch him tomorrow.


Lol thank you. Of course, you're really asking for an extra night but I don't mind :p


Dunno. My night action feels a little useless since we don't think the mafia has a kill and their recruiters are dead (I know there's a possibility of more recruiters, but it goes beyond reason to have more than two).


Random theory:

If town is the ones with the NK, does that make the docs scum?



I mean, what would the point of town docs be if the maf had no NK?


Random theory

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Lol or they could just be doing their job well.


Where did the idea of mafia not having an NK come from again?


Because our docs/RBs would have to be beyond incredible for them to have one.


Night 1: NK of EP (he was looking scummy. Nya's team presumably vig'd them)

Night 2: NK of noone (Nya was blocked)

Night 3: NK of AJ (presumably Nya's team and I both used a vig kill on her)

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I think everyone's waiting for Day again. (Please submit NA's peeps)

Most people's opinions seemed to have formed on who to vote in the morning.


I ask (again) that the last 2 remaining pairs role reveal, as everyone else has.

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