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[TOWN WINS!]BG's Super Smash Bros. Mafia (now with more Ithi)!


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Aww despo edited. Shame on you... :laugh:

Looks like your smugness backfired.


Anyway, I wouldn't have believed it, that Basel would flip symp because I am convinced that John is town, and I assumed that mason teams wouldn't be mixed. But now I won't find it hard to believe that AJ is mafia. Rand may not be mafia, but I feel AJ is more likely than Rand to be mafia. And actually I don't see any problem with Basel thinking that if he "viewed" AJ and said she flipped town then we would believe him and he would then have vetted a mafia as town. Basically, this may have been his plan all along so we should continue to follow this lead and lynch AJ tomorrow.

And Rand you may be right that your power is useful, because I think in this game there can be unconventional powers like Darthe's star power. But for now I'm certain that the cops and docs are the highest on the list of NKs.


Before this, I didn't want to think that AJ was mafia, however, with her seperating herself from me, the possibility is a lot bigger right now.

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I'm not reading through all these pages, but the Dark Knight Rises was awesome.


Anyways, I have reason to believe my partner is scum and dragging me down with him, but I am town. That's all the defense I have.


Clearly not if you've got a reason that you're not sharing..

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Way to keep fighting Rand. But when one of you gets lynched tomorrow and flips mafia not symp the other will be going down next.


Turin, I know that I am town, so for me, AJ is going to flip town, mafia symp, or some third party role, unless if BG somehow mixed in mafia members into mason teams which, seeing what BG has done, would not make me too surprised.

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How about this, the first one of you to give your role ability gets an extra day.


Rand? AJ?


I agree with this course of action.


Oh, sorry I was going to reveal this before, but I forgot due to previous actions, and since I am almost sure that my partner is scum because she just tried to break up our mason team, I am fine with revealing. Our power was JOAT or Jack of all Trades.

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:). And it humid just confirmed my star power. That's fun! I love the rule about gaming the mod. So we are lynching rand, possibly aj, and possibly John right? This seems fitting though I would urge you all not to forget the others we have discussed.


Now I pose a question about the John Basel combo because it's the best lead we may have after AJ. If we assume this entire game

Is not completely bastardly modded than we can assume our role PM's are honest, correct? How then would a symp get a role pm with a townie? A second PM is convenient but it sets the first up as irresponsible to the player and the game. Unfair and biased actually. So if we assume the PM we have seen is wrong why did John not call Basel on it? The only logical conclusion is that people must gain the same alignment in PM or at least be on the same team.

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:). And it humid just confirmed my star power. That's fun! I love the rule about gaming the mod. So we are lynching rand, possibly aj, and possibly John right? This seems fitting though I would urge you all not to forget the others we have discussed.


Now I pose a question about the John Basel combo because it's the best lead we may have after AJ. If we assume this entire game

Is not completely bastardly modded than we can assume our role PM's are honest, correct? How then would a symp get a role pm with a townie? A second PM is convenient but it sets the first up as irresponsible to the player and the game. Unfair and biased actually. So if we assume the PM we have seen is wrong why did John not call Basel on it? The only logical conclusion is that people must gain the same alignment in PM or at least be on the same team.


Yep. Still suspicious of John.

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:). And it humid just confirmed my star power. That's fun! I love the rule about gaming the mod. So we are lynching rand, possibly aj, and possibly John right? This seems fitting though I would urge you all not to forget the others we have discussed.


Now I pose a question about the John Basel combo because it's the best lead we may have after AJ. If we assume this entire game

Is not completely bastardly modded than we can assume our role PM's are honest, correct? How then would a symp get a role pm with a townie? A second PM is convenient but it sets the first up as irresponsible to the player and the game. Unfair and biased actually. So if we assume the PM we have seen is wrong why did John not call Basel on it? The only logical conclusion is that people must gain the same alignment in PM or at least be on the same team.


I showed you guys my entire role PM, without the QT link

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Oh and :laugh: @ Despo




Carry on my wayward scum

There'll be peace when you are done




How about this, the first one of you to give your role ability gets an extra day.


Rand? AJ?


I agree with this course of action.


Oh, sorry I was going to reveal this before, but I forgot due to previous actions, and since I am almost sure that my partner is scum because she just tried to break up our mason team, I am fine with revealing. Our power was JOAT or Jack of all Trades.



Beat me to the punch.




:). And it humid just confirmed my star power. That's fun! I love the rule about gaming the mod. So we are lynching rand, possibly aj, and possibly John right? This seems fitting though I would urge you all not to forget the others we have discussed.


Now I pose a question about the John Basel combo because it's the best lead we may have after AJ. If we assume this entire game

Is not completely bastardly modded than we can assume our role PM's are honest, correct? How then would a symp get a role pm with a townie? A second PM is convenient but it sets the first up as irresponsible to the player and the game. Unfair and biased actually. So if we assume the PM we have seen is wrong why did John not call Basel on it? The only logical conclusion is that people must gain the same alignment in PM or at least be on the same team.

I saw no logic in Darthe's post. In fact I couldn't make any sense of it.


Yeah I got nothing. Couldn't make heads or tails, or any other body part for that matter.


Oh and Rand, you show a lot of potential and some real gusto in your mafia playing style. I'm really learning a lot about this game just by getting to watch you play. Thank you. :happy:

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