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[TOWN WINS!]BG's Super Smash Bros. Mafia (now with more Ithi)!


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I'm not mafia Turin, and I currently already have my vote on who I think is mafia. If it comes to a matter of lynch Basel or random or whatever the penalty is, then i will lynch Basel for info from his lynch, but until then, I am going with who I think has the highest chance of being mafia.

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I'm not mafia Turin, and I currently already have my vote on who I think is mafia. If it comes to a matter of lynch Basel or random or whatever the penalty is, then i will lynch Basel for info from his lynch, but until then, I am going with who I think has the highest chance of being mafia.

Translation: I am mafia and would rather have a random bad event than lose my teammate.


Let's go people.

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I'm not mafia Turin, and I currently already have my vote on who I think is mafia. If it comes to a matter of lynch Basel or random or whatever the penalty is, then i will lynch Basel for info from his lynch, but until then, I am going with who I think has the highest chance of being mafia.

Translation: I am mafia and would rather have a random bad event than lose my teammate.


Let's go people.


So what are you going to do when Basel flips town?

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Nolder, you were Niel's partner until you bussed him. What does the lightning bolt power do?

It was

It was a Strong Vig kill

Meaning it wouldn't be blocked by vests or doc protection


When he died I lost access to that and just got a regular Vig kill

I guess that was the negative effect of Niel dying

So just a vig kill? And it is only s one time ability. So why do you think the night actions all failed last night?



I think you are lying about your ability. Even if you are essentially vanilla now I would rather lynch you more than anyone today. Unfortunately I doubt there is enough time or support for that.



Rand still waiting for your answer... How did you KNOW it was the lightning bolt and what do you think of Nolder's story?


Please let's lynch Nolder today.

Tomorrow I'll be all over that, but I want this Basel situation handled today.

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I'm not mafia Turin, and I currently already have my vote on who I think is mafia. If it comes to a matter of lynch Basel or random or whatever the penalty is, then i will lynch Basel for info from his lynch, but until then, I am going with who I think has the highest chance of being mafia.

Translation: I am mafia and would rather have a random bad event than lose my teammate.


Let's go people.


So what are you going to do when Basel flips town?

What will you say when he flips mafia?

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I'm not mafia Turin, and I currently already have my vote on who I think is mafia. If it comes to a matter of lynch Basel or random or whatever the penalty is, then i will lynch Basel for info from his lynch, but until then, I am going with who I think has the highest chance of being mafia.

Translation: I am mafia and would rather have a random bad event than lose my teammate.


Let's go people.


So what are you going to do when Basel flips town?

What will you say when he flips mafia?


Answer mine.

As to yours: If he flips maf, it'll be a complete suprise to me. I am convinced he is town.

However, if there is recruiting going on, then I suppose he could be maf. But I'm convinced he's still town.

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Unvote Basel and vote Wombat. My mason qt has the word masons in the name, and you(wombat) said you and Nya started out as town. What does that mean?

Well the post of Womby's you're referring to also explained that he thought "pretty much anyone could be recruited in this game". Hence, bagels and coffee because if I had been recruited of course Womby wouldnt know right? Fact is, we both started out as town as our PM shows, and to my knowledge are still both town. Does that make it clearer? :)

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Unvote Basel and vote Wombat. My mason qt has the word masons in the name, and you(wombat) said you and Nya started out as town. What does that mean?


We started town. I haven't been recruited, and I doubt Nya has been. I am not ruling anything out though.


BG said we were masons in our Role PMs.

Aaaaand... *reads a couple of posts later* ...yeah. What Womby said.


[/lameNya] lol. *headdesk*

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I'll be checking in from work later today and will change my vote if necessary, but I still don't trust Despo, his explanation of his team's ability and how they've used it doesn't ring true for me, and it seems like he's changed his story as he's explained himself.


I'm very curious about the fact that none of the teams has admitted being the inventor that allegedly gave Basel that one-shot cop viewing. I think we've had plenty of time for that to happen, so I'd be OK with switching my vote in that direction if needed.


I'm also OK with lynching Nolder, because his claim doesn't sit well with me either.


And lastly, if Turin and Marsh are telling the truth about who they blocked, Wombat and Nya are high on the list to be looked at much more closely. And I still want to know how we got no result on our view of Despo if this is true.


Please, by all means ask any question you want about my role or my behavior. I have tried to be more than forthcoming with any info I had this game, but most people on my lynch have been happy to just go "Des has been pinging me all game" and vote me.


I can't exactly defend myself from that, can I?


I think one thing you're hung up on is the fact that Lenlo used the mirror last night.


Well, I can't control what my partner does, can I? I hadn't checked the QT in some time (I'm bad about checking those sometimes when I'm in multiple games), and he was probably worried that we might lose the NA, and he thought he was getting some attention anyways so it would be a good idea.


That being said, wouldn't it have made for a much easier lie to have just said I used the mirror, but my action must have failed?


Finally Despo, do you really enjoy playing so scummy?


(Starting to believe you might be town.)




As I explained before, I kind of prefer to never play THAT clean in a game, because it increases the chance I'll be taken out by a NK early, and it makes me easier to detect as mafia.


That being said, I really don't think my behavior has been that scummy this game at all.


I think we had a really not very good cop have some bad instincts about me, and some peeps that have done some good scumhunting that have had some questions about me, but I'm okay with that.


What I'm not really that okay with is how my lynch has seemed to be driven with personal feelings against me. I know a couple of people don't see the braggadocio for what it is, and really think I am that cocky, and are letting their feelings towards my play affect their vote. A few other people have voted me without really giving that much reason at all, and some seem to think a lynch on me will give town a bunch of info, when it REALLY doesn't.


I'd like to defend myself, but in some circumstances you really can't plan for bad town scumhunting.


I still think yall would lose a valuable townie, and a valuable NA if yall lynch me.


unvote vote despo\


im more worried about Des then i am Basel and i will probably miss deadline





Vote Despo

I know for a fact Basel is clean.




Cool story Bro.


So why are you actually voting for ME then? I'm not even voting for Basel atm bro (although I am about to switch my vote since it's my best shot at staying alive)


So you guys are going to lynch probably your strongest town leader instead of lying scummy Basel who could blow the entire game open?


Ok guys...




Awh, thanks Nol! I like you too!




Despo, wake up and save yourself.


David, a vote on Wombat is wasted today. Vote Basel.


We can lynch Nolder tomorrow.


Well, I tried defending myself a little above, but here's a nice easy breakdown for all those who aren't really thinking quite as straight right now, which is easy to see considering how the game has gone lately:


A lynch on me will tell you AT MOST the alignment of one other player, Lenlo, who prob wouldn't have come forward to help defend me if we'd been mafia.


A lynch on Basel will give us TONS of more info. If he flips scum, we'll have a delicious bevy of good lynch targets the next few days, and we can enjoy all the scrambling the mafia team will have to do to try and keep from losing. If he flips town, we pretty much have 3 vetted townies, know that there is an inventor out there, and know that there actually WAS a NA that succeeded last night, when we haven't gotten any indicationg that ANY succeeded last night.


His lynch tells us SOO SOO much, and my lynch tells so little.


And I personally think his story is FAR more suspect than mine, personally, as we HAVEN'T seen an inventor claim yet, AND he conveniently viewed AJ, which would help clear Rand who was about to catch some heat. There are a lot of other questions about his play this whole game, but that's what still sticks out to me the MOST at this point.


Unvote, Vote Basel

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I'd still be happy with a Nol lynch today, if for some reason that train gets traction as well.


I'll be around for a bit, so I can keep an eye on the game, but for now I'm going to go keep refreshing the WoTopoly game, and hope that THAT will somehow get my spirits up







It won't. :dry:

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Official Vote Count


Despo (8): Andrew, Nya, Rand, Tress, AJ, Ironeyes, Dice, JohnSnow,

Basel(8): Nolder, Razen, Lenlo, Turin, Lily, Darthe, Wombat, Despo

Nolder(3): Basel, Peace, Moon

Wombat(1): David


Not Voting (2): Arez, Tiinker



With 22 alive and active it takes 12 to Lynch.




Deadline Tuesday @ 9 PM CT.


4 Hours

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I have some questions for my chief suspects.


Nolder, you were Niel's partner until you bussed him. What does the lightning bolt power do?


Basel, how do you explain there being no inventor and how is it yours appears to be the only successful night action from last night?


I had been guessing the inventor team had been wanting to protect themselves from an NK, and thus having the other powers go to waste. Rand and AJ haven't claimed yet, maybe it is them. Which means some other team is faking, and has posted a fake PM, which I wouldn't put it past BG to provide, since he did allow for quoting PMs. Or maybe AJ has been GF all along. How do you KNOW there is no inventor just because none have claimed it?


Rand, how did you KNOW it was a lightning bolt last night?


The flavor didn't make it very hard to figure out.


Nya, does your QT title contain the word "mason"? Womby, can you confirm?


AJ(replacing Tiink), was it you or Rand that recruited Nol?


Finally Despo, do you really enjoy playing so scummy?


When he is scum, I bet he does. Like today.


(Starting to believe you might be town.)

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Cool story Basel. I'm not scum. Guess whose head will be on the chopping block tomorrow if I get lynched today?


That's right, you and team "This is my first mafia game but somehow I'm teh best ever at it so stop questioning me!" over there.

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After catching up and reading all those wellformed defences, I can also not disagree with the clean logic that a Despo lynch = vets 1 player, however a Bas lynch = baguettes upon baguettes. Maybe.


Im pretty nonplussed at the possibility of cult aka recruitment since that seems what'll be happening with this many mason teams...

So I don't really believe that lynches will confirm ANYONE. But a) I don't want a random either, and b) it will tell us some about Basel's 'team' whether he flips scummy or townie. :smile:


So, Unvote.


Vote: Basel

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Cool story Basel. I'm not scum. Guess whose head will be on the chopping block tomorrow if I get lynched today?


That's right, you and team "This is my first mafia game but somehow I'm teh best ever at it so stop questioning me!" over there.


I never said I was good at it. That's what you guys said.


I'm voting for you for the same reason you are voting for Basel. I'm trying to keep my partner alive, and your lynch is the best chance of that.

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I'd also like to point out how ridiculously easy it would be to vet me and Lenlo's role. To not even give us a chance to prove we're not lying seems a bit silly


Yours was the power buff if I remember correctly?

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