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[TOWN WINS!]BG's Super Smash Bros. Mafia (now with more Ithi)!


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Official Vote Count


Despo (9): Moon, Andrew, Nya, Rand, Tress, AJ, Ironeyes, Dice, JohnSnow

Basel(8): Nolder, Razen, Lenlo, Turin, Lily, Darthe, Peace, Wombat

Nolder(2): Despo, Basel

Wombat(1): David


Not Voting (2): Arez, Tiinker



With 22 alive and active it takes 12 to Lynch.




Deadline Tuesday @ 9 PM CT.


6.5 Hours

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Unvote Basel and vote Wombat. My mason qt has the word masons in the name, and you(wombat) said you and Nya started out as town. What does that mean?


We started town. I haven't been recruited, and I doubt Nya has been. I am not ruling anything out though.


BG said we were masons in our Role PMs.

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Nolder, you were Niel's partner until you bussed him. What does the lightning bolt power do?

It was

It was a Strong Vig kill

Meaning it wouldn't be blocked by vests or doc protection


When he died I lost access to that and just got a regular Vig kill

I guess that was the negative effect of Niel dying

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Since I am advocating info, these are our blocks so far


N1 Nolder

N2 Nya

Oh so it wasn't docs


Well you saved Razen's life and hopefully this tells at least some of you that I was telling the truth.

It let me know you can't be trusted and need to be lynched. If more agree I will be more than happy to switch back to Nolder.

Well you shouldn't really trust anyone completely in mafia but I'm not sure why this in particular makes me untrustworthy to you

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My QT title does not contain the word "mason" but BG said in my PM that Nya and I are masons and good guys.

I can see why people are making a big deal out of this but that's like comparing wording on win conditions

This is something BG could have easily messed up and it's not Wombats fault


FTR I believe you Wombat

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I know for a fact Basel is clean.


And I know for a fact that Despo is town so it seems we are at an impasse. Right now Basel is looking like the much better option as we have yet to have any inventor come forward to prove his claim. We have yet to have anything to make us believe he was telling the truth.

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Nolder, you were Niel's partner until you bussed him. What does the lightning bolt power do?

It was

It was a Strong Vig kill

Meaning it wouldn't be blocked by vests or doc protection


When he died I lost access to that and just got a regular Vig kill

I guess that was the negative effect of Niel dying

So just a vig kill? And it is only s one time ability. So why do you think the night actions all failed last night?



I think you are lying about your ability. Even if you are essentially vanilla now I would rather lynch you more than anyone today. Unfortunately I doubt there is enough time or support for that.



Rand still waiting for your answer... How did you KNOW it was the lightning bolt and what do you think of Nolder's story?


Please let's lynch Nolder today.

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Because there was a night scene that involved thunder and I think lightning, why else would anyone make that scene? I thought it made perfect sense that the lightning bolt was used. And which story are you talking about?

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We need 10 people online that are willing to lynch Nolder, I don't think that can happen, and I really don't want to risk a random lynch because there is a high probablity that we may lose a power or something like that.

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So you are back to trying to discredit the cop? Nice town behavior. /sarcasm


Please please let's lynch Nolder. Or at least his mafia mate Basel.

The cop has done a good enough job discrediting himself imo and it's not like what I'm saying is something new

I've been saying this all along


Anyway yes lynch basel

He's scum for sure and so is alannalynn, rand, david, and john

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I would like to lynch Nolder, but I don't think it's happening. No hard feelings, Nolder.

Nah it's cool

I'm a Lyncher and there's no reason to trust me let alone want me around

Just lynch Basel after I'm gone so I can laugh while the scum team gets demolished from the grave

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