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[TOWN WINS!]BG's Super Smash Bros. Mafia (now with more Ithi)!


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Also a note concerning the quoting of PM's as it may have gotten lost in the last 15-20 pages of madness.


I gave the rule of allowing you to quote your PM's cause I didn't want to police it and I saw no harm in it. I didn't think you'd quote the WHOLE THING, but I said it is not against the rules, so go at it. But don't link to it. You link to it, you link to your PM, which might link to a QT if you have one, etc. etc. Therefore I'm setting a new ground rule ... if you choose to do so (quote communications), remove all links to your PMs, responses to PMs. Etc.


If there are any questions about this update, feel free.

hehehe :laugh:

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Anyway, I'll unvote Arez and vote Nolder. You may still win, but you may also get converted, I mean you are mewtwo, who was on the wrong side of things anyway.

Well if you want to go by movie cannon then Mewtwo was really just angry and Mew and Ash calmed him down. He wasn't REALLY a bad "person".

But anyway that's pretty irrelevant I guess.


Also what's with this conversion stuff? Has it even been confirmed that this is a conversion game?

And your reasoning is crap. I can throw it right back at you or anyone. You might have already been converted! See?

Personally I think this game started with a set number of scum. Maybe they can recruit a symp or something but that would be it. There is no mechanic in the SSB cannon that would allow recruiting of this nature.

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Page 76, Things I feel I want to comment on before I leave for the pool yet again.


I just noticed something.


Arez has NEVER been this quiet.

Holy crap, Arez is in this game? I still do not buy Nol/Despo at all. People who are pushing the withholding of reveals... Are you all watching this game? Mafia has so many good targets at this point that it is almost baffling. The best help available would come from understanding this game IMO, as saying that you are part of a mason team without revealing your partner is the easiest way for scum to currently hide. However, if we all reveal and lynch one scum we get two. It leaves them no place to hide. Please reveal, Luigi.

Could you be a bit more vague on your power, please?


Either reveal it fully, or don't mention it. Don't hint around it (which you've been doing all game)


We got a snake in the grass. This guy John Snow is not a NEWB. John? Who are you really and why are you pretending you are a newb?



First of all, The PERSON John is pinging me alot. He doesn't have that "newbie feel", sure you can be a fast learner, but you'd atleast make SOME mistakes in the beggining. You have made... NONE. So that feels very odd. However, even if he is not who he claims he is, it wouldn't necessary make him scum. I have a feeling he MIGHT be Mynd undercover. I remember him.. "hinting" in mafia grieviances, to Red, that making a new account so people won't lynch her because of meta might be a good idea.. Mayhap he already implemented that idea?


Anyway, lets not dwell in the past.


And the part about me never being so quiet.. --> :rolleyes:


Lets see, some stuff I didn't quote. Allowing to Copy & Paste your PM is really fishy. In any, and I mean ANY, mafia game, town could win SUPER easy if this was allowed. However, this does not seem to be the case. And for the record, anyone quoting their pm's after the first one was made, I'm not completly sure I believe you. It's very easy to quote a message the mod gave you and the just completly change the content of it.


Cya later =)

Let me address the part about people having multiple avatars and DM accounts. This is NOT allowed on DM. Alternate accounts are sometimes used in Mafia Games with special alternates created especially by the Admins for the purpose.


Basically it is a great big no no that will get you possibly banned from posting altogether. Not really worth the risk just for a Mafia Game, so let's drop the idea that anyone would think that would be fine and dandy to do.


Mmmmkay :)


I am not Mynd or anyone else. Have the admins check IP addresses if you must. How much you want to bet on the results? $1k? $10k? $100k? I'm fine making some easy money.

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I'll be checking in from work later today and will change my vote if necessary, but I still don't trust Despo, his explanation of his team's ability and how they've used it doesn't ring true for me, and it seems like he's changed his story as he's explained himself.


I'm very curious about the fact that none of the teams has admitted being the inventor that allegedly gave Basel that one-shot cop viewing. I think we've had plenty of time for that to happen, so I'd be OK with switching my vote in that direction if needed.


I'm also OK with lynching Nolder, because his claim doesn't sit well with me either.


And lastly, if Turin and Marsh are telling the truth about who they blocked, Wombat and Nya are high on the list to be looked at much more closely. And I still want to know how we got no result on our view of Despo if this is true.

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page 85, Scoooore!


Arez is my partner, and I believe that he has not been silenced. He hasn't been posting very much in our mason QT either, and when he has, it's been light hearted and not really related to the game much. Just a random thought here and a random thought there, but nothing solid as to why he felt that way. I almost get the feeling that he was being quiet to protect something because of it, but because he hasn't been posting much anywhere recently, it sounds to me like he's busy with RL, but I don't want to rule out the possibility of his being silenced.

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I have some questions for my chief suspects.


Nolder, you were Niel's partner until you bussed him. What does the lightning bolt power do?


Basel, how do you explain there being no inventor and how is it yours appears to be the only successful night action from last night?


Rand, how did you KNOW it was a lightning bolt last night?


Nya, does your QT title contain the word "mason"? Womby, can you confirm?


AJ(replacing Tiink), was it you or Rand that recruited Nol?


Finally Despo, do you really enjoy playing so scummy?


(Starting to believe you might be town.)

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Since I am advocating info, these are our blocks so far


N1 Nolder

N2 Nya

Oh so it wasn't docs


Well you saved Razen's life and hopefully this tells at least some of you that I was telling the truth.

It let me know you can't be trusted and need to be lynched. If more agree I will be more than happy to switch back to Nolder.

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Official Vote Count


Basel(8): Nolder, Razen, Lenlo, Turin, Lily, Darthe, David, Peace

Despo (7): Moon, Andrew, Nya, Rand, Tress, AJ, Ironeyes,

Nolder(3): Wombat, Despo, Basel

Rand (1): Dice,

Wombat(1): JohnSnow,


Not Voting (2): Arez, Tiinker



With 22 alive and active it takes 12 to Lynch.




Deadline Tuesday @ 9 PM CT.


A little less than 8 hours

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My QT title does not contain the word "mason" but BG said in my PM that Nya and I are masons and good guys.

mine does. I think most do. I asked earlier if a QT with someone that was at risk of being turned or was already of a different alignment could still ethically be called mason.

I asked when I had major doubts on Lily.


Any thoughts on that?

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My QT title does not contain the word "mason" but BG said in my PM that Nya and I are masons and good guys.

mine does. I think most do. I asked earlier if a QT with someone that was at risk of being turned or was already of a different alignment could still ethically be called mason.

I asked when I had major doubts on Lily.


Any thoughts on that?


I think Nya and I both started town. I think almost anyone in the game can be recruited.

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