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[TOWN WINS!]BG's Super Smash Bros. Mafia (now with more Ithi)!


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Okay. I originally had a much longer post, but I realized I didn't need all the sarcasm and just left it at this:


I believe these are the quotes you are looking for to prove your 'case' Despo? Despo, who cannot possibly be seen as anything approaching scummy meaning all votes on him MUST be OMGUS. *cough* Okay. A little sarcasm. Anyway:


Yeah I agree there. And Lily isn't giving any reason not to vote her by posting more of EP's thoughts.



Yeah I agree there. And Lily isn't giving any reason not to vote her by posting more of EP's thoughts.




Yeah. That did come off as kind of scummy in hindsight. I noticed pretty much as soon as I pressed the 'Post' button. I'm distracted at the moment. I have to go boil water for a hot bath as our water heater is broken. -_-


Let me clarify: I wanted to hear what Lily thought, and wanted something more believable, but instead I get more of what is supposedly EP's words from beyond the grave. I don't believe this. At all.


Lily's Mason claim, followed by Darthe's counter Claim, didn't, as you put it, 'INSTANTLY' mean LOTSA Mason teams to me. It meant one was lying, and one was telling the truth. And with the EP mess, among other things, I thought the liar was Lily. Hence the above votes. And baguette.


But then Lily did give us something believable, and I Unvoted, despite remaining uncertain, and MORE Mason claims came out, and that was that. I am at a lost as to why this is deserving of any sort of 'case'.


This argument has helped me to understand why you're throwing FoS at Rand actually, when compared to my own thing, but I still don't think it's enough to vote him. *shrug* You're coming across as the more likely Mafia to me. Especially since Rand is... vetted through Alanna by Basel? If I'm understanding that right. (Added after your most recent post) And Basel himself is vetted by his partner isn't he?


Unless John is Mafia, publicly claiming his Mafia partner Basel as his /Mason Partner/ to save /another/ two Mafia, who also publicly claimed each other as Mason partners. In which case, they are the silliest bunch of Mafia I've ever seen, building THAT house of cards.


Are you saying you're not a mason?

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I actually agree with Despo on that one, I still don't like that idea, seems like it would make it way easier for mafia to pick and choose, let's say the second most important role and take that out of the game. Despo, your play is getting scummier and scummier. You're lynching a townie, losing a power, for the slight chance that 4 people are mafia in a huge gambit involving a view and mason claiming and hinting. This makes absolutely no sense at all vote Despo.


First of all, you're assuming Basel is town, which is scummy. Second, you're trying to play it off as some slight chance that y'all are mafia, when to me it really doesn't seem slight at all. Third, you're ignoring the fact that if Basel DID flip town, we'd have 3 vetted townies. Fourth, it wouldn't have to be some huge gambit, Basel could have simply lied about the inventor thing.


Plus, what's up with everyone coming out and agreeing with me, then voting me?




I was referring to the aspect of Basel being a townie so you could see what would happen. To the 2nd, fair enough, however, if I were you, then I would think it would be a very slight chance that 4 mafia would connect themselves together. To the 3rd, I agreed with you on the mass reveal part.

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Wall o' Text


Can't remember who coined that... was it you Despo?


The phrase is pretty common on the internet. Not the acronym though.


Yeah I was talking about in regards to the WoT thing. I did start the thread with that, that ended up turning into a joke mafia game.



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Despo, you're scummy.


I'm a townie, on a mason team with a partner that hasn't revealed their mason status yet.


And, unless David lied about his power or viewing of Kat, then I, as Kat's replacement, have been vetted.


I voted for you, I have not changed my vote, Your suspicion of me is an OMGUS.


I know Mason Fishing is a bad idea, but at the time, it was my only idea.

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Despo, you're scummy.


I'm a townie, on a mason team with a partner that hasn't revealed their mason status yet.


And, unless David lied about his power or viewing of Kat, then I, as Kat's replacement, have been vetted.


I voted for you, I have not changed my vote, Your suspicion of me is an OMGUS.


I know Mason Fishing is a bad idea, but at the time, it was my only idea.


I'm not scummy. I'm town.


Okay. My mason partner hasn't claimed mason yet either.


Obviously part of my suspicion on you is the fact that David's claim seemed so off. If I took it for granted that he wasn't lying, I would obviously then believe that you were town. As of right now, I'm leaning towards David IS the cop, but has just made really bad moves, but I'm def not 100% on that either.


I was suspicious of you before you voted me, not a OMGUS at all. What initially raised my suspicion was two things:


1. David, who had claimed cop but seemed uber scummy to me at the time, said that he had just viewed you as town, and that you could vet him. Kind of a bizarre move there, saying you would somehow be able to vet him. I thought it was a newb scum move.


2. I'm always wary of replacements. I've said it before and I'll say it again: replacements are often a good place to look for scum, as an inactive mafia member is much more likely to ask to be replaced, if they feel guilty that their inactivity is hurting their team, than an inactive vanilla townie or something.


Since then tho, your reactions and general behavior has struck me as more than odd. Pushing the mass-reveal was just plain scummy.


If you knew Mason Fishing was a bad idea, why did you promote it in the first place?

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These entire last few pages have reeked to me. It looks like several townies are being goaded and falling right into it. A major FoS on Womby and despo. I would also like to point out that Nol fell off the map when he got a couple of votes, which reeks to me of scum and is the only reason I have yet to vote Despo.

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Obviously part of my suspicion on you is the fact that David's claim seemed so off. If I took it for granted that he wasn't lying, I would obviously then believe that you were town. As of right now, I'm leaning towards David IS the cop, but has just made really bad moves, but I'm def not 100% on that either.


This reads to me like you're trying to play both sides. This is what it looks like to me: you got FOS'd for pushing hard against an uncountered cop, so you're trying to back off of that stance while still keeping that element of doubt there so 1) you can look more townie for not being 100% sure of someone else's alignment and 2) you can use it as justification if you decide to push again for his lynch, and for justification in casting doubt on any of his viewings.


Since David and his partner were unable to get a reading on Despo last night, I think we would learn quite a lot from lynching him today.


Vote Despo

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Alright well by my count that puts me at L-4. I really didn't want to reveal, but I also REALLY don't want a speedlynch to all of a sudden occur because some people pretend to not know what the vc is.


Me and my partner are Power Buffers. One of us can activate an ability that makes it so, when targeted, gives the person targeting one extra NA the next night.


Honestly, my plan was to try and look a little scummy to get the cop to view me. I figured once that happened, not only would they realize I was town, but they could also get a double NA the next night.


Kinda sucks that my plan basically worked, only something seems to have happened last night that screwed up some night actions.


Anyways, this obviously puts a HUGE target on my team now, so I gotta keep my partner's id secret for now.

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I tried laying out some traps early in the game, including bringing up the idea of a mass claim to see if others tried to jump on board that idea.


And Tress, I'll admit you make some good points about me, but I honestly still stand by what I have felt the whole time, that David's reveal seemed more than sketchy at first


Also, honestly for now I wouldn't push David's lynch, but mostly cause I think there are much better candidates for scum at this point.

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Revealing at L-4 eh?


We have a little over a day left, I believe. If I leave my train too long close to the end of day, people will just pile on to secure a majority on something.


And I think it goes without saying that my powers can be extremely beneficial to town.

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Alright well by my count that puts me at L-4. I really didn't want to reveal, but I also REALLY don't want a speedlynch to all of a sudden occur because some people pretend to not know what the vc is.


Me and my partner are Power Buffers. One of us can activate an ability that makes it so, when targeted, gives the person targeting one extra NA the next night.


Honestly, my plan was to try and look a little scummy to get the cop to view me. I figured once that happened, not only would they realize I was town, but they could also get a double NA the next night.


Kinda sucks that my plan basically worked, only something seems to have happened last night that screwed up some night actions.


Anyways, this obviously puts a HUGE target on my team now, so I gotta keep my partner's id secret for now.


oh my...that's quite a power

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Role blocker can be either town or mafia. I've been RB as both, actually - as town in Wombat's ASoIaF game, mafia in Heart's Pokemon game. It's easier to make good use of for mafia, because (barring a bus driver *cough*) if you've identified the doc, you can negate their ability. As town, you may very well end up accidentally blocking the doc or the cop unless they've revealed (or dropped enough hints to catch your eye), and if the doc is still alive you never know if you ended up blocking the person with the NK, or whether the doc protected against it.


As for the number of mafia, my guess would be probably 6, based on proportion. Maybe 8, depending on whether there are any third parties and the amount/usefulness of power roles.

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Official Vote Count


Despo (8): David, Basel, Moon, Andrew, Nya, Rand, Darthe, Tress

Rand (4): Despo, Dice, Lily, Iron

Darthe (1): JohnSnow

David (1): Nolder

Nolder (1): Turin

Andrew (1): Wombat





Not Voting (6): Arez, Peace, Tiinker, Alanna, Lenlo, Razen



With 22 alive and active it takes 12 to Lynch.




Deadline Tuesday @ 9 PM CT.

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