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[TOWN WINS!]BG's Super Smash Bros. Mafia (now with more Ithi)!


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Np Lily. And while I understand the whole being in too many games at once thing, I'm glad to see you're participating with the newer mafia crowd a lot! Seems like a lot of the old school mafia players are too elitist to play wif us anymore :unsure:

It is very different than it was in my day. I don't like some of these newer rules, but I do like a lot of the newer players. :) *using her walker, lily makes her way back to her rocking chair*

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Wow. Did you all see that storm last night? Crazy......


Super crazy....


....crazy beyond belief...




Don't you want to know how crazy it was?








"How crazy was it.?"


Well, I'm glad you asked mysterious voice that was definitely not me throwing my own voice...


It was sooooooo crazy... it was Crazy like CRAZY HAND! Hahahahahahahahahahahahah! Get it? Get it? Cause her name is Crazy Hand? No? Ah... well.... I've never had a good sense of humor. Other than that, it seems like you guys decided to play nice last night. You all looked refreshed and bushy tailed and bright eyed and strong as an ox and... whatever else you folks like to say. Oh, and has anyone seen Yoshi?


It is now Day 3.


With 22 alive it takes 12 to lynch.




Deadline Tuesday @ 9 PM CT.

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Well, Day 3 is upon us, and I have a reveal. There is an inventor among us. I got a mod PM saying I was awarded a one-shot cop view by the inventor. I decided to use it on one of the quieter players in case there were scum hiding in the shadows, and I got the result back at daybreak. AJ is town.

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