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[TOWN WINS!]BG's Super Smash Bros. Mafia (now with more Ithi)!


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I am mason partners with EP, and he asked me to post this post-mortem for him. These are his thoughts, not necessarily mine.



oooh and I know why rule's 3 and 4 are there... or rather are worded the way they are



And I like this rule 14 better. Anyone who calls me scum can go Q-Bert for all I care


I am unsure why the wording would tip you off on anything, I get what you are hinting at but let’s be honest, how would you know there are other such instances unless you are in multiple such cases. Here is an important slip.


*sits on a pandawagon* yaharr!

Vote Arez



I didn’t like this post, she wanted someone to post the code so she could vote me, yet when she finally votes she voted Arez, even though this is was still in the “joke vote” phase it really sat off with me. As well as later things that have been said as well


I am here. Vote Hoof.


Oh, he's not in this game? Unvote.


Really Basel? This is a distraction post since it has absolutely no effect on the game otherwise.


Maybe Nolder has an ability where he has to vote himself only....hmmm.....Conker?


Well here is a blatant case of character/role fishing


This game has been inactive for a while now...


Considering it was only a few hours, this post really pings.


What is this mafia qt you speak of?


We both know you know what a mafia QT is I really hope this was a joke, even though it’s a very poor one


And who said my vote was a joke vote?


Frankly I think you're a easy person to pressure, and trains gotta start somewhere. I love this new trend on DM mafia, ending the Day 1 "randomness" as soon as possible.

really don't like this post basically admitting your pushing the easy lynch...


*Sharps cleaver*

Definitely an overreaction in self-defense here. Pandeh, have yoo been hanging out wiv le bad crowd again? :tsktsk:

trying to push an easy lynch there Nya?


Gonna go see batman tonight. You folks play rough while I'm gone.


Wear body armor....

Jeez, man, I know someone that got shot at that premier. Just for that, vote Mynd.

Just kidding.

Unvote Mynd.

no comments...


Unvote Mynd and vote Niel.


At the moment I'm going with my gut feelings, and comments posted by nolder and despo.

yay bandwagon


Despo, stop being such a jerk! You were a newer player at one point in time!



I really don't like that niel waited nearly a day with people asking for his defense and claim. Then we get pikachu. If it is true then he has wasted a lot of time.


Pikachu is a viable character for the game but something still doesn't sit right about the way this is going down.

I still have my doubts.

questionable post here Turin bringing negative heat on Niel after he claimed Pikachu basically trying to push the hammer from the sidelines


I agree, the hammer was completely unnecessary. Even tho Niel had just botched his latest attempt at "revealing", nothing said we had to hammer him before asking once again for his role. Pika coulda been a power role, and EP never gave him a chance.


Btw, I never played smash brothers, but imo since it was a game and there was no main character or protagonist, it would seem pretty futile to try and determine who may be power roles based on character. In something like Game of Thrones, where it's pretty obvious which characters might have a major role, I'd agree that keeping characters secret is a good idea, but in this format I don't really see that as being as important. Kirby is just as likely to have a power role as Mario imo

I gave him more chance than the bandwagoners, I wasn't even posting Niel random posts ignores his train botches his reveal and at that time I was annoyed with it and used him to start my strategy


I'm just lurking and trying to see if I can pick up anything on my radar If it's working at all XD

admitted lurking...


@ all teh lurkers using the subject of lurking to increase their post count. There's plenty of stuff to comment on already, Why you no comment?

Despo condeming the returny lurkies for doing such which is not necessarily scummy by itself but with other posts I've quoted is enough to make me suspect him


Well I no knows what more to comment on the Niel thing that hasn’t been said already. Imho ‘twas cleverly seized by the scummies after a few joke votes, so everyone on that list, esp the middle, iz pingy


Why EP hammered Niel that fast is also interesting, but again, there's been a whole discussion around it and nothing's been said already that would add something new to the FoS on him.


'Part from that...well let's see what Night brings :)

@ all teh lurkers using the subject of lurking to increase their post count. There's plenty of stuff to comment on already, Why you no comment?

Like calling names and people suddenly coming out of teh woodwork?


Exactly. Even tho BG didn't call out anyone besides Lessa and Dice specifically. Which is why I don't really like all teh lurkers coming out of the woodwork. It reeks of scum lurkers getting pre-defensive because they see their post counts are teh low


Eh not really. I was already thinking bout posting more so I wouldn't get falsely accused of being lurky/scummy, but couldn't be bothered just putting in a post that basically says everything that's been said already :P

This gives me a nice hold to get back in the game.


Which is, waiting, along with everyone else

alot of Nyan rambling about lurkyness and getting post counts up, last time I saw Nya lurk like this was the ferngully game in which she happened to be scum and the last remaining scum that almost won, (basically lost on a random coin toss from the confirmed townie)


TL: just skimmed

You assume I had a "Perfectly good reason to hammer" other than setting up a trap

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Yaaaaay stuff to answer to!! :happy: Hmm I choose...purple for this :D


I am mason partners with EP, and he asked me to post this post-mortem for him. These are his thoughts, not necessarily mine.

Is that even allowed?? :blink:


*sits on a pandawagon* yaharr!

Vote Arez




I didn’t like this post, she wanted someone to post the code so she could vote me, yet when she finally votes she voted Arez, even though this is was still in the “joke vote” phase it really sat off with me. As well as later things that have been said as well


Why did I want to vote EP --> D1 joke vote, changed my mind to another joke vote because firebirds wouldnt be able to pull wagons and pandas could! Really would you take anything serious that I post D1?? :tongue:


*Sharps cleaver*

Definitely an overreaction in self-defense here. Pandeh, have yoo been hanging out wiv le bad crowd again? :tsktsk:


trying to push an easy lynch there Nya?


Of cooooouurse I am :laugh: If I wanted to push an easy lynch Id have hopped on the Niel train, or hammered like you did. Duh. :P


I'm just lurking and trying to see if I can pick up anything on my radar If it's working at all XD


admitted lurking...


And since when is lurking only scummy, eh??


Well I no knows what more to comment on the Niel thing that hasn’t been said already. Imho ‘twas cleverly seized by the scummies after a few joke votes, so everyone on that list, esp the middle, iz pingy


Why EP hammered Niel that fast is also interesting, but again, there's been a whole discussion around it and nothing's been said already that would add something new to the FoS on him.


'Part from that...well let's see what Night brings :)

@ all teh lurkers using the subject of lurking to increase their post count. There's plenty of stuff to comment on already, Why you no comment?

Like calling names and people suddenly coming out of teh woodwork?


Exactly. Even tho BG didn't call out anyone besides Lessa and Dice specifically. Which is why I don't really like all teh lurkers coming out of the woodwork. It reeks of scum lurkers getting pre-defensive because they see their post counts are teh low



Eh not really. I was already thinking bout posting more so I wouldn't get falsely accused of being lurky/scummy, but couldn't be bothered just putting in a post that basically says everything that's been said already :P

This gives me a nice hold to get back in the game.


Which is, waiting, along with everyone else


alot of Nyan rambling about lurkyness and getting post counts up, last time I saw Nya lurk like this was the ferngully game in which she happened to be scum and the last remaining scum that almost won, (basically lost on a random coin toss from the confirmed townie)


Getting the post counts up was a joke, I only needed like three to be "safe" jokingly since BG was "threatening" those of us with fewer than 10 n:P And others were doing it too. Why you singling me out, wanna push a lynch on meeee?

And what Id already said -- I was getting back into the game after lurking fairly disinterestedly cos I didnt find Niel anymore scummy than anyone else during DAY ONE. Might I remind you that in the Ferngully game I was lurking towards the end?? This is was only the first day, and since that quote Ive been active regularly :smile:


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I am going to speculate that if you're telling the truth you guys are Ice Climbers

Don't confirm or deny that please unless you were planning on fullclaiming anyway

What Nolder? Backing up your teammate? EP already flipped and he flipped Meta Knight! Where are you pulling this BS?

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I am going to speculate that if you're telling the truth you guys are Ice Climbers

Don't confirm or deny that please unless you were planning on fullclaiming anyway

What Nolder? Backing up your teammate? EP already flipped and he flipped Meta Knight! Where are you pulling this BS?

Oh I completely forgot about that

I was just trying to figure out who would be masons

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Couldn't a player be both a mason and a power role?


But I do have a question for Lily, is EP even allowed to post on your "mason qt" after he died?


I would hazard the answer is a no, and the fact that you are saying you are posting EP's thoughts, when EP never talked about Nya or never outright told us he was suspicious of her, I think is just false. I really don't feel that dead players are allowed to continue posting game information, so I would feel that as a breach in my opinion.


So, vote LilyElizabeth.

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So who would be masons with Meta Knight? Kirby?

The only people from Kirby's world that I know of in SSB is Kirby and King DeDeDe.

However, I've only played Brawl, so there might be more.


You are correct. The only three playable characters from Kirby's world are Kirby, King Dedede, and Meta-Knight. We know EP was Meta-Night, so Lily would have to be either Kirby or King Dedede for this to be feasible. What I'm interested in is why Darthe believes that Lily is lying.

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Tbh, I think I gotta agree with Darthe. Posting a dead player's thoughts about players seems outside the spirit of the game, and because it's under the guise of mason (which EP didn't flip as btw), it makes it seem even moar underhanded. It seems like it's more likely to be a ruse on Lily's part, and the fact that the reveal came out unbidded makes me even more uncomfortable with the whole situation.


Not gonna vote Lily yet tho, I wanna see what she has to say in her defense

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