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[TOWN WINS!]BG's Super Smash Bros. Mafia (now with more Ithi)!


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David Hermes just asked what does L-1 mean? Even real newbies dont ask questions like that. Google is a thing! I think someone is trying desperately to appear new.

  On 7/22/2012 at 3:28 AM, Myndrunner said:

David Hermes just asked what does L-1 mean? Even real newbies dont ask questions like that. Google is a thing! I think someone is trying desperately to appear new.

No, I genuinely didn't know and I don't play mafia regularly. This is probably my 4th proper game.

  On 7/22/2012 at 3:28 AM, Myndrunner said:

David Hermes just asked what does L-1 mean? Even real newbies dont ask questions like that. Google is a thing! I think someone is trying desperately to appear new.


Mynd, have you tried to Google L-1?


You're not going to get a good answer with that. :tongue:


However, Mafiascum.net's wiki is a good place to go to look up mafia related terms and such.





Well, if you include the word "mafia" with the L-1, it does come up with the Mafiascum wiki. If you just look up L-1, you'll never figure it out.

  On 7/22/2012 at 3:35 AM, Songstress said:

Well, if you include the word "mafia" with the L-1, it does come up with the Mafiascum wiki. If you just look up L-1, you'll never figure it out.

exactly, I typed in "what does L-1 mean in mafia" and the mafia wiki for abbreviations in mafia came up. But as you said without the word mafia, you won't be able to find it.


Vote Count:


Niel(12): Nolder, Despo, David, Arez, Basel, Turin, Mynd, Tress, Kathleen, Andrew, Lily, Darthe

Arez(2): Nyanna, Niel

Dice(1): Rand

Kat(1): Tiinker

EP(1): AJ



Not Voting(7): Lessa, Peace, Dice, John Snow, Razen, Lenlo, EP


With 24 alive, it takes 13 to Lynch



Deadline is Monday @ Noon CST.







^: me trying not to implode after seeing so many pitifully newbish posts in this thread


<: resident mafia jerk who is finding out that he has no patience for newer players apparently


V: reserved for someone admonishing me for being such a jerk


Yeah, but I wasn't like this. Other newer players have fit into their own little mafia playing style with ease (see Tress, Darthe, Peacesells, etc.)




Well, new to me. I've been gone, remember? I commented at him being newer in another game, and it didn't seem to rub him the wrong way at all. I have a feeling he was familiar with forum mafia before tho

  On 7/22/2012 at 10:24 AM, Despothera said:

Ah I c. Had you played before DM, irl or on other forums?


Played here first..then played quite a few games on Myndjack and a few on mafiascum.net


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