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Diablo 3

Arez Al'Loke

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Debating it, probably not simply because I got bored of the last one and stopped playing, and don't really want to spend 60 bucks on something I'm liable to do the same with shortly after I buy it.

  • Community Administrator

Well, remember, its escentially mmo compared to todays standards of 'mmo'. (Think Guild Wars)

And F2P online.


Also, SIlver = Interested in it, he jsut hasn't posted in this thread yet.


I'm still pissed at Blizzard for deleting my D2 accounts because I had to go inactive for two months. Level 98 Hammerdin, 96 Trapsin, 96 Lite Sorc, 95 Bone Necro. Two full accounts of mules. All gone because of their idiotic policy that you have to check in every 30 days or your accounts are deleted. I sank four years into that damn game. Screw them, they'll get no more profit outta me.


Oh yeah, Level 95 Smiter and 91 Zealer. All gone now.

  • Community Administrator

I'm still pissed at Blizzard for deleting my D2 accounts because I had to go inactive for two months. Level 98 Hammerdin, 96 Trapsin, 96 Lite Sorc, 95 Bone Necro. Two full accounts of mules. All gone because of their idiotic policy that you have to check in every 30 days or your accounts are deleted. I sank four years into that damn game. Screw them, they'll get no more profit outta me.


Oh yeah, Level 95 Smiter and 91 Zealer. All gone now.


If your talking about 'closed multiplayer' then all yoru chacters basically become 'locked' from the ladder, and even then, that policy, wasn't 100%. (besides I thought it was 30Days per level?)I know I lost my 99 Assassin on the closed one, but I hadn't played that for YEARS. (Plus I heard they wiped closed clean a couple of times?)


All of them started out as ladder characters, then became non-ladder after resets. They were all Battle.Net characters. The mules too, I never played closed multiplayer. Their policy is that you have 30 days. After that, they're on the path to deletion. You have another 30 days to get in there and start playing to halt the process. After another 30 days, they're gone forever. I guess when your kid gets diagnosed with leukemia, your supposed to kick him to the curb and just play Blizzard's games. Damn them all. I'll never play a Blizzard game again.

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Cause they deleted a digital characater thats taking up space? On a game thats free to play online? That was already aging?

And besides, if you did the whole 'ladder' thing you'd know that non-ladder characters have nothing on 'ladder' characters :tongue:


Not trying to be arguementive here, I could definately see the hate if this wa sa policy on say "world of warcraft", but to me, its less important on a game like Diablo 2.

Diablo 3 will probably 'never' have that policy, as it is far more focused on 'multiplayer' then 'ladder'.


I know, I get it, it's free so I shouldn't complain. But when you sink four years into a game, and then lose all that work due to a family emergency, you can't help but get a little irate. I did love D2, I spent more time on that game than any other I've ever played, I just don't understand why they have that policy. Make it longer than 60 days, or maybe look at the overall time spent in their domain before you make a decision like that.

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I believe they did it to 'keep' it online and 'free'. everyone keeps creating 'new' accounts and 'new' characters, so they had to 'purge' and that was the 'easiest' method. Obviously they 'should' have kept those that 'were older' and 'played more' from being deleted, Plus you gotta consider, alot of people that 'stop' playing for 6 months, to a year, tend to 'not' go back to it for any length of time. I was 'never' that attached to a single character in D2. (probably cause all the ones I worked on, ended up getting deleted) But yet, after 10+ years in Everquest, I 'know' my characters still in there, and if 'that' character were 'deleted' on that kind of 'policy' I can definatley 'relate' to being mad at the company for 'deleting' said characters.


only info I can find on D3 about the subject is them saying they 'won't' delete any characters. (hopefully true)

What can I say, I'm kinda hoping to put together a muli-game-forum guild/clan in D3. more the merrier!

  • Community Administrator

My friends who played D2 got their accounts suspended so many times xDD Blizzard claimed they used map hacks when they didn't xP


Now they're pissed aswell..

Most people denying that, actually 'did' use map hacks, but 'deny it' to gain sympathy for 'blizzard' banning them.


Besides, everyone knows.

you map hack on OPEN, not on LADDER! durrr!


Can't wait, even the beta was addictive as hell and I ended up maxing out half a dozen characters over various wipes. Haven't been this pumped for a game launch in years.


I have not made up my mind about this yet. I really, really want to get it right now. But I don't really have the time right now.

Also, this multiplayer-focus really killed a lot of my anticipation.

  • Community Administrator

I have not made up my mind about this yet. I really, really want to get it right now. But I don't really have the time right now.

Also, this multiplayer-focus really killed a lot of my anticipation.


Well,D2 was pretty multiplayer focused as it is. The main difference is the "always on" internet connection requirement.

But you can 'still' solo if you wqnt, or even make it so only friends can join up in your game and help you clear out a chapter faster. They basically made it so you can solo, and say you get stuck, instead of creating a 'new' game, gou can simply invite friends to help. Course once open, you cant close it.


I'm not sure if they'll do a US East or a US west servers like in D2 But if they do, I'll probably pick US East.


I have not made up my mind about this yet. I really, really want to get it right now. But I don't really have the time right now.

Also, this multiplayer-focus really killed a lot of my anticipation.


Well,D2 was pretty multiplayer focused as it is. The main difference is the "always on" internet connection requirement.

But you can 'still' solo if you wqnt, or even make it so only friends can join up in your game and help you clear out a chapter faster. They basically made it so you can solo, and say you get stuck, instead of creating a 'new' game, gou can simply invite friends to help. Course once open, you cant close it.


I'm not sure if they'll do a US East or a US west servers like in D2 But if they do, I'll probably pick US East.


I would not call D2 multiplayer focused. It had that feature, but that always felt more like a fun little bonus for those who enjoys multiplayer. I get a very different feeling about D3. And because of thati am worried that they have focused their efforts on making the multiplayer run smoothly, and all the online aspects, to the point that the gameplay might suffer from it. But, we'll see. When all is said and done, I will get the game, and I will get through it on my own since I hate multiplayer. I'm just not as likely to be hanging on the door the day of release as I was a couple of years ago.

  • Community Administrator

I have not made up my mind about this yet. I really, really want to get it right now. But I don't really have the time right now.

Also, this multiplayer-focus really killed a lot of my anticipation.


Well,D2 was pretty multiplayer focused as it is. The main difference is the "always on" internet connection requirement.

But you can 'still' solo if you wqnt, or even make it so only friends can join up in your game and help you clear out a chapter faster. They basically made it so you can solo, and say you get stuck, instead of creating a 'new' game, gou can simply invite friends to help. Course once open, you cant close it.


I'm not sure if they'll do a US East or a US west servers like in D2 But if they do, I'll probably pick US East.


I would not call D2 multiplayer focused. It had that feature, but that always felt more like a fun little bonus for those who enjoys multiplayer. I get a very different feeling about D3. And because of thati am worried that they have focused their efforts on making the multiplayer run smoothly, and all the online aspects, to the point that the gameplay might suffer from it. But, we'll see. When all is said and done, I will get the game, and I will get through it on my own since I hate multiplayer. I'm just not as likely to be hanging on the door the day of release as I was a couple of years ago.


D2 was multiplayer focused though, thats just something 'you' may not have experienced, simply becuase it takes a 'long time' to get to the point on 'multiplayer' where you start to see the differences. But, as an example, there was content & Gear that ONLY dropped, ON ladder-ranked games. And really, the game was by and far, a giant competeition for who had not just the best stats, but who was the 'best' player, kill mobs the fastest, and kill other players the fastest. On their own the players were 'weak' but together they could slaughter everything around them, at a much faster rate than they could solo. + the mobs grew in power for every 'player' in a game (like it does currently) and the 'gear' dropped, also got better, based on the number of players. Something you wouldn't see, in a single player game. Theres a reason the 'multiplayer' is still going to this day, and people don't really 'play' the single player all that long. (100 hours? 200 hours? vs thousands of hours on multiplayer?)


Though I do find it strange, that Maj, the social drinker (so to speak) hates multiplayer, and I, the social recluse, doesn't mind it. ;)

the main thing to remember though, is the 'multiplayer' is just more integrated. You 'could' play solo a sa ranked character on D2. by making yoru own locked room, letting no one else join. But you wouldn't get very far in the 'ladder', and while it would take you a couple of hours to clear from act 1 to act 5, it would take you 30-45 minutes? with a 'party', and you'd net better lewtz.


You can 'still' do the same on D3, you can make a 'single player' game, and still go 'multiplayer' IF you want to. Just think of the online part as Blizzards version of DRM. Its alot like steam, and there 'is' a very logical reason for WHY the single player is 'online'.


Auction House.

They do NOT want people 'hacking' items and then selling them on the auction. let alone' printing money'. Loot is distributed from the 'server' not the 'pc'. Thus preventing 'hacking' attempts on the auction. (any hacking, like that, would be totally local, and only change hte graphic but not how it would actually work in game., So you could make it apear like you had 500 billion gold, but the game still only recognizes you at 50 gold. Same goes for gear, dmg, and HP. Thats all 'server side'.. I don't think they actually have an 'offline-singleplayer mode.' Its going to lose them some people, but with the auction house, it is fairly required.


So you 'can' definately solo, but you can still sell that crap junk, on the auction house, for either in-game Gold. Or Real Cash. You know like all those times, you dropped say, baal and all you got was a lousy 'epic' necro weapon, and your a zon?



Though I do find it strange, that Maj, the social drinker (so to speak) hates multiplayer, and I, the social recluse, doesn't mind it. ;)


Not strange at all. I have a very rich social life, at times even more than I really want. So gaming is a great opportunity for me to just shut off everything else and spend some time on myself. Even more so than reading, since I enjoy talking about what I read (surprise!).


Anybody else 'confused' as to 'why' SD's 'posts' have so 'many' apostrophes? :tongue:



And yeah, looking forward to this game as well. Really want beta but it's probably a good thing I didn't get it. Don't want to burn myself out in beta like I kind of did with SWToR.

  • Community Administrator

Well, you'd burn yourself out on the beta fairly easy, as its only the first 'act' (Barely?) and not the full game by any chance.. first act is basically the tutorial.


Anybody else 'confused' as to 'why' SD's 'posts' have so 'many' apostrophes? :tongue:

To annoy you obviously! :P


I would love to get D3 at launch, unfortunately, something in my computer is broken and I get BSOD if I play Bejewled, let alone something more stressful on my system. Gonna have to play at a friends house until I can get a new computer.

  • Community Administrator

Could be a hard drive issue. sometimes a corrupted file, can cause that kind of issue. Hard drive going, for example is responsible for alot of BSOD's. However other issues could be involved to..


do you ever update windows or your drivers?


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