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Mistborn Mafia: The Hemalurgic Spike


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Hey guys, just checking in really quick before I have to go to band practice. I wanted to quote a few things that grabbed my attention, but instead for now I'll have to settle for commenting on the things I can remember that I wanted to comment on.


Firstly, welcome to the game Mynd and Lenlo (poor Lenlo aint gettin no lurb since the other replacement is drawing the spotlight :tongue:)


Second, I'm glad some are now mentioning the second NK, for a bit I was a little worried that no one was really talking about that. Tbh right now I'm actually more worried it could be a SK, but I'm getting that mostly from flavor. Both are practically the same as far as town is concerned for now however, unless we see the NK's getting a little too indiscriminate


Third, Wombat asked about the roles of the dead, and Mynd fos'd that I believe for role-fishing? Very strange for Mynd to do that, it doesn't seem scummy to me to ask for information that town usually gets with coroner reports. Am I missing something here?


There was something else I think but I'll just have to try and remember later on. Now to get to our lynch candidate today. It looks pretty obvious that it's going to be between Hoof and Tress (I like the Tress nickname too btw, makes her sound like a southern bell :biggrin:), although I do want to point out that EP has been pinging me pretty hard all game. I also don't like how much it seems people are willing to bandwagon in this game, it reeks of scum that look happy to get a speed lynch in.


Alright so I thought about this for some time, and I hope I don't offend Hoof here but I was thinking that maybe the reason Hoof constantly dies the first day is that he always seems to make such "Hoof"-type plays. I've been in a couple of other games with him where he ends up being lynched for defending someone he really thought was town who flipped scum, it just seems to happen to him a lot. The way he voted for Wombat day 1 because of trying to defend Smiley looks even more bizarre, but it just kinda seems like Hoof makes this kind of play a lot.


Tress on the other hand, has seemed very off to me this game. For a bit of meta, the other games I've played with her she came out scumhunting and casing almost immediately, making very good attempts at connecting things and whatnot. This game she started out much more carefully, being a bit more spammy and even talking about how she didn't want to joke vote. Not to mention the fact that the connection between her and Smiley looks more concrete than the one between Hoof and Smiley.


Oooh I remember the thing I was gonna say before. Mynd, you were just talking about how Hoof was the competing train day 1, but from what I remember we pretty much didn't have a competing train day 1. Smiley defended Tress, then pretty much everyone else hopped onto his train. Hoof had something like 2 votes max the first day? I don't think of that as a competing train at all. I was trying to get one going, because I think it's a good habit to always set up competing trains day 1, the voting records from them can be very helpful late game. That's all I had on that.


Anyhoo, I prob had more to say on this, but I really gotta go so for now I think the best option for a lynch is Tress. Gives us some more info, and we've had enough reaction from her train to follow up tomorrow if she flips scum. Vote Songstress

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Firstly, welcome to the game Mynd and Lenlo (poor Lenlo aint gettin no lurb since the other replacement is drawing the spotlight :tongue:)



I dont mind. I find it nice actually. Getting to read everything. Besides Mynd raises good points and reading the responses can/generally are alot of fun.


@Razen and Kae: Scummy, scummy, scummy skimmers. I had already stated that my logic lined up with Hearts and that I would support lynching either Hoof or Stress.


Ok, Smiles defended Stress and Hoof defended Smiles. A few other people have pinged a bit, but those two are highest up on my list. I'll have to wait until the morning to do a reread and decide which one of them has been acting scummier


Oh. Hi there mynd. He's scum if he's still wearing that beard >.>


AH is obviously reading my mind, because those were my thoughts also. I would be willing to lynch either Stress or Hoof.


In other news, Song seems to be making a bit more of a scene than is strictly neccesary.


Your logic might have lined up with hers, but she hadn't voted at that point. She just pointed out what any one of us could already see. Saying that this is your reasoning for voting Songstress is actually quite weak (if you can even call it a reason at all). Add to the fact that when you voted, you never said why Songstress was a better vote. You just hopped on the wagon because you saw it taking off. But that's where your "case" falls apart.


A songstress lynch? I can roll with that. VOTE SONGSTRESS


Brought up to make my point. Why Songstress? Because at this time, you were the third vote (Mynd hadn't officially unvoted AH, so technically his vote didn't count). But you just jumped on like it was taking off. That fourth spot is the sweet spot for scum to hang out on bandwagons, so you thought to swoop in and hide out there. Had you bothered to take the time to read, you would have caught that Mynd hadn't technically unvoted AH. So who's the skimmer now? It might have been unintentional, but I think Mynd's "forgetfulness" might have bagged us another scummie. Unvote, Vote: Maw.


@Razen and Kae: Scummy, scummy, scummy skimmers. I had already stated that my logic lined up with Hearts and that I would support lynching either Hoof or Stress.


Ok, Smiles defended Stress and Hoof defended Smiles. A few other people have pinged a bit, but those two are highest up on my list. I'll have to wait until the morning to do a reread and decide which one of them has been acting scummier


Oh. Hi there mynd. He's scum if he's still wearing that beard >.>


AH is obviously reading my mind, because those were my thoughts also. I would be willing to lynch either Stress or Hoof.


In other news, Song seems to be making a bit more of a scene than is strictly neccesary.


Your logic might have lined up with hers, but she hadn't voted at that point. She just pointed out what any one of us could already see. Saying that this is your reasoning for voting Songstress is actually quite weak (if you can even call it a reason at all). Add to the fact that when you voted, you never said why Songstress was a better vote. You just hopped on the wagon because you saw it taking off. But that's where your "case" falls apart.


A songstress lynch? I can roll with that. VOTE SONGSTRESS


Brought up to make my point. Why Songstress? Because at this time, you were the third vote (Mynd hadn't officially unvoted AH, so technically his vote didn't count). But you just jumped on like it was taking off. That fourth spot is the sweet spot for scum to hang out on bandwagons, so you thought to swoop in and hide out there. Had you bothered to take the time to read, you would have caught that Mynd hadn't technically unvoted AH. So who's the skimmer now? It might have been unintentional, but I think Mynd's "forgetfulness" might have bagged us another scummie. Unvote, Vote: Maw.

I think anyone who has played mafia more then once knows this move, this is now a mafia play gambit, you are actually protecting and trying too deflect from song. if she flips scum then you are my next target.


Vote Count:


Songstress (7 ): Blackhoof; Player; Maw; Tina; Graendal; Mynd; Des

Blackhoof (4): Razen; Eternal Phoenix; Songstress; Sakaea; Aiel Heart

Maw (1): Razen

Turin (0): Razen

Aiel Heart (0): Mynd

Mynd (0): Eternal Phoenix


Not Voting: Ishmael; Lenlo; Wombat; Ironeyes; Turin; Pale; Song; Christine


With 20 alive, it takes 11 to lynch.


Deadline: Thursday, 8:00 PM (GMT-5)


Razen, I know its long and intimidating, but don't be afraid to look at it.


....I'm talking about my casing on Songstress. Haven't you been paying attention? Why are you trying to distract from the Songstress lynch? The basis for your whole case on Maw is if you already know Songstress will flip town. If she flips scum, then Maw looks like the hero and you look like a scum trying to deflect off Songstress.


IS there any way for us to find out the roles of teh ded?


Not from me.


(Psst, how much money you got?)




Why does Graendal appear before EP on the Smiley vote when his vote came 5 minutes after EP's?


Mod error. Fixed in OP.





Forget the cupcake; it's not important.


Razen, I know its long and intimidating, but don't be afraid to look at it.


....I'm talking about my casing on Songstress. Haven't you been paying attention? Why are you trying to distract from the Songstress lynch? The basis for your whole case on Maw is if you already know Songstress will flip town. If she flips scum, then Maw looks like the hero and you look like a scum trying to deflect off Songstress.


I've been paying complete attention. And I am very confident that Songstress is not scum - and more than that, I will not say.


Important Announcement: I've decided to change the Feruchemic Storage deadline to 24 hours within the start of Day/Night. Since this Announcement is coming late, and I forgot to announce a Deadline at the beginning of the Day, the Feruchemic Deadline for Day 2 is Tuesday 11:59 PM (GMT-5)


Here's the code: vote here


Err, I thought I could copy and paste it. It's on page 10 of this thread - Meesh put up.


Try leaving the number inside the quotes instead of replacing it with the word red.


Pale, you either need to remove the # before the "red", or use the color code FF0000.


And I can't believe I'm helping you vote for me properly.


Yeah, that's not suicidal at all. I'm not going to be on tomorrow, due to an orchestra event. I'll try to catch up Thurday.

On the subject of who's scum, it seems to me that Mynd is putting a lot of heat on a lot of people. Is this normal for him?


Yeah, that's not suicidal at all. I'm not going to be on tomorrow, due to an orchestra event. I'll try to catch up Thurday.

On the subject of who's scum, it seems to me that Mynd is putting a lot of heat on a lot of people. Is this normal for him?


You have no idea. Let Mynd or Red get a bone and they will hang on for days.....


wait I saw someone refer to this as an advanced game, was this a correct statement? It would make sense why I'm so lost right now >.< anywho My vote stands as I am sure either Hoof or songstress will flip up scum


Yeah, it's advanced, but as long as you follow along and don't fall behind you'll be fine. If you want to see some past advanced games, check out the finished threads on the Mafia channel. Reading through a finished game can be really helpful when you see how it all played out.


Yeah, it's advanced, but as long as you follow along and don't fall behind you'll be fine.


I second that :P


Fall behind and you'll be even more hopelessly lost. Take notes if you have to in order to keep things straight in your head.


*grumbles and goes back to catching up on notes... at page 8*


This is what I get for trying to play like normal people who don't obsess about things that are supposed to be fun. And people think I'd be dumb enough to try a different playstyle if I was mafia? Hah.


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