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Star Wars The Phantom Menace in 3D


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Is anyone else going to see this tomorrow?

I admit I really really hate this 3D trend that's going around and I know by seeing this movie I am being part of that problem but...dude. Darth Maul in 3D! Qui Gon Jinn! Podracing! JAR JAR! Just think about that last one for a second. Jar Jar Binks in 3D. You can't tell me that tongue flying at you wont be hilarious. But yeah I actually really liked the Phantom Menace so I'm pretty excited.


The podrace and fight with Darth Maul will probably look awesome in 3D... but I don't have any plans to see it. Lucas has plenty of my money already. I'm curious as to how the conversion looks though, considering that it wasn't filmed in 3D.


probably about as good as most other 3D movies


IIRC almost all 3D movies are just photowizadry that takes place in post production

few movies are actually shot in 3D (I think because it's so expensive? don't quote me on that though)


as for giving Lucas money

that's just the way it is man, been that way for a long time

I've been to every prequel movie that's come out and bought the DVDs as well (also the original 3)

I've bought Star Wars books and Star Wars video games (oh and a board game too)

I've even bought lightsaber DS styluses

there may be things to gripe about concerning the movies and Lucas may just be milking it but I'm not ashamed to say I love the Star Wars franchise and I'll most likely be spending my money on it for many years to come


speaking of spending money I really should look into buying those Ewok movies I used to have when I was a kid

those were pretty cool


I will not be going.


1. If I wanted to watch this movie I could buy it and watch it at home.... or watch it on Spike which replays it every weekend.

2. I hate 3D.

3. I saw this twice in the theatres when it originally came out. There are newer movies that I haven't seen that require my attention.



I know there is something to say about watching a movie on the big screen. when they rereleased the original trilogy back into theatres I went and saw them. It was nice but I got a little bored. Plus I get uncomfortable when audiences cheer and clap. It is like we are all getting intimate and that is weird.

  • Community Administrator

I will not be going.


1. If I wanted to watch this movie I could buy it and watch it at home.... or watch it on Spike which replays it every weekend.

2. I hate 3D.

3. I saw this twice in the theatres when it originally came out. There are newer movies that I haven't seen that require my attention.



I know there is something to say about watching a movie on the big screen. when they rereleased the original trilogy back into theatres I went and saw them. It was nice but I got a little bored. Plus I get uncomfortable when audiences cheer and clap. It is like we are all getting intimate and that is weird.


I saw the original trilogy re-release back in the.. 90s? Prior to that, I had only seen airings on TV that were 'editted for time & content'


Was a small theater so there was no cheering or clapping... The people you lived by must be.. weird... or really big starwussies. (That the nickname i have for star wars fans, since I'm a trekki damn it.)


I'm DEFINATELY NOT seeing this in theaters... I refuse to give Lucas mone for it, specifically episodes 1-3.

If it were episodes 4-6.. Maybe. If it were actually 'better' in 3d. (doubtful)


That said, heres the simple reason I like Trek vs Star Wars. (Tv series vs movie)

Trek is a Moral Play. Every episode is testing Humanity. People grow, and change. They are actually devoted at creating peace, and resolving conflict.

StarWars is like the Micheal Bay of Sci-fi. Lots of fighting, lots of action, little character growth, and shallow, 1 sided characters on a narrow track.


Neither Jedi, nor Sith are focused on resolving conflict. THey are quite litterally the modern equiovolent of the Far Right and the Far Left. (Take your pick on which is which.) Neither are willing to meet in the middle. ANd thats exactly how all the conflict would end in that universe.

The Jedi are far to 'order' orientated, and the Sith are far to Chaos orientated.

Jedi are all about hiding emotions, and Sitha re all about expressing them.

Both are to the extremes.

Episode 2+ would never have happened, had the jedi simply merged with the sith, and allowed the best of both worlds to come into play.

(Thus anakin could have married and had kids, and nothing bad could have happened)


I will be seeing this, it is genetically impossible for me not to. WOT and Star Wars are about the only two things in this world I can never get enough of no matter how many times I rewatch/reread. I am not a fan of 3D or the prequels, but its Star Wars on the big screen, I'll be there day one, cursing Lucas just like I always am. Its just like the Trade paper back of tEotW tor is putting out this summer,I already read it multiple times,I dont need it, I already have 3 copies of it, but I know I'll buy it. I am just big old fanboy, one day I may grow up but I doubt it.


2. I hate 3D.

I do too

I feel extremely guilty for supporting it in this one instance


Plus I get uncomfortable when audiences cheer and clap. It is like we are all getting intimate and that is weird.


there's only been two times it didn't bother me

the opening credits for the......6th? Harry Potter movie (saw midnight showing of course) and that part in The Dark Knight when you find out Gordon isn't actually dead


If it were actually 'better' in 3d. (doubtful)

I believe this is the ONLY Star Wars movie that will actually be better in 3D

it's almost like it was made for it

every action sequence should be really awesome


StarWars is like the Micheal Bay of Sci-fi. Lots of fighting, lots of action, little character growth, and shallow, 1 sided characters on a narrow track.

it has it's action true, and at times it can be rather shallow especially when romance is concerned, but I take offense at the implication that that is ALL Star Wars is

the expanded universe is down right amazing and if the movies aren't perfect they still have their moments


not sure why you're trying to pick a fight here with the whole Star Wars vs Star Trek blather

each has their ups and downs I'm sure you'll admit so why can't you be happy that we like it even if you don't?

  • Community Administrator
not sure why you're trying to pick a fight here with the whole Star Wars vs Star Trek blather

each has their ups and downs I'm sure you'll admit so why can't you be happy that we like it even if you don't?


Not really picking a fight, simply stating that My prefrence is towards something 'good' over something 'not as good'. :P

And while I have seen all the Star Wars in theaters, (Not sure about ep2-3 though, think I just saw phantom menace in theaters..) there has to be a point where you tell Lucas... Enough is enough. So aside from

A) already seeing it

B) being a trekkie over a starwussy


Basically means I wont' see it in theaters. (You know, unless someone else pays for me to go, then screw it. I'll go :P)


Now if he makes Episode 7? I'll see that in a heart beat.

(btw, they've never re-released a star trek movie in theaters... Course I don't think all of them combined, have grossed more than episode 1...)




If Wrath of Khan was released in 3D you would go see it. I would and I hate Star Trek.


In fact, when the filmmakers for the last Star Trek movie reboot said they were trying to make Star Trek more like Star Wars, because they said Star Wars is better, I felt the Star Wars v Star Trek war was over with Star Wars as the undisputed victor.

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If Wrath of Khan was released in 3D you would go see it. I would and I hate Star Trek.


In fact, when the filmmakers for the last Star Trek movie reboot said they were trying to make Star Trek more like Star Wars, because they said Star Wars is better, I felt the Star Wars v Star Trek war was over with Star Wars as the undisputed victor.


Star Trek today, is not the trek of yesteryear.

Gene Roddenberry WAS star trek.

Besides, J.J Abrams has alwasy been more of a Star Wars fan than a Trekkie, and has never done a 'trek' before this last movie.


Trek has always been about Exploration and Morality. Star Wars has always been about Action and War.

I wouldn't go see a 3d version of Wrath of Khan. Never. It be pointless. And it would never happen.

If anything they'll make 'more' star trek reboots, and i'll probably go see them, but making the Trek Universe all about War? Thats ruining it.

not sure why you're trying to pick a fight here with the whole Star Wars vs Star Trek blather

each has their ups and downs I'm sure you'll admit so why can't you be happy that we like it even if you don't?


Not really picking a fight...

and yet you're being antagonistic

whatever man

I saw my movie and I had a good time

as the saying goes


  • Community Administrator
not sure why you're trying to pick a fight here with the whole Star Wars vs Star Trek blather

each has their ups and downs I'm sure you'll admit so why can't you be happy that we like it even if you don't?


Not really picking a fight...

and yet you're being antagonistic

whatever man


First mistake?

Atributing emotion to my posts.

You can not attribute anything like that in a written post like these. As I say, I'm simply not going to see it, and have responded to people saying why I should, or if something else why I would. ;)

And of course I have to give my oppionion of treks superiority over star wars, even though its obviously the minority oppinion. :P


If anything i'll wait for episode 4 in 3d, but even then...


Do I need to be like Denzel Washington in Crimson Tide and break up a fight and then in the end say "You have to set an example even in the face of stupidity. Everybody who reads comic books knows that the Kirby Silver Surfer is the only true Silver Surfer. Now am I right or wrong?" but attribute it to Star Wars being better than Trek.

  • Community Administrator

I think I know an insult when I see one thanks


I am not insulting anyone. There was no insult. I don't see how there was any insult aside from the starwussies comment. But thats no worse than what the star wars guys call the trekkies. :P


Do I need to be like Denzel Washington in Crimson Tide and break up a fight and then in the end say "You have to set an example even in the face of stupidity. Everybody who reads comic books knows that the Kirby Silver Surfer is the only true Silver Surfer. Now am I right or wrong?" but attribute it to Star Wars being better than Trek.


Pfft everyone knows Seaman is better than the silver surfer! :P

  • 3 weeks later...

I went and saw it. The 3d was so bad I took off my glasses and watched it without the 3d and it looked better. I've noticed that it seems like movies shot in 2d and then redone never relly look 3d. I will probly go see the others when they come out just cause I like seeing starwars on the bigscreen, but my hopes for the effects to be any better are less then high. I relly hope they don't try redoing LOTR in 3d.


I went and saw it. The 3d was so bad I took off my glasses and watched it without the 3d and it looked better. I've noticed that it seems like movies shot in 2d and then redone never relly look 3d. I will probly go see the others when they come out just cause I like seeing starwars on the bigscreen, but my hopes for the effects to be any better are less then high. I relly hope they don't try redoing LOTR in 3d.



I'm glad someone finally posted something about seeing the movie. I had to read through 18 posts of subpar banter just to read a review!


Thanks iron, that definitely helps me justify my not going.


Lucas wont make an episode 7, he had toyed with the idea


Probably a good thing too- he flubbed all of the prequels. Revenge of the Sith made the first two worth watching but the novel was much better than the film.


And I have no desire now or ever to see a gungun tongue in 3d. Maybe see a dark jedi chop Jar Jar into little gungun meatballs....that might be worth seeing on a big screen....


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