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Its done....I need some comfort..


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I just finished Towers of Midnight....Cant evan think right now...I should have not read so fast, so much, so bloody despretly....Im a fool...I feal like ive been stilled. What did you all do when you finished TOM?...Please respond, I need help and should not be alone right now.


I know how you feel I read the first three hundred pages in one sitting.


and finished the book in two more sittings.


Then re-read it about a month later.


You come to DM and find support in discussing every minute detail and rereading sections over and over again finding hints and putting theories together till you never sleep again. You also take a few days off of reading to try and digest the awesomeness that you just finished and where the story is now.


Then like a heroin addict who needs a hit you start the reread in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...

  On 2/2/2012 at 3:56 AM, Jarlaxle said:

I just finished Towers of Midnight....Cant evan think right now...I should have not read so fast, so much, so bloody despretly....Im a fool...I feal like ive been stilled. What did you all do when you finished TOM?...Please respond, I need help and should not be alone right now.


I just found the books less than a year ago. Read em all. Feel like I've been cheated of years and years of fandom. I've been re-reading them since.


Yea lol uhm try to read each book in less than a month then by the time you finish the series again AMOL should be out and your fresh up to date all the while posting and reading ppls posts on here to discuss some theories you build up on your re-read cuz you will definatly notice things you didnt on your first read or just a different POV of it lol thats what I'm doing again since the 10th book consider yourself lucky that you only have to wait for AMOL I'v been hooked since APOD came out

  On 2/2/2012 at 3:56 AM, Jarlaxle said:

....Im a fool...I feal like ive been stilled.


Try finding something to occupy all your time to compensate for not having a new WoT book to read. I suggest getting married and starting a family. It should keep you alive long enough until AMoL comes out.

  On 2/2/2012 at 3:56 AM, Jarlaxle said:

I just finished Towers of Midnight....Cant evan think right now...I should have not read so fast, so much, so bloody despretly....Im a fool...I feal like ive been stilled. What did you all do when you finished TOM?...Please respond, I need help and should not be alone right now.


Jar: Pray that the rumored ''Delay'' until November (strictly for greedy, financial reasons) does NOT come to pass, LOL!!!


But the BEST thing to do...the absolute BEST thing to do is....START OVER!!! :)




  On 2/2/2012 at 3:56 AM, Jarlaxle said:

I just finished Towers of Midnight....Cant evan think right now...I should have not read so fast, so much, so bloody despretly....Im a fool...I feal like ive been stilled. What did you all do when you finished TOM?...Please respond, I need help and should not be alone right now.


You might try re-reading in a different manner.

The Wheel of Time re-read by Leigh Butler at Tor.com is one good way.

While waiting for Towers of Midnight I read all available Dragonmount and Theoryland

postings for the previous five years.

Then I ran across the Tor.com WoT reread and read all of that.

Leigh does chapter summaries and commentary which are then followed by several

very knowledgeable people commenting.

That was also very informative as well as very entertaining. I learned several things

about the books from the differing viewpoints which I had not previously considered.

I recommend it to ease the pain of withdrawal. :D




The Thirteenth Depository is also a great source for information and insight although

lately hasn't had a lot of update or input from members.


After I finished Towers of Midnight the first time, I don't think I read anything much the rest of the day, and maybe a few days after that. I suggest giving it a few days, then starting something new (or an old favorite if you're a re-reader--some people aren't). I know how you feel--it felt like withdrawal to me.

  On 2/2/2012 at 10:28 PM, Caveatar said:
  On 2/2/2012 at 3:56 AM, Jarlaxle said:

I just finished Towers of Midnight....Cant evan think right now...I should have not read so fast, so much, so bloody despretly....Im a fool...I feal like ive been stilled. What did you all do when you finished TOM?...Please respond, I need help and should not be alone right now.


You might try re-reading in a different manner.

The Wheel of Time re-read by Leigh Butler at Tor.com is one good way.

While waiting for Towers of Midnight I read all available Dragonmount and Theoryland

postings for the previous five years.

Then I ran across the Tor.com WoT reread and read all of that.

Leigh does chapter summaries and commentary which are then followed by several

very knowledgeable people commenting.

That was also very informative as well as very entertaining. I learned several things

about the books from the differing viewpoints which I had not previously considered.

I recommend it to ease the pain of withdrawal. :D




The Thirteenth Depository is also a great source for information and insight although

lately hasn't had a lot of update or input from members.


These are all really nifty ideas. Something else I have gotten into doing with long series is reading through them by ''character'' ... For example, In Malazan Book two, I am reading Fesilin, Bauden and Heboric's chapters blocked together. In WOT, I like to group Mat's chapters sometimes -especially in books 6-8. In TGS reading Egwene's storyline straight through is AWESOME. Now, this approach can be a little messy sometimes, due to chronology issues and overlapping POVS, but, in general, its a lot of fun - for me at least.





The replys have really helped guys and gals, evert comment soothed and steadeid my imploding emotions...still a little shaky though, About to start a quest to put WOT into every pair of hands I see with a furver that will scare people! It helps to know you are all here and that I am not alone!



Kadere you crack me up! "Then like a heroin addict who needs a hit you start the reread in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."


Fish....solid as always..

  On 2/2/2012 at 11:21 PM, The Fisher King said:

Something else I have gotten into doing with long series is reading through them by ''character'' ... For example, In Malazan Book two, I am reading Fesilin, Bauden and Heboric's chapters blocked together. In WOT, I like to group Mat's chapters sometimes -especially in books 6-8. In TGS reading Egwene's storyline straight through is AWESOME. Now, this approach can be a little messy sometimes, due to chronology issues and overlapping POVS, but, in general, its a lot of fun - for me at least.





Reading by character is something I've thought of doing for a long while. Maybe I'll try that if I ever re-read the series again.

  On 2/3/2012 at 7:28 AM, Crowl Rife said:
  On 2/2/2012 at 11:21 PM, The Fisher King said:

Something else I have gotten into doing with long series is reading through them by ''character'' ... For example, In Malazan Book two, I am reading Fesilin, Bauden and Heboric's chapters blocked together. In WOT, I like to group Mat's chapters sometimes -especially in books 6-8. In TGS reading Egwene's storyline straight through is AWESOME. Now, this approach can be a little messy sometimes, due to chronology issues and overlapping POVS, but, in general, its a lot of fun - for me at least.





Reading by character is something I've thought of doing for a long while. Maybe I'll try that if I ever re-read the series again.


Recommend it highly - you spot all sorts of things when you read sequentially

I found it useful to have a PoV index handy - there's one here and one with a timeline here


I would suggest diving into all the theory and prior discussions here, browsing characters/countries/items/everything on Encyclopedia WoT, and looking at the commentary of your favorite parts on Leigh's reread on Tor.com. I really enjoy the reread commentary because it points out things I've missed and goes in depth about things that most people probably missed. And you get to feel a kind of kinship with the people that shared your reactions to those events.


After a few months of this, a reread might be in order if you have the patience and stamina for doing it so quickly. The second reread has been an amazing experience for me so far, I'm thoroughly impressed with all the foreshadowing and the cleverness that RJ showed. When I started reading the books at age 16, almost 15 years ago, I thoroughly enjoyed the story, the action, the characters, but I missed out on so much of the foreshadowing, the prophesies, the nations, the minor characters and all that. Now that I feel "at home" in Randland from living with it so long, it is so much easier to pick up on all the details and subtleties. That's why I would suggest a reread, but frankly I don't know when you should start it. Don't wait as long as I did, but it's probably not the best idea to start it today either :biggrin:.


Fish, the 'delay' is absolutely going to happen Remember, at the beginning, when BS took over and decided to split 1 into 3, he said 1 book a year. So Nov. 2011 would've done it, the last and final book. Then he needed some time after finishing ToM, which is fine and completely understandable. Then he says March (which I believe was very doable at the time he said it). I think, at this time, TOR hears what BS has been saying and gets involved. They (TOR) tell everyone that there is no freakin' way they are releasing the last book of WoT at any time other than directly before the Christmas shopping season.


Anybody else notice that BS kinda backed off on the whole March deadline rather quickly, then started slipping in 'maybe november', and now its pretty much November....yeah, we all should've been wiser on this. Books are published to make money, releasing the book at a time other than during the peak christmas selling season would make no sense for TOR. I personally believe this book will be finished late spring/early summer and held by TOR until Nov. But hey, the extra time should make for a well edited and overall better book, right....right....somebody tell me this extra wait will work for us somehow....


*cries in corner*

  On 2/2/2012 at 3:56 AM, Jarlaxle said:

I just finished Towers of Midnight....Cant evan think right now...I should have not read so fast, so much, so bloody despretly....Im a fool...I feal like ive been stilled. What did you all do when you finished TOM?...Please respond, I need help and should not be alone right now.


Get the Audiobooks and listen to them. Great Stuff.




I'd suggest re-reading them, at a slower pace, to take in all the things you may have missed. I know what you mean, its such a high, and then its done! I think we're all going to have a wee meltdown after the last book. I can't wait for it to come out, and at the same time I'll gladly wait forever, because once its done, its DONE!! What do we do then?


Very sad... :-(


I'm going to read the last book super slowly... Which won't be hard for me, with three kids to look after, I was solo and fancy free when I first picked up EOTW all those years ago!! I could read and read until my heart was content... :-)


Evan though Ive arrived late, Im am still grateful that Ive had the opertunity too read the books and be a part of Dragon Mount. I am scared that when AMoL is out and done that websites and fans will slowly start to disapear and lose the vigor that we all have when discussing this world that we are all a part of.. we will always have the memeries and eachother.. so i stop grieving..and thank the Light.


Except there will always be a reason to have DM up and running. Even with the last book out and the story finished, not EVERY question will be answered. People will still be wondering how Moiraine knew Sammael was in Illian, or why this character does what they do, or what did this question mean, or how does this thing here work, and so on. People will discuss what might be happening in the world after the books, since it's said not everything will be cleanly wrapped up in the last volume. There will be the WoT-Encyclopaedia that Harriet, Alan and Maria are all editing together that will come out next year to go crazy for. There will probably be new issues, and new covers, and new designs coming out of the books. There's a decent likelihood of the movie being made in some form so people will discuss that, there's also the comic books that are no where NEAR complete (there only on chapter 29 of EotW right now). Plus there will always be new fans who read the books and then disparately want to discuss them with somebody and they will come here to rant and rave about every tiny detail.


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