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League of Legends (LoL)


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I want my global TF ulti back. :'(


That was cray OP hah!


It was indeed OP.


Of all the 'mmos' and other 'video game jargon' out there..

LoL's is. both, most amusing, and.. most confusing to me. I mean, even its name 'LoL' has two different meanings all together. I personally think the people who develoepd the game, Made everything up, based on acronyms people have grown used to, then added in there 'own' meaning to it, just to make people say really.. potentially funny things to the'outside' crowd. :tongue:



Well I think LoL is really the only one. There's mia, there's ss, there's OP, there's UP, GG, WP. All sorts.

Have you ever actually played it SD?


No, But reading some of the 'game talk' even in this thread.


"jungle my teams"



Anyways, Like I said, LoL game talk is greek to me. And its really just an obseveration... "Is this what other people hear, when I talk about Rift? d3? AoC?


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I want my global TF ulti back. :'(


That was cray OP hah!


It was indeed OP.


Of all the 'mmos' and other 'video game jargon' out there..

LoL's is. both, most amusing, and.. most confusing to me. I mean, even its name 'LoL' has two different meanings all together. I personally think the people who develoepd the game, Made everything up, based on acronyms people have grown used to, then added in there 'own' meaning to it, just to make people say really.. potentially funny things to the'outside' crowd. :tongue:



Well I think LoL is really the only one. There's mia, there's ss, there's OP, there's UP, GG, WP. All sorts.

Have you ever actually played it SD?


No, But reading some of the 'game talk' even in this thread.


"jungle my teams"



Anyways, Like I said, LoL game talk is greek to me. And its really just an obseveration... "Is this what other people hear, when I talk about Rift? d3? AoC?



Well. Elo actually isn't an acronym. It refers to your level of skill and the word was invented by the person who created it. It's their name. Or at least part of it.

As for Jungle. That's because around the map there are neutral monsters and the "Junglers" role is to run around killing those while waiting for an opportunity to come help the other laners. Bottom or mid lane. But usually top lane. TF, what lenlo said is Twisted Fate, a champion you can use. OP means over powered.

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I want my global TF ulti back. :'(


That was cray OP hah!


It was indeed OP.


Of all the 'mmos' and other 'video game jargon' out there..

LoL's is. both, most amusing, and.. most confusing to me. I mean, even its name 'LoL' has two different meanings all together. I personally think the people who develoepd the game, Made everything up, based on acronyms people have grown used to, then added in there 'own' meaning to it, just to make people say really.. potentially funny things to the'outside' crowd. :tongue:



Well I think LoL is really the only one. There's mia, there's ss, there's OP, there's UP, GG, WP. All sorts.

Have you ever actually played it SD?


No, But reading some of the 'game talk' even in this thread.


"jungle my teams"



Anyways, Like I said, LoL game talk is greek to me. And its really just an obseveration... "Is this what other people hear, when I talk about Rift? d3? AoC?



Well. Elo actually isn't an acronym. It refers to your level of skill and the word was invented by the person who created it. It's their name. Or at least part of it.

As for Jungle. That's because around the map there are neutral monsters and the "Junglers" role is to run around killing those while waiting for an opportunity to come help the other laners. Bottom or mid lane. But usually top lane. TF, what lenlo said is Twisted Fate, a champion you can use. OP means over powered and "ulti" is you're Ultimate. You're strongest ability that you get of the four. And then you have a special Passive ability unique to each champion.

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I dunno if this goes for all games but when playing you see the level of english drop dramatically XD No one even bothers to formulate the full sentence and yeah.. SD has a point. Everything you actually need to say has been sufficiently shortened..


"TF ult bot at 6. Jungle gank".

"Gank ali...Gank..Omg come gank!"

"Go drag. No ult shyv."




"So OP! nerf nerf hotfix hotfix"





basically all you need..

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I figured I'd play a game this morning. Champ select


Me(Sivir): Hey Soraka can you take exhaust instead of heal?

Soraka: Lol noob flamer. /ignored.

Alistar: Wtf he just asked you a question what's wrong with you?

Soraka: f*** you two.


We proceeded to lose the game and died a few times cuz of typing while Soraka spammed wards in base. XD


If you see Aceownz then save yourself the trouble and queue dodge!

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I dont play ranked for that reason. I always play with friends and mess around. Yesterday we were bored so we did an all yordle game and a Teemo thunder game.


Teemo thunder is where Teemo just sits in mid lane stealthed while your regular mid lane is there, so 2 people mid, and when the chance arises jumps the enemy champion. He also yells "Teemo thunder!" In all chat everytime he does anything. Was fun.

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