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I believe you.


I really need to try Ezreal, by the way. Today I tried Ziggs, and I have decided he is the first 6300 IP champion I am going to buy, after loads of 3150 IP champions and cheaper. In my first game (vs bots, as usually for my first games) I got 22 kills and 0 deaths in 28 minutes. And then it ended, because the others made too much use of my pushing... I hate that. In a very good Heimerdinger game I had, they didn't (no wonder, we had 2 leavers, a noob, and a Soraka who just stood next to me, healed, and looked if she would maybe once be lucky enough to get a kill). I got 49 champion kills or something like that, in 38 minutes. And I had 1350 AP.


Also, Locke, I think you was maybe saving up IP because you thought that champions that costed more are better, but that's not the case. Those champions are just the newer ones...

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I just started a little bit ago. I'm saving up until I have 6300 to buy my first champion (probably a ranged dps). Of the last set, I liked Sion the best. Upgrading his attack power makes for a pretty potent warrior mid-late game as his health stack up from kills and life steal becomes almost unovercomeable without stun. (and he has his own stun which is so useful) I'm guessing there's a new set out now. I dunno, I haven't played in a bit.


So far I've just played against bots since I want to get the game relatively figured out before going against people. Bots are somewhat of a joke though. My friend and I can easily take out a team of 5 bots with just the 2 of us. It's kinda lame though since there's no IP for it.



I have actually played (and won) a 1vs5 bot game...


I'd pwn any of those guys you just named with my Ezreal. ;]


How about a 1vs1 on bot lane? You play Ezreal, I play Olaf. Also, I am level 30/28 atm.


*Walks in all like a baos*


What's up my fellow loleners! This is your might Arez speaking!


Jokes aside, if anyone wants to play, my main account's name is "LokexD"! I'm at European west!

And I'll see you at the fields of justice ;)!


Reply to this thread, and I'll add you.


Or add me. Leyrann on my second account (was my first, but I got more champions I really liked on my other, so that is now my main) and Aerem on my first.

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Yes. I'm Dutch.


But the server is (sadly enough) down at the moment...


And it can take some time before I will be online again on my Leyrann account. Aerem account should be tomorrow.


And what level are you?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't played ranked yet. I will first ask people in unranked I play if they play ranked, and what ELO they think I will have (after they have seen me playing). Because I want to be sure I don't drop to 500 ELO (not that I think that is likely; I know someone who has, after more than thirty games ranked, almost 2:1 KD ratio, so I think I can expect myself to have at least 1:1 after 30 games).


PS What are, except for Morgana, Rammus, Shen and Shaco, common bans? I'd like to know that, to know who I can play often.

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Lets see. Ryze was a common one but with his change I dont know. Karthus is alot as well. Most of the time it comes down to your ELO. Higher ELOs dont ban Shaco cause they know how to play against him. Same for Karthus. While lower ELOs will most definitely ban Shaco and Karth.


I dont touch ranked personally. I despise solo queing and the my friends/people I play with arent as good as I am so wed either end up in ELO hell or an ELO that they cant handle.

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Other common bans include Kassadin, Lee sin, Soraka, Ammumu, Ahri, Warwick, Cassiopea, Skarner, Vlad, Kennen. They say it depends on your ELO but really, lower ELO players will just ban what common high ELO players ban so that ends up not being very accurate.


Edit: In my opinion.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lets see. Ryze was a common one but with his change I dont know. Karthus is alot as well. Most of the time it comes down to your ELO. Higher ELOs dont ban Shaco cause they know how to play against him. Same for Karthus. While lower ELOs will most definitely ban Shaco and Karth.


I dont touch ranked personally. I despise solo queing and the my friends/people I play with arent as good as I am so wed either end up in ELO hell or an ELO that they cant handle.


I would ban Shaco myself. Not because he is too strong or carries his team, but because he is, for some reason, very annoying to play against. I just don't like it.


Other common bans include Kassadin, Lee sin, Soraka, Ammumu, Ahri, Warwick, Cassiopea, Skarner, Vlad, Kennen. They say it depends on your ELO but really, lower ELO players will just ban what common high ELO players ban so that ends up not being very accurate.


Edit: In my opinion.


So none I main... That's good.


(how about Riven exactly, btw? I guess she is also banned sometimes, while she is the only one that I have 70%+ win ratio with for sure (most are somwhere around 40-60%))


I'm so sick of this game at the moment, its always one team snowballs and wins or the other does; I haven't had a good, non-boring or rage inducing match in quite some time.


I have had games of over an hour... That is just so much fun, if all inhibs from both teams have been destroyed at lease once, and the game is still going on...


I see people ban Tryn and Akali. Though most of the time you can just counter picks. Like with Tryn, all you need is a Teemo.


Ban Trynda. Lol. 99% of the people who play Trynda are not that good, and won't be able to carry their team if they lane against someone who understands the game. I can easily shut down Trynda both as a top laner or as a bot lane ranged carry.


However, there is of course this 1% of the Tryndas that is actually really good at him (same for Fiora), and one of this type CAN'T be shut down, and will carry his/her team to victory whatever you do.


My friend even stopped playing Trynda because always winning became boring for him.

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I've been playing riven quite a bit lately. Not this past week cause she's been free to play. But she is actually OP solo top and not very commonly banned for some reason. All her abilities scale off of her ad. So you max her Q first, which is an AOE knockup, preceded by three decent wacks of damage, then you max her E which is a shield that scales off of her AD, so with your base armor and even a middle amount of ad you can take a turret shot with the shield popped at level 5 and take no damage. It's also a great gap closer or an escape, as is her Q. That right there makes her OP. Then you throw in her AOE stun that is on a 3 second CD by lvl 14-16 that also does a nice chunk of damage scaled off her ad. Lastly her ult, which empowers all her abilities giving them increased ad and aoe for ten seconds and then as a finisher she can use an Inuyasha Wind Scar attack lol. I'd learn her If I was you.


I almost literally, in the two years I've been playing, never see a Tryn in anything other than 3v3 and never banned in draft pick or ranked. He's actually really easily countered by a good handful of champs. And a couple of items. Thornmail and Frozen Heart can make him next to useless.

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So that Darius. Not a fan. He seems built purely for KSing.


Lately I have been moving away from my AP to try something else. Olaf and Pantheon have become two of my favorites. Either of them top lane or Olaf jungle are really fun for me. Other than that with friends I enjoy to random my champion and see what I get. Olafs axe throw once you get good at hitting with it and picking it back up makes for an amazing chase ability and harass. Most other top laners I have seen also dont expect the true damage from his E. One of my favorite things though is using ghost with his ultimate and having most of the enemy team pop their ultis on me to try and stop me in my tracks.


In team fights I like to run in and focus down their carry then turn around and go for the other important targets. Olaf. One of my new favs.

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I guess you could say that. But a lot of champs have something built in to where their abilities cool off if they kill an enemy, Master Yi for instance. So I don't really mind him. He's broken because he just came out but other than that, meh. I don't know, I guess I've been playing so long now KS'ing isn't even an issue for me really. I just want to win the game. If I'm playing the ranged ad carry and I come out 2/4/11 (Which has happened to me a lot of times with graves and Ez and so forth) but win the match I'm perfectly okay with that.


And yeah, Olaf is a beast. He's an op solo topper too. Pan...I don't know, I'm not a fan. I've never really seen a GOOD pantheon. And he doesn't seem like as much fun since they nerfed his ult.

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