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I am totally addicted to this computer game, and I wondered if anyone else was... (and maybe someone even has something that he/she wants to ask about it)


Names of other people playing (by Dragonmount names):


Leyrann: Leyrann (EUW, inactive), Aerem (EUW), Leyrann (NA, inactive), Leyrann (Public Beta)

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I used to play on a regular basis, unfortunately my computer now no longer handles it at all, so I am stuck not playing until I get a new machine.


Lol. I have a level 16 and a level 6. And I've played it only for something like 1.5 months, but I already managed to make a pentakill... (against bots, of course)


I wonder if it is possible to make a hexakill, if the first champion that is killed uses revive... Would be a nice one to tell your friends.


I am thinking about a third account, mainly because I can get almost 500 IP for a training game (found that out yesterday), and of course the IP boots and the enormous numbers of IP if you win against players while on a low level. My second account it now level 10, by the way...


Also, what do others think of dominion? Mawthtex didn't like it (I think I must link this thread to him. He'll like it...), but I am very good at it. I think I have played 4 games dominion so far, of all except one I was the best of my team. That last one I was second.


I'm not sure if what I did was playing like a tank, but I was playing very offensive, something like 18 kills 15 deaths in 23 minutes once, while playing Teemo... About that... I should maybe try Cho'gath then...


btw, saw someone make a pentakill this morning. If someone makes a triple or quadra kill while I am near, and there are more enemy champions, I try to damage, but not kill the enemies. But of course I am talking about bot games here...


Also, I do know someone who has made a pentakill something like 5 times in PvP. He's 101 on the world ranklist...




I do about half bot and half PvP...


Bot games if I just want kills, PvP if I want a hard game.


O, and if you think that it is going to be a long game, and you are Ashe, try this built: 4x Infinty Edge, 1x Bloodthirster, 1x Last Whisper. It gives you more than 500 attack damage, 100% critical, 40% armor penetration, and criticals do more damage. And you have 25% life steal. All for 20k gold.


I main Ezreal and Graves for ranged dps. Or Talon or Riven for melee dps. And Veigar and Annie for ap.


You guys should add my Lews Therrin account. I'll play with lower levels. In fact, if you party up with a 30 like me we might get lucky and be pitted against all people your lvl. Then I'll own cause I'm fully runed and have all my masteries lol.


I quit this game cos it was ruining my social life heheheh. No really.. After 1600 ELO ranking means too much so you end up trying to get back any you lose and end up just sitting there :( sad days..


I quit this game cos it was ruining my social life heheheh. No really.. After 1600 ELO ranking means too much so you end up trying to get back any you lose and end up just sitting there :( sad days..


I'm 5 and 7 on ranked games lol.


I main Ezreal and Graves for ranged dps. Or Talon or Riven for melee dps. And Veigar and Annie for ap.


You guys should add my Lews Therrin account. I'll play with lower levels. In fact, if you party up with a 30 like me we might get lucky and be pitted against all people your lvl. Then I'll own cause I'm fully runed and have all my masteries lol.

I'll add you next time I'm on. Or can you add me? I have two accounts. First I am lvl 18, and it's named Leyrann, second is lvl 13, and is named Aerem. I play mostly on my second right now, because I got an awesome built with Teemo, but if on my first, we might get lucky that I find you and another friend on at the same time. He is 102 on the World Ranglist...


I'm not nearly that good, but I try the most awesome builts I can think of (last was Ashe with 5 Bloodthirsters and 3 movement boots; that means 500 bonus attack damage and 125% life steal), and I got an awesome built with Teemo too. I end with 2 Bloodthirsters, 1 Infinity Edge, 2 Phantom Dancers and 1 Frozen Mallet. If I finish that, I get up to 300 bonus attack damage, 30% bonus movement speed, slowing attacks, 110% bonus attack speed (2 a second...) 85% critical, and 250% damage critical... Then everyone runs away. Might I end up against Trynda, I attack until he uses his ulti, then I make sure that I do two or three attacks more than a second after he uses it, and then my Toxic Shot can kill him... If needed, I can even chase him with 450 or more movement speed and Flash.


Also, might he attack, he'd maybe do 500 or 600 damage with each attack. But I do at least 300, have more than 100% life steal, and attack at least twice as much as he does, so I don't lose life then...


Got another cool Ashe built too, by the way. 4 Infinity Edge, 1 Bloodthirster and 1 Last Whisper. 460 bonus attack damage, all attacks 250% critical damage, 40% armor penetration, and 25% life steal. And 35% slow. That means you are dead if I hit you.


I main Ezreal and Graves for ranged dps. Or Talon or Riven for melee dps. And Veigar and Annie for ap.


You guys should add my Lews Therrin account. I'll play with lower levels. In fact, if you party up with a 30 like me we might get lucky and be pitted against all people your lvl. Then I'll own cause I'm fully runed and have all my masteries lol.

I'll add you next time I'm on. Or can you add me? I have two accounts. First I am lvl 18, and it's named Leyrann, second is lvl 13, and is named Aerem. I play mostly on my second right now, because I got an awesome built with Teemo, but if on my first, we might get lucky that I find you and another friend on at the same time. He is 102 on the World Ranglist...


I'm not nearly that good, but I try the most awesome builts I can think of (last was Ashe with 5 Bloodthirsters and 3 movement boots; that means 500 bonus attack damage and 125% life steal), and I got an awesome built with Teemo too. I end with 2 Bloodthirsters, 1 Infinity Edge, 2 Phantom Dancers and 1 Frozen Mallet. If I finish that, I get up to 300 bonus attack damage, 30% bonus movement speed, slowing attacks, 110% bonus attack speed (2 a second...) 85% critical, and 250% damage critical... Then everyone runs away. Might I end up against Trynda, I attack until he uses his ulti, then I make sure that I do two or three attacks more than a second after he uses it, and then my Toxic Shot can kill him... If needed, I can even chase him with 450 or more movement speed and Flash.


Also, might he attack, he'd maybe do 500 or 600 damage with each attack. But I do at least 300, have more than 100% life steal, and attack at least twice as much as he does, so I don't lose life then...


Got another cool Ashe built too, by the way. 4 Infinity Edge, 1 Bloodthirster and 1 Last Whisper. 460 bonus attack damage, all attacks 250% critical damage, 40% armor penetration, and 25% life steal. And 35% slow. That means you are dead if I hit you.


It says neither of your accounts exist when I try to add them. You wouldn't happen to be on the European server would you? Cause that would be the only reason I can think of.


I already thought that that could be a problem.


Maybe I'll try to make an American account...


I really wish they would somehow integrate the servers to enable cross server play....I don't even know if that's the right way to put it. I'm not a tech guy lol.


Then they'll get problems with names...


But if I feel like, I will spent the time to make an account on the American server.


Also, I just had a game vs beginner bots (I wanted first win of the day on that account), and two people left in the first five minutes (one had internet problems, and the other was a noob anyways; he got two deaths no kills). So we were with three. I was on top as Teemo, and versus Shen and Renekton. In that game, where, of the other two, one would have been good if not that she died too much, and the other wasn't really good. So I have been against three bots at the same time a few times. However, I did make 49 kills in 36 minutes, and only died once... My best game ever, except maybe the game that I made a pentakill. However, that was with ks-champion Twitch. I ks'ed even if I didn't want. This game, I didn't need to ks. If a bot came too near, he was just dead. Because I was much faster, and did an awesome lot of damage, and had life steal too. And I made a quadra without problems... Only a bit angry because the last one wasn't near.


I love this game, its just that sadly my schedule has not given me much time to play it lately. I love AP characters and I main either Ryze, Karthus or Annie most of the time. I learned a support, Sona, just for playing with my friends when no one else feels like a support. A few other characters I enjoy are TF, Zilean, Fiddlesticks and Veigar. Love me those AP characters.


Some of my favorite moments for each of these champs are bursting down/one shotting an AP with Veigar or catching and entire enemy team in my Crowstorm or Tibbers stun. And Ryze... Gah, 4k mana and a better tank than anyone else we had on the team. Love him.


Annie was my first champ on my first lvl 30 then veigar yi then kassadin then olaf. Now on my second 30 I main Ezreal, Graves, Talon and Riven. I regret spending all the IP on the latter three lol. I don't find riven to be much fun and Talon and Graves keep getting the shit nerfed out of them every patch.

  • 2 weeks later...

I just started a little bit ago. I'm saving up until I have 6300 to buy my first champion (probably a ranged dps). Of the last set, I liked Sion the best. Upgrading his attack power makes for a pretty potent warrior mid-late game as his health stack up from kills and life steal becomes almost unovercomeable without stun. (and he has his own stun which is so useful) I'm guessing there's a new set out now. I dunno, I haven't played in a bit.


So far I've just played against bots since I want to get the game relatively figured out before going against people. Bots are somewhat of a joke though. My friend and I can easily take out a team of 5 bots with just the 2 of us. It's kinda lame though since there's no IP for it.


Well the patch that just came out upgraded the bots in the Co-Op VS A.I. game type. So you actually can have a bit of a challenge if you're trying out someone new or a different build or whatever. But that's different than a "Custom Game". But for the co op vs ai they have a beginner and an intermediate setting and the ip/xp rate is like 80% of what you'd get for actual PvP. Or something close to that.


I love this game, its just that sadly my schedule has not given me much time to play it lately. I love AP characters and I main either Ryze, Karthus or Annie most of the time. I learned a support, Sona, just for playing with my friends when no one else feels like a support. A few other characters I enjoy are TF, Zilean, Fiddlesticks and Veigar. Love me those AP characters.


Some of my favorite moments for each of these champs are bursting down/one shotting an AP with Veigar or catching and entire enemy team in my Crowstorm or Tibbers stun. And Ryze... Gah, 4k mana and a better tank than anyone else we had on the team. Love him.


I'm more of ranged dps. Like Teemo, Twitch or Ashe, that deals loads of damage from a distance, and that can kite almost everyone.


If I don't feel like one of those, I usually play Heimerdinger, because of the epic damage he does with four Archangel Staffs. If you play well then, you can kill an enemy (PvP) in a few seconds.


I just started a little bit ago. I'm saving up until I have 6300 to buy my first champion (probably a ranged dps). Of the last set, I liked Sion the best. Upgrading his attack power makes for a pretty potent warrior mid-late game as his health stack up from kills and life steal becomes almost unovercomeable without stun. (and he has his own stun which is so useful) I'm guessing there's a new set out now. I dunno, I haven't played in a bit.


So far I've just played against bots since I want to get the game relatively figured out before going against people. Bots are somewhat of a joke though. My friend and I can easily take out a team of 5 bots with just the 2 of us. It's kinda lame though since there's no IP for it.


Before you go PvP, you'd better first go Intermediate. That's easier. First game I played PvP, I had 20 deaths and 0 kills... (:blush:).


And if you like ranged dps, just go for Teemo. He only costs 1350, and if you attack at the right moment (I'm talking about PvP now), you kill an enemy in 5 seconds. Earlier this evening, I had 410 attack damage and 75% critical with him... That meant that my attacks did an average of around 400 damage each (counting armor). And I did 1.5 attacks a second, or something like that. That means 600 dps, which is awesome much.


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