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*struts my stuff* *boogie, boogie, boogie*


*brags* I’ve been selected as a finalist for the Best Short Film in the nation-wide Inspiring Stories film competition,, and my film’s also been nominated for 3 special awards: the Supreme Award, the Most Inspiring Story, and the Changemaker Award! There’s gonna be a film festival called Festival For The Future in Wellington in early November and I am STOKED STOKED HYPER-STOKED!!!


*runs through the whole WT screaming with raw joy*




:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

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Thanks! :biggrin: Hehe Fnorrll ^^no (interesting idea actually) :laugh:, it's a short film- a 4 min documentary-ish one. It's got hip hop/dance, interviews and a dolphin in it lol. The topic was young Kiwis inspiring change in their communities, or something like that - I forget the exact wording. Anyway it's about this girl who had serious difficulties with drug abuse/family violence at a scarily early age, but she motivated herself to change her life around completely, i.e. went on the Spirit Of New Zealand trainee sailing ship, taught dance classes, etc, and wants to be a youth worker when she gets older (she's a bit younger than me O.o)


We tried uploading it to vimeo, but everyone doing the competition had problems with that...so I'll try putting it on youtube maybe...if we ever get to town with the laptop because out here the internet's not fast enough :sad:

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THAT'S ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT, NYANNA !!!!! *Tacklesnugglebites the Screaming Novice* :biggrin:


I do hope you'll be able to upload it to youtube soon. It's a fascinating story, and I'm sure we would all love to see it. Well done, girl! *beams proudly* :happy:

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...I need a win speech? O.o

lol, yeah I am totally honored, to the point of being shell-shocked...I never thought I'd even be considered. And I will never forget anyone here :biggrin:


Poet...you're a film maker?!!! *immediately pesters with all knids of questions* lol

I'm not a film maker yet, really. This is the first film I've ever made... :P


Thanks everyone! :smile:

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