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NFL 2011 Weekly Pickem


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Week #9 - results


Texans - 12/30

Bears - 30/24

Packers - 45/38

Dolphins - 31/3

Jets - 27/11

Bengals - 24/17



we only had 3 winners this time around, each with 5 points. congrads to Turin, Troilen and myself for the great picks last week.



with it now being week 10, here are our point leaders


squeezing itno 1st place is - Turin with 27 points!


tied for 2nd are - Boyo & Troilen with 25 points!


and in a lazy 3rd is Red with 23 points

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*sigh* I'm a Pats fan... I think that Brady is going to be pissed after loosing consective games... I think that Belichick will be cracking skulls... But their defense is AWFUL... ofcourse the Jets offense is HORRIBLE... So is the Pats' O better than the Jets' D? Or is the The Jets' O better than the Pats' D... *sigh*... Patriots

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Week #10 - results


Raiders - 24/17

Seahawks - 17/22

Cowboys - 7/44

Dolphins - 9/20

Patriots - 37/16

Saints - 26/23



Saints really pulled that one off by the skin of their teeth.


With a pick of the Patriots over the Jets, Ishy, Boyo & Troilen get 5 points a piece.


Az & Red secure 5 points as well with a great pick of dem Saints.

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i'll fall back with the Jets this time. comming off that defeat by the Pats Rex will likely have something to prove.



btw guys, i've got a treat once the playoff start, the pickem will not end with the regular season. so stack up them points, cause you'll need em :happy:

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i think Sam's right about TB, there a pretty stout team and as much GB's being played up they might jinx themselves.


of course, they could go on to have a season like the Pats did a few years back where their only loss is the Superbowl :laugh: still i'm pulling for the Bucks to loss so the Saints have an even better shot of securing the division *nods*

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It's pretty late in the season to make my first Pick 'Em, oh well.


I'm gonna play it safe and roll with the Jets this week.


Get some points under my belt


Also, I think Green Bay is just too good to get beat by TB. Freeman is known for his slow starts, and the Pack-D is just nasty at home.

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