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[SG Faire: WT & Warders] Aes Sedai thread


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All visitors are invited to join in the Defence of the Tower against the Dark Arts Shadowspawn. Apparently Naeann hasn't been feeding the Trollocs again *sighs*


You will find it here.

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All visitors are invited to join in the Defence of the Tower against the Dark Arts Shadowspawn. Apparently Naeann hasn't been feeding the Trollocs again *sighs*


You will find it here.


(i don't know if this holds for everyone, and i'm not playing, so this is just informational but there's no way for me, and i presume others, to post a comment in that forum.)


The Main WT board and the Warder's Guild are Open Boards so you can post there fine. There will be at least one Trolloc or Fade hidden on an open board every day - so even none members can play. Clues will be added to help find them if they are left roaming too long. Feel free to track them down and join in our game. You can totally kill them! But if you get a taste for it and want MORE - then yes you will have to join to find the extra ones hidden in our private boards. :biggrin:


(ok, thanks - it's just that i think the rules in the intro say if you post anywhere but that thread you'll be hunted down and shot. . . but i guess that's just for members :smile:.)


Ah yes. I see what you mean now. Well all Trolloc Hunting Activity and Kill Descriptions do have to be posted in the Game Thread only. That is true. But its on an open board so you will be able to post in it fine.


As a none member you can view and post in topics on our Open Boards, as long as you don't spam, so you will be able to find and copy the post the Trolloc or Fade is in and then post that into the Game Thread, along with the kill description. You are correct to say you can't describe the kill in the actual thread you find it in though. Sorry for any confusion. I hope that helps.


(um, sorry, not being argumentative, just informational, and maybe it is just me - still can't post in the linked thread. no comment box. s'ok, i don't want to, but maybe others who do want to can't. i don't know. just know i can't. unless there's another thread besides the one linked to above? 'k, sorry, i go bye bye now.)


ohhhhh, maybe i could post by hitting the reply on another post, didn't think of that, and sorry to trouble you, now i go bye bye for real.


Hi Cindy. I have just asked a friend who is also not a WT member to test this thread. He can see the Add Reply button fine, so I'm not sure why you are having issues. Hopefully Elgee will be able to explain things better tomorrow.


Don't worry Cindy, I have a break down at least once a week. :)





Well folks, this is then end of the quiz portion of the Aes Sedai Faire.


Here is a copy of the questions on the quiz:

A man/woman asks you to dance, you...

Plot to have them get you a drink.

Start weaving threads to heal broken toes.

Take the lead and smack him/her with air anytime he/she takes a wrong step.

Debate with yourself if he/she is the best choice for the dance.

Find a book about dancing and read it before you decide to dance or not.

Bond him or her.

Debate if dancing is a logical or emotional choice.



Would you rather spend the day...

Working with charities.

Helping the sick.

Reading a book.


Reasearch law.

Debating with your friends.

Plan weaves designed to capture.



You discover a Novice, playing a trick on one of your fellow Aes Sedai. You...

Sit him/her down to discuss the benefits of proper planning.

Forget the Mistress of Novices; you publicly punish him/her.

Laugh and then send him/her to the Mistress of Novices.

Start writing your new book: How to get on an Aes Sedai nerves, 101.

Prepair weaves to heal any accidents that occur.

Start a class on the benefits, logic, and negatives of practical jokes.

Mediate between the Aes Sedai and the Novice on the proper form of punishment.



Your favorite color is...

Red White Green Blue Gray Yellow Brown



Your life...

is full of books.

is spent helping others.

is spent in mediation.

is too crowded with activities.

is spent partying like there is no tomorrow.

is unbending when it comes to rules.

is spent policing people.



You come face to face with a hoard of Trollocs. You...

Take notes on the habits of Trollocs.

Rush in with with the One Power ready to do damage.

Convince the Trollocs that switching to a vegetarian diet is better for their health.

Talk the Trollocs into surrendering peacefully.

Train the Trollocs to do tricks.

Teach the Trollocs the rules of the land and how to live by them.

Plot to make the Trollocs follow and help on your quest, you needed a ride anyway.



If you want to continue with the discussion on the quiz, or, you know, take the quiz 20 more times, follow me Here!





Now, it is with great pleasure that I introduce the wonderful, talented, beeeeauuuutiful, Ahmoondah! She will be explaining the next protion of our Faire!


Now what would be a REALLY useful Ter'Angreal? - run by Ahmoondah

Come up with your own Ter'Angreal to be used in every day life (humorous or serious)!


Ter’Angreal are objects using the One Power to perform specific functions. Throughout the series, there are Ter’angreal used by males only, females only, and even some available to be used by anyone.


Have you ever been sitting around, thinking “Gee, I wish I had a Ter’angreal that could help me in this Real Life situation?” Well, this week at the White Tower Aes Sedai Social Faire Thread, you get the chance to design or discuss Ter’angreal you would use in Real Life!


To give an example, here are two I think I could use often:


The “Line-shortener:” This Shopping-cart shaped Ter’angreal, usable by male or female channelers, is the size of a woman’s palm. When channeling a flow of fire into this Ter’angreal, everyone in line in front of the user suddenly remembers they forgot to get “something” in the store, or that they have “somewhere else” to be, allowing the user to be the very next person in line.


The "light-changer" This object, usable by anyone, is shaped like a small hippopotamus. It allows the user control of traffic lights. To use it, the driver must place their finger in the mouth of the hippo and wave it at the traffic light {inspired by me as a little child. I used to think I controlled them}!


So tell us what Ter'angreal you would love to have!



The Montage Machine.


This Ter'angreal will have much in common with the Portal Stones, and also probably be linked in some manner to the Tel'aran'rhiod. It will be a plaquered which can be hung on a wall in your home or office. On the plaquered there will be a button. When pressed this Ter'angreal will suck the user into a movie montage that will last for a atleast 2 hours but no more then 2 weeks. This could be used to shorten work days, or skip awkward family gatherings. The good side of this is the Channeler will be completly aware of anything that happens and will retain full knowlege of anything learned or any training aquired durring the montage. Unfortunately all montage's will be set to the musical stylings of a-ha, mostly just Take on me.


i need a real life remote terangreal that pauses, rewinds, fast-forwards, records, and deletes. it should be used only by the socially inept, or it would get all balefirey in its pattern wiggling.


Those are Awesome!


I want an Empathy ter'angreal.

This ter'angreal will, when channeled with Spirit, cause the next person to handle it pick up on your emotions and state of mind. It's perfect to give to that "special someone" who just doesn't get "it."


me, i'd want a sound angreal. can only be used by females (this way bubba doesn't steal it from me) and doesn't need channeling.


it woudl be a ring with a music note on it that would have a mood reading stone in it. when the stone picked up negative vibes from you, it would quiet your surroundings to give you peace until your mood changed.



of course, just like a mood ring, you could trump it by just getting the stone warm when ever you wanted people around you to shut up with out increasing your own blood pressure :baalzamon:


I like that one, Red!


One I thought of today is for the energy-conscious who live in hot regions of the world.


It's a small, fan-shaped item that cools off your entire house/car/backyard without burning electricity/gas {cause it's One Power fueled}.


I know, I could just use a paper fan, but, then I've gotta keep moving it.


I'd like a "transporter" ter'angreal. A tiny globe, about the size of a bouncy ball, where when you hold it and think about where you want to go, you are there instantly.


theres 3 others i'd like as well



a mind reading sa'angreal; channel a bit of spirit through an ear shaped pendent and touch that weave to a person and you can hear their thoughts. can work for men or women.



a lie decetor Ter'Angreal. channel all five flows into a snake shaped ring and anyone your talking to cannot lie to you



and a healing Angreal. no channeling needed; its in the shape of a ball about the size of marble. roll it over the spot on your body that is injured and it will heal anything from bruises to tumors.


Red, those are awesome!


Today, I think I want a ter'angreal that allows you to understand what your pet is thinking. It works for either a man or a woman, and you channel spirit between you and the pet.


my gosh i'd love one of those too Moon, only, it woudl be scary to find out i've been right all along that this look from Woody is him calling me a few names :laugh:





I would love to have a Cleaning Ter´Angreal. It looks like a soap. When you channel water in it it washes up all the dishes. When you channel earth in it it cleans the whole apartment. It works for both female and male channelers.




Please - give me one!


I would like a "Headdesk" Ter'Angreal. Whenever some idiots makes me want to headdesk, I press the button on it and it makes THEM smash their faces into the desk. Repeatedly. *nods*


Can be used by male or female, as long as they are not "headdesk causers".


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