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Unfortunately, People will be disappointed with AMOL

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No way, cindy, that is impossible. I simply refuse to accept that RJ wrote an ending that is anywhere close to being as lame as Goodkind did for the SOT series.


i never read goodkind. but i could see the whole thing being a dream.



No way. There is absolutely no way possible that RJ would betray his millions of readers.



it's going to be a satisfying ending. Brandon Sanderson said he loves how it ends from what he's seen in the notes. He went out of his way to tell us that in interviews. It's not gonna guarantee that everyone will love it but I guarantee it's going to end in a way it should and in a way that was set forth from book 1


As soon as I read the title of this thread. Two of my favorite shows came to mind right away. In Battlestar Galactica and Lost. (get a feeling I like sci-fi? lol) In Battlestar Admiral Adama tells President Roslin that he still hasn't finished his favorite book because he doesn't want it to end. In Lost Desmond Humes says that he won't read the last Charles Dickens book until it he was on his deathbed, that it was the last thing he wanted to read. I'm kinda on the fence between these two beliefs. I don't want this series to end, but at the same time I do want to finish it eventually.


To be honest I'll prolly read it when it comes out. But I'm seriously considering not finishing it. In that case I'll have to avoid talks between my family forever. Hahahaha


I think we should all chill out. As long as the ending isn't as crap as the Harry Potter one then it'll be fiine!


On a side note: DM won't close down will it after AMoL right? All these posts :/ I'd hate to see the amount of activity drop like crazy..


I must say that I REALLY LIKE BS's style of writing. I've now read ToM FOUR times and I find it a well done, well paced and riveting book. The ironic thing is that a lot of the lamentations about what's missing from these co-authored books, were scathing critisms of Mr. Jordan's writing at the time of book 7 thru 10..........the slow paced, heavily descriptive style/genius. Perhaps its nostalgia getting the better of some of us. I've also read TGS three times and I have NO problem with BS's Mat scenes. The very first was "off" because for the very first time in his flamin' life Mat was besotted by a girl. And he wasn't sure whether she was alive or dead,named herself empress or imprisoned somewhere. If you read btwn the lines he was beside himself with worry. It therefore lent a dark, cynical edge to his humour- almost making him corny.I wonder if I'm a weirdo for liking both styles?

About AMoL being dissapointing...anything is possible when a really high standard has been set. I'm heartend by the fact that the climax seen is fully written by RJ and therefore it will be exactly how he envisioned it. I wouldn't mind book 14 being split into three, but I'm mindful that more casual readers just want it gotten overwith. (and I think thats the majority of readers).

Tai'shar manetheren!


I must say that I REALLY LIKE BS's style of writing. I've now read ToM FOUR times and I find it a well done, well paced and riveting book. The ironic thing is that a lot of the lamentations about what's missing from these co-authored books, were scathing critisms of Mr. Jordan's writing at the time of book 7 thru 10..........the slow paced, heavily descriptive style/genius. Perhaps its nostalgia getting the better of some of us. I've also read TGS three times and I have NO problem with BS's Mat scenes. The very first was "off" because for the very first time in his flamin' life Mat was besotted by a girl. And he wasn't sure whether she was alive or dead,named herself empress or imprisoned somewhere. If you read btwn the lines he was beside himself with worry. It therefore lent a dark, cynical edge to his humour- almost making him corny.I wonder if I'm a weirdo for liking both styles?

About AMoL being dissapointing...anything is possible when a really high standard has been set. I'm heartend by the fact that the climax seen is fully written by RJ and therefore it will be exactly how he envisioned it. I wouldn't mind book 14 being split into three, but I'm mindful that more casual readers just want it gotten overwith. (and I think thats the majority of readers).

Tai'shar manetheren!

Yep, I very much enjoy Sanderson's writing as well. He was an excellent choice to finish the series, and his books so far have been good.


I'm getting less and less happy with BS as I re-read ToM. I loved it the first time through, reading at top speed, but if I read slower, then the quality of the writing really starts to drag at me. It has to be said--BS is a pretty bad prose stylist. He tends towards very bland word choices and sentence structure, and has a terrible habit of repeating vocabulary in close proximity, or even in the same sentence. Whenever I've read one of his solo books, I've had a period at the beginning of am-I-really-going-to-read-this before the story and characters take over.


I'm not demanding prose of a Booker Prize standard, or an Ursula Le Guin standard. RJ couldn't write like that either. But he could construct a tight, witty sentence and choose words well, and I just don't see BS doing that. Some in TGS when he was obviously working harder on aping RJ (despite his claims to the contrary), but not anymore.


My only disappointment has already occurred and it is a very selfish one: RJ isn't around to expand his world.


To provide a comparison, I was very happy when George Lucas opened up his notes and memories to various writers to continue the characters' lives of the Star Wars universe. IMHO, many enjoyable books came out of that action. RJ isn't around to share his intentions and memories of what is supposed to happen. Due to the nature of the notes, I find it hard to believe that others will be allowed access to continue to the journey.


In terms of the last book, I don't really care about the actually ENDING. Personally, I'd rather see 3/4 of the book getting to the ENDING, and the remaining 1/4 giving a glimpse of the future. Regardless, as long as it is an entertaining read, it don't care that much about the actual END for Rand.


Biggest let down ever!!


i believe that honor goes to the it was all a dream episode of dallas.


My vote is on the series finale of LOST.


I try personally not to theorize too much, or to read too much speculation unless it's on an issue I read a few books back and have been wondering at for a while.


For me it's somewhat like whan I play the Fallout games, when I played 3 I spent a lot of time reading the wiki, at first just to help me get through quests, but more and more as I wanted the shape the story a certain way. I think it's part of the reason I felt disappointed by FO3, as a 'good' character with a limited speech skill, there were just things I couldn't accomplish, and it bothered me. Whereas when I played New Vegas, I ignored the wiki altogether and just rolled the dice as it were, and as such found I enjoyed the experience much, much more.


As for AMoL, I'm expecting it to be bittersweet. I think that, like most of the novels, it will have some awe0inspiring moments that blow my mind, and some moments that I won't be into.

I will say that while I liked TGS, I think I enjoyed ToM more. TGS was a fairly depressing book, and while I'm a little iffy on the changes in Rand in ToM, I can see from a writer's standpoint how they were neccessary, and the other events in the book more than made up for it, in my view.



  • 2 months later...

Biggest let down ever!!


i believe that honor goes to the it was all a dream episode of dallas.


My vote is on the series finale of LOST.


My vote would be Matrix Reloaded/Revolutions would be the worst possible ending.


Well, I was somewhat paying attention to the end of the Harry Potter series. If history gives any indication:


1. The months leading up to the release will see an increase in activity, speculation, argument, etc.


2. When the book is actually released, there will be a flurry of activity, a bunch of questions, followed by a bunch of answers, and then people will start to drift away when they realize everything that can possibly be answered has, and no new questions will ever, ever appear.


3. There's a cooldown period where people reminisce about their favorite scenes and characters, and how the last book did/didn't do them justice. More people drift away.


4. After about a year, most of the regulars will hardly be around, or drop in once in awhile, while the most hardcore fans will continue to answer the same questions as #2.


5. After two years, people will move on, and the series will be fondly remembered, perhaps even re-read, but without the fervor just before the last book.


Biggest let down ever!!


i believe that honor goes to the it was all a dream episode of dallas.


My vote is on the series finale of LOST.


My vote would be Matrix Reloaded/Revolutions would be the worst possible ending.


Well, I was somewhat paying attention to the end of the Harry Potter series. If history gives any indication:


1. The months leading up to the release will see an increase in activity, speculation, argument, etc.


2. When the book is actually released, there will be a flurry of activity, a bunch of questions, followed by a bunch of answers, and then people will start to drift away when they realize everything that can possibly be answered has, and no new questions will ever, ever appear.


3. There's a cooldown period where people reminisce about their favorite scenes and characters, and how the last book did/didn't do them justice. More people drift away.


4. After about a year, most of the regulars will hardly be around, or drop in once in awhile, while the most hardcore fans will continue to answer the same questions as #2.


5. After two years, people will move on, and the series will be fondly remembered, perhaps even re-read, but without the fervor just before the last book.


I quite like that timeline. I've always imagined that WoT will remain my "go-to" series - the one you read when you're sick, or feeling down, or feeling happy, or over Christmas holidays with the family. The literary equivalent of your favourite hangout.


Edited for spelling!


I dunno...I used to hang out at imdb.com forums a lot, and I see this pattern happening all the time. The cycle is shorter and faster with movies since the turnaround for sequels is very short compared to books, but even with movies, the excitement ends with the last in the series. The excitement, camaraderie, and discussion just isn't there anymore.


my personal dissapointment already happened in the last book released. As a result, my expectations have greatly diminished and I don't find myself as eager for the next as I was after The Gathering Storm. So I'm kind of expecting a mixed feeling about it all, which won't stop me buying and reading but yeah, it's a bit of a bummer for sure.


Yeah, this is where I come out. I'd hope that my own theories/beliefs being disproven have nothing to do with it.


While ToM was great in parts (particularly the Perrin/Faile stuff), I was disappointed in the main. Mainly from characters being so thickheaded (Rand, Egwene) and leaving their friends/allies completely out to dry (Rand, Egwene). Especially when those two characters, in particular, had seemed to grow so much in the previous book. Mat, Galad, Gawyn, Elayne, Faile, Perrin, Thom, Siuan, and Nynaeve all make good strides in ToM, but the main two seem to take a step back in many ways, or at least appeared to. And Lan as well. Not to mention the surprise heroine of TGS makes a horrific blunder in ToM, and one that could have been seemingly easily avoided.


I don't think any of the stuff I found so maddening in ToM will be addressed/explained well, and I think aMOL will be rushed, with too many threads left dangling, and many others not given enough room to breathe, and too many needless chapters about pairs of boots.

  • 1 month later...

the Moiraine/Galad/Anyone-but-Elayne will sit the Sun Throne, for another)--I think most people have a fairly solid grip on themselves when it comes to this.

I didn't gloat nearly enough over that. I'm disappointed in myself.


Anyways, the end can go in so many different metaphysical directions that I think a lot of people will be surprised with how Rand wins the day.


my personal dissapointment already happened in the last book released.


I´m abit curious... well alot actually lol. What was your big personal disappointment?




Well, I'm a bit hesitant to mention it because I fear of pointing out something some may not have noticed yet (though I'm sure the vast majority has and has no problem with it whatsoever). So if you're reading this and you haven't gotten to the end yet or you're happy with what's going on don't read any further.


note: highlight the text if you want to read.

Well there are certainly a lot of Jesus references, I really think that WoT mythology is really more related to Zoroastrianism and Buddhism than to Christianity.

I don't think so. Based on reactions to the previous two books--with many, many theories proven wrong (the Borderland Ruler Theories, for instance, and the Moiraine/Galad/Anyone-but-Elayne will sit the Sun Throne, for another)

Elayne hasn't been crowned yet. She's still just a placeholder. :wink:


I don't think so. Based on reactions to the previous two books--with many, many theories proven wrong (the Borderland Ruler Theories, for instance, and the Moiraine/Galad/Anyone-but-Elayne will sit the Sun Throne, for another)--I think most people have a fairly solid grip on themselves when it comes to this.


I suspect a more dangerous problem is in the plot threads that will be summarily wrapped up, as opposed to those wrapped up in unexpected ways.

I was always one of the people who thought Galad would sit on the Sun Throne. I mean, he has more right to it than anyone, being the King's son. I also was supprised that Galad and Rand being half brothers didn't play a part in the story somehow.


Galad's father was never a King. And the rules of Succession in Cairhien seem quite complicated - Moiraine had two older sisters, yet she was considrered a strong candidate for the Sun Throne and the sisters had no support.


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