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Wheel of Time Mafia Game Thread


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Bg knows my alignment, as I know his, because we are on a mason team. Our only powers are that we can talk to each other. There is another member but I wouldn't reveal them without their permission.


If Mynd is innocent, he was obviously VERY mistaken about you, and we need to look at other A's. AJ, alanna, ahmoondah, Aust, Aemon, Amadine. Wow there are a lot of A's in this game. If the other mason comes under heat, Alanna, then I would reveal them, but not until then. But I'm sure you know that.


Of course this is all assuming you and bg are telling the truth...



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Bg knows my alignment, as I know his, because we are on a mason team. Our only powers are that we can talk to each other. There is another member but I wouldn't reveal them without their permission.


If Mynd is innocent, he was obviously VERY mistaken about you, and we need to look at other A's. AJ, alanna, ahmoondah, Aust, Aemon, Amadine. Wow there are a lot of A's in this game. If the other mason comes under heat, Alanna, then I would reveal them, but not until then. But I'm sure you know that.


Of course this is all assuming you and bg are telling the truth...




Was that not clear? Three masons, two of which we know. If the town starts suspecting the third, unknown one for any reason, that's the only time that third mason needs to be revealed. So logical I probably didn't even need to say it.


For the sake of odds and logic, let's assume BG and Adella are telling the truth. Unvote


Occam's Razor (I prefer Gilette Quatro) would suggest that the Mafia have not been the ones doing as much of the accusing as the others. I can only go by what info I get due to the nature of my character. This is what I know, where can we go from here?


There could be certain artifacts in the game, some of you may have experienced it before, where you can ask three questions to some snakelike people and get three responses, though they may not be what you want. For example, suppose you asked "Who is mafia?" and the reply was something like "Someone whose name begins with the letter A" wouldn't be much to go on by itself, but it does produce a list of people we can narrow down.


Players who begin with the letter A (7): Aust, Amoondah, Alanna, AJ(alannalynn), Aemon, Amadine, Adella


With the whole mess with the compulsion, Red, and the finder stuff, I think we can all agree that Aemon is town. Aust and his silencing make him less likely to be scum and BG vouches for Adella being on a mason team with him. That leaves Amoondah, AJ, and Amadine if we are to go with logic and the odds and believe everyone else. From my casing, I've read little from Amadine, AJ is acting a-typical but was quick to point out her name was missing from the list of A's, and Amoondah has been "going with the flow" - quick to vote but not providing solid reasoning.


Right now, I'd say we lynch Amoondah.




okay i can sort of buy that. you say no powers Adella, but why do i recall early in Day 1 BG claiming to have sent me a message during the night whch then got transferred to Aemon.




Nae - when i say you were quiet during the Min lynch, i mean while it was on going. i don't recall you giving any comment on the entire situation (ie: Song's watch list) all i recall was a "glad to be back in the game, please refer to my first death as Fain kthnxbye" post and i don't rememebr hearing from you until recently when you first voted for Vam then switched your vote to Black for no reason.


i'm not questioning your play style, i'm pointing out what i noticed. i'm not pressuring you and trying to cast doubt on you souly because of your play style (like your attempting to do with me). what i found scumm was your unvote/vote for Black, i still do and your reaction to my FOS is making me see you even more as scum. thats why i'm pressuring you. not because you are a lurker by style, but because of your actions in the game; your trying to twist my reasonings. and i never claimed you weren't watching the game lol and i wouldn't accuse you or Alanna of that just because you guys have a quieter play style than others *snuggles*


also, i can keep who i've found scummy striaght. i actually have two different lists, those who i've found scummy and those who bare ultra close watching. one reason i find you scummy is because i only said you needed to be watched because of that vote, not that you were scummy. yet you jumped to conclusions and went on the defensive. adn the only thing i was ever 100% sure on Aemon was that he wasn't Rand and couldn't be the true Dragon. at the time i thought he was scum because of how much chaos his flase claim caused, i've since revised that opinion of his alignment, but still say 100% that he is not Rand.


as to mynd, i've stated numerous times (including rather recently) as to why i find him scummy and a most willing to lynch him and my suspicions of him have nothign to do with the fact that the scum seem to be targetting him (Aemon being forced to vote for him / Black trying to implicate him)


i don't have a smug grin on my face and i don't consider myself cleared by the town by any means because of what happened. but i do know that when i am lynched or killed my words & accusations will carry weight, so i point out stuff when i see it and post my thoughts because honestly i don't expect to live long at all in this game. if you think thats a crime, to poitn out scumminess when i see it in hopes of helping find scum, then i might have to wander why you would find someone attempting to find scum offensive enough to berate.


okay i can sort of buy that. you say no powers Adella, but why do i recall early in Day 1 BG claiming to have sent me a message during the night whch then got transferred to Aemon.



Bgrishinko reviewed the first 50 pages and couldn't find anything he said implying that he had sent Red a message. However, it was possible that Red was thinking of Quibby.


Bg knows my alignment, as I know his, because we are on a mason team. Our only powers are that we can talk to each other. There is another member but I wouldn't reveal them without their permission.


Using the series as a guide, this statement rings almost every single bell in my head. The Black Ajah in the books are known to each other in cells, where each individual only knew two others. With Adella's earlier claim towards Aes Sedai, this is not inspiring a whole lot of trust for me.


Players who begin with the letter A (7): Aust, Amoondah, Alanna, AJ(alannalynn), Aemon, Amadine, Adella


With the whole mess with the compulsion, Red, and the finder stuff, I think we can all agree that Aemon is town. Aust and his silencing make him less likely to be scum and BG vouches for Adella being on a mason team with him. That leaves Amoondah, AJ, and Amadine if we are to go with logic and the odds and believe everyone else. From my casing, I've read little from Amadine, AJ is acting a-typical but was quick to point out her name was missing from the list of A's, and Amoondah has been "going with the flow" - quick to vote but not providing solid reasoning.


Right now, I'd say we lynch Amoondah.




I don't mind an Ahmoondah lynch, since she has even admitted to not being able to follow the game and thus voting along with someone every time, but is this something we should be focusing on right now - the 'A' is a mafia member thing? If we do back off now and use something else to get our lynch, I think it would be a great piece of advice to remember when there are fewer players and thus less chance of us accidentally hitting on an innocent.


On the other hand, the below post makes me want to reconsider my own idea of waiting! I would have never thought of it myself, but it does make sense and it definitely a way to appear sneaky and not at the same time:

Bg knows my alignment, as I know his, because we are on a mason team. Our only powers are that we can talk to each other. There is another member but I wouldn't reveal them without their permission.


Using the series as a guide, this statement rings almost every single bell in my head. The Black Ajah in the books are known to each other in cells, where each individual only knew two others. With Adella's earlier claim towards Aes Sedai, this is not inspiring a whole lot of trust for me.


I'll get back later after work with some more thoughts.


okay i can sort of buy that. you say no powers Adella, but why do i recall early in Day 1 BG claiming to have sent me a message during the night whch then got transferred to Aemon.




Nae - when i say you were quiet during the Min lynch, i mean while it was on going. i don't recall you giving any comment on the entire situation (ie: Song's watch list) all i recall was a "glad to be back in the game, please refer to my first death as Fain kthnxbye" post and i don't rememebr hearing from you until recently when you first voted for Vam then switched your vote to Black for no reason.


i'm not questioning your play style, i'm pointing out what i noticed. i'm not pressuring you and trying to cast doubt on you souly because of your play style (like your attempting to do with me). what i found scumm was your unvote/vote for Black, i still do and your reaction to my FOS is making me see you even more as scum. thats why i'm pressuring you. not because you are a lurker by style, but because of your actions in the game; your trying to twist my reasonings. and i never claimed you weren't watching the game lol and i wouldn't accuse you or Alanna of that just because you guys have a quieter play style than others *snuggles*


also, i can keep who i've found scummy striaght. i actually have two different lists, those who i've found scummy and those who bare ultra close watching. one reason i find you scummy is because i only said you needed to be watched because of that vote, not that you were scummy. yet you jumped to conclusions and went on the defensive. adn the only thing i was ever 100% sure on Aemon was that he wasn't Rand and couldn't be the true Dragon. at the time i thought he was scum because of how much chaos his flase claim caused, i've since revised that opinion of his alignment, but still say 100% that he is not Rand.


as to mynd, i've stated numerous times (including rather recently) as to why i find him scummy and a most willing to lynch him and my suspicions of him have nothign to do with the fact that the scum seem to be targetting him (Aemon being forced to vote for him / Black trying to implicate him)


i don't have a smug grin on my face and i don't consider myself cleared by the town by any means because of what happened. but i do know that when i am lynched or killed my words & accusations will carry weight, so i point out stuff when i see it and post my thoughts because honestly i don't expect to live long at all in this game. if you think thats a crime, to poitn out scumminess when i see it in hopes of helping find scum, then i might have to wander why you would find someone attempting to find scum offensive enough to berate.


Fair enough. I'd rather focus on someone I'm more sure is scum instead of just acting fishy to me. (snuggles back... i lubs ya.. just playin the game)


Quibs that is a decent point. I can't say I could think of how else 3 could be tied together(outside of Rand, Mat, and Perrin) later in the series there are bondeds who it would work for but at the risk of a spoiler for some (though seriously,... why are you on a WOT board if you haven't at least read this far into the book...) there were bondeds later in the books that weren't officially AS yet. Could be a cult trying to pose as a mason team?


Wait, I'm SO confused, when did I claim Aes Sedai? I have done NO claiming of any sort, mostly because I have never played in a game where you can get mod-killed for hinting at your character but not your power. It confuses me and I made sure to ask Womby before giving the info on being a mason.


We know that there are Forsaken in play (hence Be'lal) and we know that there is likely another mafia team (High Lady Suroth), or perhaps the mafia is a mix of Forsaken and Goons? Either way, it stands good reason that there are multiple factions (town and otherwise) out there with their own ideas.


With a game of this size; however, we need to go with lynches that match logic. Sure, everyone could be lying, but the likelyhood of the claims people have made to be false when it is so easy to prove otherwise lead me to believe them all....for now. Let's try looking at the list of players assuming that what everyone has claimed so far is the truth, we can always check these later in the game.


We can eliminate Red because of her fiasco with her reveal. Sure, she's not exactly acting pro-town, or pro-grammar, but I think its safe to say that her role is pro-town.


Aemon is another we can eliminate for a number of reasons, but the whole compulsion thing can also eliminate Verbal as well.


I am willing to write off BG and Adella by assuming their claim about being a mason team is true. (I suspect that Drew might be the third.)


Being objective as much as I can, we can eliminate Myndrunner (for now) based on Aemon's claim for viewing me. Sure, he could be lying, I could be a Mafia Godfeather or what have you, but remember, in this instance, we are assuming that everything stated publicly is the truth. We can always check for liars later on in the game, but right now, we are only eliminating the unliklies.


MCS2funny, we can sort of eliminate because he was validated as innocent during that whole mess with Songs viewing who visited Red/Aemon. It was Ed2Funny then, but now its MCS.


Aust was afflicted with silence which leads me to believe he is innocent.


Let's also assume (for the moment) that Vambram is innocent, otherwise it would have been foolish to claim to be the Dragon Reborn when he did considering the building lynch on Blackhoof and that Aemon has made such a claim already.


As evil as the man may be outside the game, I have reason to believe that Quibby is innocent due to the nature of his role and the whole whispering thing, does not seem to me like a power that would be anti-town. If you don't know what his power is and the nature of why he is likely innocent, you haven't been paying attention.


We didn't necessarily validate Kwom Masbag, but Songs pretty much vouched for him and he confirmed Song's ability as well. For now, I'm willing to eliminate him for our list of people today. We can always revisit him (and the others above) later on.


Next, let's eliminate the inactives. Sure, some of them could be scum, but I hardly see an inactive scum as a real threat. Besides, players tend to be more active when they are part of a scum team, if only to vote a certain way when they don't have time to explain things. Based on limited activity, I think we can currently eliminate the following who have only posted when prompted by Womby: Alanna, TMD, paetric, Thorkin, Virtuhall, and Deadlyfriend.


That leaves us with a much shorter, and much more manageable list of people to consider for lynch:



AJ (alannalynn)







Naeann 2.0



dapianoplay3r 2.0



While I think I know who the third Mason is based on his responses, I am willing to still consider a lynch on anyone above. Throw in the whole mess with a player whose name begins with A, I think Amoondah, AJ, or Amadine would be the safest bet. Thoughts now?


Wait, I'm SO confused, when did I claim Aes Sedai? I have done NO claiming of any sort, mostly because I have never played in a game where you can get mod-killed for hinting at your character but not your power. It confuses me and I made sure to ask Womby before giving the info on being a mason.


You're right. My bad. I mixed up two A-names.


Amoondah has been "going with the flow" - quick to vote but not providing solid reasoning.


I believe I have explained this already. I am rather 'go with the flow' because I have a lot on my plate right now.


I promise you though, lynch me and you'll just be killing another townie.

  • Moderator

Bg knows my alignment, as I know his, because we are on a mason team. Our only powers are that we can talk to each other. There is another member but I wouldn't reveal them without their permission.


If Mynd is innocent, he was obviously VERY mistaken about you, and we need to look at other A's. AJ, alanna, ahmoondah, Aust, Aemon, Amadine. Wow there are a lot of A's in this game. If the other mason comes under heat, Alanna, then I would reveal them, but not until then. But I'm sure you know that.


Of course this is all assuming you and bg are telling the truth...




Was that not clear? Three masons, two of which we know. If the town starts suspecting the third, unknown one for any reason, that's the only time that third mason needs to be revealed. So logical I probably didn't even need to say it.


I was talking about the "Alanna" part, smartass. Bg and Adella have confirmed each other masons - what does Alanna have to do with that?


Bg knows my alignment, as I know his, because we are on a mason team. Our only powers are that we can talk to each other. There is another member but I wouldn't reveal them without their permission.


If Mynd is innocent, he was obviously VERY mistaken about you, and we need to look at other A's. AJ, alanna, ahmoondah, Aust, Aemon, Amadine. Wow there are a lot of A's in this game. If the other mason comes under heat, Alanna, then I would reveal them, but not until then. But I'm sure you know that.


Of course this is all assuming you and bg are telling the truth...




Was that not clear? Three masons, two of which we know. If the town starts suspecting the third, unknown one for any reason, that's the only time that third mason needs to be revealed. So logical I probably didn't even need to say it.


I was talking about the "Alanna" part, smartass. Bg and Adella have confirmed each other masons - what does Alanna have to do with that?


Bgrishinko was also confused at the Alanna comment. And he echos what Verbal initially said "huh?"


I agree with you guys. The alanna comment made me sit back and reread the post to try figure it out.


Ok Red and Nae. They seem to be going at eachother with walls and walls of text. Now I am reading this and you two seem to be going on and on in circles when your not really the focus of the day. Im not saying you dont have some good points but there have been several important reveals, claims and FOSs that frankly your distracting from.


Im leaning towards Ahmoon but Id prefer to go for someone else because I dont see us getting as much info off that lynch. I was going to go for Adella but the mason thing was enough to stop me for today atleast.


Im not sure what to do now but the main thing I wanted was Nae and Red to tone it down unless they have good evidence. Something that would make a lynch worth while


Bg knows my alignment, as I know his, because we are on a mason team. Our only powers are that we can talk to each other. There is another member but I wouldn't reveal them without their permission.


If Mynd is innocent, he was obviously VERY mistaken about you, and we need to look at other A's. AJ, alanna, ahmoondah, Aust, Aemon, Amadine. Wow there are a lot of A's in this game. If the other mason comes under heat, Alanna, then I would reveal them, but not until then. But I'm sure you know that.


Of course this is all assuming you and bg are telling the truth...




Was that not clear? Three masons, two of which we know. If the town starts suspecting the third, unknown one for any reason, that's the only time that third mason needs to be revealed. So logical I probably didn't even need to say it.


I was talking about the "Alanna" part, smartass. Bg and Adella have confirmed each other masons - what does Alanna have to do with that?


Ha! Heh. Whoops. Yeah, Adella. At least I wasn't WAY off. Apologies for being a smartass, I'm actually a dumbass, though obviously those things aren't mutually exclusive.


With this many 'nearly confirmed' innocents, what is the true risk in the third mason member revealing? We need to continue to narrow down our list of who is likely mafia and if the third mason member came forward, that's three players we can confirm as innocent. Sure, the mafia could target one of them, but they know who is innocent anyway. Not completely buying the mason claim anyway, but at this still relatively early stage in the game, the more info we have, the better prepared we are.


Need I remind everyone that we've whacked as many threats to the town as losses? WE ARE.....wait for iiiiiiiit.........








I agree with you guys. The alanna comment made me sit back and reread the post to try figure it out.


Ok Red and Nae. They seem to be going at eachother with walls and walls of text. Now I am reading this and you two seem to be going on and on in circles when your not really the focus of the day. Im not saying you dont have some good points but there have been several important reveals, claims and FOSs that frankly your distracting from.


Im leaning towards Ahmoon but Id prefer to go for someone else because I dont see us getting as much info off that lynch. I was going to go for Adella but the mason thing was enough to stop me for today atleast.


Im not sure what to do now but the main thing I wanted was Nae and Red to tone it down unless they have good evidence. Something that would make a lynch worth while



I did. ;) but thanks for playing. -smooches-


If I wasn't already voting for Nae *stares at Nae* I would surely consider voting Amhoonda. But since I'm voting Nae I suppose that doesn't matter.


I'm having trouble getting a good feel for things at this stage. We still have quite a few lurkers (I'd possibly lump Amhoonda in that category).


Not silenced. Just got distracted. I started college last week and I've spent the last coupe of days doing schoolwork. I'm back now and just about ready to drop a bombshell. I have now viewed three innocent players, none of which start with an A. Yes, Mynd was one of those three. We should not lynch Mynd...yet. There still lies the possibility of a cult or a reruiting scum team, but until we have evidence of that we should leave him along. As far as lynching an "A" name, I could go with Ahmoonda. I'm not sure what to make of the BG/Adella mason team. It's hard to know for certain what your mason partners alignment is without mod confirmation. That said, it doesn't do us any good to lynch one because the other will still be unproven. So, to recap, of the players tat are left standing I trust myself, Mynd, Red, two others I cannot name and I am willing to give the benefit of the doubt to BG and Adella.


i'm not questioning your play style, i'm pointing out what i noticed. i'm not pressuring you and trying to cast doubt on you souly because of your play style (like your attempting to do with me). what i found scumm was your unvote/vote for Black, i still do and your reaction to my FOS is making me see you even more as scum. thats why i'm pressuring you. not because you are a lurker by style, but because of your actions in the game; your trying to twist my reasonings. and i never claimed you weren't watching the game lol and i wouldn't accuse you or Alanna of that just because you guys have a quieter play style than others *snuggles*


Thanks for remembering me lol. Was that a poke to come out of hiding? :D


Okay, I'm not even sure when the deadline is, but I feel strongly enough this time to go ahead and vote Ahmoon. She was pinging me a bit even before the whole 'A' thing, and her latest response wasn't very inspiring of innocence.


Being objective as much as I can, we can eliminate Myndrunner (for now) based on Aemon's claim for viewing me. Sure, he could be lying, I could be a Mafia Godfeather or what have you, but remember, in this instance, we are assuming that everything stated publicly is the truth. We can always check for liars later on in the game, but right now, we are only eliminating the unliklies.


Let's also assume (for the moment) that Vambram is innocent, otherwise it would have been foolish to claim to be the Dragon Reborn when he did considering the building lynch on Blackhoof and that Aemon has made such a claim already.


That leaves us with a much shorter, and much more manageable list of people to consider for lynch:



AJ (alannalynn)







Naeann 2.0



dapianoplay3r 2.0



While I think I know who the third Mason is based on his responses, I am willing to still consider a lynch on anyone above. Throw in the whole mess with a player whose name begins with A, I think Amoondah, AJ, or Amadine would be the safest bet. Thoughts now?

why are there no reasons on why these people are on the "bad" list? yet you give reasons on why people should be excluded from a lynch?


I am just wondering why the attention is drawn away from all the potential lynches of the previous nights.

Mynd was on the list, as was Vambram yet both are somehow cleared once the night is over


I have my eyes on Mynd as I see this is more of his redirection as we have seen on earlier days.


I find his "It has been revealed to me..." a bit odd. Just today, where have your revelations been all along?


Not silenced. Just got distracted. I started college last week and I've spent the last coupe of days doing schoolwork. I'm back now and just about ready to drop a bombshell. I have now viewed three innocent players, none of which start with an A. Yes, Mynd was one of those three. We should not lynch Mynd...yet. There still lies the possibility of a cult or a reruiting scum team, but until we have evidence of that we should leave him along. As far as lynching an "A" name, I could go with Ahmoonda. I'm not sure what to make of the BG/Adella mason team. It's hard to know for certain what your mason partners alignment is without mod confirmation. That said, it doesn't do us any good to lynch one because the other will still be unproven. So, to recap, of the players tat are left standing I trust myself, Mynd, Red, two others I cannot name and I am willing to give the benefit of the doubt to BG and Adella.

Innocent of what?


Being objective as much as I can, we can eliminate Myndrunner (for now) based on Aemon's claim for viewing me. Sure, he could be lying, I could be a Mafia Godfeather or what have you, but remember, in this instance, we are assuming that everything stated publicly is the truth. We can always check for liars later on in the game, but right now, we are only eliminating the unliklies.


Let's also assume (for the moment) that Vambram is innocent, otherwise it would have been foolish to claim to be the Dragon Reborn when he did considering the building lynch on Blackhoof and that Aemon has made such a claim already.


That leaves us with a much shorter, and much more manageable list of people to consider for lynch:



AJ (alannalynn)







Naeann 2.0



dapianoplay3r 2.0



While I think I know who the third Mason is based on his responses, I am willing to still consider a lynch on anyone above. Throw in the whole mess with a player whose name begins with A, I think Amoondah, AJ, or Amadine would be the safest bet. Thoughts now?

why are there no reasons on why these people are on the "bad" list? yet you give reasons on why people should be excluded from a lynch?


I am just wondering why the attention is drawn away from all the potential lynches of the previous nights.

Mynd was on the list, as was Vambram yet both are somehow cleared once the night is over


I have my eyes on Mynd as I see this is more of his redirection as we have seen on earlier days.


I find his "It has been revealed to me..." a bit odd. Just today, where have your revelations been all along?


Curt, those are the people left over who have nothing to support their pro-town alignment. Why are you overreacting in such a way?


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