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The upcoming SS Chosen....


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.....is none other than me! Yes, I'll be holding both FL and Chosen positions because I'm a greedy bastard and I think it's funny.


And no, not funny as in Barm-funny....cause, well....we know that's lame. Funny as in Verbalohmygodyou'resofunnyIwannahaveyourbabies funny.


Ok, I lie. The new SS Chosen, who will get their access once our fearless leader has internet again, is AUST.


Welcome, my friend. Together we will accomplish practicallly nothing, but damn will we look good while not doing it!

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Thanks Verby!!!! I've always believed in style before substance, so we'll make a good team.


Krak, you're missing the more important question of what it would be like to see a pregnant Verbal. He strikes me as the type who would leak milk at inopportune moments, just to be difficult.


And don't even get me started on what it would be like when his water broke.

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Congrats Verbal for finally realizing my threats were real and getting off your duff and picking someone for your chosen instead of picking your nose.


Congrats Aust. May the Dark Lord have mercy on your poor soul for actually being willing to work with Verbal that closely.

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