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A Memory of Light Speculation


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Quick thought about the blowing of the Horn of Valere:


If Birgitte dies doing something incredibly heroic at the Last Battle, she could wind up bound to the Wheel again. Elayne would grieve until she meets Brigitte again in the World of Dreams, waiting for Gaidal Cain (who supposedly had been spun out again several books earlier) to join her again.

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  On 11/28/2010 at 2:38 PM, Gaidin Poindexter said:

Quick thought about the blowing of the Horn of Valere:


If Birgitte dies doing something incredibly heroic at the Last Battle, she could wind up bound to the Wheel again. Elayne would grieve until she meets Brigitte again in the World of Dreams, waiting for Gaidal Cain (who supposedly had been spun out again several books earlier) to join her again.


I like the idea of Elayne being comforted by finding that Birgitte is back in the dream waiting to be spun out again. But I think it would be better if they didn't actually meet. For instance:


Birgitte gets whacked by Demandred. Elayne goes batshit and slings balefire at him. Goodbye Demandred and all the fan speculation. Last battle won, Elayne uses a ter'angreal to enter TAR and starts hysterically screaming for Birgitte. Just as she gives up, she falls to her knees and when she takes her hands away from her bawling eyes she finds a silver arrow lying in front of her. She smiles and whispers "Thank you". The end.


I just think it would be stupid for Birgitte to interact with people in TAR again after being ripped from it the first time. And I like this idea better.

  On 11/28/2010 at 4:34 PM, johthohar said:
  On 11/28/2010 at 2:38 PM, Gaidin Poindexter said:

Quick thought about the blowing of the Horn of Valere:


If Birgitte dies doing something incredibly heroic at the Last Battle, she could wind up bound to the Wheel again. Elayne would grieve until she meets Brigitte again in the World of Dreams, waiting for Gaidal Cain (who supposedly had been spun out again several books earlier) to join her again.


I like the idea of Elayne being comforted by finding that Birgitte is back in the dream waiting to be spun out again. But I think it would be better if they didn't actually meet. For instance:


Birgitte gets whacked by Demandred. Elayne goes batshit and slings balefire at him. Goodbye Demandred and all the fan speculation. Last battle won, Elayne uses a ter'angreal to enter TAR and starts hysterically screaming for Birgitte. Just as she gives up, she falls to her knees and when she takes her hands away from her bawling eyes she finds a silver arrow lying in front of her. She smiles and whispers "Thank you". The end.


I just think it would be stupid for Birgitte to interact with people in TAR again after being ripped from it the first time. And I like this idea better.

Well, I think it's one of Min's viewings that said Birgitte will be linked to a man much older than her and one much younger. So I don't see Birgitte dieing any time soon. One of them, presumably the younger man will be Cain.


Then again, the younger and older man could be one and the same. She meets the younger one, dies, and gets spun out again later when he's older fulfilling both parts of Min's viewing.


I think Aviendha can get out of the A'dams. Something to do with holding low levels of the power at all times


She will also unite all marath'damane in defense of the white tower. If it goes down, so do the rest of the women that can channel


What I don't see happening but want to see is Damer Flinn and Nynaeve al'Meara meet and teach each other about healing severing from the one power. Learn that men can completely heal women (Siuan Sanche for example) and women can completely heal men.


Was sorry to see Nicola Treehill go. I admit there is a rather tiny chance she survived.

  On 11/29/2010 at 3:31 AM, f3llyn said:
  On 11/28/2010 at 4:34 PM, johthohar said:
  On 11/28/2010 at 2:38 PM, Gaidin Poindexter said:

Quick thought about the blowing of the Horn of Valere:


If Birgitte dies doing something incredibly heroic at the Last Battle, she could wind up bound to the Wheel again. Elayne would grieve until she meets Brigitte again in the World of Dreams, waiting for Gaidal Cain (who supposedly had been spun out again several books earlier) to join her again.


I like the idea of Elayne being comforted by finding that Birgitte is back in the dream waiting to be spun out again. But I think it would be better if they didn't actually meet. For instance:


Birgitte gets whacked by Demandred. Elayne goes batshit and slings balefire at him. Goodbye Demandred and all the fan speculation. Last battle won, Elayne uses a ter'angreal to enter TAR and starts hysterically screaming for Birgitte. Just as she gives up, she falls to her knees and when she takes her hands away from her bawling eyes she finds a silver arrow lying in front of her. She smiles and whispers "Thank you". The end.


I just think it would be stupid for Birgitte to interact with people in TAR again after being ripped from it the first time. And I like this idea better.

Well, I think it's one of Min's viewings that said Birgitte will be linked to a man much older than her and one much younger. So I don't see Birgitte dieing any time soon. One of them, presumably the younger man will be Cain.


Then again, the younger and older man could be one and the same. She meets the younger one, dies, and gets spun out again later when he's older fulfilling both parts of Min's viewing.



Elayne is experienced enough with the dream world that she knows how to find anyone.... Just NEED her like they did to find the Bowl of Winds.


hi. its been a long time since i posted.


the last few books were awesome and ToM was really awesome.

here is how i think the next book will go about...


Rand meets up with the gathering.

The start to discuss about seals and their breaking, Mat & co comes in through Grady's gateway.

They meet up with Moiraine.


News comes of attack on Cameyln, and most rush to save the city, pausing the discussion.

Then during the respite after the Cameyln fight, Mat goes to TV to get the horn, where he witnesses

the Seachen attack. He stops it and asks to meet Tuon.

They both meet up and come to the Fields where Rand binds the nine moons to the Dragon Peace along with all other rulers.

The secret about the sul'dam's cause a quite a stir among seachen and brings about the decision to join the Randlanders.

Avi comes there and tells that Aiel have to give up their weapons and follow the Way of the Leaf

if they want to survive the LB. Rand shows them the true way of the leaf.


I would like to see a reunion of Galad and Rand, about the truth of their being half brothers.

Egwene is put in her place by everyone, and found to be under some influence of shadow.


Logain and others finally find the dreamspike and break it, allowing travelling. They ask rand for reinforcements

and destroy taim bringing BT under control with Logain at Head.


Perrin would be incharge of the weapons and blacksmiths and would also control the wolves and fight Slayer via TA.


Ogier enter the scene and they talk about the seals and other stuff. They form a plan and a resolution about the



Lanfear would try to trap Rand, but would give away an important clue finishing up Rand's plans for sealing up the Bore.


Then the gathering splits up with Ny going off to save Lan at Tarwin's gap, Borderlanders going to their respective lands.

Rand takes Callandor and The two AS to SG to break the seals, where Moridin comes and steals the Callandor ( the black onyx hand)

Mat would be the overall general of the armies, with the Great-Generals supervising the individual armies.


Fain kills SH.


Later Rand and Moridin fight and finally one survives, mostly rand in moridin's body.


Using Moridin's Body and the link of his two AS, rand using Callandor seals the Bore, with the final contact with DO brought using the TP.

Fain also gets snared in the sealing there by causing a internal conflicts between DO and fain, removing them both from the Pattern.


this is how the storyline would go about IMO.

The cycle would be ending with this war, thats why its called the Last Battle, and for Moridin/Ishy to keep saying that this would be the final battle between the two. This also gives the reason for Fain's existence.


As for Lanfear in Rands dreams, I think this is actually a ploy by Moridin.


The explanation that Graendal gives Moridin fits what he feels would hurt Rand/LTT best, and comes up with a plan to bring up LTTs linger emotional connection to the woman Lanfear was before she joined the Shadow: Mierin Eronaile.


We've seen through Nynaeve that Rand has a massive amount of taint-madness warded off from his brain somehow. One of the way's we know to get around a ward is to go beyond it's limits. We see Rand, in his dream, leave his sanctuary and venture outward. Perhaps the dark tunnel he travels through is really venturing into the taint realm on himself. (I might be stretching a bit here) and the DO is sending him this vision.


Moridin has two (maybe three) woman in mindtraps; I assume the mindtrap has something to do with tying a soul to an object. They're made almost within the Maw, perhaps with the TP. Mierin say's she's being tortured and Healed repeatedly, crushing her spirit. The type of thing Moridin knows would hurt Rand most; a woman in need who he feels he could possibly save.


I believe this is a setup for Callandor use at Shayol Ghul. We don't know all the pieces of the sealing of the DO, but maybe Mierin does, being one of the two who made the Bored. Moridin knows Lanfear still holds some love of LTT, and now that Rand has ascended (else why not allow the Chosen plot against him directly?) and has his memories of Ages past. I think this torture of Meirin is not fake, however: he's trying to crush her spirit so she'll decide to give up on the DO and join the light.


I've stated before that I think Callandor is the literal key to Sealing the DO, perhaps even a new prison for him, sealing him permanently. Either way it needs two woman and Rand, the woman controlling the weaves. In a circle, only one person can control the weaving. I think Moiraine's return, Lanfear's redemption and her knowledge of the Bore will place her as that person. If all above things are correct, that is.


And I think it's doomed to fail. Lanfear's a jealous bitch. The moment she see's Elayne carrying Rand's children, whose birth (I believe) is the 'his blood on the rocks' prophecy, she'll go 180 again and attempt to nuke the place.

  On 11/29/2010 at 10:47 AM, Zodd said:

And I think it's doomed to fail. Lanfear's a jealous bitch. The moment she see's Elayne carrying Rand's children, whose birth (I believe) is the 'his blood on the rocks' prophecy, she'll go 180 again and attempt to nuke the place.


I think 'his blood on the rocks' prophecy is actually going to be Galad (Rand's half brother) dying in some selfless / pure way.


RJ clearly setup a half brother very early in the story. We have known abut it since book 4 (TSR). But nothing else has ever been mentioned about it. Galad clearly has a role to play and something needs to come from this. I don't see a happy reunion between Rand and Galad where they become buddies. I see something tragic happening. Galad dies to save Rand or something like that.

  On 11/29/2010 at 10:47 AM, Zodd said:

And I think it's doomed to fail. Lanfear's a jealous bitch. The moment she see's Elayne carrying Rand's children, whose birth (I believe) is the 'his blood on the rocks' prophecy, she'll go 180 again and attempt to nuke the place.

And I don't see she could give birth when she's only like 3 months pregnant at this point or maybe a little further along. Still way to early in any event.


My apologies if some of the items in here have already been covered!


I think the book will open covering the missing pieces in that month when Rand came down off of Dragonmount. Everything will tie together so everyone is at the Fields of Merrilor a few chapters in. On a personal note, the timeline drove me nuts in this book!


Black Tower: I am firmly convinced that Taim is Moridin. Either that or it is someone obscure at the BT (like this Kash guy who was briefly mentioned). I do not think that is the case though. There are too many common themes (Black/Red, "Let the Lod of Chaos Rule", etc) for it to be a coincidence. Plus, add to this fact that there is clearly a Dreamspike there and it just makes too much sense. It is too late in the game for this to be a Red Herring. Keep in mind that books 12-14 were supposed to be one volume so the story arch wouldn't make sense to throw the readers for another loop. That being said, I believe the battle for the BT is going to be one of the main focuses of the book (aside from Shayol Ghul). This event will take place after the Fields of Merrilor and will involve Rand, Perrin, Matt (plus the Band and dragons), Logain and Male/Female Aes Sedai ("...rent with fire and sisters will walk its grounds"). I believe Taim/Moridin will lure Rand there through Cyndane (obviously a trap whether she knows it or not hence SH telling Graendal that the task was given to another) and his dreams which will prompt a showdown in TAR with Perrin, Cyndane, Slayer, Rand and Moridin. This is where Perrin will save Rand's life and also destroy the Dreamspike in the process. After an intense battle Logain will defeat Moridin/Taim and become the leader of the BT, fulfilling that prohpecy in the process (which makes sense since Moridin resembles Rand at this point i.e. the paper mask). The tower is now whole and all good channelers both male and female will prepare for the stike at Shayol Ghul.


Seanchan: I am not sure how they will factor in. I like the theory that Matt will be at the WT when they attack and will stop it. He will make a peace between Fortuona and Rand where it will be revealed that Sul Dam's can channel. Fortuona will agree to the "Dragon's Peace" as well as to not collar any new damanes as long as they will not reveal what they know. She will also reuest that her first born daughter will marry one of Rand's offspring by Elayne allowing Rand to "bind the Nine Moons to him".


Avi and the Aiel: I believe we will gain more nsight here in the beginning during the month or so that passed in TOM. Avi will show up at the Fields with all battle-ready Aiel and Wise Ones forcing Rand to finally come to terms with their place in all of this. They will bind themselves to the Dragon's Peace, forswearing violence AFTER the Last Battle has been fought and they have achieved their toh. They will exist to "keep the peace" between the nations and serve the Aes Sedai (who will now be working towards becoming one group) effectively serving all peoples. Rand will then reveal the Song through his LTT memories.


Sealing of the Bore- I have no idea how this will happen. Much like removing the Taint I am sure Jordan has a very specific idea in mind that we can only guess at. I firmly believe that Fain will play a HUGE role in this, possibly killing SH as some have mentioned (and thus "poisoning" the Dark One) but everything is pure speculation on my end.


Demandred- Who knows! Leading the Shadow armies after Moridin's demise. They needed someone to do it. Will continue to be #2 behind Rand after he is Balefired.


That's it for now. Thoughts?

  On 11/27/2010 at 11:55 AM, Viperswhip said:

I have read a lot of people speculating, or having done so before ToM that channeling would disappear from Randland after the Last Battle. I always thought that was a little nuts and if Avi's walk through the columns has any truth to it, then channeling survives. However, I was thinking last night before bed that it kind of has to, or everyone evil who can channel has to die and none reemerge for a thousand years or so. Despite the fact that the bore was sealed three thousand years or so ago there seems to be a pretty decent understanding in Randland of how the War of Power got started. I am not saying there is a guide to drilling a bore out there, but knowing something is possible is half the battle of making it an actuality. So if a few dark Ashaman and Aes Sedai survive they could theoretically spend some of their several centuries of life figuring out how to rip a new hole in Shaitan's prison.


This may be overlooked by the author's but I don't think the answer "well nobody knows how to drill the bore" is an answer I would accept given that Rand and Nynaeve keep doing things nobody thought was possible even in the AoL. I am not a super imaginative person which is one of the reason I love fantasy so much, so I don't have much in the way of speculative theories on what will happen. I hope the pacing is better than it was in ToM because we still have a lot to get through.


Of course, there is one person out there who knows exactly how the Bore was drilled, because she's the one who drilled it.. Mierin, aka Lanfear / Cyndane.




Logain (currently disguised as that Noble friend of Androl) leads a saidin/saidar rebellion against taim's rule. The black tower is essentially a prison and they figure out that the walls/towers are to keep them in and not to keep others out.


The empress Travels to TarValon to discover it is empty as all the AS and armies are at Merrilor but because of Leilwin's actions (she is now with team Egwene) they will get a bloody nose. Cue Rand kneeling to the empress...and all the other heads of state. The Dragon's Peace is made.


Perrin will lead charge to save Lan and will kill Luc/Slayer after the big reveal of his identity.


Egwene will finally acquiesce to Rand's demands as she has no alternative plan. He will convince her and learn from past mistake (Latra Posae).


Mat will lead the armies of the light with his great captains. He will hold them back against the odds. This will be no cakewalk against Demandred (who is Roedran - how dull.)


Egwene/Logain will lead the channelers against the new dreadlords - Black Ajah + Taim Asha'man + Red Veiled Aiel.


Moiraine and Nynaeve will be Rand's two linked channelers and will use Padan Fain/Mashadar as the buffer. Ishamael will die but not by balefire, killing Lew Therin with him in Tel'aran'rhiod. Rand will survive.


Nynaeve will kill Moghedien. Moiraine will kill Cyndane. Aviendha will kill Graendel.


The Whitecloaks will move to Mayene.


Alivia will orchestrate Rand's death and he will live in seclusion for the rest of his days. Tenobia will die and Faile will become Queen...uniting the two rivers/ghealdan to create a new state.


Bela will die. Sorry.


Here's for those of you who, like me, think it can't be a two-part book, it's just going to be the most epic read of the last two centuries.

aMoL can't afford to be two books at this point, it's already been made into three.


So here's my take of how this book is going to begin.

The Caemlyn thing, is a timeline element and that is the beginning of TG, it's going to be fought on several fronts people. Rand and co will meet with Egwene and her people, and basically have a staring contest, nyneave will feel Lan get hurt through the bond, send rand a troubling look, he will be like 'kay guys, bai' and warp away to tarwin's gap. Egwene, she'll somehow hold open a Saidin gateway, and follow him and she'll be like oh dang, he was serious.


Cyf had an interesting point too, on callandor. I like it.

  On 11/30/2010 at 4:16 PM, macaroni said:

Bela will die. Sorry.


You had me until you revealed that part. Now I know the rest must be false also.


Good plausible predictions overall.


I don't think getting Egwene will as easy as showing her anything or talking to her. Ironically I think Fortuona and Egwene will be on the same side against Rand everyone else. I think it will be Mat and Perrin that bring Egwene and Fortuona to heel. Mat's the Prince of Ravens and the Deathwatch guards actually saw him fight, they will waver, as far as channelers, he has a legendary "dead" Aes Sedai with him, Teslyn a Red respects him, if none of the three are black some AS may balk at Egwene. I'm pretty sure he has the Seafolk because of Ebou Dar though he might lose them when they find out he's married to lady luck.

Perrin has fought alongside Tylee and she thought him honorable and she faced Trollocs; Fortuona only saw heads. I find it more likely that Tylee and Perrin will make an accord. The Wise Ones know he's a fullblown leader now, but my hesitation is the Shaido and Wise Ones. I think they will set that aside until after TG. Seonid and the AS have interacted with and I think respect him.

Altogether I think Egwene and Fortuona may find themselves on shaky ground if they try to balk at Rand too far. One more thing I forgot, Rand has a living legend too in Cadsuane.


Am I the only one who thinks that Fain and Demandred (at the very least) are going to come into conflict at some point in AMOL. Both want Rand/LTT for themselves, but it's a bit of a stretch to think they can both kill. I don't know if that means Fain will inadvertently fight on the side of light or what, but I think they might end up killing each other.

  On 11/30/2010 at 8:54 PM, redmid17 said:

Am I the only one who thinks that Fain and Demandred (at the very least) are going to come into conflict at some point in AMOL. Both want Rand/LTT for themselves, but it's a bit of a stretch to think they can both kill. I don't know if that means Fain will inadvertently fight on the side of light or what, but I think they might end up killing each other.


i agree that if Fain sees someone fighting Rand that he thinks may steal his right to kill Rand himself, he'll step in and take care of business.


I really see Fain as a LotR Gollum-esque character. Still, I've been somewhat disappointed with him of late... like Jordan's been holding out on us. I mean, seriously, where has Fain been and what has he been up to? I predict that Fain will wait in the shadows until after Rand has finished his business with the Dark One, then spring upon the weakened Rand (or even just a fatigued Rand) and strike when the Dragon is most vulnerable.


Of course, there would be some symmetry if Fain died by the dagger he stole from Mat.


So to be random, does anyone else think it's high time that Sammael reappeared? I mean Rand didn't actually see him die, and then Moridin said something a few books ago about him having turned up again, and then...nothing. Ominous if you ask me. I mean in TWoT as a rule, you can't trust a forsaken to be properly dead unless you actually see them getting vaporised. And video it for good measure.


Or is there some RJ/BS quote regarding Sammael's demise that I don't know about?


I just finished the epilogue 10 minutes ago and I am still floored by how good it was.


My speculation is that AMoL is probably going to be the most epic book ever. So many awesome plot lines that have been tantalizing in the past but have been neglected (for good suspense) for so long. THE LAST BATTLE, Fain's true purpose revealed, the final confrontation with Slayer, Moiraine's return, Callandor, Loial and The Ogier, Taim and the Black Tower, wow...just almost too many to list.


Mix that in with the new developments with Caemlyn, Egwene, the Seanchan, Aviendha and the Aiel...here's hoping for a 900 page epic!


Here's my real speculation though: Prophecies


The Dark prophecy at the very end of the epilogue really got me thinking. If the Darkspawn and Seanchan have their own prophecies that are at times opposite to the Prophecies of the Dragon, then not all can come true. What if prophecy and foretelling break down at the Last Battle and beyond? The prophecies, foretellings, and even Min's viewings are only statements of what might happen beyond this point. Cadsuane confirmed this while speaking with Min about her viewings. I feel this is the case with Aviendha as well. Using her unique Talent with Ter'angreal, what she saw at Rhuidean was maybe the Seanchan, not the Aiel, prophecy of the future, one where they become rulers of the entire world. She believes it to be what will happen, but maybe that is only if the Seanchan prophecies are chosen, in whole, by the Pattern. Maybe in the end, what will become the Pattern is a combination of all the prophecies. Neither the Darkspawn and the Dark One himself are totally defeated, nor are the Seanchan, nor are the Dragon and those who serve him. This is the true purpose of the Last Battle, it is the Pattern's way of selecting the course of the coming Age.


March 2012 is toooo far =[


How I see it ending:


Rand, in a circle with Nynaeve and Alivia, wields Callandor to imprison the Dark One. The strain is such that his old wounds open, spilling his blood on the Portal Stone in Shayol Ghul.




Rand is in The Waste, watching for a raid on his livestock, while his wife Aviendha is back at the Hold, meeting with visiting Aes Sedai (including Nynaeve). He is determined that the Shaido will not get his goats...




Captain-Commander Rand kneels before Queen Morgase, Elayne at his side, and speaks his wedding vows....




Rand arrives back at the farm from Emond's Field, happy to tell Min that he got top price for his casks of Two Rivers tabac. They'll be able to afford some nice things for the children...




Rand smiled. "So...










The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and go. In one Age, called the Fourth Age by some, a wind arose on the slopes of Shayol Ghul. The wind was not the beginning. There are neither beginnings nor endings to the Wheel of Time. But it was A beginning.

  Gaidin Poindexter said:
How I see it ending:


Rand, in a circle with Nynaeve and Alivia, wields Callandor to imprison the Dark One. The strain is such that his old wounds open, spilling his blood on the Portal Stone in Shayol Ghul.




Rand is in The Waste, watching for a raid on his livestock, while his wife Aviendha is back at the Hold, meeting with visiting Aes Sedai (including Nynaeve). He is determined that the Shaido will not get his goats...




Captain-Commander Rand kneels before Queen Morgase, Elayne at his side, and speaks his wedding vows....




Rand arrives back at the farm from Emond's Field, happy to tell Min that he got top price for his casks of Two Rivers tabac. They'll be able to afford some nice things for the children...




Rand smiled. "So...










The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and go. In one Age, called the Fourth Age by some, a wind arose on the slopes of Shayol Ghul. The wind was not the beginning. There are neither beginnings nor endings to the Wheel of Time. But it was A beginning.


I love it.........and I hate it. :wacko:


I agree that I can see that as a potential ending but I think if it does end that way, I will burn the book. :mad:


Besides your version doesn't even mention Bela :bela: and we know she will go to Shayol Ghul with the rest of them. :tongue:

  On 12/1/2010 at 3:53 PM, FossMaNo1 said:

I really see Fain as a LotR Gollum-esque character. Still, I've been somewhat disappointed with him of late... like Jordan's been holding out on us. I mean, seriously, where has Fain been and what has he been up to? I predict that Fain will wait in the shadows until after Rand has finished his business with the Dark One, then spring upon the weakened Rand (or even just a fatigued Rand) and strike when the Dragon is most vulnerable.


Of course, there would be some symmetry if Fain died by the dagger he stole from Mat.


I've always pictured Gollum in my head when Fain is mentioned. But a more human looking Gollum on steroids with weird mist-wielding abilities. Can't wait to see what role he plays at the sealing/remaking/destroying/whatever of the bore. But I think its pretty obvious he does have a role to play there.

  On 12/2/2010 at 12:38 PM, Ishadar said:
  Gaidin Poindexter said:
How I see it ending:


Rand, in a circle with Nynaeve and Alivia, wields Callandor to imprison the Dark One. The strain is such that his old wounds open, spilling his blood on the Portal Stone in Shayol Ghul.




Rand is in The Waste, watching for a raid on his livestock, while his wife Aviendha is back at the Hold, meeting with visiting Aes Sedai (including Nynaeve). He is determined that the Shaido will not get his goats...




Captain-Commander Rand kneels before Queen Morgase, Elayne at his side, and speaks his wedding vows....




Rand arrives back at the farm from Emond's Field, happy to tell Min that he got top price for his casks of Two Rivers tabac. They'll be able to afford some nice things for the children...




Rand smiled. "So...










The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and go. In one Age, called the Fourth Age by some, a wind arose on the slopes of Shayol Ghul. The wind was not the beginning. There are neither beginnings nor endings to the Wheel of Time. But it was A beginning.


I love it.........and I hate it. :wacko:


I agree that I can see that as a potential ending but I think if it does end that way, I will burn the book. :mad:


Besides your version doesn't even mention Bela :bela: and we know she will go to Shayol Ghul with the rest of them. :tongue:


New Zen-Rand would indeed use Bela as his mount in the assult. It would both fit his character and be a sort of nod towards the fans. I can't see why not


@ Randommer,

Sammael was confirmed dead by RJ. I don't have the quote with me but it was to the effect of "Sammael is toast. He is dead." He also shot down theories of the DO resurrecting him, I believe it was stated that his soul was tainted by Mashadar, so the DO wouldn't resurrect him, not that he can't.


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