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In fact the path that changed him finally to Rand2.0 is the juice of this story. Without this it would have been fake. In his own words- "On the contrary. I am who I have become because of that pressure, Cadsuane. Metal cannot be shaped without the blows of the hammer"


Oh, I agree. And I'm not saying I don't like ZenRand (who is really Rand 5.0; Rand 1.0 was a HeroRand, Rand 2.0 was ConquerorRand, Rand 3.0 was CrazyRand, Rand 4.0 was DarkRand, and Rand 5.0 is ZenRand). ZenRand is a great payoff for the progressively darker actions of Rand over the course of the the series. Rand's increasing darkness made him interesting, the same way that Egwene's negative qualities make her interesting. Rand's character arc has had a payoff; Egwene has yet to have one herself.


It's my hope that she has a humbling experience, and we can see her becoming a wiser character with reduced negative qualities.



Also, I'd like to predict the contents of a post to be made sometime in the course of the next few pages: "They hates her, my Precious, they hates her because of the Dragonssess!"

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I think what most are trying to say is that she needs a serious VoG epiphany, until then, she is seriously flawed.


It's my hope that she has a humbling experience, and we can see her becoming a wiser character with reduced negative qualities.


Funny. comments like these would lead one to believe that Egwene is a heroin who deserves a chance at redemption, when it is quite clear that the girl is not heroic in the very least.


Being a hero and being an enemy of the bad guys is not the same thing. Being a hero is putting your personal interests behind in favor of those of your loved ones and making sacrifices for the greater good. And that's something that Egwene is clearly not doing.


She's only doing what is in the best interests of the White Tower, but as many have noted here, she doesn't care about the common folk of her world, despite the fact that she comes from a common household herself. Not once has Egwene shown the slightest interest in doing anything to put the common good ahead of the White Tower.


So when I said that she's in for a rude awakening, I didn't mean to say that she must live, in order for her to learn her lesson. Everyone deserves a second chance, but I wouldn't mind seeing Egwene get killed. Perhaps as an act of redemption, the ultimate sacrifice, saving someone else (Rand?) in Tarmon Gai'don or something along those lines during the Seanchan attack on the Tower.


Oh, I agree. And I'm not saying I don't like ZenRand (who is really Rand 5.0; Rand 1.0 was a HeroRand, Rand 2.0 was ConquerorRand, Rand 3.0 was CrazyRand, Rand 4.0 was DarkRand, and Rand 5.0 is ZenRand). ZenRand is a great payoff for the progressively darker actions of Rand over the course of the the series. Rand's increasing darkness made him interesting, the same way that Egwene's negative qualities make her interesting. Rand's character arc has had a payoff; Egwene has yet to have one herself.

I really like this Rand phase stuff. Can I quote it in Rand thread? Would be easier to refer to a specific phase in discussion.


Oh, I agree. And I'm not saying I don't like ZenRand (who is really Rand 5.0; Rand 1.0 was a HeroRand, Rand 2.0 was ConquerorRand, Rand 3.0 was CrazyRand, Rand 4.0 was DarkRand, and Rand 5.0 is ZenRand). ZenRand is a great payoff for the progressively darker actions of Rand over the course of the the series. Rand's increasing darkness made him interesting, the same way that Egwene's negative qualities make her interesting. Rand's character arc has had a payoff; Egwene has yet to have one herself.


What about WoolHeadedFarmerRand? Rand 0.0?? 0.5?


Also, I'd like to predict the contents of a post to be made sometime in the course of the next few pages: "They hates her, my Precious, they hates her because of the Dragonssess!"


HAHAHAHAHA! Actually a grammatical error in another thread ("does we" instead of "do we") made me thing of good ol' Gollum! This made me LOL! :biggrin:


rand al thor browbeats ppl. yeah so what he's the dragon reborn. Egwene does the same, 'Oh my God, how dare she?! She's horrible peraon blah blah blah'


There is no doubt there is a correlation between al thor fanboys and egwene haters just by looking at the posters here.

there is a correlation. As for the comparison between the two, rand is much more acceptable because we dont see him beating his friends down until they obey him no matter what. Whereas Egwene browbeats other people to cover her own behind so that she doesnt get busted. that is the main difference between why one it is accepted and why it isnt accepted from the other. Not to mention that rand does feel regretful that he has to use people in his efforts to get to the post season game. Egwene once again does not show any remorse that I can recall offhand about using people or pushing them to their limits in order to get what she wants (most glarign example is nyns AS test, which almost killed her by being much harsher than usual).


In addition all that has been stated, i think the major reason for Egwene getting (arguably) disproportionate hate by readers, is that she doesn't get enough in-book. Other characters (Rand being a prime example), are constantly censured or called out by other characters. Either to their face, or behind their backs. Heck, a lot of them introspect and recognise their shortcomings (Perrin, i'm looking at you). Egwene, on the other hand, hasn't been called out much (to my memory) by anyone. And with that holier-than-thou attitude, introspection is outta the question.

I'm willing to bet an arm and a leg, had Egwene gotten the kind of criticism she deserves in-book, we readers would not have been nearly as vent-ful here.


Just an idea, but as to a humbling experience she might have is being responsible for the "Broken Wolf being consumed by the Towers of Midnight". I assume this to be the Seanchan Army come to attack Tar Valon or the Amyrilin Seat, either/or.


I also think this will be a part of the Foretelling Elaida has about "the Dragon will know her wrath". Despite having come from a farming village, training with the Aiel, being an Accepted AND being collared by Seanchan, she isn't the LEAST bit humbled by her origins or trials.


I don't believe it was entirely her fault. She's daughter of the Mayor of Two Rivers, who owns the only Inn in town. Moiraine, the first Aes Sedai she meets, starts giving her training almost immediately, Forcing her in fact, against Tower policy. She is one of the strongest in the OP the Tower has seen in a long time. The Aiel practically put her on pedestal once she completed their training, at least by her view of things.


Through the trials, she believes these things are the tools that made her a sufficient Amyrilin, and it has. However she is also a guide to the nations of Randland, not just a Queen of Tar Valon, and each of these trials builds another brick of pride inside her. She is now over-proud.


And this excess of Pride weakens her rule. Rand, being the beacon of light he now is, will probably point out that she a) cannot rule everything; b) cannot control everything c) doesn't have the right to anyway; d) all of the above. He will also point out the fact that the Aes Sedai are THE SERVANTS, not the MASTERS, of the world. And she won't like that, and will reveal just how much wrath she has at him for daring to even think that.


Already her pride may have got her in trouble. She has sacrificed control of the White Tower war planning to the Hall of the Tower for a sure confrontation with Rand Al'Thor. She speaks of controlling Rand, using people like puppets, the way the Tower has been since the Breaking, more concerned in it's own politics than it's people. Always for the Greater Good, one which serves the Tower.


I really think this decision about who controls the White Tower going to war is going to come back and bite her in her mighty ass. The Tower, being mainly concerned about it's own imagery, may retaliate for their losses BEFORE the Seanchan attack again. And I think Egwene will agree to this, demanding Rand lender her his troops, as a way of making it appear that the Dragon Reborn is working for her.


Commence Operation Break the Wolf. (I've stated previously that I believe Bashere to be the Broken Wolf, of the Broken Crown, holds the wolf-head scepter of Defender of the Heartland or wutever title, who Min views something "dark...in the images I saw around" which i take to mean he's a DF, who's country is probably under attack by trollocs that didn't attack Maradon, and can't go back to defend them...

but this operation could put ANYONE in it's place. But either way I something bads gona happen to him lol)


Commence Operation Break the Wolf. (I've stated previously that I believe Bashere to be the Broken Wolf, of the Broken Crown, holds the wolf-head scepter of Defender of the Heartland or wutever title, who Min views something "dark...in the images I saw around" which i take to mean he's a DF, who's country is probably under attack by trollocs that didn't attack Maradon, and can't go back to defend them...

but this operation could put ANYONE in it's place. But either way I something bads gona happen to him lol)


I agree w/some of your thoughts but, this is definitely not one of them. Don't forget that, either Rand can sense Darkfriends now or, Darkfriends lose it when they're around him. We had two very clear examples of this in ToM, when Rand exposed Saniago and Anayiella (sp) at Tear. And then, what happened to the steward in charge of Maradon and his wife (don't remember their names right now). She killed herself and he plucked out his own eyes, while Rand was blasting Trollocs right and left.


So, if Bashere was a Darkfriend, either Rand would've unmasked him or the man would've done something crazy to give himself away by now. Either way, he's no Darkfriend. I fail to see how this relates to Egwene, but I thought it'd be good to clear this up.


I still think about two prophecies. Egwin trying to overcome a wall made of discs of light (black and white light symbol). and The unstained tower would break and bend its knee to the symbol. I think these two are not fulfilled and will be fulfulled at FoM.


...if Bashere was a Darkfriend, either Rand would've unmasked him or the man would've done something crazy to give himself away by now. Either way, he's no Darkfriend. I fail to see how this relates to Egwene, but I thought it'd be good to clear this up.

Ah, thank you for clearing that up. It was just a thought on my part. I tend to ramble on the many threads in my head. Concerning RJ's stories I tend to think of them as ALL connected in one way or another.

I still think about two prophecies. Egwin trying to overcome a wall made of discs of light (black and white light symbol). and The unstained tower would break and bend its knee to the symbol. I think these two are not fulfilled and will be fulfulled at FoM.

It wouldn't be the first time we've seen two events that seem to fit the same prophecy.

Yes, the WT is more whole than ever before, so you could say it is unstained, now. This leads me to think of my earlier statement about the WT forgeting it's the servants of the world, perhaps finally working together with the BT, perhaps to resolve what is happening there.


btw, have we seen Rand and Bashere together?


*Whew* I hadn't read this thread before and just caught up. There for a while I thought I would have to refer to babuada as "The Prophet of the Lord Dragon" :wink:


As far as Eggy goes though, really don't like or dislike her. She was never one of my top 5 favorite characters, but did place somewhere ahead of Aram and Cien Buie, and behind Toun and Setalle Anan. I have found the relationship between Suian and Gareth to be much more compelling than her and Gaywn. Her rises to power as Amyrilin were both unique with in the novel, because of the circumstances they cannot effectively be compared to any other character's rise to power. The arc of her character in this novel was really IMO not as great as the arc she crossed in tGS. I think she has matured greatly in the course of the series, and that the woman we see leading the WT is a combination of the product of her roots combined with many realistic periods of growth based on her experiences.


None of my opinion on her arc will make me like her, but I can't say that I hate her either. She just doesn't warrant any strong emotion from me during hardly any of her scenes, going all the way back to tGH I was just bored with her stuff mostly.


Yes, she's petty, and not a very good friend at times but she was (and is) a teenager. That pretty much defines teenagers in my experience, and the fact she was the middle child of 5 daughters can help explain a lot of her personality shortcomings. It's unfortunate that she has not learned all that she could from her experiences, instead taking only as much as she felt she needed for what she wanted to get done at the time. But again, that, in my experience, is indicative of most teenagers.



My only real problem with her emotions being the total lack of compassion or regret or self recrimination after Nicola's death. Instead we see anger from her at Nicola, "Foolish girl." as Nicola's body fades away. That bothers me more than the Perrin thing and the Nyn test. She takes no blame on herself for teaching an Accepted to enter TSR under her instruction eventhough she acknowledges that her own training was cut short. And I think anger at the girl was a totally inappropriate response especially since it's her thoughts we are reading and not her putting on a show to hide her "true" emotions. The anger is her TRUE emotion. Definately one of my least favorite examples of her behavior, but I had not seen it in the thread so far and thought I'd throw it in here. have fun.


It wouldn't be the first time we've seen two events that seem to fit the same prophecy.

Yes, the WT is more whole than ever before, so you could say it is unstained, now. This leads me to think of my earlier statement about the WT forgeting it's the servants of the world, perhaps finally working together with the BT, perhaps to resolve what is happening there.


btw, have we seen Rand and Bashere together?

Rand and Bashere were together in Maradon in the command room before Rand went out to clear the field of shadow.

And WT is unstained now after Egg cleaned up Messana and co.


Just an idea, but as to a humbling experience she might have is being responsible for the "Broken Wolf being consumed by the Towers of Midnight". I assume this to be the Seanchan Army come to attack Tar Valon or the Amyrilin Seat, either/or.


I also think this will be a part of the Foretelling Elaida has about "the Dragon will know her wrath". Despite having come from a farming village, training with the Aiel, being an Accepted AND being collared by Seanchan, she isn't the LEAST bit humbled by her origins or trials.


I don't believe it was entirely her fault. She's daughter of the Mayor of Two Rivers, who owns the only Inn in town. Moiraine, the first Aes Sedai she meets, starts giving her training almost immediately, Forcing her in fact, against Tower policy. She is one of the strongest in the OP the Tower has seen in a long time. The Aiel practically put her on pedestal once she completed their training, at least by her view of things.


Through the trials, she believes these things are the tools that made her a sufficient Amyrilin, and it has. However she is also a guide to the nations of Randland, not just a Queen of Tar Valon, and each of these trials builds another brick of pride inside her. She is now over-proud.


And this excess of Pride weakens her rule. Rand, being the beacon of light he now is, will probably point out that she a) cannot rule everything; b) cannot control everything c) doesn't have the right to anyway; d) all of the above. He will also point out the fact that the Aes Sedai are THE SERVANTS, not the MASTERS, of the world. And she won't like that, and will reveal just how much wrath she has at him for daring to even think that.


Already her pride may have got her in trouble. She has sacrificed control of the White Tower war planning to the Hall of the Tower for a sure confrontation with Rand Al'Thor. She speaks of controlling Rand, using people like puppets, the way the Tower has been since the Breaking, more concerned in it's own politics than it's people. Always for the Greater Good, one which serves the Tower.


I really think this decision about who controls the White Tower going to war is going to come back and bite her in her mighty ass. The Tower, being mainly concerned about it's own imagery, may retaliate for their losses BEFORE the Seanchan attack again. And I think Egwene will agree to this, demanding Rand lender her his troops, as a way of making it appear that the Dragon Reborn is working for her.


Commence Operation Break the Wolf. (I've stated previously that I believe Bashere to be the Broken Wolf, of the Broken Crown, holds the wolf-head scepter of Defender of the Heartland or wutever title, who Min views something "dark...in the images I saw around" which i take to mean he's a DF, who's country is probably under attack by trollocs that didn't attack Maradon, and can't go back to defend them...

but this operation could put ANYONE in it's place. But either way I something bads gona happen to him lol)



...if Bashere was a Darkfriend, either Rand would've unmasked him or the man would've done something crazy to give himself away by now. Either way, he's no Darkfriend. I fail to see how this relates to Egwene, but I thought it'd be good to clear this up.

Ah, thank you for clearing that up. It was just a thought on my part. I tend to ramble on the many threads in my head. Concerning RJ's stories I tend to think of them as ALL connected in one way or another.

I still think about two prophecies. Egwin trying to overcome a wall made of discs of light (black and white light symbol). and The unstained tower would break and bend its knee to the symbol. I think these two are not fulfilled and will be fulfulled at FoM.

It wouldn't be the first time we've seen two events that seem to fit the same prophecy.

Yes, the WT is more whole than ever before, so you could say it is unstained, now. This leads me to think of my earlier statement about the [WT forgeting it's the servants of the world, perhaps finally working together with the BT, perhaps to resolve what is happening there.


btw, have we seen Rand and Bashere together?

Where do people get the idea that Aes Sedai were any sort of servant? I would say they're more like Administrators than servants. But more like their own form of government than anything else, that they force onto the countries of the world. Even in the Age of Legends.


People read the word servant and automatically think that they were actually some form of servant but the idea of Aes Sedai (in the AoL or any other age) actually being servants by the typical definition of the word just does not fit. Others have done much better jobs than I ever will be able to do describing their roles so I'll leave it up to them if they so choose.


I'm willing to bet an arm and a leg, had Egwene gotten the kind of criticism she deserves in-book, we readers would not have been nearly as vent-ful here.

I think that's part of why many readers are frustrated with Egwene. Other characters are called on--and pay for--their bad actions, but never Egwene. Instead people shower her with praise and compare Egwene to a Hero of the Horn (Nicola), call her the best Amyrlin ever (Siuan), and talk about how the world is indebted to her (Wise Ones). Not to mention how all Aes Sedai drop 100 IQ points in her presence just so Egwene will seem like a genius in comparison. :rolleyes:


My only real problem with her emotions being the total lack of compassion or regret or self recrimination after Nicola's death. Instead we see anger from her at Nicola, "Foolish girl." as Nicola's body fades away. That bothers me more than the Perrin thing and the Nyn test. She takes no blame on herself for teaching an Accepted to enter TSR under her instruction eventhough she acknowledges that her own training was cut short.

Egwene knew what Nicola was like (ambitious and reckless), but still chose to teach her how to enter a dangerous place like T'A'R. It was stupid of Nicola to follow Egwene without permission--and she paid for that mistake--but Egwene should have felt some guilt about it. Nicola practically worshipped Egwene and probably only wanted to help her.


My only real problem with her emotions being the total lack of compassion or regret or self recrimination after Nicola's death. Instead we see anger from her at Nicola, "Foolish girl." as Nicola's body fades away. That bothers me more than the Perrin thing and the Nyn test. She takes no blame on herself for teaching an Accepted to enter TSR under her instruction eventhough she acknowledges that her own training was cut short.

Egwene knew what Nicola was like (ambitious and reckless), but still chose to teach her how to enter a dangerous place like T'A'R. It was stupid of Nicola to follow Egwene without permission--and she paid for that mistake--but Egwene should have felt some guilt about it. Nicola practically worshipped Egwene and probably only wanted to help her.


Maybe I totally misunderstood this and maybe I also missed something in the book that confirms the opposite but I read this part as Egwene admonishing herself for being taken in because Nicola was a fabrication of one of the Black Ajah sisters or Messana. I'll have to go back and reread these few chapters. I may be totally off base here. Maybe it's just wishful thinking because I always sort of liked Nicola and didn't want her to get offed.


Where do people get the idea that Aes Sedai were any sort of servant? I would say they're more like Administrators than servants. But more like their own form of government than anything else, that they force onto the countries of the world. Even in the Age of Legends.


People read the word servant and automatically think that they were actually some form of servant but the idea of Aes Sedai (in the AoL or any other age) actually being servants by the typical definition of the word just does not fit. Others have done much better jobs than I ever will be able to do describing their roles so I'll leave it up to them if they so choose.

Servent, n. a person working in the service of another.

I was pointing out the irony of an fraternal organization answerable only unto itself calling itself Aes Sedai, regardless of the want of others.


They justify their actions by saying they're for the greater good of the world. They've already sworn oath not to use the OP against anyone other than DF's, why else would they listen to them if not for the fact that they are bound by the three oaths? Yet they have repeated and readily flaunted these oaths, not breaking them, but using them as tools to achieve whatever end it wants. They imprison rulers of nations and kings bow to them.


In AoL the Aes Sedai made the world go round; they were the forerunners of research in medical/technological/unameit. But it was all for the benefit of mankind. They cured madness, sung with Oger, made things fly, a time of wonder. They truly were the servants of the people.


What things has the White Tower brought to the world in the last three thousand years since the Breaking? They claim all ter'angreal as their own. Try to thwart or else-wise use any organization in the world to their advantage, be they man or woman - of OP or not. How 'bout imprison and torture the Dragon Reborn.


And Egwene still has ALL these propensities. Just less gumption. She become a rule for true be she seems to be loosing her heart in the war with the shadow.


True, the definition of servant no longer fits, but it did once. And that is the problem.


Maybe I totally misunderstood this and maybe I also missed something in the book that confirms the opposite but I read this part as Egwene admonishing herself for being taken in because Nicola was a fabrication of one of the Black Ajah sisters or Messana. I'll have to go back and reread these few chapters. I may be totally off base here. Maybe it's just wishful thinking because I always sort of liked Nicola and didn't want her to get offed.

No, it really was Nicola. Later on Egwene does express regret about Nicola and the AS that died, so I'll give her credit for that, though I still think Egwene should have known better than to trust Nicola of all people with knowledge of how to enter T'A'R.


Nicola? Egwene thought with anger. How did she get here? I thought I could trust her now! The fool girl must have gotten a dream ter'angreal from one of the others who had awakened.


Those will not hit me, Egwene thought, confident. The White Tower was hers. Mesaana and her minions had invaded, killing Nicola, Shevan and Carlinya.


Egwene opened her eyes to a comfortably dark room, making plans to gather the Hall and explain why Shevan and Carlinya would never awaken. She spared a moment to mourn for them as she sat up. She'd explained to them the dangers, but still she felt as if she'd failed them. And Nicola, always trying to go faster than she should. She shouldn't have been there.


—Towers of Midnight ch 38: Wounds


No, it really was Nicola.


Damn. Also, I can't remember, was Nicola a Dreamer or did she have access to one of the Dream Ter'angreal?


Damn. Also, I can't remember, was Nicola a Dreamer or did she have access to one of the Dream Ter'angreal?

Nicola was not a Dreamer. Egwene had previously showed Nicola how to enter T'A'R with dream ter'angreal. Nicola wasn't supposed to be at the fight, though, so Egwene thinks she must have borrowed a ter'angreal without permission.


I compare Egwene and Nyneave and though Egwene had far more training to be great than Nyneave. Nyneave is far and away the greater. Nyneave received no initial training from Moraine, she had a block that a foresaken(Moghedien) removed, she fought a Foresaken when Egwene was playing be abusive to Nyneave to cover your ass, and whatever happened with her and the seafolk.

Egwene was leashed which is very bad but she also had training from Moiraine, no block, training from Wiseones, yet she seems to have gained nothing except the knowledge. I mean Egwene nearly killed her supposed friend to 1up the hall. That's something DarthRand would have done.


Damn. Also, I can't remember, was Nicola a Dreamer or did she have access to one of the Dream Ter'angreal?

Nicola was not a Dreamer. Egwene had previously showed Nicola how to enter T'A'R with dream ter'angreal. Nicola wasn't supposed to be at the fight, though, so Egwene thinks she must have borrowed a ter'angreal without permission.

Thanks. Sorry, I always forget little details like this until I've read a series several times. So far, I've only gotten through WoT once.


...if Bashere was a Darkfriend, either Rand would've unmasked him or the man would've done something crazy to give himself away by now. Either way, he's no Darkfriend. I fail to see how this relates to Egwene, but I thought it'd be good to clear this up.

Ah, thank you for clearing that up. It was just a thought on my part. I tend to ramble on the many threads in my head. Concerning RJ's stories I tend to think of them as ALL connected in one way or another.


btw, have we seen Rand and Bashere together?


Hmm...I don't have the book w/me right now so IDK, I'd have to check on this, but I'm pretty sure Davram Bashere was standing with Rand and Ituralde when they came back to Tear from Maradon, right when Rand asks to see Cadsuane. IIRC, Ituralde even notices Bashere's concern over Maradon, since that is his hometown.


For me this all comes down to a repeat of Fateful Concord by Latra Posae Decume without having an alternative plan. I could never hate Latra Posae Decume b/c she had a plan but what i disliked is that she couldnt see it was too late for hers to work. I sort of started like Egwene after tGS but in ToM she lost more ground than she gained in tGS. Egwene knows rand is different now and fact of the matter the Dragon has held back the the darkness for 1000s of turnings. Even LTT won a victory for the light in the 2nd age. The darkness was held off when the forces of light were all but defeated.


Egwene is my favorite character in the series, aside from Bela. I know so many of you hate her and just don't get it.

I know she comes across as a prick, but what an amazing prick. I really really really can't wait for her encounter with Rand in AMoL.

Her badassery in TofM was amazing. The way she defeated Messy, and defeated the A'dam, it was great. 'The Amyrlin's Anger' was my favorite chapter because of her. I loved her internal debate over Rand, and how she stutters out 'which are you' - it was great, and should have proven to everyone that she is still human, and a part of her will always love Rand, and I think this is what makes her so angry about the whole situation.


Kudos, Egwene, Kudos.


and how she stutters out 'which are you' - it was great, and should have proven to everyone that she is still human

here, by everyone, do you mean characters in the book or do you mean readers/posters on DM? If characters- well all the other AS present were even more Ta'veren tongue-tied, that it doesn't matter. If you meant readers- well, i venture that most of us were under NO illusions that she were anything more than (a flawed) human.


and a part of her will always love Rand, and I think this is what makes her so angry about the whole situation.

i dunno about that. really. i have seen it mentioned before. i think beyond what is decent and generally expected of a human towards their childhood close friend/first love (scarcely a few years beyond that childhood), there is nothing really to suggest anything significant.


As Rand said, Letra was right for the wrong reasons but Egwene can't even be Letra. Letra had a plan, as bad LTT's, worse probably, but at least she had one.

Letra had had an alternate plan. a less risky, but potentially less effective plan. at the time LTT decided to put his plan into play, the other plan was no longer viable. I am not clear if Letra and her camp were ignorant of this fact, or they had hopes of retrieving the CK. Either way, despite the wrong reasons, Letras actions ended up saving the world. One could always say that maybe the pattern willed it or some such thing. In Egwene's case, she has no plan. She is being obtuse/belligerent. Now if it turns out that she too is right for the wrong reasons, and the pattern willed it, I for one will be put off. It will seem too contrived, too trite. I really hope there is better resolution.

Also, does anybody know what caused the AoL fissure to happen along gender lines? From what i understand as the gender question was not a big deal as it is in the third age, there was no reason for the divide in opinions to be along gender lines. (in the lack of any more information, i find this occurence too, too contrived).


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