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My First Time Reading Eye of the World


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I won't skip Nynaeve and Egwene's story, but they sure are annoying, with Nynaeve's constant braid pulling and Egwene's iron will... which comes from... what, exactly?

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I came off as really admonishing you there, sorry about that. I just, I read a LOT and I've never found an author better than RJ (and only a very few who are as good), so I treasure every word of this series like rubies. My first read through I skipped all kinds of stuff. Now, I savor every sentence as the well-crafted art it is.


Think about it from Egwene's perspective. First of all, she comes from a culture where women play a dominant, governing role. So not only has she observed women being in control, she's been taught and encouraged to do so herself. She is also the daughter of the mayor, and the de facto Wisdom-in-training. Both of those things say to her, "you are supposed to be a leader someday." But like all youth, she wants someday to come like *tomorrow*, not way down the road. So she has this insatiable drive to succeed, because success is what she has been "groomed" for, and she wants it right away.


It's not a spoiler (I hope!) to tell you that all the characters in the story change over time, and you may reconsider your opinion of the Nyn/Egw/Ela crew. I know I did!


Well, it's true that aside from a few chapters in Falme Nynaeve, Elayne, and Egwene's stories have been limited in a lot of ways (as has Mat's, for different reasons) so far. "Punishments" are deserved. Nynaeve becomes a favorite for a lot of people at one point or another, for some because she gets to be hilarious, others because of her character and devotion to duty. Egwene and Elayne are a lot more divisive, for different reasons (I like Elayne but dislike Egwene, for instance). But there are some growing pains here as their storylines become more individuated. Mat, on the other hand, already got his in.


Perrin... Perrin's a good guy. He's my favorite character in the early books too, and he has some strong moments in TDR coming up.


I'm about thirty pages away from Awakening. The Amyrilyn has told Nynaeve and Egwene that they are snoop out the remaining Black Ajah left in the White Tower. So far, nothing too grating in terms of writing. I'm getting used to how Jordan writes females, since this is really the only time he's spent a majority of a novel with them.


The Aes Sedai girls can be very stubborn and, if I had to deal with them personally at times, they would frustrate the hell out of me, but I've never been one to dislike them. It seems like a lot of people take it very personally, or I don't know how to explain. I'm not trying to say it's right or wrong to do one or the other, but they're all pretty young, and all come from positions which one may call privileged in their own ways, and now they're all going to a pretty much literal ivory tower institution run by women who rarely go out into the real world. I just figure they'll wizen up eventually.


Nynaeve's attitude is also a bit easier to understand, as bullying was pretty much the only way she was able to enforce her will and be taken seriously by the rest of the governing body in Emond's Field, because she doesn't look older than 21. Most people come to like Nynaeve, but her transformation is a long time in coming.


Yea, no "Wham! I like Nynaeve!" moment. But one day you'll find yourself looking forward to her chapters and go "How did that happen?!"


As I said, at one point or another. For me, I'd kind of liked Nynaeve since the middle of EOTW, but she became a top-2 character in Chapters 38/39 of this book. Jordan takes a little while to get her humor sorted out, but it won't be too long before her chapters start becoming the most consistently funny in the series. Well, he takes a while to get any kind of humor down; nobody's POV has been all that funny so far. And there are some poor people for whom acceptance of Nynaeve's awesomeness is a long time coming, it is true.


I didn't like Nynaeve at first, but I've always at least sort of liked Egwene, and she's one of my favorites now. You'll see how epic they get. Nynaeve's POVs are so funny, and I think she is the funniest character.


Its always so intresting to see everyone else's oppinons of characters, mostly because there are so many opinions even among the biggest fans. If you get 3 WOT fans in a room you get 5 diffrent opinions on just Nynaeve. Myself I was always a big fan of Lan, Mat and Nynaeve from the begining, I stoped likeing one of them for awhile but they came back in a big way. I have never really liked Egwene but that being said sometimes that insufferable woman is one the most epic women in all of fantasy lit. I disliked Perrin for the first few books, but he has many peaks and valleys IMO. As for the main character of the whole thing im pretty much uncarring about, I dont dislike Rand but he is not exactly high up on my favorite characters list. But then again, this could all change by my next reread.


That being said, I bet someone has almost the exact opposite opinions than I do. Thats why this series is so great, weather or not you think Jordan is the best writer ever or just somewhere in the middle. His world is so rich, people have been discussing these same topics almost as long as there has been an internet.


It's kind of fun to read people's opinions of various characters through the series, yet I hope we can keep from discussing things that may give too much away for the first-time reader whose updates are what this thread revolves around. I know it's difficult, but let's keep trying :wink:


I'm interested to read the next update. :myrddraal:


This has been a really fun thread to follow. It reminds me of when I first started reading the series, what was it, 7 years ago I think. I got EOTW as a Christams gift and 48 hours later I was at Barnes and Noble buying TGH and TDR. An instant addict. Rand, Egwene, and Mat have been my favorite charcters, with Egwene falling and rising throught the series. I liked Perrin at first but slowly I grew more disinterested in his character after LOC. It took my latest re-read to really like Nynaveave. But I put that on growing up more than anything. Anyways I hope you love the series as much as I have come to COZ.


Hope you get well soon coz. Its never good to hear about fellow serviceman being injured.


It took my latest re-read to really like Nynaveave. But I put that on growing up more than anything.


That's an interesting thought...I wonder if age plays a role in our thoughts on Nynaeve? Quite possible I'd say...


It took my latest re-read to really like Nynaveave. But I put that on growing up more than anything.


That's an interesting thought...I wonder if age plays a role in our thoughts on Nynaeve? Quite possible I'd say...


That is indeed an interesting idea. Many of us started reading at an age where a Wisdom would have been an annoying authority figure, especially a stubborn one like Nyn. Now that we are older, it is easier to identify with her. Veeeeery interesting...


It took my latest re-read to really like Nynaveave. But I put that on growing up more than anything.


That's an interesting thought...I wonder if age plays a role in our thoughts on Nynaeve? Quite possible I'd say...


This very question is asked in the "What is your age and gender?" thread. @Randsc was trying to compile some data to test this theory about peoples' ages affecting their views of various characters.


It took my latest re-read to really like Nynaveave. But I put that on growing up more than anything.


That's an interesting thought...I wonder if age plays a role in our thoughts on Nynaeve? Quite possible I'd say...


This very question is asked in the "What is your age and gender?" thread. @Randsc was trying to compile some data to test this theory about peoples' ages affecting their views of various characters.


Now I'll have to go hit that thread. I've ignored it because it seemed out of place, a simple a/s/l if you will... :rolleyes:


Just to make it clear: I actually like Nynaeve, but her constant braid pulling and manner of speaking down to everyone -- along with an unbelievable sense of confidence -- is pretty annoying. However, I do see where she is coming from as a character. Now that it's settled...


I'm now at The Price of the Ring. Before I talk about Egwene, I'll talk about Mat. Great opening chapter. I love that Jordan waited until the third book to actually open up Mat as a character, and I can't wait to start reading more and more about a character that could possibly equal Perrin as a favorite. And Selene's appearance was definitely unexpected, but what is she, exactly?


Egwene receiving the ring, which eases her into the Dream World, also provides another interesting element. To read on...

And Selene's appearance was definitely unexpected, but what is she, exactly?
I take it you don't want to be told outright. :wink: It will be made explicit what she is.


There are a few pieces of foreshadowing you haven't mentioned wondering about that I'll admit I didn't see the first time through either. Well, that's good; it means you have a life and aren't obsessively poring over every line. It also means you'll be pleasantly blindsided by some things and go back to pore over a few passages to try to figure out, in light of new developments, what the hell they mean. Or you would, if you had to wait to find out, I guess. Ah, well. Merry Christmas.


Coz, much respect for the service in Afghanistan. I couldn't imagine what kind of havoc getting blown the hell up must reek on ones life. How's the recovery coming? Speedy and full I hope.


And thanks for starting this thread. Your comments brought back a lot of good memories of the first time I read WoT.


I wouldn't worry about which book is best or worst, just read and enjoy. Even the "bad" books are only bad in comparison to the rest of the series, against most other fiction they are still pretty good.


I really cannot wait until you see Mat's prowess in pretty much everything a roguish adventurer is meant to be good at. I'm glad you liked the opening chapter... just wait until you see him a few days out of his sick-bed, heheheh.


So Mat thumped Gawyn and Galad. Unexpected and a little unbelievable, seeing as Mat has never shown any particular prowess with a weapon. However, I'm assuming this chapter is a set-up for something down the road (as is Mat's obsession with dice).


Sidenote: Balefire was mentioned again in the previous chapter. Is this what Rand was able to do when he made the hounds vanish? Questions abound...


So Mat thumped Gawyn and Galad. Unexpected and a little unbelievable, seeing as Mat has never shown any particular prowess with a weapon. However, I'm assuming this chapter is a set-up for something down the road (as is Mat's obsession with dice).


Sidenote: Balefire was mentioned again in the previous chapter. Is this what Rand was able to do when he made the hounds vanish? Questions abound...


Ah, the farmboy beating on two trained swordsmen. Love that chapter. Remember that for the most part, Mat has been shown running around with a bow or that blasted dagger, and hasn't really been given much attention beyond that one storyline.


There's a source-mythological and plot reason Mat is associated with polearms, though I agree it could have gotten a throwaway sentence to set it up back in EOTW. As for the dice, well, Mat's chapter icon is dice_bw.gif for a reason as well. You'll get an answer to your balefire question in Ch. 39. Though if you really, really want to know, it's not much of a spoiler to tell you

yes. The connection you're drawing is the one you're supposed to follow, and Jordan will be pretty straightforward about it.


As far as other connections go, you've missed one of the telling icons that were pointed out a few pages back.



it's not that surprising, doesn't a warder say something about not underestimating the quarterstaff?


Yes, but how does that immediately make Mat skilled enough to beat two very well trained swordsman?


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