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The Event You Most Anticipate For TOM/AMOL


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I'm going to say Graendal coming after someone in Rand's party, and Min's subsequent ineffectual knife attack.


But seriously, The Finns. I've always seen them as this intriguing, weird Lovecraftian unknown - the strange geometry of their home world(s?), the wearing of human skins, their fantastic ability to answer questions and grant gifts/wishes...are the Aelfinn somehow outside the Wheel of Time and can therefore predict its possible future? I remember Moiraine saying something similar speculating about the shape of time there, but it was very vague. Do the Eelfin have access to a huge stockpile of artifacts of power, or can they create them at will? What the hell is the deal with the Iron/Fire/Instruments of Music, and who forged "The Agreement" in the first place?


I'm sure some of this will remain unknown, but then again the cool thing about parts of the Lovecraft mythos is the fact that there are things you never get answers to. I'm confident that Jordan has planned a very cool (final?) encounter with these aliens, and also in Sanderson's ability to "channel" it.


Added bonus of getting Moiraine back, one of the only sensible female characters in the entire series.

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Obviously anyone who knows me knows it all begins and ends with Moraine for me. And there's a lot of things that have been mentioned already that I'm looking forward to with varying degrees of delight - but not yet mentioned is Aveindha's trip to Rhuidean. One way or another that's going to be HUGE.


I want to see if or how the Demane secret gets out and if a healed Setalle has something to do with it. Also if anything happen with the three oaths and hopefully(unlikely) there elimination.

Egwene: Hello Rand

Rand: Hey Egwene, you do know you're head of a criminal organization?


In no particular order:


- Rand/Mat/Perrin reunion: I'm guessing this doesn't happen until the AMOL or the end of TOM.

- Rand/Tam reunion take 2: I really hope that they don't end things with where they left off.

- Moiraine rescue: It's been a long time coming! I have this fear that they will rescue her only to have her die in the next scene. I really hope that doesn't happen.

- Moiraine/Rand reunion: Yeah, Rand REALLY needs this.

- Logain/Taim showdown: Should be pretty cool.


In no particular order:


- Rand/Mat/Perrin reunion: I'm guessing this doesn't happen until the AMOL or the end of TOM.

- Rand/Tam reunion take 2: I really hope that they don't end things with where they left off.

- Moiraine rescue: It's been a long time coming! I have this fear that they will rescue her only to have her die in the next scene. I really hope that doesn't happen.

- Moiraine/Rand reunion: Yeah, Rand REALLY needs this.

- Logain/Taim showdown: Should be pretty cool.



I'm pretty sure Brandon said somewhere that all the main characters will be gathering together by the end of ToM. I can't find a quote but I believe I read him stating that somewhere




One of Min's viewing of Nynaeve is her draped over someones body in mourning

I thought it was LAN at first but I don't want to believe it. I'm hoping it is Luc and she just doesn't realize how evil he is


I think that itll be Min that Nynaeve is draped over. Because i think i remember in one of the books that one of DRs ladies had to die or the DR would lose the last Battle


I am looking forward to spending the year between TOM and AMOL scrolling through these forums and marvelling/laughing/shaking my head at the various theories/inanities/insanities.


One of my biggest concerns is that the final two books will not nearly answer all of the questions that are out there and we'll all be left with theories that can never be confirmed or disproved.


Le sigh. I suppose there's no chance of Tarmon Gai'don being spun out into four or five more books? And then a new series called "What Happened After", with tales of Mat opening an exclusive gentlemen's hat shop in Seandar and Elayne's daily struggles with life as a single mum with a bath habit?


And then a new series called "What Happened After", with tales of Mat opening an exclusive gentlemen's hat shop in Seandar and Elayne's daily struggles with life as a single mum with a bath habit?

Wow, that's great :biggrin:


I don't think that she will be leaning over Min. Min has a viewing that three women women would be standing over someones funeral pyer (or however it's spelled). Its generally believed that it's Rands three wives and they are standing over his pyre.


I don't think that she will be leaning over Min. Min has a viewing that three women women would be standing over someones funeral pyer (or however it's spelled). Its generally believed that it's Rands three wives and they are standing over his pyre.


I am curious to see what is going to happen with Moiraine. I think her apparent death was fitting an appropriate and I really don't think she needs to come back. I am curious how this will all go down and what her role is going to be.


But I most anticipate is some big drama in the form of a major Oh crap moment for the main protagonists.


1. Moiraine, Moiraine, Moiraine! I just can't wait to see her, whether it's her POV or not.


2. Besides Moiraine, I have been looking forward to Tarmon Gai'don - The Last Battle. I get serious shivers just thinking about it. It will be epic.


3. I am also excited to see all the reunions. And I mean all the reunions, from Rand and Moiraine to Galad and Rand.

Guest ozzbazz

I'm looking forward to the Moiraine/Rand reunion, mainly because hers is the first name on his "list" and it will be awesome.


Also Perrin no longer being so annoying would be nice.


But i think the most exciting thing to see would be Egwene and Tuon finally put in their places, its great that they have power and authority and all that but at the end of the day they are trying to bully the dragon reborn and I hope he breaks them.


Galad and Perrin meet and become buds. After exchanging ideas and views Perrin stops brooding and Galad pulls the stick out of his backside.


*fingers crossed*


Egwene and Rand meeting right now. I'm hyped about it.


Join the club man, I'm bouncing off the frikking walls in excitement!!! *Bounce Bounce Bounce*


I really hope Rand throws the hammer down and pulls those AS into line.


I am most looking forward to...


-Moiraine; In general, but hopefully a POV in finnland, and a meet up with Rand's party (paaleeeze!)

-Nynaeve hopefully getting to kick some ass. I have come to appreciate her a surprising amount. Also I think Graendal is pretty pissed at her right now.

-Verin's letters, the contents of which are driving me crraaaazzyyy! What's in there?!

-Post VOG Rand/Seeing him grow more stuff! :tongue:

-Egwene having some humility

-Random reunions; Galad/Morgase, Mat/Elayne, and a BIG main character reunion at the end.

-Something surprising and heart wrenching we don't expect.

-More Tam!


Actually, I am just looking forward to everything. I can't wait. Moiraine first, and a bit of everything else. Yeeees.


Oh Hey! I just thought of something because of chapter one. You know how our three main guys always see the swirling colors when they think of each other? Well, if Rand is ahead in the storyline, that means that Mat/Perrin haven't caught up with VOG Rand. What I am thinking is, if a common guy like Almen is feeling pulled by Rand, is there going to be another amplification of the pull Mat and Perrin feel, etc.? Oooooh. Now I am so excited to find out! :D


In no particular order....


1. Return of Moiraine and the Tower of Gengei-ness stuff (it's a technical term, just go with it)

2. Hippy Rand getting Egwene and the White Tower behind him and not thinking of him like a problem for a change.

3. Every character reunion under the sun

4. Gawyn being a character I like once more. He's made some really dumb decisions when even if you look from his viewpoint it's still a dumb decision

5. White Towerish events that have been disrupted due to the split such as raisings from Novice to Accepted, Accepted to Aes Sedai etc. Like Sharinas and Bodes raising etc.

6. Dobraine being treated better. Rand has been on a one way course to alienating the guy and causing the same problems Lews Therin did with some forsaken, such as Sammael. Maybe hippy Rand will be nicer

7. Bela gloating about killing Asmodean

8. Black Tower goodness. Logain vs Taim etc. As well as the Ash'a'man being used for more than just guys Rand calls upon when bored, such as A'jah like factions forming and greater purpose and dimension in the ranks

9. The reveal of Morgase

10. Whatever random surprise Team Jordan want to throw on us AGAIN that leaves us scratching our heads for another year or so wondering what will happen next

11. Probably won't happen but a wide varierty of characters realising they got information and perceptions wrong and subsequently getting the broomsticks out of their...um...orifice...

12. Long, detailed fight scenes, instead of a few one that are over in a couple of moves

13. The White Tower not being too late to help the Malkieri. Picturing Egwene rallying whatever Malkieri Aes Sedai and warders to lead the charge

14. Most importantly I want to see, in this book or the next, some stuff like the heroic marches of Manetheran back home etc. Such as Two Rivers men marching day and night with little rest just in time to save Lans army with a hail of arrows



That's all I can think of at the moment, so I better get back to pretending to be working.... and yay for first post after reading these forums for years!


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